In This Season of Political Yard Signs-An Observation and a Question

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I am moved by the satisfaction that I get from being a constant presence in the face of the bigots and xenophobes- from not letting them think for a solitary second that they will have the last word.
Wow, are you one fucking bitter SOB...Nonetheless, "virtue signalling" is more concise and honest....Is such honesty really that tough?
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.
I am moved by the satisfaction that I get from being a constant presence in the face of the bigots and xenophobes- from not letting them think for a solitary second that they will have the last word.
Wow, are you one fucking bitter SOB...Nonetheless, "virtue signalling" is more concise and honest....Is such honesty really that tough?
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.

One assumes that the signs in your yard express you, so yes, it is about you.
I am moved by the satisfaction that I get from being a constant presence in the face of the bigots and xenophobes- from not letting them think for a solitary second that they will have the last word.
Wow, are you one fucking bitter SOB...Nonetheless, "virtue signalling" is more concise and honest....Is such honesty really that tough?
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.

One assumes that the signs in your yard express you, so yes, it is about you.
But the OP is about YOU and your ilk Billy
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.
"You people"?!?...ROFLMAO!!

Your silly-assed little signs are neither abhorrent nor threatening....If anything, they're some of the bsest facepalm fodder out there...They're what you moonbats refer to as "sight pollution", when bellyaching about things like billboards.

BTW, you are the one who made this about you in the first place, fool! :lmao:
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.
"You people"?!?...ROFLMAO!!

Your silly-assed little signs are neither abhorrent nor threatening....If anything, they're some of the bsest facepalm fodder out there...They're what you moonbats refer to as "sight pollution", when bellyaching about things like billboards.

BTW, you are the one who made this about you in the first place, fool! :lmao:
Whatever you say boss, you the boss man:thewave:
OK People....who is it EZACTLY who confiscates signs?

Texas Cops Violate Woman’s First Amendment Rights Over Anti-Kavanaugh Yard Sign (IMAGE)


Police in Texas may be up for a lawsuit. Marion Stanford of Hamilton, Texas, had put a sign up protesting Brett Kavanaugh’s ascent to the highest court in the land after sexual assault allegations were leveled against him. She did it in a most interesting way: With a yard sign that had the GOP elephant with its trunk up a young girl’s dress. The cops called it, “pornography” and demanded she remove it. Here is a shot of the homemade sign. You can decide if you think this is “pornography” or not”:
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


That's because demo scum will tear the signs down.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


That's because demo scum will tear the signs down.

What the fuck are you talking about?? ! Are you learning disabled. We would tear down THESE SIGNS if on a Republican's lawn? Are you insane? The fact is that Republicans don't have these signs because they abhor every sentiment expressed on these signs. Love Wins!
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.

The sanitized language of the signs you portray do not fool anyone. Everyone knows that the terms used on those signs are left wrong-wing code for murder, treason, immoral sexual perversion, violent crime, and other evils that LIbErals openly embrace. By “women in charge of their bodies” you mean to defend the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent unborn children every day. By Immigrants and refugees are welcome”, you mean to traitorously take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans. By “Love wins”, you mean to embrace all manner of sick sexual perversion. By “Black lives matter”, you mean to take the side of violent subhuman criminals.

And you ask why those of us who oppose these evils decline to display this sign which embraces them.

You are not fooling anyone.
I am angry yes. Angry at the dishonesty, stupidity, selfishness , and callousness on the right. Cut the crap with the "virtue signaling" already. The fact is that you people find the values that my signs express abhorrent and threatening, but you don't have the guts to admit it so you have to try to make it about me.

The sanitized language of the signs you portray do not fool anyone. Everyone knows that the terms used on those signs are left wrong-wing code for murder, treason, immoral sexual perversion, violent crime, and other evils that LIbErals openly embrace. By “women in charge of their bodies” you mean to defend the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent unborn children every day. By Immigrants and refugees are welcome”, you mean to traitorously take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans. By “Love wins”, you mean to embrace all manner of sick sexual perversion. By “Black lives matter”, you mean to take the side of violent subhuman criminals.

And you ask why those of us who oppose these evils decline to display this sign which embraces them.

You are not fooling anyone.

Just more horseshit. You don't know me. You don't know what I have done and am doing to bring about change. You are arrogant and presumptuous to think that you do.
All you achieve is to do a disservice to those you claim to represent.
They don’t benefit from having freaks like you believing you are fighting their corner.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
Because liberal babies just steal them and destroy them
Really, ?? Liberals steal these signs if they are posted by a Republican? Really?
Last time I had a bumper sticker supporting a Dem candidate for congress, my car got keyed. I don't put up any signs, stickers, buttons, etc, any more. Don't need some asshole vandalizing my property or causing trouble.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


Because only leftists NEED a flag to show they are lovely people. More annoying than vegetarians.
I am also a vegetarian.....are you annoyed enough now?
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