In the defense of white folks

Ending slavery. Desegregation and just being decent folks. That last one was the most important one. If you're a decent person, others recognize that and don't have any adverse feelings towards that person.

If a white thug came into my shop, I'd recognize him as a thug. I'd watch him very close. I'd pay close attention to the conversation, out of distrust.
If it was a black thug, I'd be deemed a racist for watching him closely and distrusting him.
What do white thugs look like by the way??

Example.....I am sure you think you can tell what a black thug looks like, these guys....

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But what would make them thugs tho?? Because they didn't walk into your shop with the right "uniform" on??

Should they have worn their doctors uniform instead for you to not demonized them for their looks??
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It's been a downward trajectory for decades:
  • The hardcore Left screaming RACISM at everything that moves
  • The hardcore Right refusing to admit that racism is still an issue
  • Both ends absolutely refusing to honestly hold their own end accountable
  • Both ends feeding into the other like a fucking ugly, toxic, co-dependent relationship
And it doesn't stop.
No they don't. They want America to account for the social, political and economic cost of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, red lining and ever racist policy that conspired to keep blacks poor and under the thumb of racist whites.
WRONG. They want WHITE PEOPLE like me who had no part in slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, etc. to "account" (give up rights/property/opportunity) to black people who were never enslaved, segregated, etc.

That is NOT justice in the slightest or least. It is "correcting" one historical injustice with a present injustice.
So since White Folks ended slavery, ended Jim Crow in this country, etc, etc, etc...

Wouldn't that also mean white folks started slavery, started Jim Crow, etc, etc in this country as well? Or is that when you try to use your labels and refer to them as "Democrats" instead??

Black folks started black slavery. The first to own a black person in this country, was a black man. Almost all the black slaves that were bought in Africa, was bought from blacks.

But I see what you're doing here. You're trying to ignore the fact that whites ended slavery, segregation and Jim Crow laws. Instead of celebrating the ending of those, and honoring the whites who ended them, you're still trying to push a racist narrative.

Maybe you don't realize just how brainwashed or racist you really are.

And that's sort of the point to this thread.
Anyhoo.... Why did you avoid the POLICIES I MENTIONED....

I didn't see it.
If black folks were excluded from programs and policies that white folks used to build wealth -- how is fixing that systemic inequity a bad thing??

How are blacks "excluded" from programs of today?
And since you claim successful black folks didn't let white people stop them -- why the fuck are you whining about Affirmative Action?? Why not keep that same energy...don't let "white folks" stop you from being successful.....

It's not just affirmative action that's being discussed. All those poor black folks who don't succeed, don't want to succeed. They don't want to put forth the effort it takes to succeed. They'd rather sit on their behinds and blame the white people for their lack of self responsibility.
And whining about the NAACP or any other scary initial shouldn't be a thing to do either....why let them stop you from being successful

The NAACP is just part of a broader picture. Part of a bigger point, that you're choosing to ignore.
It's been a downward trajectory for decades:
  • The hardcore Left screaming RACISM at everything that moves
  • The hardcore Right refusing to admit that racism is still an issue
  • Both ends absolutely refusing to honestly hold their own end accountable
  • Both ends feeding into the other like a fucking ugly, toxic, co-dependent relationship
And it doesn't stop.
I agree.

I would add that it really doesn't help that a portion of our population wants a revolution and has been using race to stir division, much like Marxists in the past have used class to stir division.
Oh, wow….now this is rich. A white who doesn’t use a horrible slur against blacks is a coward? You progressives twist yourselves into the most ridiculous pretzels.

I don’t use it because I was brought up correctly, and I would never use such an offensive word.
Why is it a horrible slur??

What makes it horrible??

You just whined about how blacks use that word when talking to each it can't be too should use it too, right?

While we are at it....are there any other horrible slurs you want to use but are too afraid too??

You still want to call gay people fags?? Or call women "*****"??

The only people who whine about this type of goofy shit are Conservatives..and the main reason they whine about it is because they are pissed they can no longer be BLATANLTY homophobic and racist without societal consequences
What do white thugs look like by the way??

