In This Season of Political Yard Signs-An Observation and a Question

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I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

I do eat poultry and .fish though

If you eat poultry and fish, then you are not a vegetarian.

Meat is meat, regardless of what kind of animal it comes from.
Holy shit Bobby !! You are so obsessed with me that you have catalogued my writings -on any subject- for quick reference? That is sick and creepy- but exactly what I would expect from you. Have you printed out my avatar and hung it over your bed also?
Holy shit Bobby !! You are so obsessed with me that you have catalogued my writings -on any subject- for quick reference? That is sick and creepy- but exactly what I would expect from you. Have you printed out my avatar and hung it over your bed also?
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

Yeah.. How about big Zucchini flag on your front yard?? You know what Judaism teaches about charity? That ANYONYMOUS is best?

This to me is embroidering your "I saved a Panda" patch on your jacket... Nobody really HAS to know. Do they? NOW -- if give a couple $100Ks to PBS -- you might get a credit on a science show. Like the Koch Brothers. LOL....

These same people with the peace/love displays on their front porch are USUALLY THE FIRST to start disparging poor Southern white folks with flames that wouldn't look good ---- on their lawn...

Largely hypocrites.. Especially PARTISAN hypocrites. Love to beat on the "deplorables". people of faith, and anyone with an NRA sticker on their car...
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

Yeah.. How about big Zucchini flag on your front yard?? You know what Judaism teaches about charity? That ANYONYMOUS is best?

This to me is embroidering your "I saved a Panda" patch on your jacket... Nobody really HAS to know. Do they? NOW -- if give a couple $100Ks to PBS -- you might get a credit on a science show. Like the Koch Brothers. LOL....

These same people with the peace/love displays on their front porch are USUALLY THE FIRST to start disparging poor Southern white folks with flames that wouldn't look good ---- on their lawn...

Largely hypocrites.. Especially PARTISAN hypocrites. Love to beat on the "deplorables". people of faith, and anyone with an NRA sticker on their car...
Mean while how many right wingers got on here to trash the patriot. He never threatened or called you scum. The lot of you spilled ignorant hate message after hate message at him while he held his cool. He played you all and you fell for it. He answered with love while you all answered with hate.

You mention religion. As you all shamelessly self promote your self and your party. Yet he who walks amongst the seven candle lampstands and has the mystery of the seven stars in his hand says that Self promotion leads to false ministry. You are all obviously deciples of the Doctrain of Balaam. You suffer the sins of the church in Ephesus.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

Yeah.. How about big Zucchini flag on your front yard?? You know what Judaism teaches about charity? That ANYONYMOUS is best?

This to me is embroidering your "I saved a Panda" patch on your jacket... Nobody really HAS to know. Do they? NOW -- if give a couple $100Ks to PBS -- you might get a credit on a science show. Like the Koch Brothers. LOL....

These same people with the peace/love displays on their front porch are USUALLY THE FIRST to start disparging poor Southern white folks with flames that wouldn't look good ---- on their lawn...

Largely hypocrites.. Especially PARTISAN hypocrites. Love to beat on the "deplorables". people of faith, and anyone with an NRA sticker on their car...
Mean while how many right wingers got on here to trash the patriot. He never threatened or called you scum. The lot of you spilled ignorant hate message after hate message at him while he held his cool. He played you all and you fell for it. He answered with love while you all answered with hate.

You mention religion. As you all shamelessly self promote your self and your party. Yet he who walks amongst the seven candle lampstands and has the mystery of the seven stars in his hand says that Self promotion leads to false ministry. You are all obviously deciples of the Doctrain of Balaam. You suffer the sins of the church in Ephesus.

Whatever.. There's the proof. ^^^^ Just below the surface of all those lovey, peacey yard signs lurks the ANGER and HATE that you just babbled about. If anyone understood the venom you just spewed..
I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you right wing nutters for participating in my experiment. You make good Guinee Pigs and it was very instructive. A few things are crystal clear

1. Quite a few of you have a problem with reading comprehension as evidenced by the number of times that someone claimed that they don’t put signs like I posted out- because liberals will steal them, them post examples of Republican political signs being taken.

2. Many of you have a problem with basic biology since you think that a woman exercising domain over her own body by terminating a zygote is infanticide.

3. A number of you have a problem with the English language and basic logic by claiming that “welcoming immigrants “means wanting open boarders

4. You claim to not be racists but condemn Black Lives Matter ( Based on the bad behavior of a few members no doubt) but deny, or are ignorant of the fact that BLM exists because too many white people- including those in uniform act the black lives don’t matter.

5. Many of you are delusional conspiracy loons who believe that George Soros pays vandals and agitators to do liberal dirty work

6. It has been said here that “left wing loons “ don’t live by the rules of society- while supporting Trump, Kavanaugh and the likes of them- a further indication of your disconnect from reality-as is the assertion that we are the racists and sexists.

