In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

They did their jobs!!! Good for them.

What do you want? To shut it down!!!

Repeal the tax cuts and force Obama to pull our troops out of the middle east. That would solve our debt problems.
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .


Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .


Everything is unconstitutional to our anarchists

No court in 200 years agree with them
Well the GOP establishment is going to get what it deserves, conservatives will sit out the 2016 election and punish the GOP with a president Hillary for 4 years. If they thought Obama was bad they have no idea the pain and suffering they are in for.

I kindly disagree. The Establishment Republicans, the ones I think Jake must support, would love to have Mrs Clinton as president. That way they can blame her for all their mistakes. The Republican establishment does not want to lead they are pure and simply goats following the Judas goat.
You are SO full of Shi'ite! How does doing away with the debt ceiling, that limits the amount of new debt Congress can add, REDUCE Government spending? You raise - or eliminate - the debt ceiling if you either plan to add more debt than that ceiling or do not want to be encumbered with a LIMIT

And we have NOT lowered our DEFICIT. Out Deficit is something like $18 TRILLION and growing. What has been lowered, SINCE Obama added $7 Trillion in 4 years and caused the 1st-ever US Credit Rating Down-grade, has been the lowering of the ANNUAL (BUDGET) DEFICIT. It's like when Liberals say, 'We've balanced the budget' when they really mean THIS YEAR we are actually not spending more than we are collecting in taxes - we are spending ever damn dime of it and are not really trying hard to reduce our national debt, but at least we're not adding more this year....when the INTEREST alone on the money we already owe is about 100% GDP!

If Congress wants to impress me, not only reinstate a Debt Ceiling but also pass a Balanced Budget Amendment that FORCES them to keep spending within the limits of what we collect in taxes WHILE making a serious effort to pay off our debt.

The announcement that the Debt Ceiling is Gone is a declaration to Americans to bend over and grab their ankles because 'here comes the deficit spending',

there ya go, make I up as you go along !!! LMAO

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

key word "existing" ... aka money that's been spent... NO NEW SPENDING COMMITMENTS...

confusing ain't it morons ?

Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?


Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically


The national debt became a fpermanent fixture after the US became a welfare/warfare state circa, 1914 during scumbag Woodrow Wilson's administration.

Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .


Everything is unconstitutional to our anarchists

No court in 200 years agree with them

Everything is Constitutional to the fascist/socialist axis of evil.

In 1935 when SCOTUS began declaring FDR fascist revolution illegal the scumbag threatened to abolish the Court.

Fuck you.

Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .



It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.

there ya go, make I up as you go along !!! LMAO

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

key word "existing" ... aka money that's been spent... NO NEW SPENDING COMMITMENTS...

confusing ain't it morons ?

Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?


Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically


The national debt became a fpermanent fixture after the US became a welfare/warfare state circa, 1914 during scumbag Woodrow Wilson's administration.


What was our national debt at the founding of our country in 1790?
We had a negligible GDP yet carried a massive debt. Our founding fathers never objected to borrowing money
Our country was founded on debt
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .


Everything is unconstitutional to our anarchists

No court in 200 years agree with them

Everything is Constitutional to the fascist/socialist axis of evil.

In 1935 when SCOTUS began declaring FDR fascist revolution illegal the scumbag threatened to abolish the Court.

Fuck you.


No. You and your cabal of rightwingnuts extremists aren't the ones to determine that.
It is your wars and tax breaks that caused 85% of this debt. You can only blame yourselfs republicans...

Yet, you want to gut this country and turn it into a third world shit hole. Thankfully, enough of our leaders are making sure that doesn't happen.
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .


Everything is unconstitutional to our anarchists

No court in 200 years agree with them

Everything is Constitutional to the fascist/socialist axis of evil.

In 1935 when SCOTUS began declaring FDR fascist revolution illegal the scumbag threatened to abolish the Court.

Fuck you.

SCOTUS is constitutional.....once again, you lose

We the People have ignored your rants
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

No, its what the government wants to do.... not need

It is your wars and tax breaks that caused 85% of this debt. You can only blame yourselfs republicans...

Yet, you want to gut this country and turn it into a third world shit hole. Thankfully, enough of our leaders are making sure that doesn't happen.

What they want is what Grover Norquist said: they want to starve government so they can drown it in a bathtub. That way the federal government can't make them abide by federal law. Then they can put up the signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no Jews, no gays".
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

No, its what the government wants to do.... not need


The government is charged with acting for the general welfare, not the general "need". But thanks.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .



It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.


Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.

Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .


Everything is unconstitutional to our anarchists

No court in 200 years agree with them

Everything is Constitutional to the fascist/socialist axis of evil.

In 1935 when SCOTUS began declaring FDR fascist revolution illegal the scumbag threatened to abolish the Court.

Fuck you.

Btw, loon, FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He threatened to add more judges -- which he never did. It's time to stop whining. Social security is probably one of the best things ever done in this country. Before its enactment, over 50% of our elderly lived in poverty.

Why you losers think making life better for people is a bad thing is incomprehensible.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

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