Example.....I am sure you think you can tell what a black thug looks like, these guys....

View attachment 572865

But what would make them thugs tho?? Because they didn't walk into your shop with the right "uniform" on??

Should they have worn their doctors uniform instead for you to not demonized them for their looks??
View attachment 572866

The content of their character says everything. I can tell a lot by the way people talk and act. Doctors aren't going to act like thugs.

BTW, I own a small engine shop. Almost EVERYONE that comes in, is dressed the same and is looking for the same thing. They dressed in their weekend mowing clothes, and wanting something fixed.

I had a black thug come in one day with loose handlebars on his bicycle. Says "I need you to fix my handle bars." Jokingly, and in a joking way, I said $5. Because he told me to fix his bike. He didn't ask me if I had time. Didn't ask me how much. Just gave me an order, as if he was entitled.
Immediately, he bucked at the $5. Says "Why I gotta pay you just to tighten up one bolt."
This is where it went downhill for him. Quickly. Mr. Richardson, a black preacher who was there picking up a mower, jumped all in his shit. Called him everything from a ngr to good for nuffin. Even brought up the fact that he had like 8 kids by 5 different women, and didn't pay child support for any of them. Threw in how he needed prayer and get on a better life track. The thug got pissed and left. (with loose handle bars)

I was going to do the repair for free. Had he not had a chip on his shoulder and acted so entitled, I would've done it for free. Content of character says a lot about people.
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That shit has been over for decades. Many decades. Blacks are free to succeed or fail, in todays times. If they fail, or succeed, it's because of their own decisions.
Same goes for whites fact, white folks who fail to succeed should be even more ashamed.....because for generations, there was never ANY POLICY targeted at them that prevented them from creating generational wealth...

And they have had a 200 year head shouldn't those folks have even less to blame their failures on??

By the way, when Trump was campaigning..he kept telling those white folks that they system was rigged against them....what was he talking about??
Is that right? Because science and reason suggest the wealth gap between black and white American families is a big indicator of success or failure and that wealth gap isn't the result of individual failures of black people but systemic racism on behalf of white supremacists.
Yeah, blame all of blacks‘ failures on racism, and ignore the fact that having 75% of black babies born out of wedlock correlates with poverty and crime.

Once blacks bring the illegitimacy rate down to something in the neighborhood of whites, and keep it like that for a generation, and if there is still a big wealth gap, THEN racism plays a part. But to ignore the fact that blacks are contributing to their own failures by having all these babies without husbands, and instead blaming it on white supremacists? Get real.
Oh, wow….now this is rich. A white who doesn’t use a horrible slur against blacks is a coward? You progressives twist yourselves into the most ridiculous pretzels.

I don’t use it because I was brought up correctly, and I would never use such an offensive word.

I have a friend, Black.... (Black is his name, Derrick Black). We call each other all sorts of racial slurs. In fact, he's called me whitey for so long, I wonder if he even remembers my name.

But it's no big deal. Neither of us get caught up in this BS that's been going around for the last few years. It's people like him that remind me that there's still a lot of decent black folks. If it wasn't for him and my decent black customers, I might assume that most blacks are racist. According to the MSM, BLM and the other race hustlers.
The content of their character says everything. I can tell a lot by the way people talk and act. Doctors aren't going to act like thugs.

BTW, I own a small engine shop. Almost EVERYONE that comes in, is dressed the same and is looking for the same thing. They dressed in their weekend mowing clothes, and wanting something fixed.

I had a black thug come in one day with loose handlebars on his bicycle. Says "I need you to fix my handle bars." Jokingly, and in a joking way, I said $5. Because he told me to fix his bike. He didn't ask me if I had time. Didn't ask me how much. Just gave me an order, as if he was entitled.
Immediately, he bucked at the $5. Says "Why I gotta pay you just to tighten up one bolt."
This is where it went downhill for him. Quickly. Mr. Richardson, a black preacher who was there picking up a mower, jumped all in his shit. Called him everything from a ngr to good for nuffin. Even brought up the fact that he had like 8 kids by 5 different women, and didn't pay child support for any of them. Threw in how he needed prayer and get on a better life track. The thug got pissed and left. (with loose handle bars)

I was going to do the repair for free. Had he not had a chip on his shoulder and acted so entitled, I would've done it for free. Content of character says a lot about people.
None of what you said, answered a single question I asked you....

