In the defense of white folks

hahahahahahahahahaaha can't make it up. demofks are the kkk and this jack monkey thinks it was republicans and books say it was demofks. When one wants to live a blind life i guess. Not my problem, it's yours.

That shows you how uninformed they are! They think Republicans came up with the KKK, lol.

But wait, wait, as soon as you show them it was DEMOCRATS who did it, they instantly go to their tried and true.........the ole party switch routine, lol.

And yet, they can only show 1............let me spell that for Leftists.......O-N-E Republican that switched political affiliation, while Falbus and the rest ALL stayed DEMOCRATS. It is beyond comprehension that Black Americans even believe this nonsense. They want to punish the wrong people, and in fact as far as I know, there is nobody left to be punished, still; if they had any historical curiosity, they would discover quickly, and rather easily, that the DEMOCRATS were the ones who hated them back in the day, and that no; there was not a big switch!
hahahahahahahahahaaha can't make it up. demofks are the kkk and this jack monkey thinks it was republicans and books say it was demofks. When one wants to live a blind life i guess. Not my problem, it's yours.
I know simpletons like you think the term Demofks has any relevance to me whatsoever, but it doesn' is just goofy shit fragile cucks like you say to avoid talking about "IDEOLOGIES"

So lets talk about the organization created by ex Confederates who were pissed off about losing the Civil War and further pissed off by Reconstruction....

How did they refer to Reconstruction? They called it radically progressive...they always talked about returning back to an earlier time (Same shit Conservatives do).......they thought giving black equal rights and equal protection under the Constitution was going too far (Same shit conservatives do)..and they definitely hated that black folks could vote...and win they fought tooth and nail against it.....(Same shit Conservatives do)

Flash forward to now...who are the main people opposed to civil rights, voting rights, etc??

Who are the main ones still butthurt about the Confederacy losing?? so much so that they keep glorifying the cause of the Confederacy?

So yes....whenever dumb asses like you say goofy shit like "Democrats started the KKK" like its a retort....its not...
dude, that is my only question to blacks. Demofks are the kkk. Nothing ever changed that fact!! Al and Jesse have done very well at getting paid and bringing in the black votes as good slave foreman. Go speak to Candace Owens and Tim Scott.
No, I think you are confused. That was my question. Why do you think Black voters are incapable of telling who the real racists are?
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^ the fragility ^

Hey....What is the term for "bad whites"??

What ever you want to call them. As a white guy, I could care less what you call "bad whites." We call'm trash. And don't feel sorry for them. Nor do we get all bent out of shape and play the race card when you call some white piece of trash a racial slur.
But call George Floyd a worthless ngr, and all hell breaks loose. EVEN THOUGH, most of the decent black folks call George Floyd a worthless ngr.
And who bestows the gracious label of "good blacks" on

I do. It comes from my white mouth, when my white eyes see a decent black person.
Whether you like it or not, I don't give a white na nanna nanna na na if you think you're so "entitled" to force restrictions on what I can say, think or do.

Do you have a knighting ceremony where you crown someone a good black? How does that work?

The black folks should. But instead they do it for violent black druggy thugs.

Behold, Sir Fentanyl Floyd.
Let’s start with a baby step. Admit that the so-called tax “credit” is welfare, since people who owe no taxes get a full “refund.” (That’s right….they call the welfare money their “refund.”)
Oddly though, having a job that pays "too much" disqualifies one for welfare. So I don't see what is objectionable to the either the EITC or child tax credit, but with the latter is seems to me that the hike to 3600, and making it "per child," are both badly conceived (-:
I didn't know there were words for your ask. teach us.
If morons like you think only "bad blacks" are referred to ngrs and the "good blacks" are just this whole other demographic that aren't treated like those "bad blacks"

Can you tell me what is the term for "bad whites" -- and who determines who is a "good black"
Well, aren't you the person from Jamaica who came with his parents? Or was that someone else?
That's me.
You aren't getting reparations, so better go get a job. Even my mixed race teenage grand daughter has one while attending high school.
I own my own business as do quite a few people in my family. I'm not arguing for reparations on behalf of myself nor do I need them. I'm arguing for them on behalf of black Americans because I'm not an ignorant racist.
As far as your plan, let me tell you what you are going to get------>DISAPPOINTED, lol.
Funny, I don't feel disappointed. In fact I can't remember a time where I felt more confident that reparations would be coming eventually.
Just a real question to you---------------> I believe you are reasonably intelligent, although you are a little misguided, but that is ok. Sooooooooooooo, let me ask you----------->In your political opinion, do you believe for even a minute, that all the Hispanic people crossing the border who the Democrats want to make citizens, are ever going to vote for a windfall for you while getting nothing, zero, squat, nada, forget about it?
Sure. Why not? Are you suggesting Hispanics are only motivated by self interest and personal desire?
And who/whom do you take the money from to give it to you? Going to have to check their ancestry to see if they were here when this was going on, which kinda leaves out 2/3rds of Americans, doesn't it? Especially the new Hispanic citizens. They not gonna lika dat crap!
Money would come from tax payers obviously, that's how all government debts eventually get paid.
Of course, I suppose they could take it from the USA treasury, but then taxes go up, waaaaaaaaay up, which means you are paying yourself, lol. And that is actually the case here, hehehehehe. For YOU to get this into law, YOU have to be the majority; which means, YOU are paying yourself! Sooooooooo, congrats on the plan-)
That simply shows your misunderstanding between a voting majority and who owns the majority of wealth in this country.
Again and for forever----------> I was never a slave owner, and you were never a slave. I do NOT owe you squat, and I would burn every dollar I have before I gave you a dime-)
That's your choice and I fully support you burning all your money.
What ever you want to call them. As a white guy, I could care less what you call "bad whites." We call'm trash. And don't feel sorry for them. Nor do we get all bent out of shape and play the race card when you call some white piece of trash a racial slur.
But call George Floyd a worthless ngr, and all hell breaks loose. EVEN THOUGH, most of the decent black folks call George Floyd a worthless ngr.

