In the defense of white folks

In fact...race as a concept was a creation of white folks (of the past) -- and it seems quite audacious and privileged to expect black folks to fix a problem they didn't folks didn't create a racial caste system and decided to base their whole identity on it...
Similarly, it's quite audacious to expect white people to fix a problem they didn't create.

You can't blame white folks for black folks deciding to base their whole identity on a racial caste system that no longer exists.
Not to worry.

Just be patient. It WILL stop.

I chuckle when I hear Caucasian Social Justice warriors and African American / Hispanic activists moan about how horrible it is to live under "White supremacy."

Just wait until those morons' great-grandchildren have to endure "Black/Brown Supremacy."
Seeing as tho minorities have it really easy in this country -- I don't understand why some white folks like yourself are so scared to death of becoming one...

It's almost like you ain't strong enough to navigate living in a society where you are not the racial majority......
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I am sure there are hurtful ways other people can use that word too....I doubt Asians will get much of a pass for using that word....or anyone else...however, white folks (of the past) are the ones who decided to use that word as a way to dehumanize people.....

In fact...race as a concept was a creation of white folks (of the past) -- and it seems quite audacious and privileged to expect black folks to fix a problem they didn't folks didn't create a racial caste system and decided to base their whole identity on it, either...but I understand how blaming them warms the heart....

But since I only address POLICIES and the systems that implements those policies..I don't get caught up in the shit that triggers your fragile feels...

The word started somewhere. Probably something along the lines of a word to describe a color. In spanish, that same word means "black." But it's ok to say black, when talking about someone's race.
Black folks getting all triggered over a century old word is just being drama queens. Whining and crying about something blacks say ever day.

Way too dramatic, bro. In your own words, "y'all need to chill." It's just a word.
Just wait until those morons' great-grandchildren have to endure "Black/Brown Supremacy."
Done correctly, meaning minorities adopt and assimilate into white culture, the future could be bright for America

But not under diversity where minorities flounder in mediocrity
Similarly, it's quite audacious to expect white people to fix a problem they didn't create.

You can't blame white folks for black folks deciding to base their whole identity on a racial caste system that no longer exists.
When you folks whine about Deep State this, DemonRats that, Liberals this, Woke Left that -- are those problems you are whining bout??

And if they are...who are you expecting to fix it?? Venezuelan albinos?? or White folks??
So, why not have the estates of those who committed the atrocities and thefts be held responsible, and not me? No one in my family on both sides going back to the 1500s owned slaves, nor had any political power to institutionalize segregation or Jim Crow.
Some of those estates have been and are starting to be held accountable, why wouldn't you think America itself would not be a part of that?
The Government is the all the people. You cannot take from the all the people, almost all of whom had no part in past atrocities, to pay reparations to those who are no longer alive and therefore no longer in need of justice, to the wind-fall benefit of those who might be (but who likely are not) descendants of those who were wronged.
Well we can most certainly take from all the citizens to pay for the governments responsibilities. I think I've demonstrated that quite clearly with the Breonna Taylor example. Neither is the legal notion of beneficiaries and next of kins anything new. And that's ignoring that you completely dodged the fact that survivers of segregation and red-lining are very much alive. The only real argument you have (since I've shown the first two to be at odds with reality) is what remains in parentheses and I see no reason to believe it impossible to parse who is a descendant from American slavery and Jim Crow and who isn't. Slavers kept excellent records as you might expect a business to keep diligent records of its holdings today. In fact a lot ideas on how businesses manage workforces, track productivity and keep records were learned from plantation owners.
It's reversing historical conquest with contemporary conquest.
The glaring difference is this conquest will be peaceful and democratic.
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Seeing as tho minorities have it really easy in this country -- I don't understand why some white folks like yourself are so scared to death of becoming one...

It's almost like you strong enough to navigate living in a society where you are not the racial majority......

You still don't get it, do you? You're right about one thing, you "don't understand" that it's not about being afraid of anything. It's about equality.
When you folks whine about Deep State this, DemonRats that, Liberals this, Woke Left that -- are those problems you are whining bout??

And if they are...who are you expecting to fix it?? Venezuelan albinos?? or White folks??
I'm not sure you are making the point you think you are making.

Those are all symptoms of a bigger problem that I do expect all Americans to fix.
The word started somewhere. Probably something along the lines of a word to describe a color. In spanish, that same word means "black." But it's ok to say black, when talking about someone's race.
Black folks getting all triggered over a century old word is just being drama queens. Whining and crying about something blacks say ever day.

Way too dramatic, bro. In your own words, "y'all need to chill." It's just a word.
I like how you again avoided everything I said...

Who used the "N-word" as a slur to dehumanize people and thus make their oppression and brutalization justified??

Who allowed such a level of depravity to exist in a society that making post cards and ads mocking the practice of using black children as gator bait a marketing thing??


and has this ever been the case for white folks in this country??

There is a reason you keep dodging everything I say......

