In the defense of white folks

Ok, let me type this slower. MORE DEMOCRATS OPPOSED the civil rights act, than republicans. Only a few republicans opposed it. There was almost as many democrat NEA votes, as their was republicans in the House. As in ALL of the republicans.

Apparently not. You can't even understand a simple vote count.

Yeah right, whiney. Tell that to the rich black folks who worked hard, within the system, didn't whine or cry about oppression, and made their fortunes.
My my, you're turning into a crybaby.
More "Conservatives" opposed the Civil Rights Act...

There is a reason dumb asses like you never back up anything you say with any evidence....

But I do....

Number of Democrats in the House who voted yes for the Civil Rights Act....152......votes against....96.....Total number of overall House votes in favor... 290.....Total number of overall House votes against....130...

In the Senate......Number of Democrats who voted yes for the Civil Rights Act....46.....Total number of overall votes in favor... 73.....Total number of overall votes against....27....

What did most people who opposed the Civil Rights bill give as a reason to oppose it? They said it was too radical...they claimed it violated states in states rights to discriminate against people of color.....they even called it Communism...everything under the sun...


And the rhetoric hasn't really changed all that much, since.....Same shit Conservatives call everything they don't like now...
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Ok, let me type this slower. MORE DEMOCRATS OPPOSED the civil rights act, than republicans. Only a few republicans opposed it. There was almost as many democrat NEA votes, as their was republicans in the House. As in ALL of the republicans.
Say it as slow as you like it won't change facts. More NEA votes came from Democrats because the Democratic Party at the time represented southern conservatives, today that isn't really the case.
Apparently not. You can't even understand a simple vote count.
I do. I also understand historical context.
Yeah right, whiney. Tell that to the rich black folks who worked hard, within the system, didn't whine or cry about oppression, and made their fortunes.
My my, you're turning into a crybaby.
Now you're just lashing out because I'm smarter and more informed than you. Based on personal experience and statistical evidence those wealthy Black Americans think you're racist too.
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
The Black Lives Matter symbol is the symbol of black power but if you say white power or even whisper it….. They want your head
As he reverts again, to RACISM! This person doesn't deserve our time of day. Even Rightwinger has more class than this race baiter. He is the poster person for why we no longer listen to people airing their grievances. Not only doesn't he want equality, he wants everyone to pay for the sins of their ancestors twice removed, that wasn't even against the law back when they did it!
Does it being legal make it okay? Did it happening a long time ago make black Americans unworthy of recompense? These are interesting theories maybe you can defend them with reason and logic.
HE IS A RACIST, and if I EVER find out where your business is, I will DOX you with your comments included, and let Americans decide what they want to do!
Lol. Angry little cuck aren't you?
Maybe. Maybe not. You're sly attempt to put blacks above whites isn't so sly. In fact, it's pretty obvious.
According to the new "status quo," what you stated is racist.

Do you not even realize it?
Yes, I realize how you cons have spun it so that affirmative action and diversity programs are reverse discrimination. If whites didn't have all the power and all the jobs, I might agree with you.
Honestly, the cops need to descend en masse on these massive looting operations, and throw the thieves in jail. On a case by case basis, anyone with a first arrest gets out on bail. Any thug who has a criminal record should get no bail.

It‘s time we put our foot down and show that theft will not be excused because….black. Sadly, the leftists are going in the opposite direction.
they are destroying their own cities. Well black cities.
That’s only one measure. The test scores standardize - that’s why they have them - and blacks got in with scores 30% lower than whites who were rejected.

And you’re showing your racism toward rural whites. A B student in Detroit often can’t pass basic, standardized proficiency tests in math or English.
Yea, but to get a B in Detroit, with all the shit they are dealing with. Only one parent, bad teachers, shitty schools, no money.

