In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

G, once again, is trying to channel' Saul Alynski and divert the conversation away from Obama's latest Islamic Extremist sympathizing F* up... You have to forgive him - it's what he does.
Obama was correct. You pants shitters allow your fear to control you. You are curled up in the fetal position, sucking your thumbs. Right where ISIS wants you.

The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

you are correct, not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims. piss around that fact all you want, you cannot change it.
The South Carolina terrorist and the Colorado terrorist were both Christians.

Piss around that fact all you want, you cannot change it.

what exactly do you think that proves? Yes, there are assholes and crazy people in every religion, but only one religion teaches its followers to murder all who do not practice that religion. Islamic terrorists are following the teachings of their religion, maybe to an extreme, but they are doing what the Koran tells them to do.
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?
The terrorists are bombing public places. Yes. Especially in the Middle East.

Your point, pants shitter?
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.

Ever. Unless it is in Israel.

You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


It doesn't fit the narrative that all Islam is evil and every Muslim a potential terrorist.
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?
The terrorists are bombing public places. Yes. Especially in the Middle East.

Your point, pants shitter?

when did Paris and Brussels move to the middle east? Oh, and Ft Hood too.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.
I never understood the compulsion of some people after a tragedy to spew nonsense like the previous steaming pile.
Right where ISIS wants you.

That's one thing I will agree with you on - ISIS has us right where they want us...because Obama sure as hell doesn't have THEM where he wants THEM - 'contained'! Obama's policy has FAILED while ISIS has spread, more Americans die, more people around the world die, and je keeps the borders open, mocks Americans' concern for our nation's safety, and defends the extremists - minimizing the impacts of their attacks - after each attack.
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.


You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.
I never understood the compulsion of some people after a tragedy to spew nonsense like the previous steaming pile.

what did I say that isn't true?
How should he address it? What's your solution?
In the wake of a massive terrorist attack, with An American family caught in the terrorist attack - some in the hospital, the mother still missing, and worried family members....

How about being pissed, showing some emotion - like you give a damn....
How about NOT making a dumbass comment immediately after the attack - minimizing what happened, the impact, and seemingly telling those injured/missing/grieving that terrorism / Islamic extremists are nothing to worry about - by saying something about about slipping in a friggin' bathtub?!

What many people just heard Obama say is basically, "Yeah, there was another terrorist attack, Americans are hurt and missing, but shit happens, it's not that big of a deal - more people die from slipping in a bath tub.'


Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.
I never understood the compulsion of some people after a tragedy to spew nonsense like the previous steaming pile.

what did I say that isn't true?
The "Truth" of it is not the issue.
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?
The terrorists are bombing public places. Yes. Especially in the Middle East.

Your point, pants shitter?

I thought you were just arguing that they were killing people in bathtubs.
In retrospect, what else but such a callous, cold response to a terrorist attack that has left Americans wounded and missing would you expect from someone so stupid / incompetent / Islamist Extremist sympathizing as to call the blatantly obvious terrorist attack at Ft. Hood a case of 'workplace violence'?!
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.


You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.
I never understood the compulsion of some people after a tragedy to spew nonsense like the previous steaming pile.

what did I say that isn't true?
The "Truth" of it is not the issue.

of course it is, truth is always the issue. you claimed that my post was "nonsense". I would like for you to tell me specifically which parts of it you were addressing.

or, you could just STFU and go away.
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.


You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.

who said they were?
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.


You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.
They are to most Americans. But you lefties can polish yet another obama turd all you want, it will still be a turd.

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