In the defense of white folks

Whitey isn't the racial slur you think it is...

Since a group of people never went around yelling "Whitey!" while burning down white people churches, raping their children and hang them all while posing for pictures like at a family picnic....with the full knowledge that nothing will happen to them because everything they are doing is sanctioned by the state...

By the way....there are two black bodies hanging from trees right behind those smiles.......
View attachment 572874

So no.....there is a whole DIFFERENT POWER DYNAMIC behind the N-word and "Whitey" -- but by all means...if you think your black friend Derrick empowers you to use that word freely...have at will find out not as eager for that pat on the head as your friend Derrick is...

Yeah, blame all of blacks‘ failures on racism, and ignore the fact that having 75% of black babies born out of wedlock correlates with poverty and crime.
Maybe your ignorant friends don't know what correlate means but I do and it doesn't mean cause. Maybe you'd like to debate why you think that correlation is relevant.
Once blacks bring the illegitimacy rate down to something in the neighborhood of whites, and keep it like that for a generation, and if there is still a big wealth gap, THEN racism plays a part. But to ignore the fact that blacks are contributing to their own failures by having all these babies without husbands, and instead blaming it on white supremacists? Get real.
And what about ignoring that facts of racist policies from slavery to segregation and red lining to denying black Americans the benefits of the New Deal. Those are obvious contributors to enormous wealth gap. In fact so much so that black families that married and earn high incomes still have less wealth on average than middle income white families.

You racist whites can only deny facts so long.
Whitey isn't the racial slur you think it is...

Since a group of people never went around yelling "Whitey!" while burning down white people churches, raping their children and hang them all while posing for pictures like at a family picnic....with the full knowledge that nothing will happen to them because everything they are doing is sanctioned by the state...

By the way....there are two black bodies hanging from trees right behind those smiles.......
View attachment 572874

So no.....there is a whole DIFFERENT POWER DYNAMIC behind the N-word and "Whitey" -- but by all means...if you think your black friend Derrick empowers you to use that word freely...have at will find out not as eager for that pat on the head as your friend Derrick is...
You're making excuses for people being unreasonably enraged to the point of violence at the sound of a magic naughty word used by a person of a particular race, when those people who are unreasonably enraged often use in reference to themselves.

Quit making excuses.
Name a few.

Rich blacks are able to hand down their money and property. There's no law that says anything different.
With the exception of the death tax the liberals want to increase.

The American government back then. Decades ago. They've since made up for it by ending those racist laws. And it was the white people in government who did that.
White people ended slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws and allowed, without challenge, the racist organizations like BLM, NAACP and BET to continue. And instead of celebrating that, and honoring the white people who allowed all those things, you're still bitching and whining.
Do you know that
Name a few.

Rich blacks are able to hand down their money and property. There's no law that says anything different.
With the exception of the death tax the liberals want to increase.

The American government back then. Decades ago. They've since made up for it by ending those racist laws. And it was the white people in government who did that.
White people ended slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws and allowed, without challenge, the racist organizations like BLM, NAACP and BET to continue. And instead of celebrating that, and honoring the white people who allowed all those things, you're still bitching and whining.
Are you dumb enough to think that just because a law was passed (1964 Civil Rights Act / 1965 Voting Rights Act) -- that these laws were instantly enforced?? It took many more years for these laws to even begin to be enforced...

This is the problem with folks like you who do everything in their power to either remain IGNORANT of history or outright lie about think that some magic wand was waved by LBJ in 1965 and all the issues went away....that is child logic...

I bet you are dumb enough to think there was not already a Civil Rights Bill passed long before 1964.....there was Civil Rights passed 100 years before then.....why didn't that serve as a magic wand and ended all discrimination??

There was a voting rights law long before 1965....that was back in 1869...and enshrined in the Constitution in 1870...why wasn't that the magic wand that ended the practice of stopping black folks from voting??

Enforcement.......laws mean nothing if the system doesn't enforce it....

