In the defense of white folks

Racist like you can't keep your mouff's shut. You're always whining about how unfair life is to you and your kind.
And I don't give a white na nanna nanna na na.
I never said life is unfair...

However, I will always advocate for policies I believe in....

Funny how dic suckers like you believe only "certain" people are entitled to make policy demands from the government they pay their taxes too....

But if black folks also strive to be politically engaged -- then that is wrong and they are just lazy and asking for free stuff...
It is when you are advocating for justice for previous injustice for people who no longer need justice, against people who did not commit said injustice SOLELY because of their race.
Oh it's far more insidious than that. Now we hear cries for "equity". Meaning Liberals were never about equality of opportunity, but equality of OUTCOME! IOW, everyone exactly identical in every fucking way!
What you don’t get is that it’s just not the amount ($3600) that has changed. It has gone from being a credit against tax owed to a complete handout.

Let‘s say you’re a family of four earning $60,000 - a very typical scenario. Your taxes, after $25,000 in standard deductions, is $4,000 on $35,000 taxable income. You could use the $3000 per child credit, for a total credit of $6,000, and apply it against the $4000 - and you owe nothing.

Now, though, the amount has not only gone up to $3600 per child, but you get it ALL. So you take the $7200 payment, apply $4000 of that toward your tax bill, and get a check from other people for $3200 in addition. So not only do you not owe a cent in taxes, you actually GET money.

Compare that to a single person earning $60,000. After the $12,000 deduction, the gross income is $48,000 and taxes owed is around $5500.

summary: single person pays $5500 in taxes and family pays NOTHING, plus gets $3200 in welfare. Same income.
I understand. I just don't see what is so wrong with a single person getting less "welfare" than a family.

But what I think is "bad" about it conceptually, and where the dems are going with increasing it to $3600 and fully refundable, is their aim is a "minimum income" that every one gets regardless of the effort they go to to earn money.
Well I don't like blacks or women cause they can't drive a car for shit.

I don't know about all that. I've never been in an accident with one. Or rode with one in her car. I know they sometimes tend to slow way TF down, after getting in a hurry to get in front of you. But I think that's more of a "Karen" thing. Not so much a race thing.

My Vietnamese girlfriend drives slow every where she goes.
You're trying to twist what was said and the meaning. Which makes you also a liar.
How does that make you feel? To be racist and a liar (Per your own words)
I'm not twisting what you said at all. I'm clarifying. You accused me of race baiting and I agreed with you and offered up exactly who I race bait.
I don't know about all that. I've never been in an accident with one. Or rode with one in her car. I know they sometimes tend to slow way TF down, after getting in a hurry to get in front of you. But I think that's more of a "Karen" thing. Not so much a race thing.

My Vietnamese girlfriend drives slow every where she goes.
No no no, it's old white guys like me who drive too slow. And driving with my daughter or wife terrifies me.
What you don’t get is that it’s just not the amount ($3600) that has changed. It has gone from being a credit against tax owed to a complete handout.

Let‘s say you’re a family of four earning $60,000 - a very typical scenario. Your taxes, after $25,000 in standard deductions, is $4,000 on $35,000 taxable income. You could use the $3000 per child credit, for a total credit of $6,000, and apply it against the $4000 - and you owe nothing.

Now, though, the amount has not only gone up to $3600 per child, but you get it ALL. So you take the $7200 payment, apply $4000 of that toward your tax bill, and get a check from other people for $3200 in addition. So not only do you not owe a cent in taxes, you actually GET money.

Compare that to a single person earning $60,000. After the $12,000 deduction, the gross income is $48,000 and taxes owed is around $5500.

summary: 1) single person pays $5500 in taxes and 2) family pays NOTHING, plus gets $3200 in welfare plus free education for their kids. Same income.
You do understand that married couples receive tax benefits in order to incentivize people to get married right??

I thought you folks cared about the nuclear family??
Yea, but you should also be able to tell by looking at them too, according to you.....