So I am going to ask you do white thugs look like??

Could you tell by simply watching the way this guy walks that he is a white thug??


After all, he did murder 9 people.....pretty thuggish behavior....

Someone not being a good customer doesn't make them a thug.....unless you are going to tell me this woman is a thug??

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I mean even the black guy in your anecdotal story didn't assault you.....let alone throw hot soup in your face like this woman did....but im sure you knew she was a thug by looking at her huh...
Same goes for whites fact, white folks who fail to succeed should be even more ashamed.....because for generations, there was never ANY POLICY targeted at them that prevented them from creating generational wealth...

We are all ashamed of white failures. Why TF do you think white folks don't get all upset, riot, loot and destroy other peoples property, when a white thug gets killed by the cops? Because we understand what personal responsibility is. If people want to take that road, that's their decision. They're responsible for their actions. Not the system.
And they have had a 200 year head shouldn't those folks have even less to blame their failures on??

Are you serious? Dude, Blacks have been around for as long as whites. For fucks sakes, Africa could've been the wealthiest country in the world. It could've been the manufacturing capital of the world. It could've held the highest population of billionaires. But they're still a shithole nation. And now, the white folks down there, who bring jobs for everyone, is being shut out, so the blacks there can keep their shithole nation, a shithole nation.
By the way, when Trump was campaigning..he kept telling those white folks that they system was rigged against them....what was he talking about??

I have no idea. I didn't support Trump. And still don't.
WRONG. They want WHITE PEOPLE like me who had no part in slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, etc. to "account" (give up rights/property/opportunity) to black people who were never enslaved, segregated, etc.
1. You're factually wrong. Segregation only ended 57 years ago. There are plenty of families still around who suffered under segregation.

2. If whites think people should be allowed to pass down inheritance to their children why not burdens and obligations?

3. The American government is responsible for those atrocities and like it or not as a citizen you are responsible for your country's burdens and responsibilities. Let's use the example of Breonna Taylor. Did everyone in Kentucky drive by and shoot at her house? No were all Kentucky tax payers on the hook for multi million dollar settlement her family got? Absolutely.
That is NOT justice in the slightest or least. It is "correcting" one historical injustice with a present injustice.
It's not injustice just because you don't like it. What is unjust about it?
What do you mean no longer need justice? Based on what criteria?

Was the American government not party to those injustices?

And what do you mean based solely on race? I think Black American descendants of American slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, red lining etc. should receive reparations for those atrocities and thefts but that leaves out a whole lot of black people living in America, my family included. We immigrated here in the 80s, none of my family members were ever slaves in America and so I'm not advocating for reparations from this government on behalf of myself and all blacks. Just those that were victims to American injustice.
So, why not have the estates of those who committed the atrocities and thefts be held responsible, and not me? No one in my family on both sides going back to the 1500s owned slaves, nor had any political power to institutionalize segregation or Jim Crow.

The Government is the all the people. You cannot take from the all the people, almost all of whom had no part in past atrocities, to pay reparations to those who are no longer alive and therefore no longer in need of justice, to the wind-fall benefit of those who might be (but who likely are not) descendants of those who were wronged.

It's reversing historical conquest with contemporary conquest.
Hurtful? LMAO.. Same as black folks call themselves those words. No one is that color blind. Only brainwashed into thinking certain words are only used by blacks. Ain't NO ONE so "entitled" that only they can say some word.
Black power isn't more powerful than the 1st Amendment, pal.

Say your brothers gave you a nickname, "Skippy." (I'm just making that up.)

And you grew to hate that nickname because your brothers used to torment you with it.

If I choose not to call you Skippy, it's because I'm being polite. Everyone is happier.
None of what you said, answered a single question I asked you....

