In the defense of white folks

No. I told you, I am already looking at them funny because they are women. But seriously, medical school AA is primarily race based - Linda Chavez
Honestly, I think I know better than anyone on this thread how biased med school admissions are in favor of blacks. Blacks with “OKish” GPAs and MCAT scores get accepted, while white students with far superior grades and scores have to either go to the Caribbean for med school, or settle for being a P.A.

And the blacks who get admitted under the sub-standard ”black” requirements? They need hand-holding and tutoring all the way through, as they struggle to keep up with the white students admitted under the stringent standards.
Like the 3 guys Kyle murdered. They found out one of them was a pedophile so suddenly it was ok that Kyle murdered people during a rally. The Kyle defenders ignored all the wrong Kyle did because person he shot was a pedo.

They would have done it even if he had cocaine in his system. They would blame the victim because he had some drugs in his system. Didn't they do that to the black guy the cops choked to death? They said he had some drugs in his system so suddenly it was ok the cops murdered him?

He didn't have "some" drugs in him. It was reported just the fentaynl alone he had twice the lethal dosage of the drug, and he had meth in his system as well.

Rittenhouse was found not guilty because he broke no laws in Wisconsin. We don't send people to prison for all the wrong they did, we send them to prison if they broke the law which he didn't.

Now if he was in my state, he would have been behind bars now, but our laws are different than Wisconsin's.
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Despite all the "racism" claims spewing from the left (they know full well that most whites aren't racist, as they know that blacks are in every occupation and political position there is, including two full terms in the highest office of the land), it took a great many whites to vote in Obama, whites ended slavery and whites acknowledged their past, whereas most nations ignored their hideous past.
The real reason for this is that the left is striving to foment division in this nation in an effort to eventually do away with the Constitution, its Bill of Rights and implement Marxism.

Maybe I'm a little late to the game, but come to think of it, if the USA was sooo full of racism, how could Obama get elected for 2 terms?
Honestly, I think I know better than anyone on this thread how biased med school admissions are in favor of blacks. Blacks with “OKish” GPAs and MCAT scores get accepted, while white students with far superior grades and scores have to either go to the Caribbean for med school, or settle for being a P.A.

And the blacks who get admitted under the sub-standard ”black” requirements? They need hand-holding and tutoring all the way through, as they struggle to keep up with the white students admitted under the stringent standards.
Well, heaven forbid you have to rely on a black doctor to save your life in an emergency.....seeing as tho they are so inferior to real doctors....who are white..........especially those Nigerians....there are like 20,000 Nigerian doctors in the US...pretty scary huh??
Honestly, I think I know better than anyone on this thread how biased med school admissions are in favor of blacks. Blacks with “OKish” GPAs and MCAT scores get accepted, while white students with far superior grades and scores have to either go to the Caribbean for med school, or settle for being a P.A.

And the blacks who get admitted under the sub-standard ”black” requirements? They need hand-holding and tutoring all the way through, as they struggle to keep up with the white students admitted under the stringent standards.
I wonder why this would be (at some med schools)
Well, heaven forbid you have to rely on a black doctor to save your life in an emergency.....seeing as tho they are so inferior to real doctors....who are white..........especially those Nigerians....there are like 20,000 Nigerian doctors in the US...pretty scary huh??
Nevermind that the University of the West Indies has some of best surgical training you can get in the world. I have an uncle and cousin who are both pediatric surgeons in the US, trained in Jamaica and Trinidad.
More "Conservatives" opposed the Civil Rights Act...

There is a reason dumb asses like you never back up anything you say with any evidence....

But I do....
View attachment 572932

Number of Democrats in the House who voted yes for the Civil Rights Act....152......votes against....96.....Total number of overall House votes in favor... 290.....Total number of overall House votes against....130...

In the Senate......Number of Democrats who voted yes for the Civil Rights Act....46.....Total number of overall votes in favor... 73.....Total number of overall votes against....27....

