In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!

Bush caused the 2008 economic depression.

Having hit rock bottom the economy had ONLY one place to go UP - so the fact that the economy is improving has NOTHING to do with Obama managerial skills.

The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

Liberals say the crash started the LAST 2 YEARS OF BUSH'S TERM IN OFFICE.

In Bush's 1st 6 years only $1.5 Trillion in new debt was added. In his last 2 years $2.5 Trillion was added, $1 trillion more than Bush's 1st 6 years in office.....and the Democrats controlled spending those last 2 years - the 2 years during which Liberals say the economy started going down.

Don't chicken out now, g5000 - you made a great point. Stick with it!

Either Congress controls the spending or not, and whoever controls Congress controls the spending....unless you're saying that only counts when there is a Liberal President?!
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the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!

no one said that loony toon.

don't put words in my mouth. you aren't smart enough.
Bush caused the 2008 economic depression.

Having hit rock bottom the economy had ONLY one place to go UP - so the fact that the economy is improving has NOTHING to do with Obama managerial skills.


'Bush' added $1.5 Trillion in new debt in 6 years - with 9/11 and 2 wars. In 2008 and 2009, DEMOCRATS who controlled Congress/federal Spending added $2.5 Trillion in New Debt THOSE LAST 2 YEARS. In the 4 years that followed that (during 2 of which Obama and the democrats controlled government) $7 Trillion was added. Are you saying that ADDING $7 TRILLION in 4 years was 'GOING UP'?
I had a framed slogan on the credenza behind my desk in my office that read ...

So does "drawdown from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve" mean congress is now using this as a slush fund and they are going to sell off some oil?
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!

Bush caused the 2008 economic depression.

Having hit rock bottom the economy had ONLY one place to go UP - so the fact that the economy is improving has NOTHING to do with Obama managerial skills.


No the Democratic party caused most of that, FACT!
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.
To sum it up, we are paying debt with more debt... Make sense??
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
You had better embrace the suck there is only more to come, much more.

I am embracing the suck, the sooner we hit rock bottom the better...
Bush caused the 2008 economic depression.

Bush; Clinton; Gordon Brown; the Republicans; the Democrats; Wall Street; the City of London; the governments of Ireland, Iceland, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and Scotland, and Italy; the ratings agencies; city treasurers all around the globe; Alan Greenspan; every pension fund manager; the SEC; the OCC; and a cast of tens of millions of borrowers all over the world caused the global economic crash.
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?
Republicans LOVE to preach about " personal responsibility " and " fiscal responsibility " EXCEPT when it comes time for THEM to PAY for the things they did ... such as starting TWO wars and putting them on the nations credit card because they REFUSE TO PAY TAXES.

Republicans are guilty of SEDITION for undermining the ability of the country to pay it's bills.

Republicans are hypocritical deadbeats who tell everyone else to pay their bills but refuse to pay the bills THEY make.
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?
Republicans LOVE to preach about " personal responsibility " and " fiscal responsibility " EXCEPT when it comes time for THEM to PAY for the things they did ... such as starting TWO wars and putting them on the nations credit card because they REFUSE TO PAY TAXES.

Republicans are guilty of SEDITION for undermining the ability of the country to pay it's bills.

Republicans are hypocritical deadbeats who tell everyone else to pay their bills but refuse to pay the bills THEY make.

This "government has to pay its bills" is a dishonest lie talking point. You don't increase spending $100 billion then claim oh we have to pay our bills. That's like borrowing money to buy a big ass boat then when your wife complains telling her hey we got to pay our bills.
Well the GOP establishment is going to get what it deserves, conservatives will sit out the 2016 election and punish the GOP with a president Hillary for 4 years. If they thought Obama was bad they have no idea the pain and suffering they are in for.
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?
Republicans LOVE to preach about " personal responsibility " and " fiscal responsibility " EXCEPT when it comes time for THEM to PAY for the things they did ... such as starting TWO wars and putting them on the nations credit card because they REFUSE TO PAY TAXES.

Republicans are guilty of SEDITION for undermining the ability of the country to pay it's bills.

Republicans are hypocritical deadbeats who tell everyone else to pay their bills but refuse to pay the bills THEY make.

YUP ... they also insist they can run a successful economy and stable country in one breath, and in another breath insist we shut down the entire country so the government will fail ...

truth be known, they have no idea wtf they really want,
Bush caused the 2008 economic depression.

Having hit rock bottom the economy had ONLY one place to go UP - so the fact that the economy is improving has NOTHING to do with Obama managerial skills.


'Bush' added $1.5 Trillion in new debt in 6 years - with 9/11 and 2 wars. In 2008 and 2009, DEMOCRATS who controlled Congress/federal Spending added $2.5 Trillion in New Debt THOSE LAST 2 YEARS. In the 4 years that followed that (during 2 of which Obama and the democrats controlled government) $7 Trillion was added. Are you saying that ADDING $7 TRILLION in 4 years was 'GOING UP'?


The addition of "money" into the economy by the Federal Reserve Board did not make the economy go up.
The deal gets rid of the ridiculous sequester and allows the government to function again

Like any good deal, neither side gets everything they wanted
"Are you saying that ADDING $7 TRILLION in 4 years was 'GOING UP'?"

The addition of "money" into the economy by the Federal Reserve Board did not make the economy go up.
- Are you saying the Federal Reserve PRINTING MONEY LIKE TOILET PAPER is the 'addition of 'money' into the economy? 'Money' is earned or created through work/commerce and added to the economy as part of commerce. Printing more 'bills' / 'currency' and flowing the public is not really 'adding MONEY to the economy.

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