By the way...can you tell me any laws of this sort that were aimed at white men??
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
You've certainly given this lots of thought.
It's been a downward trajectory for decades:
  • The hardcore Left screaming RACISM at everything that moves
  • The hardcore Right refusing to admit that racism is still an issue
  • Both ends absolutely refusing to honestly hold their own end accountable
  • Both ends feeding into the other like a fucking ugly, toxic, co-dependent relationship
And it doesn't stop.
The Black LIES Matters crowd are liars

And you assist them
And what about ignoring that facts of racist policies from slavery to segregation and red lining to denying black Americans the benefits of the New Deal. Those are obvious contributors to enormous wealth gap. In fact so much so that black families that married and earn high incomes still have less wealth on average than middle income white families.

You racist whites can only deny facts so long.

Neither I nor anyone I know who is alive today had any part in the perpetuation of slavery, segregation, New Deal racists shit from Democrats, or any other racist actions.
You're making excuses for people being unreasonably enraged to the point of violence at the sound of a magic naughty word used by a person of a particular race, when those people who are unreasonably enraged often use in reference to themselves.

Quit making excuses.
Not making excuses for anyone.......

In fact, I am sure you are perfectly ok with a guy calling your wife or mother a **** all the problem...

Doesn't mean everyone else is as restrained as you....some folks have a "This aint the 1950's" attitude.....just make sure when you are out using the N-word like you keep that in mind...

Personally, if the worst that had happened to black folks was being called "the N-word" -- the N-word itself wouldn't have much significance....but I expect dic suckers like you to leave out that context
It's been a downward trajectory for decades:
  • The hardcore Left screaming RACISM at everything that moves
  • The hardcore Right refusing to admit that racism is still an issue
  • Both ends absolutely refusing to honestly hold their own end accountable
  • Both ends feeding into the other like a fucking ugly, toxic, co-dependent relationship
The Black LIES Matters crowd are liars

And you assist them
EXACTLY as I describe.

And he doesn't even realize it.
Maybe your ignorant friends don't know what correlate means but I do and it doesn't mean cause. Maybe you'd like to debate why you think that correlation is relevant.

We understand what correlates mean. And the way Lisa558 used it is correct.
BTW, EVERYONE noticed how you dodged her point, changed the subject to a false grammar error. Which wasn't an error at all.

Care to address her point?
And what about ignoring that facts of racist policies from slavery to segregation and red lining to denying black Americans the benefits of the New Deal. Those are obvious contributors to enormous wealth gap. In fact so much so that black families that married and earn high incomes still have less wealth on average than middle income white families.

Those are many many decades (almost 6) old.
Blacks are free to not commit crime. They're free to get a lot of college tuition paid for by race based grants, low interest college loans, and organizations that will pay for their college. Plus social welfare that'll help them get through college. And there's a TON of blacks doing just that.
So what about the "du nuffins" who'd rather bitch and whine about being oppressed? That's the point of all this.
You racist whites can only deny facts so long.

The facts are, black racist and race hustlers are trying to push some narrative that all whites are racist. That we're still oppressing them, even with all the race based help that's ONLY afforded to blacks.
And white's aren't allowed to do anything about it. Even when whites make up 60% of the population and blacks make up only 12% of the population.

We're kindly allowing equality. And you still want more. Sorry, but it ain't happening. If this keeps up, enough whites are going to get sick of being falsely accused of being racist, and put a stop to it all. Stop the race base groups. Stop the race based organizations. Stop the race base monetary funding.
That would be equality. Do the blacks really want to keep pushing? I'd say the decent black folks don't want to. In fact, there's many that wished these race hustlers would just STFU and stop complaining.

Neither I nor anyone I know who is alive today had any part in the perpetuation of slavery, segregation, New Deal racists shit from Democrats, or any other racist actions.
None of you had any part in the Declaration of Independence, but we still celebrate the 4th...

None of you had any part in WW1 and WW2 -- but we still puff up our chest about if we were there fighting....

And don't get me started on how some folks still puff up their chest about the the point they can't even admit the Confederacy lost without trying to romanticize they were there....

So spare me the "but that was a long time ago" a wise man once said...."men seldom eulogize the wisdom and virtues of their fathers, but to excuse some folly or wickedness of their own."

What he means is......folks love to brag about shit that happened a long time ago --shit they played no part in -- but mainly when they are trying to excuse their own bullshit they are doing now....
Not making excuses for anyone.......

In fact, I am sure you are perfectly ok with a guy calling your wife or mother a **** all the problem...

