In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

Get our military out of the middle east
Do away with Bush tax cuts...All of them
Push more people that are capable into work...

Keep our investments that strengthen our economy and help us pay it down.

The idea of austerity across the board is retarded.

The way to have stimulated the economy should have been a huge jobs project. We needed people working on our infrastructure. But the lions blocked every effort to stimulate economic growth in their continued effort to thwart the president.

Then they shriek and moan that the economy didn't grow fast enough.

But they'll spend trillions to blow stuff up.
More Gov't........more Gov't...........more Gov't the battle cry of Liberal Idiots.

So you hate investment? Better then more war and rewards for the very people that offshore most of our jobs.

The Corp tax policies are keeping Investment capital away from our country.............They are hoarding money overseas and to our North..............They are Inverting to keep from paying the high Corp taxes here..................And I'm talking about them hording money in 3rd world shit holes................I'm talking about countries like Canada, Ireland and the UK...........

There corp taxes are 12% not 35%....................and you wonder why they are leaving...........Your an idiot..............More Gov't spending will only increase our debt and the interest on the same................unless you are a FOOL.
We're spending the least on infrastructure since the early 90's

Reagan had more government jobs!!!!

Think about that.

What you want is a unregulated 19th century hell on earth for anyone besides the top.
What I want is for us to live within our means....................and stop debasing the currency of the United States...................

That path historically leads to one ending..........and it is not good for us...............You live in a dream world..............ignoring the path is wrong............
Congress passed a budget

First time in a decade that they have done their job
Congress passed a budget

First time in a decade that they have done their job
They passed a Continuing Resolution...........................which is the norm because they refuse to do it as prescribed by the Constitution and rules of budgets.......................

They have allowed money to spent on new laws without limits......................That was the purpose of the ceiling.............

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .



It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.


Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.


Who cares what one winger justice said? His opinion means as much as yours --which is to say not at all.

I fully understand that from your standpointt the parasitic majority can easily overrule the Constitution, the Taxpayers and the producers.

Hopefully soon they will decide to use bullets instead of votes.


1. I'm going to guess I pay way more in taxes than you do.
2. I vote. And way more people think like me than they do your lunatic fringe.
3. You wouldn't know what was constitutional if it bit you.
4. If the court says it is constitutional, it is, by definition, constitutional.
5. Bullets? Neo-confederate insurrectionists are treasonous and should be jailed if you use bullets.

You want to talk about constitutional, freak? Raising arms against your government is treason and that is the only criminal act defined in the constitution. If you have a problem with that, live elsewhere.

In any given society the parasites, the gimmes, will always outnumber the taxpayers and the producers.

Sooner or later that segment of the population who is financially supporting your ass will realize that voting is an exercise in futility. Romney discovered the 47% parasitic voting bloc.

I believe that they then will seriously consider


So , If I were you I would seriously consider learning a marketable skill.

80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
We have the strongest economy on the planet

Which went belly up in 1935 and in 2008. I suspect next time around it will not recover, There is no way that 40% of the population can support the other 60% and its numerous wars.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
We have the strongest economy on the planet

Which went belly up in 1935 and in 2008. I suspect next time around it will not recover, There is no way that 40% of the population can support the other 60% and its numerous wars.

We have the strongest economy on the planet
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
We have the strongest economy on the planet

Which went belly up in 1935 and in 2008. I suspect next time around it will not recover, There is no way that 40% of the population can support the other 60% and its numerous wars.

We have the strongest economy on the planet

I believe Aerosmith wrote a song with you and Princess Jill in mind.
It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.


Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.


Who cares what one winger justice said? His opinion means as much as yours --which is to say not at all.

I fully understand that from your standpointt the parasitic majority can easily overrule the Constitution, the Taxpayers and the producers.

Hopefully soon they will decide to use bullets instead of votes.


1. I'm going to guess I pay way more in taxes than you do.
2. I vote. And way more people think like me than they do your lunatic fringe.
3. You wouldn't know what was constitutional if it bit you.
4. If the court says it is constitutional, it is, by definition, constitutional.
5. Bullets? Neo-confederate insurrectionists are treasonous and should be jailed if you use bullets.

You want to talk about constitutional, freak? Raising arms against your government is treason and that is the only criminal act defined in the constitution. If you have a problem with that, live elsewhere.

In any given society the parasites, the gimmes, will always outnumber the taxpayers and the producers.

Sooner or later that segment of the population who is financially supporting your ass will realize that voting is an exercise in futility. Romney discovered the 47% parasitic voting bloc.

I believe that they then will seriously consid


i have a profession. that's why i pay more taxes than you.

the 2nd amendment until wacky scalia decided otherwise was never for a personal right of gun ownership. it was for a well-regulated militia to DEFEND the government not fight against it. why do you think the only criminal act defined in the constitution was treason?

that's what happens when know-nothings like you pretend you know what the constitution says/means.

like i said... net-confederate insurrectionists who hate this country should probably find somewhere else to live.
Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.


Who cares what one winger justice said? His opinion means as much as yours --which is to say not at all.

I fully understand that from your standpointt the parasitic majority can easily overrule the Constitution, the Taxpayers and the producers.

Hopefully soon they will decide to use bullets instead of votes.


1. I'm going to guess I pay way more in taxes than you do.
2. I vote. And way more people think like me than they do your lunatic fringe.
3. You wouldn't know what was constitutional if it bit you.
4. If the court says it is constitutional, it is, by definition, constitutional.
5. Bullets? Neo-confederate insurrectionists are treasonous and should be jailed if you use bullets.

You want to talk about constitutional, freak? Raising arms against your government is treason and that is the only criminal act defined in the constitution. If you have a problem with that, live elsewhere.

In any given society the parasites, the gimmes, will always outnumber the taxpayers and the producers.

Sooner or later that segment of the population who is financially supporting your ass will realize that voting is an exercise in futility. Romney discovered the 47% parasitic voting bloc.

I believe that they then will seriously consid


i have a profession. that's why i pay more taxes than you.

the 2nd amendment until wacky scalia decided otherwise was never for a personal right of gun ownership. it was for a well-regulated militia to DEFEND the government not fight against it. why do you think the only criminal act defined in the constitution was treason?

that's what happens when know-nothings like you pretend you know what the constitution says/means.

like i said... net-confederate insurrectionists who hate this country should probably find somewhere else to live.


From your standpoint you can confiscate my property , my "income" and I have no right to stand my ground - no right to protect my right to life, liberty , property and to pursue happiness.

The parasitic majority can dispose of my rights with impunity.


Even if SCOTUS had ruled the other way Americans would have purchased firearms in the blackmarket. Just like they do their heroin, cocaine, marihuana.

Thank god for the Mexican Drug Cartels, and the blackmarket in general . Not even the KGB could suppress it.

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