In the defense of white folks

Lol. I'm not whining. I'm advocating for organizing politically and taking reparations from you whether you like or not.

Well, aren't you the person from Jamaica who came with his parents? Or was that someone else?

You aren't getting reparations, so better go get a job. Even my mixed race teenage grand daughter has one while attending high school.

As far as your plan, let me tell you what you are going to get------>DISAPPOINTED, lol.

Just a real question to you---------------> I believe you are reasonably intelligent, although you are a little misguided, but that is ok. Sooooooooooooo, let me ask you----------->In your political opinion, do you believe for even a minute, that all the Hispanic people crossing the border who the Democrats want to make citizens, are ever going to vote for a windfall for you while getting nothing, zero, squat, nada, forget about it?

And who/whom do you take the money from to give it to you? Going to have to check their ancestry to see if they were here when this was going on, which kinda leaves out 2/3rds of Americans, doesn't it? Especially the new Hispanic citizens. They not gonna lika dat crap!

Of course, I suppose they could take it from the USA treasury, but then taxes go up, waaaaaaaaay up, which means you are paying yourself, lol. And that is actually the case here, hehehehehe. For YOU to get this into law, YOU have to be the majority; which means, YOU are paying yourself! Sooooooooo, congrats on the plan-)

Again and for forever----------> I was never a slave owner, and you were never a slave. I do NOT owe you squat, and I would burn every dollar I have before I gave you a dime-)
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Lol. I'm Black and Asian. I have carmel colored skin and green eyes. I have a slight Jamaican accent that women find sexy and isn't too hard for them to understand. I have a large, loving, healthy family and we're all fairly well off. Why on the world would you imagine that's I'd ever want to be you? Lol.

Obviously, since you think so little of whites, your racist against whites. Most of us whites so far, have expressed the differences between decent blacks and ngrs. And yet, you still have this idea that we're not are good as blacks. That we're still oppressing blacks. That we'd all like to own a couple.

Which only proves you're racist ideas. Maybe it's just your brainwashing. Maybe you truly are a racist. You don't see the racism that built into organizations like NAACP, BLM or BET. You claim that since we're white, we don't need organizations like that. But that's not the point. Equality is the point. So if it's OK for the blacks to have those organizations, then they can't claim "racism" if the whites had all those things.

But some black thug can claim looting is reparations, and the left agrees. And that's a load of Bull crap. Equality means something important. You either support banning the NAACP, BLM and other race based organizations, or your a racist. Period. End of story.
Cool....I don't vote for Conservatives.......the ideology behind the creation of the KKK....
hahahahahahahahahaaha can't make it up. demofks are the kkk and this jack monkey thinks it was republicans and books say it was demofks. When one wants to live a blind life i guess. Not my problem, it's yours.
Obviously, since you think so little of whites, your racist against whites. Most of us whites so far, have expressed the differences between decent blacks and ngrs. And yet, you still have this idea that we're not are good as blacks. That we're still oppressing blacks. That we'd all like to own a couple.

Which only proves you're racist ideas. Maybe it's just your brainwashing. Maybe you truly are a racist. You don't see the racism that built into organizations like NAACP, BLM or BET. You claim that since we're white, we don't need organizations like that. But that's not the point. Equality is the point. So if it's OK for the blacks to have those organizations, then they can't claim "racism" if the whites had all those things.

But some black thug can claim looting is reparations, and the left agrees. And that's a load of Bull crap. Equality means something important. You either support banning the NAACP, BLM and other race based organizations, or your a racist. Period. End of story.
^ the fragility ^

Hey....What is the term for "bad whites"??

And who bestows the gracious label of "good blacks" on

Do you have a knighting ceremony where you crown someone a good black? How does that work?
^ the fragility ^

Hey....What is the term for "bad whites"??

And who bestows the gracious label of "good blacks" on

Do you have a knighting ceremony where you crown someone a good black? How does that work?
I didn't know there were words for your ask. teach us.
So THAT is how you are going to combat racism? Threaten to steal whitey’s money whether we like it or not?

I got an idea, how about we double the taxes for the poor, end the child tax credits for the poor and pay them that way.
How many 'baby momma's" would agree? LMAO
What do white thugs look like by the way??

Example.....I am sure you think you can tell what a black thug looks like, these guys....

View attachment 572865

But what would make them thugs tho?? Because they didn't walk into your shop with the right "uniform" on??

Should they have worn their doctors uniform instead for you to not demonized them for their looks??
View attachment 572866
They are trying to look hard standing in front of a bunch of graffiti. Yeah, they look like thugs. Whatever they are trying to prove with that picture, it doesn't inspire confidence in their medical abilities and people with a choice will likely go elsewhere.

Also, because of affirmative action, black doctors in America will always get more than their share of sideways looks. This shit doesn't help.
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Taking reparations amounts to this.

BLM Organizer Says Looting Is 'Reparations'​

Honestly, the cops need to descend en masse on these massive looting operations, and throw the thieves in jail. On a case by case basis, anyone with a first arrest gets out on bail. Any thug who has a criminal record should get no bail.

It‘s time we put our foot down and show that theft will not be excused because….black. Sadly, the leftists are going in the opposite direction.
Cool....I don't vote for Conservatives.......the ideology behind the creation of the KKK....

But it was democrats who started the KKK, Filled all those positions, grew the organization to what it is today.
BTW, does the KKK even exist anymore? Seems if they did, they'd be in the news rioting, looting and destroying the black part of town.
Funny, it's only black organizations that are doing that.
Used to be able to shoot a suspect running away. You did not fk with the police. Times have changed and now they should only shoot a feeling suspect if they believe they are a threat to the police or bystanders - according to a Supreme Court

They are trying to look hard standing in front of a bunch of graffiti. Yeah, they look like thugs. Whatever they are trying to prove with that picture, it doesn't inspire confidence in their medical abilities and people with a choice will likely go elsewhere.

Also, because of affirmative action, black doctors in America will always get more than their share of sideways looks. This shit doesn't help.

This is the internet. So the doctor outfits may be the costumes.
I got an idea, how about we double the taxes for the poor, end the child tax credits for the poor and pay them that way.
How many 'baby momma's" would agree? LMAO
Let’s start with a baby step. Admit that the so-called tax “credit” is welfare, since people who owe no taxes get a full “refund.” (That’s right….they call the welfare money their “refund.”)

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