In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

...and eliminating the debt ceiling is declaring we are now free to spend as much as we want because we are not hindered by any limit we can borrow to pay that amount back. Limiting the amount you can borrow also limits the amount you can spend. Congress just gave itself an unlimited credit card limit...which Libs are saying will result in a SMALLER BILL.
It reduces the deficit and puts our government on sound footing

Our deficit has dropped from $1.4 trillion a year to under 400 billion in the last six years

You are SO full of Shi'ite! How does doing away with the debt ceiling, that limits the amount of new debt Congress can add, REDUCE Government spending? You raise - or eliminate - the debt ceiling if you either plan to add more debt than that ceiling or do not want to be encumbered with a LIMIT

And we have NOT lowered our DEFICIT. Out Deficit is something like $18 TRILLION and growing. What has been lowered, SINCE Obama added $7 Trillion in 4 years and caused the 1st-ever US Credit Rating Down-grade, has been the lowering of the ANNUAL (BUDGET) DEFICIT. It's like when Liberals say, 'We've balanced the budget' when they really mean THIS YEAR we are actually not spending more than we are collecting in taxes - we are spending ever damn dime of it and are not really trying hard to reduce our national debt, but at least we're not adding more this year....when the INTEREST alone on the money we already owe is about 100% GDP!

If Congress wants to impress me, not only reinstate a Debt Ceiling but also pass a Balanced Budget Amendment that FORCES them to keep spending within the limits of what we collect in taxes WHILE making a serious effort to pay off our debt.

The announcement that the Debt Ceiling is Gone is a declaration to Americans to bend over and grab their ankles because 'here comes the deficit spending',

there ya go, make I up as you go along !!! LMAO

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

key word "existing" ... aka money that's been spent... NO NEW SPENDING COMMITMENTS...

confusing ain't it morons ?

Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

...and eliminating the debt ceiling is declaring we are now free to spend as much as we want because we are not hindered by any limit we can borrow to pay that amount back. Limiting the amount you can borrow also limits the amount you can spend. Congress just gave itself an unlimited credit card limit...which Libs are saying will result in a SMALLER BILL.

can't read or can't comprehend what you read ?

which one is it ?
It reduces the deficit and puts our government on sound footing

Our deficit has dropped from $1.4 trillion a year to under 400 billion in the last six years

You are SO full of Shi'ite! How does doing away with the debt ceiling, that limits the amount of new debt Congress can add, REDUCE Government spending? You raise - or eliminate - the debt ceiling if you either plan to add more debt than that ceiling or do not want to be encumbered with a LIMIT

And we have NOT lowered our DEFICIT. Out Deficit is something like $18 TRILLION and growing. What has been lowered, SINCE Obama added $7 Trillion in 4 years and caused the 1st-ever US Credit Rating Down-grade, has been the lowering of the ANNUAL (BUDGET) DEFICIT. It's like when Liberals say, 'We've balanced the budget' when they really mean THIS YEAR we are actually not spending more than we are collecting in taxes - we are spending ever damn dime of it and are not really trying hard to reduce our national debt, but at least we're not adding more this year....when the INTEREST alone on the money we already owe is about 100% GDP!

If Congress wants to impress me, not only reinstate a Debt Ceiling but also pass a Balanced Budget Amendment that FORCES them to keep spending within the limits of what we collect in taxes WHILE making a serious effort to pay off our debt.

The announcement that the Debt Ceiling is Gone is a declaration to Americans to bend over and grab their ankles because 'here comes the deficit spending',

there ya go, make I up as you go along !!! LMAO

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

key word "existing" ... aka money that's been spent... NO NEW SPENDING COMMITMENTS...

confusing ain't it morons ?

Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?


Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit. Since 1960, Congress has acted 78 separate times to permanently raise, temporarily extend, or revise the definition of the debt limit – 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 times under Democratic presidents.

just the facts children ..
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?
Republicans LOVE to preach about " personal responsibility " and " fiscal responsibility " EXCEPT when it comes time for THEM to PAY for the things they did ... such as starting TWO wars and putting them on the nations credit card because they REFUSE TO PAY TAXES.

Republicans are guilty of SEDITION for undermining the ability of the country to pay it's bills.

Republicans are hypocritical deadbeats who tell everyone else to pay their bills but refuse to pay the bills THEY make.

This "government has to pay its bills" is a dishonest lie talking point. You don't increase spending $100 billion then claim oh we have to pay our bills. That's like borrowing money to buy a big ass boat then when your wife complains telling her hey we got to pay our bills.
You comment makes no sense whatsoever and bears no similarity to the Republicans refusing to pay taxes to pay the bills they made with their two unfunded wars.
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?

the weakness of our economy is the fault of the right which refused to raise revenue and invest in public works and infrastructure to bolster it after baby bush's crash.
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?

the weakness of our economy is the fault of the right which refused to raise revenue and invest in public works and infrastructure to bolster it after baby bush's crash.
No, the weakness of our economy is because our public-private debt exceeded 275% of GDP in the year 2000.
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?

the weakness of our economy is the fault of the right which refused to raise revenue and invest in public works and infrastructure to bolster it after baby bush's crash.
No, the weakness of our economy is because our public-private debt exceeded 275% of GDP in the year 2000.

in fantasy land.
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?

the weakness of our economy is the fault of the right which refused to raise revenue and invest in public works and infrastructure to bolster it after baby bush's crash.
No, the weakness of our economy is because our public-private debt exceeded 275% of GDP in the year 2000.

in fantasy land.
No, it's fact.

