In Wisconsin, many nursing homes had voter turnout between 95% and 100%. Relatives of these patients say they were too sick to vote.

Nope. Why don't you visit a senior living facility or assisted living facility? They have some lively discussions and they don't like Trump.
I doubt you know much about it. Or know how to do a proper survey. You are rather overstating things, IMO. I would say just the opposite: older people still able to think and do (in which case they probably should not be in one of those death-trap nursing homes!!) tend to be conservative.

I don't care. I just don't want ANY BALLOT HARVESTING --- not by Democrat criminals, not by anyone at all.
It was crooked alright… but did you hear? The fraudulent votes mostly all went to Trump! Crazy huh. He tried to cover up his own fraud by blaming it on the Dems. I’d ask if you can even believe it but of course I know the answer is yes.
I don't believe a word of that. I expect the obvious: that Dem operatives harvested ballots in old age homes by simply writing in the vote for all Dems. If you believe what you say, unlikely though it is, you should also not want any ballot harvesting in old age homes --- by anyone.
I don't believe a word of that. I expect the obvious: that Dem operatives harvested ballots in old age homes by simply writing in the vote for all Dems. If you believe what you say, unlikely though it is, you should also not want any ballot harvesting in old age homes --- by anyone.
It would be awesome if you had a shred of proof that that’s what happened. Until then I have to go by what they have been telling me which is that most of the fraudulent votes were for Trump
It would be awesome if you had a shred of proof that that’s what happened. Until then I have to go by what they have been telling me which is that most of the fraudulent votes were for Trump
"They"? Who are "they"?
I doubt you know much about it. Or know how to do a proper survey. You are rather overstating things, IMO. I would say just the opposite: older people still able to think and do (in which case they probably should not be in one of those death-trap nursing homes!!) tend to be conservative.

I don't care. I just don't want ANY BALLOT HARVESTING --- not by Democrat criminals, not by anyone at all.
I live in a senior living facility in ATL. It's not a nursing home.. the age range is from 62 to 100. It's great.
It would be awesome if you had a shred of proof that that’s what happened. Until then I have to go by what they have been telling me which is that most of the fraudulent votes were for Trump
A WI. Special Counsel presented the evidence. What is a matter with you?
I live in a senior living facility in ATL. It's not a nursing home.. the age range is from 62 to 100. It's great.
I'm delighted to hear you like it! One worries so much about having to go into any of these places since Covid. Thanks for telling us.

Boy, I bet you don't need help voting! :)
This probably happened in several other states too, because if they're willing to do it one, why wouldn't they do it in others.

Anyway, this is absolutely despicable.

The lying scumbag mainstream media still insists there was no widespread voter fraud.

Here's a video about it:

Here are some articles about it:

He provided no evidence that this happened. He was a lying Trump weasel to begin with and he just proved it.
Unlikely. But 100 percent turnout is impossible.
In a small population? Not at all but this is irrelevant anyway. All I see is a claim, not any actual proof, of that turnout and a video of him asking irrelevant questions to some poor elderly woman.
Old and very tired excuses. Too much has come out proving the election had no integrity in the swing states. Word is out, and it is getting around and convincing doubters. Suck on that for awhile.

The lack of integrity comes from phony claims of fraud.
The left never denied that voter fraud happened. That’s stupid. Of course it has. The amount is just way too rare and insignificant to matter. There have already been independent investigations into the 2020 election. You just ignore those investigations because they aren’t Fox News telling you everything you want to hear.

Several Trump supporters have been found to have cast fraudulent votes.
Yes they have. They have presented to the WI legislature with the recommendation of decertifying the election.

The lawyer for the Republican legislature has already said that would be illegal. Many of these issues were litigated and thrown out of court. and others have no evidence to back up the allegations.

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