In Trying to Fire Mueller, Trump Digs His Own Legal Grave

Endeavor means action. There was no action

Try threatening the life of a president,,,, without any subsequent action to fulfill that threat....and see if you're regarded as guiltless.

Threatening the president is a crime, you dumbass moron. Threatening anyone is a crime. Firing Mewler is not a crime. The President can fire anyone who works in the executive branch, and he doesn't need to give a reason.
I beleive you to be correct; however, impeachment is a political process. Congress could impeach Trump for firing Mueller. Then again, in theory, congress could impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice cream. High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress determines when it comes to impeachment. If there are enough democrats and RINOs in congress then firing Mueller could result in impeachment.
So long as Republicans hold the majority in the House, it won't happen, and perhaps even if they don't.
As long as there are not too many Lindsey Graham types.
Yes he is, moron. Rosenstein is part of the executive branch, and Mewler reports to Rosenstein. Who do you think pays Mewler's salary?

You have exceeded all known limits on stupidity.

That does not take away the INDEPENDENCE of a special counsel.
Again, look up the statute.
There's a big distinction between discussing the act of firing and ordering the firing.

We are all working from the report that states this:

Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House ...

All based on assumptions.
Yes he is, moron. Rosenstein is part of the executive branch, and Mewler reports to Rosenstein. Who do you think pays Mewler's salary?

You have exceeded all known limits on stupidity.

That does not take away the INDEPENDENCE of a special counsel.
Again, look up the statute.
He has no "indepence," moron. Show me one law that says he does. he's the "special counsel," not the "independent counsel." If snoeflakes weren't so damn stupid, they wouldn't always be in such a lather over fake news.
That does not take away the INDEPENDENCE of a special counsel.
Again, look up the statute.

The law states:

A special prosecutor (or special counsel or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.
That does not take away the INDEPENDENCE of a special counsel.
Again, look up the statute.

The law states:

A special prosecutor (or special counsel or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.
Post the link, hosebag.
Endeavor means action. There was no action

Try threatening the life of a president,,,, without any subsequent action to fulfill that threat....and see if you're regarded as guiltless.

Threatening the president is a crime, you dumbass moron. Threatening anyone is a crime. Firing Mewler is not a crime. The President can fire anyone who works in the executive branch, and he doesn't need to give a reason.
I beleive you to be correct; however, impeachment is a political process. Congress could impeach Trump for firing Mueller. Then again, in theory, congress could impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice cream. High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress determines when it comes to impeachment. If there are enough democrats and RINOs in congress then firing Mueller could result in impeachment.
So long as Republicans hold the majority in the House, it won't happen, and perhaps even if they don't.
As long as there are not too many Lindsey Graham types.
The senate doesn't vote to impeach.
Try threatening the life of a president,,,, without any subsequent action to fulfill that threat....and see if you're regarded as guiltless.

Threatening the president is a crime, you dumbass moron. Threatening anyone is a crime. Firing Mewler is not a crime. The President can fire anyone who works in the executive branch, and he doesn't need to give a reason.
I beleive you to be correct; however, impeachment is a political process. Congress could impeach Trump for firing Mueller. Then again, in theory, congress could impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice cream. High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress determines when it comes to impeachment. If there are enough democrats and RINOs in congress then firing Mueller could result in impeachment.
So long as Republicans hold the majority in the House, it won't happen, and perhaps even if they don't.
As long as there are not too many Lindsey Graham types.
The senate doesn't vote to impeach.
Note the word “types”. Also, the senate does vote to convict if the house impeaches the president. That’s what saved Clinton who was impeached.
‘“Attempted obstruction is obstruction even when the perpetrator backs down after failing to get his consigliere to do the deed for him,” constitutional lawyer Larry Tribe [notes]. “In addition, it’s part of a persistent pattern of obstruction. And it’s also strong evidence of consciousness of guilt.” As the Times report notes, Trump has “long demonstrated a preoccupation with those who have overseen the Russia investigation.” He threw a fit when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe, and he fired Comey after he failed to extract an oath of loyalty. The attempt to decapitate the probe again goes to Trump’s intent to stymie an independent investigation and his seeming cluelessness that these actions would be potentially illegal, an abuse of his power.'

