In Theory Liberals Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Office In America.

. It's only since Reagan they got all monolithic and unreasonably ideological.

how is the ideology of freedom from big liberal govt unreasonable when it is the purpose of the Constitution??
Even attempting to answer that question would force me accept a host of bad conservative "thought" as valid interpretations of how the government is supposed to be.

you mean our Founders really wanted big, ever growing liberal nanny govt?

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
Our founders wanted lots of things but I am pretty sure they didn't want people who reject reason itself for blind anti-science political dogma to be the ideological guides of our nation.
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Conservatives put the supernatural creature God before country. That makes them ineligible.
Our founders wanted lots of things but I am pretty sure they didn't want people who reject reason.

dear, why are so afraid to present your best example. What does your fear teach you?

How odd that liberal marxists would accuse conservatives of being anti-reason?
. It's only since Reagan they got all monolithic and unreasonably ideological.

how is the ideology of freedom from big liberal govt unreasonable when it is the purpose of the Constitution??
Even attempting to answer that question would force me accept a host of bad conservative "thought" as valid interpretations of how the government is supposed to be.

you mean our Founders really wanted big, ever growing liberal nanny govt?

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
. It's only since Reagan they got all monolithic and unreasonably ideological.

how is the ideology of freedom from big liberal govt unreasonable when it is the purpose of the Constitution??
Even attempting to answer that question would force me accept a host of bad conservative "thought" as valid interpretations of how the government is supposed to be.

you mean our Founders really wanted big, ever growing liberal nanny govt?

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
Jefferson was not the only liberal, in America and as president he made the potential for government to become larger than we ever had. How many years did it take before the nation was able to absorb Louisiana. As for the framers of the Constitution, the framers created a much larger stronger government than existed before they sat down to revise the articles and end up with a new Constitution. The framers even ignored parts of the Articles to create the larger stronger government. In fact, you might have a better argument if you declare the Constitution an illegal document.
Our founders wanted lots of things but I am pretty sure they didn't want people who reject reason.

dear, why are so afraid to present your best example. What does your fear teach you?

How odd that liberal marxists would accuse conservatives of being anti-reason?
Climate change, creationism, "Intelligent" design, "Free" markets, Shaping school curriculum to avoid critical thinking and promote patriotism. Throw in Bigfoot, Nessie and the dreaded Chupacabra for good measure. So much of what you believe is based solely on who says it.
Our founders wanted lots of things but I am pretty sure they didn't want people who reject reason.

dear, why are so afraid to present your best example. What does your fear teach you?

How odd that liberal marxists would accuse conservatives of being anti-reason?
Climate change, creationism, "Intelligent" design, "Free" markets, Shaping school curriculum to avoid critical thinking and promote patriotism. Throw in Bigfoot, Nessie and the dreaded Chupacabra for good measure. So much of what you believe is based solely on who says it.
:clap::clap2::clap::clap2::clap::clap2: standing ovation!
Getting rid of, or outlawing the Liberal Party wouldn't lead to One Party rule because others would rise up and fill the vacuum.

It's my opinion that we should outlaw both the Republican AND Democrat parties and see what happens.
It's always been my position that the respective letters D & R and catagorized ballots should be banned.

Make the people vote on knowledge not the fucking alphabet.
Getting rid of, or outlawing the Liberal Party wouldn't lead to One Party rule because others would rise up and fill the vacuum.

It's my opinion that we should outlaw both the Republican AND Democrat parties and see what happens.
If we outlawed liberalism in the parties, the Democratic Party would cease to exist, and the Republican Party would be become more republican. It would no longer compete in a popularity contest.
the framers of the Constitution, the framers created a much larger stronger government than existed before they sat down to revise the articles and end up with a new Constitution..

a silly liberal lie. Most wanted to stick with Articles and the govt they created was about 1% the size of todays on a per capita inflation adjusted basis. Did Washington or Jefferson talk about creaqting a liberal nanny state or the exact opposite??

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
If I could pass one amendment, it would be to do away with political parties entirely.

why do away with Republicans when they have stood for freedom from big liberal govt since Jefferson?? You make no sense.
Repugnance party has only existed since Lincoln and used to actually have a sizable liberal wing. It's only since Reagan they got all monolithic and unreasonably ideological.
Since Lincoln was president? Or six years before that? And did you mean the modern Republican Party? Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were Republican presidents.
Getting rid of, or outlawing the Liberal Party wouldn't lead to One Party rule because others would rise up and fill the vacuum.

It's my opinion that we should outlaw both the Republican AND Democrat parties and see what happens.
If we outlawed liberalism in the parties, the Democratic Party would cease to exist, and the Republican Party would be become more republican. It would no longer compete in a popularity contest.

Repubicans would split between conservatives and libertarians and then we'd have two intelligent parties. Now we have idiotic liberal marxists involved when they have no right.

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