7. It has been stated that we do not have any respect for those disagree with us…..while the Orange Ogre in the White house who you support disrespects anyone who crosses him on a daily basis -including important allies- while kissing up to dictators.

8. You, as a group are woefully uniformed as evidences by the claim that Republicans support legal immigration- while this administration is clearly working to curb all immigration. You have also stated that the Democrats are the party of crime and corruption-while YOUR president is the first crime boss to inhabit the white house

9. You have a piss poor understanding of what it means to be a patriot- seeming to believe that it means unconditional love of your country while absolving yourselves of any responsibility for making it the best that it can be for all of it’s people.

Progressive Principles and Goals. These points must be continually driven home to shame the right and mobilize all decent people. That is why I'm here by The Progressive Patriot ( undated)

1. All lives matter. No one should have insufficient shelter, food, water or health care

2. All people should enjoy equal protection under the law. No one should suffer from discrimination, humiliation or violence because of their race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, sexual identity, or disability

3. The earth matters. It is the only one we have and the environment must be protected for our posterity. Climate change is not a hoax

4. Income and wealth disparity must be revered through a fair, progressive tax structure. A nation that is on the way to a plutocracy and oligarchy will not service for long

5. No one should have to work more than one full time job to pay the bills, while CEOs make obscene amounts of money that cannot be justified.

6. War and the use of force in the world must be a very last resort, used only when diplomacy fails and the United States is facing a real and grave danger.

7. This is a nation built of immigrants . People seeking to come to this country for a better life economically, or to flee strife in their home land should not be shunned or feared. Entire groups should not be marginalized and rejected because of the actions and fanaticism of some.

8. Trade with other nations should be fair, not free, meaning that the consideration of protecting the environment, preventing the exploitation of workers, and consumer safety should be placed over profit and trade deficits

9. Boarders should be secured using appropriate technology and manpower, not half baked ideas that appeal to a political base and are not practical or cost effective

10. Criminal Justice must be reformed to reduce the prison population of non violent offenders, and to address the issue of racial disparity in arrests, prosecution and sentencing. The death penalty must be abolished . Drug crimes must be treated as a public health problem instead of a criminal matter

11. The federal government has the responsibility for actively protecting the health and welfare of all citizens , both from physical harm, and discrimination. The tenth amendment must be understood in the context of the entire constitution, especially the bill of rights and the 14th amendment. States may not violate the US constitution, and voters do not get to decide matters of civil rights.

12.Guns must be kept out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill people. High capacity assault weapons must be kept out of the hands of everyone not in the military or law enforcement. There must be a national and uniform policy.

13. It is time for the Equal Rights Amendment protecting women from discrimination is ratified, and the passage of the Employmnet non discrimination, as well as laws addressing discrimination in housing and places of public accomodation for LGBT people.

14. Religious freedom does not mean the ability to use religion as a weapon to discriminate aagainst others. The first amendment applies equally to all, not just conservative Christians who have weaponised religion.

15. Public education must remain free and well funded and without religious beliefs influencing it. Real science, not junk science must be taught. Real history, not whitwashed revisionist histort must also be taught. +Meaningful sex education, not abstiance only is a must. Children are the future

16. Abortion should be rare, but available when necesary. That can be achieved, not by denying women the right to choose but by allowing contracetion to be readily availabe, and by supporting other policies and programs that can prevent unwanted pregnancies and provide supports to women to chose to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term.

17. Financial and insurance institutions must be well regulated in order to prevent another near collapse of the global economy as almost happened in 2008 as the result of greed, and recklessness of the banks.

18. Consumers must be protected from physical harm and financial exploitation by banks, insurers and mortgage companies

19. Health insurers should be put out of business. We need a single payer system

20. Big Pharma- that charges ridiculous prices and sometimes withholds lifesaving drugs from the market because they are not profitable must be rained in.

True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males.

What a goofball! We don't agree on what is right, or what is wrong, with America. Progressives don't have a clue as to what America is all about. We are not here to serve government, or anyone else. Government is here to serve the individual, and not groups, tribes, or any other element. Progressives fail to understand the difference.

Our federal government was designed to do what individual sovereign states could not, and cannot, do for themselves. What is wrong, is that the federal government has jumped the tracks, and is amassing more and more political power in Washington DC. Hopefully, a conservative court can put the federal government back into its box, and allow the states to do their jobs. Government that is close to the people is government that the people can better control.
You are free to have your view of the proper role of the federal government.

So you're a big Tenth Amendment fan but when States don't fulfill their responsibilities to the people the feds have to step up and enforce the constitution which is binding on the states since the 14th was ratified. I am specifically referring to matters of civil rights when a state restricts who can marry based on race or sexual orientation. To say that government is here to serve individuals and not groups is gibberish and snake oil. I have heard that crap before, used to discredit laws against discrimination, but those groups are made up of individuals who have a common interest or characteristic.