Public-private debt hit the magic 275% line in 2000. LFPR has been declining ever since.

Not a coincidence.

U.S. government debt now stands at 103% of GDP. If private debt is included, the ratio climbs to about 370% of GDP. Scholarly studies indicate that real per capita GDP growth should slow by about one-quarter to one-third from the long-run trend when the total debt-to-GDP ratio rises into the range between 250% and 275%. Since surpassing this level in the late 1990s, real per capita GDP has grown just 1% per annum, much less than the 1.9% pace from 1790 to 1999.

These results indicate that the relationship between debt and economic growth is non-linear, or progressively negative, as debt advances to higher levels, a pattern confirmed by academic research (Chart 2). The latest information further supports this relationship. The current expansion began in 2009, and since then real per capita GDP growth has been 1.3%, less than half the 2.7% average growth in all expansions from 1790 to 1999.
With out a google, or even with one. Could the bashers of Chrsitians please tell me of any charity that helps anyone of any religion that is driven by Islam or Judaism. Please, cause off the top of my head I bet I could name 10 driven by Christians.
Public-private debt hit the magic 275% line in 2000. LFPR has been declining ever since.

Not a coincidence.


Your graph clearly shows the predicted results of Clinton's trade agreements. He screwed the country more then he did Monica.
It reduces the deficit and puts our government on sound footing

Our deficit has dropped from $1.4 trillion a year to under 400 billion in the last six years

You are SO full of Shi'ite! How does doing away with the debt ceiling, that limits the amount of new debt Congress can add, REDUCE Government spending? You raise - or eliminate - the debt ceiling if you either plan to add more debt than that ceiling or do not want to be encumbered with a LIMIT

And we have NOT lowered our DEFICIT. Out Deficit is something like $18 TRILLION and growing. What has been lowered, SINCE Obama added $7 Trillion in 4 years and caused the 1st-ever US Credit Rating Down-grade, has been the lowering of the ANNUAL (BUDGET) DEFICIT. It's like when Liberals say, 'We've balanced the budget' when they really mean THIS YEAR we are actually not spending more than we are collecting in taxes - we are spending ever damn dime of it and are not really trying hard to reduce our national debt, but at least we're not adding more this year....when the INTEREST alone on the money we already owe is about 100% GDP!

If Congress wants to impress me, not only reinstate a Debt Ceiling but also pass a Balanced Budget Amendment that FORCES them to keep spending within the limits of what we collect in taxes WHILE making a serious effort to pay off our debt.

The announcement that the Debt Ceiling is Gone is a declaration to Americans to bend over and grab their ankles because 'here comes the deficit spending',

there ya go, make I up as you go along !!! LMAO

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

key word "existing" ... aka money that's been spent... NO NEW SPENDING COMMITMENTS...

confusing ain't it morons ?

Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?


Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

With out a google, or even with one. Could the bashers of Chrsitians please tell me of any charity that helps anyone of any religion that is driven by Islam or Judaism. Please, cause off the top of my head I bet I could name 10 driven by Christians.
Could you possibly start a thread about that instead of attempting to derail this one? If it's that important to you, I mean. If it's just an attempt to derail, never mind.
It reduces the deficit and puts our government on sound footing

Our deficit has dropped from $1.4 trillion a year to under 400 billion in the last six years

You are SO full of Shi'ite! How does doing away with the debt ceiling, that limits the amount of new debt Congress can add, REDUCE Government spending? You raise - or eliminate - the debt ceiling if you either plan to add more debt than that ceiling or do not want to be encumbered with a LIMIT

And we have NOT lowered our DEFICIT. Out Deficit is something like $18 TRILLION and growing. What has been lowered, SINCE Obama added $7 Trillion in 4 years and caused the 1st-ever US Credit Rating Down-grade, has been the lowering of the ANNUAL (BUDGET) DEFICIT. It's like when Liberals say, 'We've balanced the budget' when they really mean THIS YEAR we are actually not spending more than we are collecting in taxes - we are spending ever damn dime of it and are not really trying hard to reduce our national debt, but at least we're not adding more this year....when the INTEREST alone on the money we already owe is about 100% GDP!

If Congress wants to impress me, not only reinstate a Debt Ceiling but also pass a Balanced Budget Amendment that FORCES them to keep spending within the limits of what we collect in taxes WHILE making a serious effort to pay off our debt.

The announcement that the Debt Ceiling is Gone is a declaration to Americans to bend over and grab their ankles because 'here comes the deficit spending',

there ya go, make I up as you go along !!! LMAO

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

key word "existing" ... aka money that's been spent... NO NEW SPENDING COMMITMENTS...

confusing ain't it morons ?

Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?


Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically

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