In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?
The terrorists are bombing public places. Yes. Especially in the Middle East.

Your point, pants shitter?

Brussels in now in the Middle East?

Grand Central Station now has about a 50 armed police and military from NYC, NYS and US Army most of the armed with automatic weapons. Do I click my heels together three times and make them all disappear?
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?
The terrorists are bombing public places. Yes. Especially in the Middle East.

Your point, pants shitter?

when did Paris and Brussels move to the middle east? Oh, and Ft Hood too.

g5000 responds, <insert gratuitous remark about pee or pooh>, so there!
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?
The terrorists are bombing public places. Yes. Especially in the Middle East.

Your point, pants shitter?

Brussels in now in the Middle East?

Grand Central Station now has about a 50 armed police and military from NYC, NYS and US Army most of the armed with automatic weapons. Do I click my heels together three times and make them all disappear?

Apparently G5000 thinks they should be posted in our bathtubs.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.

Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.

Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.

Still the two are not related so there is no point in point out risk. Kinda like telling a cancer victim he is lucky he doesn't have STDs.
So, let's ban tubs?

And guns? And sell the collected guns to ISIS as usual.

Then take no responsibility, claiming that event X was worse. I would like to see how this would go down in a murder trial "But bath tubs are more dangerous than me!".

And these same people rave on and on about the one christian terrorist who managed to kill one person. Strange how the proportionality instinct appears only when it's convenient. Somehow he forgot to add that muslims are 60 % France prison population and the crime waves in Germany... I suppose relevancy isn't something he considers very important after all.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.

Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.

Still the two are not related so there is no point in point out risk. Kinda like telling a cancer victim he is lucky he doesn't have STDs.

Well, if you're gonna worry about being attacked, i would focus on worrying about the biggest daily threats to you.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

Man up.
Yup.....put on your orange jumper and wait your turn.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.
You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.

Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.

Still the two are not related so there is no point in point out risk. Kinda like telling a cancer victim he is lucky he doesn't have STDs.

Well, if you're gonna worry about being attacked, i would focus on worrying about the biggest daily threats to you.

Again, not related. I am not worried about being attacked because of Belgium. But I am not going to try and make a comparison that Obama made to try and make people feel safer. I will not do as Obama and try to minimize what the Muslims did in Belgium by saying I have more of a chance falling in the bathtub. It is ridiculous and insensitive, even if true.
I think he was just softening the blow for his upcoming executive action on bath tub violence. They kill and maim indiscriminately. Waste water, take up more space than a shower and very difficult to regulate. Water pressure can be regulated but you can simply bypass the well meaning intent and let it run longer for a bath.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Define "incredibly rare" please.
His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.

Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.

Still the two are not related so there is no point in point out risk. Kinda like telling a cancer victim he is lucky he doesn't have STDs.

Well, if you're gonna worry about being attacked, i would focus on worrying about the biggest daily threats to you.

Again, not related. I am not worried about being attacked because of Belgium. But I am not going to try and make a comparison that Obama made to try and make people feel safer. I will not do as Obama and try to minimize what the Muslims did in Belgium by saying I have more of a chance falling in the bathtub. It is ridiculous and insensitive, even if true.

I hear ya, he's a dimwit 'Community Organizer' asshole. But i do think it's important to keep things in perspective. Because when we panic, Big Brother is all-too willing to jump in and take more of our rights away. It's all about keeping things in perspective to me.
I think he was just softening the blow for his upcoming executive action on bath tub violence. They kill and maim indiscriminately. Waste water, take up more space than a shower and very difficult to regulate. Water pressure can be regulated but you can simply bypass the well meaning intent and let it run longer for a bath.

Definitely the way to go. Lower the incidence of bathtub mayhem and it will have a direct effect on ISIS.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Define "incredibly rare" please.

The overall crime stats bear it out. It's incredibly rare. I worry much more about the brutal thug who's willing to murder me for a $1.
The murder rate in the US has nothing to do with the murders of ISIS. If ISIS killed no one, would the murder rate in America be lowered? The very obvious answer is no. Thus, the two are not related. What you are doing is comparing risk. Yes, there is more of a risk of people in America being killed in America the being killed by ISIS. But that does not mean that then two are by any means related.

Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.