What did most people who opposed the Civil Rights bill give as a reason to oppose it? They said it was too radical...they claimed it violated states in states rights to discriminate against people of color.....they even called it Communism...everything under the sun...

View attachment 572940

And the rhetoric hasn't really changed all that much, since.....Same shit Conservatives call everything they don't like now...

There were more Democrats in Congress at the time. But per capita, Republicans were the majority of the yes votes when it comes to civil rights.
I would give blacks free doctor school but they have to serve in a inner city hospital for 10 years or they have to pay back the loan.

Hell, I'd give white doctors that same deal.

Then you can't say anything about them because they have 10 years of experience.

And I don't look at black doctors that way because they made it through medical school. If they made it, that's all I need to know. Not what grades they got in high school.

I went to high school with 2 who eventually became doctors. I would have never pegged them for people who would one day be doctors. They weren't particularly bright. One was a woman and one was a half black. I'm sure he let it be known when he applied that he was an African American. I'm sure that helped him get into medical school. No biggy. I get it.

Funny thing is, affirmative action has helped women more than any other group. Do you look at female doctors funny because affirmative action helps them too?
The fact you use color makes you wacist
I wonder why this would be (at some med schools)
It’s pretty universal, and the answer is: for diversity.

The med schools set a target percentage of blacks they want, often around 14% since they view things very simplistically and figure if blacks are 14% of the population, they should be 14% of the student body.

So they lower the GPA cut-off until they can bring in the percentage they want. Often they are willing to go down to around 3.3, but then they often run into a problem: Even at that low, they are ending up with, say, only 10% black. So then it becomes a balancing act: do they drop down to 3.2 to get more blacks, but risk the reputation of their school?
Nevermind that the University of the West Indies has some of best surgical training you can get in the world. I have an uncle and cousin who are both pediatric surgeons in the US, trained in Jamaica and Trinidad.
Which is why most of them were sent back to the West Indies after they bungled their Case Management.
Which is why most of them were sent back to the West Indies after they bungled their Case Management.
Why should I accept your premise when you offer no evidence? I have 4 doctors in my family who trained in the west indies and are currently practicing in the United States. Not 4 doctors in total just 4 who grew up in the West Indies and now live and work here.
I understand. I just don't see what is so wrong with a single person getting less "welfare" than a family.

But what I think is "bad" about it conceptually, and where the dems are going with increasing it to $3600 and fully refundable, is their aim is a "minimum income" that every one gets regardless of the effort they go to to earn money.

The goal of the Democrat party is to make as many government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
It’s pretty universal, and the answer is: for diversity.

The med schools set a target percentage of blacks they want, often around 14% since they view things very simplistically and figure if blacks are 14% of the population, they should be 14% of the student body.

So they lower the GPA cut-off until they can bring in the percentage they want. Often they are willing to go down to around 3.3, but then they often run into a problem: Even at that low, they are ending up with, say, only 10% black. So then it becomes a balancing act: do they drop down to 3.2 to get more blacks, but risk the reputation of their school?
well yes, but why the diversity? What's the reason? And schools like Northwestern or Harvard don't really have to relax standards to find qualitied blacks. STATE medical training schools certainly do. But is it a bad thing?
Why should I accept your premise when you offer no evidence? I have 4 doctors in my family who trained in the west indies and are currently practicing in the United States. Not 4 doctors in total just 4 who grew up in the West Indies and now live and work here.
While the Lame Stream Media will not report the facts, the issue is the law suits by Insurance Companies that these West Indies "geniuses" prescribe the wrong mixture of medications and don't know how to express themselves in their Case Management.
My wife worked with a few who were fired and had to go back home.
The goal of the Democrat party is to make as many government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
Well the progressives like AOC and Bernie are card carrying socialists. They're the gift to the gop that never stops giving (there's an irony there)

But the left leaning moderates don't want people on the dole (another pun)
No, I think you are confused. That was my question. Why do you think Black voters are incapable of telling who the real racists are?

This President said the most racist and offensive things about blacks during his career in politics, and what percentage of the black vote did he get again?

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