In search of an objective and honest Trump supporter...

Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
The Great Negotiator, who can't manage his way out of a wet paper bag.

Supreme Court nominee...........check

Trans Pacific derailed..............check

Keystone pipeline...................check

Less regulations.....................check

removal of Obama EO's...........check

Travel ban................................check

vochers continue for vets..........check

ROE's reduced........................check.

You Happy MATE.
The SC is that same as before. And the rest, a phone and a pen. Be proud. Oh wait, you hated Obama for that shit. Never mind.
Selective memory ...........hmmmm......

How we had better take Obama's choice or we'd get a worse choice when the Hildabeast became President. How your side was livid that she was a shoe in for the President.

tsk tsk........she failed.

The Trans Atlantic screw our workers Act is now toast.............tsk tsk.......

Deal with Iran.............tsk tsk...................

What can I say.........tsk tsk.
Trump just signed off on the Iran deal. Care to try again? And why do you hate capitalism? Free Trade is - capitalism.

If you want to increase Trade Deficits for the United States then you'd love the Trans Fuck the Americans Pact.

It's dead in the water bro....................And rightfully so............

Protectionism was used for most of this countries existence..................worked for a long time until everyone said it was broken......How you take that I really don't care.
Your lack of support for capitalism is - noted.
Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
Big Orange Daddy won't like that one bit. He can do no wrong, remember?

Supreme Court nominee...........check

Trans Pacific derailed..............check

Keystone pipeline...................check

Less regulations.....................check

removal of Obama EO's...........check

Travel ban................................check

vochers continue for vets..........check

ROE's reduced........................check.

You Happy MATE.
The SC is that same as before. And the rest, a phone and a pen. Be proud. Oh wait, you hated Obama for that shit. Never mind.
Selective memory ...........hmmmm......

How we had better take Obama's choice or we'd get a worse choice when the Hildabeast became President. How your side was livid that she was a shoe in for the President.

tsk tsk........she failed.

The Trans Atlantic screw our workers Act is now toast.............tsk tsk.......

Deal with Iran.............tsk tsk...................

What can I say.........tsk tsk.
Trump just signed off on the Iran deal. Care to try again? And why do you hate capitalism? Free Trade is - capitalism.

If you want to increase Trade Deficits for the United States then you'd love the Trans Fuck the Americans Pact.

It's dead in the water bro....................And rightfully so............

Protectionism was used for most of this countries existence..................worked for a long time until everyone said it was broken......How you take that I really don't care.
Your lack of support for capitalism is - noted.
Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
Big Orange Daddy won't like that one bit. He can do no wrong, remember?

What the hell are you need to pass it around.

That is just those that hate his guts trying to use psych warfare on those who support him.

He has achieved many things................the most important...............SCOTUS.......there was no bigger win than that.
Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
Big Orange Daddy won't like that one bit. He can do no wrong, remember?

What the hell are you need to pass it around.

That is just those that hate his guts trying to use psych warfare on those who support him.

He has achieved many things................the most important...............SCOTUS.......there was no bigger win than that.
The big win was - making the court slightly less conservative than it was under Obama? Care to try again?
Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
Big Orange Daddy won't like that one bit. He can do no wrong, remember?

What the hell are you need to pass it around.

That is just those that hate his guts trying to use psych warfare on those who support him.

He has achieved many things................the most important...............SCOTUS.......there was no bigger win than that.
The big win was - making the court slightly less conservative than it was under Obama? Care to try again?
I respect his don' to try again.........

Judicial Activism is a Liberal trait from hell.................blocking that was a major win............and this decision lasts a very long time.........

Now another choice will be coming.............and probably a 3rd as others in the Supremes are very that can hardly stay awake during hearings lol

So this matters more than any other issue....................Would you have rather had Hillary pick a activist judge.......................I certainly would not.........

So's a BIG WIN........
Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
Big Orange Daddy won't like that one bit. He can do no wrong, remember?

What the hell are you need to pass it around.

That is just those that hate his guts trying to use psych warfare on those who support him.

He has achieved many things................the most important...............SCOTUS.......there was no bigger win than that.
The big win was - making the court slightly less conservative than it was under Obama? Care to try again?
I respect his don' to try again.........