Still the two are not related so there is no point in point out risk. Kinda like telling a cancer victim he is lucky he doesn't have STDs.

Well, if you're gonna worry about being attacked, i would focus on worrying about the biggest daily threats to you.

Again, not related. I am not worried about being attacked because of Belgium. But I am not going to try and make a comparison that Obama made to try and make people feel safer. I will not do as Obama and try to minimize what the Muslims did in Belgium by saying I have more of a chance falling in the bathtub. It is ridiculous and insensitive, even if true.

I hear ya, he's a dimwit 'Community Organizer' asshole. But i do think it's important to keep things in perspective. Because when we panic, Big Brother is all-too willing to jump in and take more of our rights away. It's all about keeping things in perspective to me.

Why do you equate calling Obama out on his idiotic remarks to "panic?" It was G5000 that started making ridiculous comparisons to bathtub fatalities. I doubt those in Europe felt threatened after the Boston Bombings.
I think he was just softening the blow for his upcoming executive action on bath tub violence. They kill and maim indiscriminately. Waste water, take up more space than a shower and very difficult to regulate. Water pressure can be regulated but you can simply bypass the well meaning intent and let it run longer for a bath.

Definitely the way to go. Lower the incidence of bathtub mayhem and it will have a direct effect on ISIS.
Bathtub falls deserve a response which is proportional to the one you have toward Muslims.

As does lightning.

Since both kill more Americans than terrorists do, we should all be running about shitting our pants in fear of dark clouds, and Donald Trump should be calling for a ban on showers until we figure out what the hell is going on.
You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Define "incredibly rare" please.

The overall crime stats bear it out. It's incredibly rare. I worry much more about the brutal thug who's willing to murder me for a $1.

Sigh, so you are quoting evidence not presented.

Here is a link on terrorism: Topic: Terrorism

Facts and statistics on Terrorism
A growing issue worldwide, terrorism, has caused around 130,000 fatalities worldwide between 2006 and 2013. Terrorism can be described as the wrongful use of violence in order to intimidate civilians or politicians for ideological, religious, or political reasons with no regard for public safety. Although the number of terrorist attacks from 2006 to 2013 has decreased, there have been approximately 90,000 total terrorist attacks in this time period. The number of terrorist attacks was distressingly high during the early 2000’s due to the terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda on the United States and the wars in the Middle East during this time period. In the past year, the country with the most terrorist attacks was Iraq, followed by Pakistan and Afghanistan. Altogether, the number of terrorist attacks in these countries amounted to around 7,400 attacks. The high number of attacks becomes of greater relevance due to the fact that these three countries amount to the double of the combined attacks in the other seven nations in the top ten countries with the most terrorist attacks in the past year. Despite having been the country with the most terrorist attacks in 2013, there were more fatalities due to terrorist attacks in Afghanistan in 2011 than in Iraq.
Just going by statistics. In the U.S., you're extremely unlikely to be harmed in an Islamic Terrorist attack. The odds are, you'll die from anything but that. Like i said, our major cities are full of violent mutants who'll kill you for $5. I would be much more worried about them.

Still the two are not related so there is no point in point out risk. Kinda like telling a cancer victim he is lucky he doesn't have STDs.

Well, if you're gonna worry about being attacked, i would focus on worrying about the biggest daily threats to you.

Again, not related. I am not worried about being attacked because of Belgium. But I am not going to try and make a comparison that Obama made to try and make people feel safer. I will not do as Obama and try to minimize what the Muslims did in Belgium by saying I have more of a chance falling in the bathtub. It is ridiculous and insensitive, even if true.

I hear ya, he's a dimwit 'Community Organizer' asshole. But i do think it's important to keep things in perspective. Because when we panic, Big Brother is all-too willing to jump in and take more of our rights away. It's all about keeping things in perspective to me.

Why do you equate calling Obama out on his idiotic remarks to "panic?" It was G5000 that started making ridiculous comparisons to bathtub fatalities. I doubt those in Europe felt threatened after the Boston Bombings.

Well, i'm observing too many Americans completely freaking out over Brussels. And that worries me. They're the type that will demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives. Hey Islamic Terrorism is a problem, i get it. But attacks and harm to Americans is very rare. So let's not panic.

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