In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

They were done in the name of God.
Good grief...

Wrong. The SC church attack was motivated by racism not by God. The shooter said so. He went in, sat down...and he said the people were so nice - not like he had been told / made to believe - that he actually thought about NOT doing it....
A racism that has extremist Christian roots.
tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Were either of them done in the name of Allah?
They were done in the name of God.

They were done in the name of God.
Good grief...

Wrong. The SC church attack was motivated by racism not by God. The shooter said so. He went in, sat down...and he said the people were so nice - not like he had been told / made to believe - that he actually thought about NOT doing it....

racism and mental illness.
They were done in the name of God.
Good grief...

Wrong. The SC church attack was motivated by racism not by God. The shooter said so. He went in, sat down...and he said the people were so nice - not like he had been told / made to believe - that he actually thought about NOT doing it....
A racism that has extremist Christian roots.

bullshit, there are millions of black Christians. What is wrong with you?
They were done in the name of God.
Good grief...

Wrong. The SC church attack was motivated by racism not by God. The shooter said so. He went in, sat down...and he said the people were so nice - not like he had been told / made to believe - that he actually thought about NOT doing it....
A racism that has extremist Christian roots.

Slavery, democrat slavery, was ENDED by white Christians.
You do know that you made a comment about black on black crime, right? I literally quoted what you said. I can't hold your hand the entire time.
Actually, G said there is a bigger problem of Americans killing Americans yet no one would talk about it / address it. You then you asked me how Obama should have addressed the Belgium terrorist attack. I told you. I don't know what you were holding, but it wasn't my hand....BTW, keep your hands to yourself, please.
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

you are correct, not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims. piss around that fact all you want, you cannot change it.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in his point. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.
Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Were either of them done in the name of Allah?
They were done in the name of God.


A manifesto issued by Charleston church shooter Dylann Storm Roof makes clear he was defending the ideology of white supremacy espoused by traditional racist organizations like the KKK and other white Christian extremist groups.

On his webpage, The Last Rhodesian, Roof posted a rambling but articulate racist manifesto where he seems to endorse two groups, the Ku Klux Klan and the Council of Conservative Citizens. Both groups are closely associated with the ideology of white supremacy, and both groups self-identify as upholding traditional conservative Christian values.

Dylann Roof’s Racist Manifesto Defends KKK, White Supremacy
G, once again, is trying to channel' Saul Alynski and divert the conversation away from Obama's latest Islamic Extremist sympathizing F* up... You have to forgive him - it's what he does.
You do know that you made a comment about black on black crime, right? I literally quoted what you said. I can't hold your hand the entire time.
Actually, G said there is a bigger problem of Americans killing Americans yet no one would talk about it / address it. You then you asked me how Obama should have addressed the Belgium terrorist attack. I told you. I don't know what you were holding, but it wasn't my hand....BTW, keep your hands to yourself, please.

It is talked about all the time. The problem is there are few solutions. The more the country moves away from faith/religion the more you should expect these things to happen.

The problem is that the murder rate in America and the murder caused by ISIS are not related. End the murder rate in the US, does that stop ISIS?
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.
did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?
Why do you insist their Muslim religion be mentioned? I will tell you. You want your biases confirmed.

I didn't hear you screaming in rage that Obama didn't mention the religious affiliation of the Colorado terrorist or the South Carolina terrorist.

Were either of them done in the name of Allah?
They were done in the name of God.


A manifesto issued by Charleston church shooter Dylann Storm Roof makes clear he was defending the ideology of white supremacy espoused by traditional racist organizations like the KKK and other white Christian extremist groups.

On his webpage, The Last Rhodesian, Roof posted a rambling but articulate racist manifesto where he seems to endorse two groups, the Ku Klux Klan and the Council of Conservative Citizens. Both groups are closely associated with the ideology of white supremacy, and both groups self-identify as upholding traditional conservative Christian values.

Dylann Roof’s Racist Manifesto Defends KKK, White Supremacy

the kid was mentally ill. move on.
In the wake of the Belgium terrorist attack, with the news that 400 trained terrorists have been unleashed on Europe, with several Americans in a hospital and another still missing, Obama declared people have a tendency to overblow these events and that more Americans die due to slipping in tubs than terrorist attacks.


Where is the man's fire? Where is his compassion, his concern, his tact, his diplomacy...his frickin' COMMON SENSE?!

If you look at Obama's history, however, his attempt to minimize, apologize, excuse away, or ignore terrorist attacks has been a trend.

Despite Major Nidal Hassan calling himself a 'soldier of Allah' and yelling out Allah Akbar as he gunned down his fellow Army brethren Obama initially declared the terrorist attack to be a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'...until pressured to call it what it was.

After he and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to be murdered by terrorists, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be killed, Obama and Hillary spread a lie about a video...a month later he gave a speech before the U.N. While addressing the whole world, Obama did NOT voice his anger and resolve to hold those responsible accountable. Instead he pushed the lie about a video again and appeared to APOLOGIZE on America's behalf for the faux video, adding, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'
-- After 9/11/01 Bush demonstrated his anger toward those who had perpetrated the attack and declared to those terrorists that he would ensure they had no safe haven in the world. After 9/11/01 Obama was more worried about the Islamic Extremists and Muslims being offended.

After praising his flawed background checks required before allowing 'refugees' and other into the US, Obama mocked Americans for voicing their concern over our national security and for the safety of American citizens - Obama claiming all they had to fear was 'orphans and widows'. Shortly after, the terrorist to whom he and his administration had given a visa and allowed her to come into the US murdered 12 Americans in California, making him look like a stupid ass while validating Americans' concerns over our National Security and for the safety of our citizens.
- In response to American outrage at his failure AND yet another successful terrorist attack in the US on his watch, Obama sent out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for choosing to exercise their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech if they talked too negatively about Muslims / Islamic Extremists. Again, Obama was more worried about protecting Muslims / Islamic Extremists than Americans.

NOW, with Americans injured and missing, Obama makes light of yet another terrorist attack and demonstrates a complete inappropriate level of disregard / un-concern, seemingly trying to claim it is an 'insignificant' act by the terrorist group he calls/called the 'JV Team', one that we should still not take that seriously.

After all, as Paris and Brussels demonstrates, Obama has ISIS completely 'contained'.

What a friggin' Islamic Sympathizing a-hole!
Too much Starbucks there sleazy?
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

you are correct, not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims. piss around that fact all you want, you cannot change it.
The South Carolina terrorist and the Colorado terrorist were both Christians.

Piss around that fact all you want, you cannot change it.
You do know that you made a comment about black on black crime, right? I literally quoted what you said. I can't hold your hand the entire time.
Actually, G said there is a bigger problem of Americans killing Americans yet no one would talk about it / address it. You then you asked me how Obama should have addressed the Belgium terrorist attack. I told you. I don't know what you were holding, but it wasn't my hand....BTW, keep your hands to yourself, please.

LOL. Look at what you said and I even quoted it. You literally couldn't be more wrong. But you're an ignorant asshole and will never admit you're wrong so go back to doing what you do best.
The reason the bigots want the religious affiliation of certain acts of terror or crime mentioned, but only when it is a Muslim (that's the giveaway), is to fallaciously reinforce their bleef system that Islam is evil.

Simple as that.

This is what makes a bigot. Stereotyping an entire group of which they are completely unfamiliar.

They get upset when sane people don't play along.

They're bombing public places, are you really that fucking retarded?

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