But let me remind you that this thread is about the differing attituded between the left and the right concerning race, discrimination, exclusion and hate. All of you people keep coming up with the most outlandish horseshit, but not one of you can be honest abut why no Republicans have the signs that I posted in the OP> NOT ONE
what is the 14th for?
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

Yeah.. How about big Zucchini flag on your front yard?? You know what Judaism teaches about charity? That ANYONYMOUS is best?

This to me is embroidering your "I saved a Panda" patch on your jacket... Nobody really HAS to know. Do they? NOW -- if give a couple $100Ks to PBS -- you might get a credit on a science show. Like the Koch Brothers. LOL....

These same people with the peace/love displays on their front porch are USUALLY THE FIRST to start disparging poor Southern white folks with flames that wouldn't look good ---- on their lawn...

Largely hypocrites.. Especially PARTISAN hypocrites. Love to beat on the "deplorables". people of faith, and anyone with an NRA sticker on their car...
Mean while how many right wingers got on here to trash the patriot. He never threatened or called you scum. The lot of you spilled ignorant hate message after hate message at him while he held his cool. He played you all and you fell for it. He answered with love while you all answered with hate.

You mention religion. As you all shamelessly self promote your self and your party. Yet he who walks amongst the seven candle lampstands and has the mystery of the seven stars in his hand says that Self promotion leads to false ministry. You are all obviously deciples of the Doctrain of Balaam. You suffer the sins of the church in Ephesus.

Whatever.. There's the proof. ^^^^ Just below the surface of all those lovey, peacey yard signs lurks the ANGER and HATE that you just babbled about. If anyone understood the venom you just spewed..
So he was talking about you when he said reading comprehension problems. Another fuax christian. I love religous people who do not know the bible. If you had read it you would understand what I said. False ministry just as I said. You do know what the lord does to false prophets right? See Peter 2:2 You speak for the lord and do not know his words or his deeds. This makes you a prophet of Balaam.
Actually, the response to my question about the sign has been a debasement of intellectual discourse. Instead of being honest about why conservatives don't display such signs - you keep coming up with bullshit on top of bullshit to cover your tracks
Your refusal to accept a well reasoned argument doesn't make me dishonest...It makes you a hack, who believes that virtue signalling and bumper sticker slogans amount to intellectually valid arguments.
It's the most intellectual argument I've ever heard PP make. And for him that's damning with faint praise.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Because liberal babies just steal them and destroy them. I dont put signs in my yard because I dont need a sign to know who I am going to vote for
Got Tricks for that!!!

Republicans are evil hate spigots . That’s why you don’t see any love .

Well, maybe a sign for gun love . That’s aboit it.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

Yeah.. How about big Zucchini flag on your front yard?? You know what Judaism teaches about charity? That ANYONYMOUS is best?

This to me is embroidering your "I saved a Panda" patch on your jacket... Nobody really HAS to know. Do they? NOW -- if give a couple $100Ks to PBS -- you might get a credit on a science show. Like the Koch Brothers. LOL....

These same people with the peace/love displays on their front porch are USUALLY THE FIRST to start disparging poor Southern white folks with flames that wouldn't look good ---- on their lawn...

Largely hypocrites.. Especially PARTISAN hypocrites. Love to beat on the "deplorables". people of faith, and anyone with an NRA sticker on their car...
Drop the people of faith part till you know the bible. I expect some who speaks of faith to be able to understand a bible reference. You did not.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?

Yeah.. How about big Zucchini flag on your front yard?? You know what Judaism teaches about charity? That ANYONYMOUS is best?

This to me is embroidering your "I saved a Panda" patch on your jacket... Nobody really HAS to know. Do they? NOW -- if give a couple $100Ks to PBS -- you might get a credit on a science show. Like the Koch Brothers. LOL....

These same people with the peace/love displays on their front porch are USUALLY THE FIRST to start disparging poor Southern white folks with flames that wouldn't look good ---- on their lawn...

Largely hypocrites.. Especially PARTISAN hypocrites. Love to beat on the "deplorables". people of faith, and anyone with an NRA sticker on their car...
Drop the people of faith part till you know the bible. I expect some who speaks of faith to be able to understand a bible reference. You did not.

Oh, I understood enough of it to know that you can abuse the Bible with the best of them. Doesn't change the observation about having that hate and anger deep in your political soul...

God bless your tiny heart.
I dont put signs in my yard because I dont need a sign to know who I am going to vote for
I don't need signs to know who I am either. They are to tell others who I am.
According to democrats, you are guilty until proven innocent if your avatar correctly depicts you.
According to Democrats and all reasonable people, you are a suspect until cleared by a through and impartial investigation
in a trial you're correct. You all said this wasn't a trial. are you renegging?
Getting too far from the topic with "progressive agendas" and all the other diversions.

If the specific topic is played out, don't divert the thread.
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