Holy hell, how many times do we have to go over this. I've explained it like 3 times now, and you still don't get it.

So when you said you can tell who are good blacks or bad whites by looking at them -- you were just talking out your ass like most morons like you do....>

By looking and sometimes interacting with them. Not by internet pictures. You're going for the gotcha and making yourself look stupid. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, except you.

Why is that? Is there's some underlying reason why you're not comprehending (understanding) this?
No no no, it's old white guys like me who drive too slow. And driving with my daughter or wife terrifies me.

I gotta admit, the older I get, the slower I drive. But that might have something to do with me driving too fast when I was younger. lol
You do understand that married couples receive tax benefits in order to incentivize people to get married right??

I thought you folks cared about the nuclear family??

So what's up with so many black babies being born and raise without a father around. Or even knowing who their father is?
So your position is that systemic racism doesn't exist?

What white dude is going to prison for defending himself?

We see unarmed blacks getting murdered by cops. How many of you cons would be okay with it if your white kid was running away from the cops and they shot him in the back? I know, "don't run from the cops" is what you'll say but the law says the cops shouldn't shoot someone who's simply running away. So why is it ok when it's a black guy?

Who can watch this video and say what the cop did was right? And the only reason he was charged with murder is because it was caught on tape

Far more unarmed whites are killed by cops than blacks. It just rarely makes the news.

Curried Goats


Out of 178 Republicans
And 253 Democrats
YEA votes.
153 Democrats
136 Republicans

NEA votes:
91 Democrats
35 Republicans

This is why it was so hard for LBJ to get this bill passed. Because soooo many democrats opposed the Civil Rights bill.
So many Democrats did oppose it. It looks like some Republicans opposed it too. An educated man understands almost all the NEA votes came from the conservative South. Over 90% of all NEAs from both the Democratic and Republican party who opposed the Civil Rights Act came from the formerly Confederate States.
Me thinks you've been bamboozled by the left and all this racial BS.
Nope. I know your history better than you do apparently.
BTW, you say you've done pretty well in your own business. Are the other blacks too stupid to do the same? Are they too stupid to stay off drugs, marry their baby momma, stay in school, not commit serious crimes? What is it about blacks that make them more likely to beat their wives/girlfriends, commit homicide, rob/steal & use drugs. Statistically speaking?
A deplorable wealth gap caused by centuries of bigotry and racism from voters like you.
I understand. I just don't see what is so wrong with a single person getting less "welfare" than a family.

But what I think is "bad" about it conceptually, and where the dems are going with increasing it to $3600 and fully refundable, is their aim is a "minimum income" that every one gets regardless of the effort they go to to earn money.
Well, first….the single person isn’t getting any welfare. She is paying taxes. The family is not only NOT paying taxes, but receiving free money.

But I agree with you that we are in a heap of trouble when the Dems are trying to institute a minimum income, regardless of effort. It is made worse because the Dems have made it so families get a minimum income, and single people not only do not, but have to pay in toward the families. Regardless, I am opposed to a minimum income period.
I never said life is unfair...

You're entire tirade on this is about how unfair whites are to blacks. Even going so far as wanting reparations because whites of the passed were unfair.
Funny how dic suckers like you believe only "certain" people are entitled to make policy demands from the government they pay their taxes too....

The policies of the government, come from the government. I can't "demand" anything from them. But it seems the blacks can. As in Affirmative action. Which is racist. And anyone who supports it, is a racist.

BTW, are you also bigotted against gays? If there's any gay people around here, they'd probably take offense to the way you're dissing them.
BTW, come to think of it, seems gay black folks are 13 times more likely to be attacked and/or raped by a black person.
Why is that? Blacks must really hate gay people.
But if black folks also strive to be politically engaged -- then that is wrong and they are just lazy and asking for free stuff...

If they are asking for free stuff. Yes. That's wrong. If they're asking for some race based initiative, reparations or special treatment, then yes, they're wrong. And racist.
Holy hell, how many times do we have to go over this. I've explained it like 3 times now, and you still don't get it.