So I am going to ask you do white thugs look like??

Could you tell by simply watching the way this guy walks that he is a white thug??

View attachment 572870

After all, he did murder 9 people.....pretty thuggish behavior....

Someone not being a good customer doesn't make them a thug.....unless you are going to tell me this woman is a thug??

View attachment 572872

I mean even the black guy in your anecdotal story didn't assault you.....let alone throw hot soup in your face like this woman did....but im sure you knew she was a thug by looking at her huh...

LMAO.. You're trying to make a racist point here. That's there are white thugs? No shit, Sherlock. As I've said 1000 times, race has nothing to do with being a good or bad person.
The difference is, white's don't blame some arbitrary system for their inability to be a decent responsible person.
"Content of character" means something.
I have a friend, Black.... (Black is his name, Derrick Black). We call each other all sorts of racial slurs. In fact, he's called me whitey for so long, I wonder if he even remembers my name.

But it's no big deal. Neither of us get caught up in this BS that's been going around for the last few years. It's people like him that remind me that there's still a lot of decent black folks. If it wasn't for him and my decent black customers, I might assume that most blacks are racist. According to the MSM, BLM and the other race hustlers.
Whitey isn't the racial slur you think it is...

Since a group of people never went around yelling "Whitey!" while burning down white people churches, raping their children and hang them all while posing for pictures like at a family picnic....with the full knowledge that nothing will happen to them because everything they are doing is sanctioned by the state...

By the way....there are two black bodies hanging from trees right behind those smiles.......
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So no.....there is a whole DIFFERENT POWER DYNAMIC behind the N-word and "Whitey" -- but by all means...if you think your black friend Derrick empowers you to use that word freely...have at will find out not as eager for that pat on the head as your friend Derrick is...
LMAO.. You're trying to make a racist point here. That's there are white thugs? No shit, Sherlock. As I've said 1000 times, race has nothing to do with being a good or bad person.
The difference is, white's don't blame some arbitrary system for their inability to be a decent responsible person.
"Content of character" means something.
So why can't you tell me how "white thugs" look??

and if you say whites don't blame some arbitrary system for anything...

How come white folks like you blame the Deep State for everything under the sun??

A person racks up multiple felony indictments....Deep State....

A person gets convicted of multiple counts of felony money laundering and theft....Deep State....

If these people were not well-connected Conservative would be calling them "thugs"
1. You're factually wrong. Segregation only ended 57 years ago. There are plenty of families still around who suffered under segregation.

Name a few.
2. If whites think people should be allowed to pass down inheritance to their children why not burdens and obligations?

Rich blacks are able to hand down their money and property. There's no law that says anything different.
With the exception of the death tax the liberals want to increase.
3. The American government is responsible for those atrocities and like it or not as a citizen you are responsible for your country's burdens and responsibilities.
The American government back then. Decades ago. They've since made up for it by ending those racist laws. And it was the white people in government who did that.
White people ended slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws and allowed, without challenge, the racist organizations like BLM, NAACP and BET to continue. And instead of celebrating that, and honoring the white people who allowed all those things, you're still bitching and whining.
1. You're factually wrong. Segregation only ended 57 years ago. There are plenty of families still around who suffered under segregation.
I am 47 years old. I had no part in their plight.
2. If whites think people should be allowed to pass down inheritance to their children why not burdens and obligations?
Great. Prove that any of my ancestors owe ANY obligations whatsoever.
3. The American government is responsible for those atrocities and like it or not as a citizen you are responsible for your country's burdens and responsibilities. Let's use the example of Breonna Taylor. Did everyone in Kentucky drive by and shoot at her house? No were all Kentucky tax payers on the hook for multi million dollar settlement her family got? Absolutely.
That was a current wrong being fulfilled by living people.

The government is the people alive now, today. PERIOD.

The American government as it currently exists (the people alive now) is not responsible for the atrocities of the American government as it existed in 1791 or in 1963 or at any other time prior to the birth of over 90% of the population today. If you want to get reparations for Jim Crow etc. Get it from people who were adults when those laws were passed.

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