Judicial Activism is a Liberal trait from hell.................blocking that was a major win............and this decision lasts a very long time.........

Now another choice will be coming.............and probably a 3rd as others in the Supremes are very that can hardly stay awake during hearings lol

So this matters more than any other issue....................Would you have rather had Hillary pick a activist judge.......................I certainly would not.........

So's a BIG WIN........
Trump got his one, and only one. There is no rule that says the court must be nine and Trump has such low numbers no one will care.
Donald Trump signs off on Obama’s Iran deal, which he promised to scrap

According to The New York Times, Trump actively resisted the advice of his foreign policy advisers urging him to certify Iranian compliance:

At an hourlong meeting last Wednesday, all of the president’s major security advisers recommended he preserve the Iran deal for now. Among those who spoke out were Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to an official who described internal discussions on the condition of anonymity. The official said Mr. Trump had spent 55 minutes of the meeting telling them he did not want to.

For now..............taking the advice of his advisers.....................I don't agree here.....
Big Orange Daddy won't like that one bit. He can do no wrong, remember?

What the hell are you need to pass it around.

That is just those that hate his guts trying to use psych warfare on those who support him.

He has achieved many things................the most important...............SCOTUS.......there was no bigger win than that.
The big win was - making the court slightly less conservative than it was under Obama? Care to try again?
I respect his don' to try again.........

Judicial Activism is a Liberal trait from hell.................blocking that was a major win............and this decision lasts a very long time.........

Now another choice will be coming.............and probably a 3rd as others in the Supremes are very that can hardly stay awake during hearings lol

So this matters more than any other issue....................Would you have rather had Hillary pick a activist judge.......................I certainly would not.........

So's a BIG WIN........
Trump got his one, and only one. There is no rule that says the court must be nine and Trump has such low numbers no one will care.
And he got the 1 by doing what............

WENT NUCLEAR............WHO TAUGHT US THAT.....................

Fire with Fire...............your side will stop nothing.......
Just yesterday in a NYT interview, Trump stated that IF he had known that Sessions would recuse himself [from any investigations regarding Trump's campaign and Russia,] Trump would NOT have nominated him.....

fair enough, as a statement, but there are many questions that arise from such a statement.

!. Are there OTHER duties entailed in the AG position other than the Russia investigation?

2. Is Sessions qualified to be an AG regarding all other matters that fall under the responsibilities of the DOJ?

3. What was the real expectations by Trump of Sessions' subsequent decisions on the Russia investigation had Sessions NOT recused himself?

4. Does the AG's oath of office entail any mention that the AG must be loyal to the president?

5, Overall, should the DOJ serve and be loyal to the nation OR the president?...and if one responds with "both", what happens when that service to country conflicts with the service requested by the president?

Honest and objective responses (without the usual, "but, but, Obama" and "but, but, Clinton") would be appreciated.

How can you ask for honest objectives responses from trump supporters, and then not want to hear about any grievances committed from you're own side? When there were plenty more from lynch and holder, vs sessions. Holder was held in contempt of is that not a bigger issue than what trump thinks of sessions? You ask for objective responses, but don't want to be objective wonder these conversations never go anywhere, because you'll only listen to what you want to hear, and if it's not that, then you just want to talk
How can you ask for honest objectives responses from trump supporters, and then not want to hear about any grievances committed from you're own side?

Well, because you are free to start a thread about how awful my "side" was with Holder (btw, a federal judge cleared Holder).....
THIS thread is about Trump and Sessions......If you feel that there is nothing wrong with their little relationship, then this thread is not for you.
Sessions is a experienced professional. His decision was made based on that experience. He was involved in the election of Trump and it was proper to recluse himself.

So you fucks trying to get something out of nothing. :fu:
Are the "fucks" calling for Sessions to quit? No, but the Donald is.
He flipped flopped the fuck what mr. fucks..............

Sessions was spot on with that decision. Unlike the last DOJ.........Lynch was a complete joke.

Trump is inexperienced in regards to the slime in politics. Which is a problem for him.
The Great Negotiator, who can't manage his way out of a wet paper bag.

Supreme Court nominee...........check

Trans Pacific derailed..............check

Keystone pipeline...................check

Less regulations.....................check

removal of Obama EO's...........check

Travel ban................................check

vochers continue for vets..........check

ROE's reduced........................check.