I do. It comes from my white mouth, when my white eyes see a decent black person.
Whether you like it or not, I don't give a white na nanna nanna na na if you think you're so "entitled" to force restrictions on what I can say, think or do.

The black folks should. But instead they do it for violent black druggy thugs.

Behold, Sir Fentanyl Floyd.
View attachment 572916
what does "white trash" look like?? Since you feel you can tell who is a "good white" just by looking at them....

Are these people good whites or bad whites??

You should easily be able to use your "good people" decoder glasses to find out.....

Bonus question...are these good blacks or bad blacks??

Again, use your magical "good black" decoder glasses and tell us

Curried Goats


Out of 178 Republicans
And 253 Democrats
YEA votes.
153 Democrats
136 Republicans

NEA votes:
91 Democrats
35 Republicans

This is why it was so hard for LBJ to get this bill passed. Because soooo many democrats opposed the Civil Rights bill.

Me thinks you've been bamboozled by the left and all this racial BS. BTW, you say you've done pretty well in your own business. Are the other blacks too stupid to do the same? Are they too stupid to stay off drugs, marry their baby momma, stay in school, not commit serious crimes? What is it about blacks that make them more likely to beat their wives/girlfriends, commit homicide, rob/steal & use drugs. Statistically speaking?
what does "white trash" look like?? Since you feel you can tell who is a "good white" just by looking at them....

Are these people good whites or bad whites??
View attachment 572917

You should easily be able to use your "good people" decoder glasses to find out.....

Bonus question...are these good blacks or bad blacks??
View attachment 572918

Again, use your magical "good black" decoder glasses and tell us

I explained this in detail. And yet you keep coming back to it. Sometimes all it takes is looking at someone to know they're bad or good. Sometimes you have to interact with them to get a better idea of their character. What you're posting is just pictures off the internet. Being the internet, everyone of them could be astronauts from NASA, or they could doing life in prison for child rape or murder.

You're racist narrative, that you keep repeating, only proves how racist you are. You're not fooling anyone. You don't like white people, because they're white. You'll tolerate white liberals, because they're pushing the same racist narrative that you are. But in the end, you still don't like white people, just because they're white.
Oddly though, having a job that pays "too much" disqualifies one for welfare. So I don't see what is objectionable to the either the EITC or child tax credit, but with the latter is seems to me that the hike to 3600, and making it "per child," are both badly conceived (-:
What you don’t get is that it’s just not the amount ($3600) that has changed. It has gone from being a credit against tax owed to a complete handout.

Let‘s say you’re a family of four earning $60,000 - a very typical scenario. Your taxes, after $25,000 in standard deductions, is $4,000 on $35,000 taxable income. You could use the $3000 per child credit, for a total credit of $6,000, and apply it against the $4000 - and you owe nothing.

Now, though, the amount has not only gone up to $3600 per child, but you get it ALL. So you take the $7200 payment, apply $4000 of that toward your tax bill, and get a check from other people for $3200 in addition. So not only do you not owe a cent in taxes, you actually GET money.

Compare that to a single person earning $60,000. After the $12,000 deduction, the gross income is $48,000 and taxes owed is around $5500.

summary: 1) single person pays $5500 in taxes and 2) family pays NOTHING, plus gets $3200 in welfare plus free education for their kids. Same income.
I didn't read it wrong. In fact I was agreeing with you. I race bait racists because it amuses me and because it's useful strategy.

You're trying to twist what was said and the meaning. Which makes you also a liar.
How does that make you feel? To be racist and a liar (Per your own words)
I explained this in detail. And yet you keep coming back to it. Sometimes all it takes is looking at someone to know they're bad or good. Sometimes you have to interact with them to get a better idea of their character. What you're posting is just pictures off the internet. Being the internet, everyone of them could be astronauts from NASA, or they could doing life in prison for child rape or murder.

You're racist narrative, that you keep repeating, only proves how racist you are. You're not fooling anyone. You don't like white people, because they're white. You'll tolerate white liberals, because they're pushing the same racist narrative that you are. But in the end, you still don't like white people, just because they're white.
Well I don't like blacks or women cause they can't drive a car for shit.
I explained this in detail. And yet you keep coming back to it. Sometimes all it takes is looking at someone to know they're bad or good. Sometimes you have to interact with them to get a better idea of their character. What you're posting is just pictures off the internet. Being the internet, everyone of them could be astronauts from NASA, or they could doing life in prison for child rape or murder.

You're racist narrative, that you keep repeating, only proves how racist you are. You're not fooling anyone. You don't like white people, because they're white. You'll tolerate white liberals, because they're pushing the same racist narrative that you are. But in the end, you still don't like white people, just because they're white.
Yea, but you should also be able to tell by looking at them too, according to you.....

So when you said you can tell who are good blacks or bad whites by looking at them -- you were just talking out your ass like most morons like you do....>

The point remains.....I don't give a fuck if a person is good or bad for me to advocate for policies that provide the best outcomes for the largest amount of policy preferences don't rest on if I think the people who benefit or good or bad...

Only childish morons like yourself think goofy shit like that.....

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