By looking and sometimes interacting with them. Not by internet pictures. You're going for the gotcha and making yourself look stupid. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, except you.

Why is that? Is there's some underlying reason why you're not comprehending (understanding) this?
No, everyone doesn't know what you are talking about......which is why you have such a hard time explaining it.....

It takes more than just a causal interaction to tell if someone is a good person or not......which is why I don't base any type of policies on if a person is good or not...

You on the other hand...if you can convince yourself someone was a "bad person" -- then anything that happens to them is justified in your mind....even if you have to reverse engineer a reason to deem that person as being bad...

Like this man.....


It makes his death alot of palatable if we just convince ourselves he deserved to die...that way we don't have to address any kind of structural policies....just say he deserved it and move on.....
So many Democrats did oppose it. It looks like some Republicans opposed it too. An educated man understands almost all the NEA votes came from the conservative South. Over 90% of all NEAs from both the Democratic and Republican party who opposed the Civil Rights Act came from the formerly Confederate States.

Ok, let me type this slower. MORE DEMOCRATS OPPOSED the civil rights act, than republicans. Only a few republicans opposed it. There was almost as many democrat NEA votes, as their was republicans in the House. As in ALL of the republicans.
Nope. I know your history better than you do apparently.

Apparently not. You can't even understand a simple vote count.
A deplorable wealth gap caused by centuries of bigotry and racism from voters like you.

Yeah right, whiney. Tell that to the rich black folks who worked hard, within the system, didn't whine or cry about oppression, and made their fortunes.
My my, you're turning into a crybaby.
You're entire tirade on this is about how unfair whites are to blacks. Even going so far as wanting reparations because whites of the passed were unfair.

The policies of the government, come from the government. I can't "demand" anything from them. But it seems the blacks can. As in Affirmative action. Which is racist. And anyone who supports it, is a racist.

BTW, are you also bigotted against gays? If there's any gay people around here, they'd probably take offense to the way you're dissing them.
BTW, come to think of it, seems gay black folks are 13 times more likely to be attacked and/or raped by a black person.
Why is that? Blacks must really hate gay people.

If they are asking for free stuff. Yes. That's wrong. If they're asking for some race based initiative, reparations or special treatment, then yes, they're wrong. And racist.
I never said "whites are unfair" to blacks...I am talking about policies.......the fact much of those policies were put in place by people with white skin doesn't change the fact that I OPPOSE the policies...not the color of someone's skin...

Since it took a coalition of whites, blacks, etc -- to address and change those policies for the better...

Only fragile insecure cucks think any critique of America's institutions is somehow an attack on white people.....

But as the famous quote says.....
No, everyone doesn't know what you are talking about......which is why you have such a hard time explaining it.....

It takes more than just a causal interaction to tell if someone is a good person or not......which is why I don't base any type of policies on if a person is good or not...

You on the other hand...if you can convince yourself someone was a "bad person" -- then anything that happens to them is justified in your mind....even if you have to reverse engineer a reason to deem that person as being bad...

Like this man.....

View attachment 572922

It makes his death alot of palatable if we just convince ourselves he deserved to die...that way we don't have to address any kind of structural policies....just say he deserved it and move on.....
So many Democrats did oppose it. It looks like some Republicans opposed it too. An educated man understands almost all the NEA votes came from the conservative South. Over 90% of all NEAs from both the Democratic and Republican party who opposed the Civil Rights Act came from the formerly Confederate States.

Nope. I know your history better than you do apparently.

A deplorable wealth gap caused by centuries of bigotry and racism from voters like you.

As he reverts again, to RACISM! This person doesn't deserve our time of day. Even Rightwinger has more class than this race baiter. He is the poster person for why we no longer listen to people airing their grievances. Not only doesn't he want equality, he wants everyone to pay for the sins of their ancestors twice removed, that wasn't even against the law back when they did it!

HE IS A RACIST, and if I EVER find out where your business is, I will DOX you with your comments included, and let Americans decide what they want to do!

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