In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

In fairness, Americans are far more likely to be harmed by an average brutal criminal, than by an Islamic Terrorist. Just look at what happens in Chicago on an average weekend. They experience a 'Brussels' just about every week.

So while i think the President's comments were infantile and insensitive, there is some credibility in what he meant. We need to be very careful overreacting to these things. We don't need to beg Big Brother to take more of our rights away. He's already done enough of that. So let's not panic.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Aren't appeals to emotion fallacies fun?

Playing on raw emotions is a staple for Liberals.

- 'Never let a crisis go to waste'.

- That's why Obama and liberals roll into mass shootings, for example, 'while the iron is hot', why the emotions are raw, to push B$ / agendas while people are pissed, not thinking rationally yet, and are demanding something be done. "More gun control!" - demanded by Liberals when the attacks are happening in places that already have the most restrictive gun laws than most around the country and happening in 'gun-free' zones'.

Of course let a terrorist to whom Obama handed a Visa enter the country and Kill 12 Americans while he mocks Americans' concern for our national security and safety, and all of a sudden he is trying to slam the lid down all the emotion, downplay the event, and minimize it as 'nothing to see here / worry about'.
You're all aware that if you're muslim you're far more likely to be killed by ISIS than if you're not?

The anti-Muslim bigots never shit their pants over the tens of thousands of Muslims killed by the terrorists ever year. That just doesn't fit their narrative at all.

And besides, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim in their book anyway.

What I struggle with is the math. Just how much more important is a western life than a middle eastern one. Excluding Israelis who are allowed to kill people because they're afraid. Is 100 dead Iraqis worth 2 dead americans?

Think about the democrat reply to the ME. Mrs Tulza Clinton brags that NOT ONE American life was lost in Libya. Which means that they only killed brown people. So what is her ratio? The left brags about how Obama's predator program only kills the enemy, brown people chosen by Obama. What is his ratio?
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

Why do you think the two are mutually exclusive? Of all the DNC talking points this has to be one of the weakest.
I never hear you bigots getting all worked up over the tens of thousands of Muslims being killed by terrorists. You don't start topic after topic after topic about it when they are being killed.

No, you do quite the opposite. You insist we not take in the refugees who are fleeing certain death at the hands of the terrorists. Thus your true nature is revealed.

So they are most certainly mutually exclusive when it comes to you anti-Muslim bigots.
might be able to feel a bit more compassion for the refugees if not for the already 14million illegals from South America we already have to deal with.
Obama has killed at least 100 times as many ISIS as ISIS has killed Americans. Probably far more than that.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed. You want to perpetuate an "all muzlimz r killerz" meme.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels.

Tell that to the 3,833 homicide victims in America.

Aren't appeals to emotion fallacies fun?

yes, they are. why don't any democrats give a shit about the rampant murder in our central cities? Democrats have controlled Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, and others for years, why haven't they fixed the murder problems?
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Were either of them done in the name of Allah?
I can't stand Obama and will be happy when he's out of office....
But I can't believe he would say something as dumb as this.....
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Because they are being motivated and indoctrinated to kill in the name of islam. The assholes in Colorado and SC did not scream "jesus saves" as they murdered people.

it amazes me that you libs cannot see the reality that is radical islam.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels.

Tell that to the 3,833 homicide victims in America.

Aren't appeals to emotion fallacies fun?

yes, they are.
They are a logical fallacy.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Were either of them done in the name of Allah?
They were done in the name of God.
How should he address it? What's your solution?
In the wake of a massive terrorist attack, with An American family caught in the terrorist attack - some in the hospital, the mother still missing, and worried family members....

How about being pissed, showing some emotion - like you give a damn....
How about NOT making a dumbass comment immediately after the attack - minimizing what happened, the impact, and seemingly telling those injured/missing/grieving that terrorism / Islamic extremists are nothing to worry about - by saying something about about slipping in a friggin' bathtub?!

What many people just heard Obama say is basically, "Yeah, there was another terrorist attack, Americans are hurt and missing, but shit happens, it's not that big of a deal - more people die from slipping in a bath tub.'



You do know that you made a comment about black on black crime, right? I literally quoted what you said. I can't hold your hand the entire time.
You're all aware that if you're muslim you're far more likely to be killed by ISIS than if you're not?

The anti-Muslim bigots never shit their pants over the tens of thousands of Muslims killed by the terrorists ever year. That just doesn't fit their narrative at all.

And besides, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim in their book anyway.

where are the "good muslims" on this? why haven't the "good mullahs" stood up against the radicals? why haven't the good muslims denounced the radicals and helped destroy them?
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

Man up.

FFS!! There were only 2,400 killed at Pearl Harbor! What the fuck was wrong with us that we declared war on the Japanese!!! We should go drink pee pee or something, right, g?
tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Were either of them done in the name of Allah?
They were done in the name of God.

a complete fabrication. you are delusional
They were done in the name of God.
Good grief...

Wrong. The SC church attack was motivated by racism not by God. The shooter said so. He went in, sat down...and he said the people were so nice - not like he had been told / made to believe - that he actually thought about NOT doing it....
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

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