By the way....the progress that was made to correct such evil -- that was a progressive movement....Conservatives have been opposed to every emancipation effort made in this country by historically oppressed folks...womens' rights, gay rights, etc....

As willfully as you try to minimize this; lets me know that if you were around back damn sure wouldn't have been on the "progress" side.....because if simply talking about history honestly makes you this uncomfortable and dishonest -- just imagine what doing something about it would make you....
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Liberals and black folks trying to paint me with the same brush they painted slave owners with.

Tell us what part of the Black LIES Matter message you support
I've asked him to provide the amount of money BLM has assisted the black population with. All I'm aware of them destruction of the cities where the blacks actually live.
I'm not sure you are making the point you think you are making.

Those are all symptoms of a bigger problem that I do expect all Americans to fix.
What bigger problem is that?

I was under the impression there were no problems to fix.....not problems that "all Americans" are required to fix...

If you are having any is your own fault...correct?

Which does seem kind of odd...since a large segment of this message board seems to be predicated on "problems Democrats or Liberals" created
Liberals and black folks trying to paint me with the same brush they painted slave owners with.

Whining to yourself don't hide the fact that you are still avoiding everything I said.....

Don't type random shit -- address what has been said
I like how you again avoided everything I said...

Who used the "N-word" as a slur to dehumanize people and thus make their oppression and brutalization justified??

Who allowed such a level of depravity to exist in a society that making post cards and ads mocking the practice of using black children as gator bait a marketing thing??

View attachment 572887

and has this ever been the case for white folks in this country??

There is a reason you keep dodging everything I say......

By the way....the progress that was made to correct such evil -- that was a progressive movement....Conservatives have been opposed to every emancipation effort made in this country by historically oppressed minorities...

As willfully as you try to minimize this; lets me know that if you were around back damn sure wouldn't have been on the "progress" side.....because if simply talking about history honestly makes you this uncomfortable and dishonest -- just imagine what doing something about it would make you....
you never heard of polish jokes right?
We understand what correlates mean. And the way Lisa558 used it is correct.
BTW, EVERYONE noticed how you dodged her point, changed the subject to a false grammar error. Which wasn't an error at all.
I wasn't correcting her grammar you moron. I was pointing out to her that correlation isn't causation and invited her to elaborate further. Has she?
Care to address her point?
I will when she makes one that isn't simply pointing to what could be a coincidence or a symptom of wealth disparity and not a cause of it.
Those are many many decades (almost 6) old.
Blacks are free to not commit crime. They're free to get a lot of college tuition paid for by race based grants, low interest college loans, and organizations that will pay for their college. Plus social welfare that'll help them get through college. And there's a TON of blacks doing just that.
So what about the "du nuffins" who'd rather bitch and whine about being oppressed? That's the point of all this.
And yet studies still prove that the wealth gap disparity still helps to produce disproportionate outcomes.
The facts are, black racist and race hustlers are trying to push some narrative that all whites are racist. That we're still oppressing them, even with all the race based help that's ONLY afforded to blacks.
And white's aren't allowed to do anything about it. Even when whites make up 60% of the population and blacks make up only 12% of the population.
I don't think all whites are racist. I think you clearly are.
We're kindly allowing equality. And you still want more. Sorry, but it ain't happening. If this keeps up, enough whites are going to get sick of being falsely accused of being racist, and put a stop to it all.
You aren't allowing shit cuck boy. Maybe in your cuck boy fantasies you think you and your cuck friends could put a stop to something but you can't. You cosplaying cucks thought storming the Capitol and taking selfies would Stop The Steal but it did no such thing. You hang on to that dream though little cuck. Every little boy should have one. Lol.
Stop the race base groups. Stop the race based organizations. Stop the race base monetary funding.
No cuck. Now what? Lol
That would be equality. Do the blacks really want to keep pushing? I'd say the decent black folks don't want to. In fact, there's many that wished these race hustlers would just STFU and stop complaining.
I do want to push you and your cuck friends around. Politically and culturally of course. You can't win debates because facts aren't on your side and you can't win a violent conflict because if you start one, you'll be put down like rapid dogs. The only choice you have to is to wither away and die in shame.
Who used the "N-word" as a slur to dehumanize people and thus make their oppression and brutalization justified??

Who allowed such a level of depravity to exist in a society that making post cards and ads mocking the practice of using black children as gator bait a marketing thing??
Not me.

Libs want super equality for black people because the left has not good explanation for black lack of achievement

They blame their troubles on white racism when the problem lays with blacks themselves

That is the truth and funny.

My neighbors and I were sitting in the backyard last summer. Nice and peaceful. Then some black guy on a motorcycle stops at the light in front of my house with that jungle music blaring so loud it could be heard over 5 houses away. When he finally left I turned to my neighbors and said "But the reason we don't want them in our neighborhood is because the color of their skin." They bust out laughing.
Why do you folks treat equality like oppression so much then??

And by the way.....if you folks think minorities have had it so easy in this country -- why are you so scared to death of becoming one??
Poverty has become an industry and has been for many years.

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