Opinion | In trying to fire Mueller, Trump digs his own legal grave

Trump is indeed clueless, ignorant of the law, and blinded by his arrogance. got him now boy...Trump in the grave...hmmmmmm...haven’t I heard this before? Liberals will react this way when investigation is over and proves nothing.
Threatening the president is a crime, you dumbass moron. Threatening anyone is a crime. Firing Mewler is not a crime. The President can fire anyone who works in the executive branch, and he doesn't need to give a reason.
I beleive you to be correct; however, impeachment is a political process. Congress could impeach Trump for firing Mueller. Then again, in theory, congress could impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice cream. High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress determines when it comes to impeachment. If there are enough democrats and RINOs in congress then firing Mueller could result in impeachment.
So long as Republicans hold the majority in the House, it won't happen, and perhaps even if they don't.
As long as there are not too many Lindsey Graham types.
The senate doesn't vote to impeach.
Note the word “types”. Also, the senate does vote to convict if the house impeaches the president. That’s what saved Clinton who was impeached.
Lindsey Graham is what saved Clinton. I don't know why Republicans don't get together and get him canned.
I beleive you to be correct; however, impeachment is a political process. Congress could impeach Trump for firing Mueller. Then again, in theory, congress could impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice cream. High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress determines when it comes to impeachment. If there are enough democrats and RINOs in congress then firing Mueller could result in impeachment.
So long as Republicans hold the majority in the House, it won't happen, and perhaps even if they don't.
As long as there are not too many Lindsey Graham types.
The senate doesn't vote to impeach.
Note the word “types”. Also, the senate does vote to convict if the house impeaches the president. That’s what saved Clinton who was impeached.
Lindsey Graham is what saved Clinton. I don't know why Republicans don't get together and get him canned.
SC has open primaries in which Democrates can also vote. Also, he has a large war chest to out spend his competition by about 10 to 1.
what is really interesting and sad for our country is that this is even being discussed

it also offers proof that there really is nothing actually bad about Trump

we have hard news about a real conspiracy & it is being ignored, or worse, minimized & justified by traditional media sources

we have seen illegal leaks that have dominated the news; but nothing on Spygate?

the fact that they (NYT, WaPo & the rest) are scrambling to make a story out of this shows 2 things:

1 - they are scared about what is coming on the memo & texts & working to divert attention

2 - they have nothing of substance on Trump

if they had something real that could hurt Trump; they would run it

they don't; so they are making false insinuations and blowing up a non story to create headlines

headlines with anonymous sources? that kind of thing would get a "journalist" fired not so long ago; now it is SOP, but only if it fits the narrative to damage Trump

this is why #fakenews resonates with middle America

this is why American media is no longer trusted or respected by a majority of Americans

this will not end well for leftists
Lindsey Graham is what saved Clinton. I don't know why Republicans don't get together and get him canned.

Graham is still around because of the open primary system in SC

dems cross over to prevent a real conservative from winning the primary

there may be enough support to take him down in his next election - he has to run in 2020 and there is a really good chance that he will finally be primarried
Lindsey Graham is what saved Clinton. I don't know why Republicans don't get together and get him canned.

Graham is still around because of the open primary system in SC

dems cross over to prevent a real conservative from winning the primary

there may be enough support to take him down in his next election - he has to run in 2020 and there is a really good chance that he will finally be primarried
I donated money to the primary challenger in his last election. I absolutely hate that piece of shit.
The attempt to decapitate the probe again goes to Trump’s intent to stymie an independent investigation and his seeming cluelessness that these actions would be potentially illegal, an abuse of his power.'

...Trump is indeed clueless, ignorant of the law, and blinded by his arrogance.
I disagree only with the bolded sentence above. I don't think trump is clueless about the law or his abuse of power. I believe trump feels he is above our laws.

That's what makes him truly dangerous, imo. That and his utter incompetence.

OMG...a Hillary Clinton supporter claims that Trump feels he's above our laws? Because he's understandably angry at being accused of doing something that he NEVER did and that Hillary Clinton DID do?

This entire thing is becoming farce...
The Fresno Bee, the largest newspaper in Rep. Devin Nunes’s (R-CA) district, ripped the GOP lawmaker in a scathing editorial:

What, pray tell, does Rep. Devin Nunes think he’s doing by waving around a secret memo attacking the FBI, the nation’s premier law enforcement agency?

He certainly isn’t representing his Central Valley constituents or Californians, who care much more about health care, jobs and, yes, protecting Dreamers than about the latest conspiracy theory.

Instead, he’s doing dirty work for House Republican leaders trying to protect President Donald Trump in the Russia investigation.

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