Doesn't mean everyone else is as restrained as you....some folks have a "This aint the 1950's" attitude.....just make sure when you are out using the N-word like you keep that in mind...

Personally, if the worst that had happened to black folks was being called "the N-word" -- the N-word itself wouldn't have much significance....but I expect dic suckers like you to leave out that context
I don't use that word for the SOLE reason that it is hurtful and I am not always an asshole, even though everybody deserves no less.

That still does not answer the question as to why WHITE people are the only people who could use that word in a hurtful way.
If you didn't care what people thought of you then why wouldn't you just come out and say you were a racist rather than pretending and looking like a racist and a coward?
cause it isn't worth an effort to convice jonesing demofks of anything with regard to their true kkk selves.
This crap has got to stop.
Not to worry.

Just be patient. It WILL stop.

I chuckle when I hear Caucasian Social Justice warriors and African American / Hispanic activists moan about how horrible it is to live under "White supremacy."

Just wait until those morons' great-grandchildren have to endure "Black/Brown Supremacy."
The citizens shot in the streets of Chicago 2020-2021 amounted to a greater percent of the Chicago population than the people who died of Covid in the as a percent of the US population.

The percent of With Covid Deaths in the US resulted in nationwide shutdowns, closings, bankruptcies and misery of all sorts.

The shootings in Chicago, also increasing year over year, are really not a problem that needs to be addressed by the authorities in any draconian ways at all. In truth, no-cash bail seems to be the only discernible reaction.

We live in interesting times.
I don't use that word for the SOLE reason that it is hurtful and I am not always an asshole, even though everybody deserves no less.

That still does not answer the question as to why WHITE people are the only people who could use that word in a hurtful way.

I am sure there are hurtful ways other people can use that word too....I doubt Asians will get much of a pass for using that word....or anyone else...however, white folks (of the past) are the ones who decided to use that word as a way to dehumanize people.....

In fact...race as a concept was a creation of white folks (of the past) -- and it seems quite audacious and privileged to expect black folks to fix a problem they didn't folks didn't create a racial caste system and decided to base their whole identity on it, either...but I understand how blaming them warms the heart....

But since I only address POLICIES and the systems that implements those policies..I don't get caught up in the shit that triggers your fragile feels...
Slager’s 20-year sentence was one of the longest in recent memory for a police officer for an on-duty killing.

Slager pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights charge for shooting Scott in the back five times on April 4, 2015. Slager had pulled over the 50-year-old Black motorist for a broken brake light.

The shooting itself was captured on video, something Slager didn’t know when he initially told investigators that Scott had charged at him after stealing his Taser.

So you see, we don't even know how many black people have been murdered by cops because most of these murders are not caught on tape. The cop simply tells the boss that the black man went for his gun/taser.

He did go for his tazer. Didn't you watch the video?
None of you had any part in the Declaration of Independence, but we still celebrate the 4th...
And we don't celebrate slavery, etc. So, what's your point?
None of you had any part in WW1 and WW2 -- but we still puff up our chest about if we were there fighting....
And we don't puff out our chests and boast when we talk about slavery etc. So, what's your point?
And don't get me started on how some folks still puff up their chest about the the point they can't even admit the Confederacy lost without trying to romanticize they were there....
They could puff their chests out all day long about the Confederacy that they had no part in, and you would still have no point.
So spare me the "but that was a long time ago" a wise man once said...."men seldom eulogize the wisdom and virtues of their fathers, but to excuse some folly or wickedness of their own."
Who said it?

What wisdom and virtues are you referring to?

Is this some excuse you're now going to throw around to circumvent the constitutional amendment process?
What he means is......folks love to brag about shit that happened a long time ago --shit they played no part in -- but mainly when they are trying to excuse their own bullshit they are doing now....
What bullshit are we doing now?

How does bragging about the success of past generations make anyone personally responsible for their atrocities?

EXAMPLE: Lakers fans loved to brag about the success of Kobe Bryant. Did they also share in his rape guilt?
We're kindly allowing equality. And you still want more. Sorry, but it ain't happening.
Libs want super equality for black people because the left has not good explanation for black lack of achievement

They blame their troubles on white racism when the problem lays with blacks themselves

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