Ah, forget it. You're a spoiled white privileged white lady. I don't expect you to understand.
Yes, I realize how you cons have spun it so that affirmative action and diversity programs are reverse discrimination. If whites didn't have all the power and all the jobs, I might agree with you.
the fact you don't see it demonstrates the lengths to close your eyes and and hummmmmm
Yea, but to get a B in Detroit, with all the shit they are dealing with. Only one parent, bad teachers, shitty schools, no money.

Ah, forget it. You're a spoiled white privileged white lady. I don't expect you to understand.
why only one parent? BTW, it is the problem. THE PROBLEM
Does it being legal make it okay? Did it happening a long time ago make black Americans unworthy of recompense? These are interesting theories maybe you can defend them with reason and logic.

Lol. Angry little cuck aren't you?

Hey, I am not the one taking the chance of bending over grabbing your ankles, you are-) Good luck, you never know what is coming around the bend, or who it is looking around the bend-)
Hey, I am not the one taking the chance of bending over grabbing your ankles, you are-) Good luck, you never know what is coming around the bend, or who it is looking around the bend-)
I know if anything comes it going to be in the form of an amusing cuck. That much I do know.
They are trying to look hard standing in front of a bunch of graffiti. Yeah, they look like thugs. Whatever they are trying to prove with that picture, it doesn't inspire confidence in their medical abilities and people with a choice will likely go elsewhere.

Also, because of affirmative action, black doctors in America will always get more than their share of sideways looks. This shit doesn't help.
I would give blacks free doctor school but they have to serve in a inner city hospital for 10 years or they have to pay back the loan.

Hell, I'd give white doctors that same deal.

Then you can't say anything about them because they have 10 years of experience.

And I don't look at black doctors that way because they made it through medical school. If they made it, that's all I need to know. Not what grades they got in high school.

I went to high school with 2 who eventually became doctors. I would have never pegged them for people who would one day be doctors. They weren't particularly bright. One was a woman and one was a half black. I'm sure he let it be known when he applied that he was an African American. I'm sure that helped him get into medical school. No biggy. I get it.

Funny thing is, affirmative action has helped women more than any other group. Do you look at female doctors funny because affirmative action helps them too?
" Words that whites can't say."

What words are those?
The Only Whites Who Voted for Obama Only Because He Is Black Are Graduates of Prep Schools

"Preppy Progressive." In fact, we can't even think that the spoiled, sheltered, and entitled know-it-alls have been behind this race treason from the beginning. Whom do you think Harvard represents? And it is the worst hotbed of Campus Commie Scum in the nation.
Looks like the guy on the right is in least from the photo it appears that it is safe to say that anyone I see in a jail photo is a bad person........Seeing as tho I can't tell what crime he committed by looking at him......but I am assuming he killed the child on the left......

Last I checked, there are policies in place that outlaw murder....are you saying the system refused to arrest the man or convict of the crime??
I would give blacks free doctor school but they have to serve in a inner city hospital for 10 years or they have to pay back the loan.

Hell, I'd give white doctors that same deal.

Then you can't say anything about them because they have 10 years of experience.

And I don't look at black doctors that way because they made it through medical school. If they made it, that's all I need to know. Not what grades they got in high school.

I went to high school with 2 who eventually became doctors. I would have never pegged them for people who would one day be doctors. They weren't particularly bright. One was a woman and one was a half black. I'm sure he let it be known when he applied that he was an African American. I'm sure that helped him get into medical school. No biggy. I get it.

Funny thing is, affirmative action has helped women more than any other group. Do you look at female doctors funny because affirmative action helps them too?
No. Because they are women.
the fact you don't see it demonstrates the lengths to close your eyes and and hummmmmm
No I see it. You're a joke. My brother deals with this. Yes, white men are being passed over because they are white men. But why? Because 96% of the executive boardroom is white men. Get over yourself. The fact is, white men are doing the hiring and they haven't done enough to hire women and minorities.

Even Asian men are under represented in the executive boardrooms. You can say blacks aren't smart enough and women want to raise families. So then why are asian American men not making it into the Executive suites?

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