You Happy MATE.

Maybe this checklist can set you straight.......LOL

Basically, this thread's original post simply asked this......

Since Sessions ONLY recused himself from any of his involvements in the Trump-Russia collusion.......Trump being upset about his recusal after appointing him, means that Trump was appointing Sessions STRICTLY to make the investigation on his dealings with Russia go away.............

Objective reasoning to Trump's tirade against Sessions concludes that good ol' Trump wanted to OBSTRUCT the investigation. Period!!!
Basically, this thread's original post simply asked this......

Since Sessions ONLY recused himself from any of his involvements in the Trump-Russia collusion.......Trump being upset about his recusal after appointing him, means that Trump was appointing Sessions STRICTLY to make the investigation on his dealings with Russia go away.............

Objective reasoning to Trump's tirade against Sessions concludes that good ol' Trump wanted to OBSTRUCT the investigation. Period!!!

...means that Trump was appointing Sessions STRICTLY to make the investigation on his dealings with Russia go away.

Means nothing of the sort.

Trump wanted to OBSTRUCT the investigation.

Nonsense. You even have sworn testimony from Comey that this is not true.

I understand Trump's frustration. For the first time in American history, we have a Special Counsel investigating absolute nothingness in the way of a crime. Why the hell he wanted to call the NY Times to the white house and vent about Sessions, I do not understand. Lots of things Trump does that I just don't get.
Sessions is a experienced professional. His decision was made based on that experience. He was involved in the election of Trump and it was proper to recluse himself.

So you fucks trying to get something out of nothing. :fu:
Are the "fucks" calling for Sessions to quit? No, but the Donald is.
He flipped flopped the fuck what mr. fucks..............

Sessions was spot on with that decision. Unlike the last DOJ.........Lynch was a complete joke.

Trump is inexperienced in regards to the slime in politics. Which is a problem for him.
The Great Negotiator, who can't manage his way out of a wet paper bag.

Supreme Court nominee...........check

Trans Pacific derailed..............check

Keystone pipeline...................check

Less regulations.....................check

removal of Obama EO's...........check

Travel ban................................check

vochers continue for vets..........check

ROE's reduced........................check.

You Happy MATE.

Maybe this checklist can set you straight.......LOL

View attachment 139819

I'll say it again.... this thread belongs in the Flame Zone!
Trump expected Sessions to do a prompt, thorough investigation into the ridiculous Russia/Collusion matter, and put it to bed quickly. Trump was surprised and "pissed" when Sessions recused himself, and even more "pissed" now that it appears the Special Prosecutor is making the whole thing into something worse than Trump even imagined. Not that Trump is guilty of anything, or is trying to "obstruct justice," but that it is a constant bother- like bugs at a picnic - that could have easily been avoided if Sessions had just acted as Trump hoped he would.

It's not all that complicated.
!. Are there OTHER duties entailed in the AG position other than the Russia investigation?
-- YES.
The US AG and the FBI should be investigating the DNC-Pakistani Espionage Case, for example instead of allowing the 'Keystone Cops' (Capitol Police) to lead it. Currently the Keystone Cops are 'negotiating' with DWS in an attempt to get her PERMISSION to look at her PC that is in their possession. (WTF?)

2. Is Sessions qualified to be an AG regarding all other matters that fall under the responsibilities of the DOJ?
- Yes.

3. What was the real expectations by Trump of Sessions' subsequent decisions on the Russia investigation had Sessions NOT recused himself?
- Can't speak for Trump, can only speculate like everyone else.

4. Does the AG's oath of office entail any mention that the AG must be loyal to the president?
- No

5, Overall, should the DOJ serve and be loyal to the nation OR the president?...and if one responds with "both", what happens when that service to country conflicts with the service requested by the president?
- To the NATION. Sessions is quite possibly the 1st US AG in the last 3 to actually be loyal to the nation rather than to a President.
Not that Trump is guilty of anything, or is trying to "obstruct justice," but that it is a constant bother- like bugs at a picnic - that could have easily been avoided if Sessions had just acted as Trump hoped he would.

It's not all that complicated.

Of course there is an ALTERNATE explanation as to why the Trumpster is pissed.......LOL

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