In your opinion, does a woman who is being raped have the right to use deadly force on her rapist?

If someone committed a crime, it doesn't mean that victim should commit it too.
We have police, we have people who should punish criminals!
Of course, sometimes they work not perfect and in sometimes very awful, but!
Attempt to rape my wife and you die, son. No if, ands or police to it. about, if a man is being forcibly sodomized, does he have the right to use deadly force on his attacker?

I think yes in both cases.

The answer is obviously no. The victim of rape does not have the right to kill the attacker. However should he or she understandably do so, there are avenues of defense available. The fact that no legal right exists does not indicate that the act is "wrong".

Some of the idiots who have responded to this thread...especially those suggesting that hunting down the attacker after the fact....and committing acceptable.....exhibit limited reasoning skills.
What is acceptable to you or even me matters not. Yes, hunting down and killing your rapist after the fact is murder. If found guilty, (not a given) in most states, a jury would likely impose the minimum sentence possible.
BUT, the use of deadly force against a rapist is legal in all 50 states, unless you can find an exception I don't know of.
A person is only allowed to use deadly force in response to deadly force. If a woman reasonably believes that her life is in danger from being raped, then she may use deadly force. I think it would be tough to sell that one - in the usual rape case, a woman's life is not endangered from being raped unless there is something else going on in addition to the rape.

A person cannot use deadly force to prevent just any crime, rape included. You'd have better luck using deadly force when you were the victim of an armed robbery. There, an argument could be made for a reasonable belief that your life was in danger.
A large enough sample of rape cases result in death to reasonably feel you too are in mortal danger. Yes, I believe you would walk in all 50 states, but likely stand trial in maybe 10. In Alabama, they would erect a statue.
A person is only allowed to use deadly force in response to deadly force.

You need to check your premises on that one. Generally speaking, homicide is justified if there is a reasonable fear for "life, limb, or property." It is not required to fear for your life. It is adequate to have a good reason to believe that a person means you significant bodily harm. You can kill in self defense if a person is trying to stab you in the leg, even if you know that the person does not mean to actually kill you. If the mob were to break into my home and put my wife's finger in a cigar cutter, I could legally shoot the guy in the head.
If someone committed a crime, it doesn't mean that victim should commit it too.
We have police, we have people who should punish criminals!
Of course, sometimes they work not perfect and in sometimes very awful, but!
Attempt to rape my wife and you die, son. No if, ands or police to it.
Ooooohh! Tough guy!
Yes. Care to test me?

Talkers rarely act.
Tell that to the guy who tried to break down my door to rape my first wife. Ask him what he felt when a 12 gauge was 10" from his chest.
If someone committed a crime, it doesn't mean that victim should commit it too.
We have police, we have people who should punish criminals!
Of course, sometimes they work not perfect and in sometimes very awful, but!
Attempt to rape my wife and you die, son. No if, ands or police to it.
Ooooohh! Tough guy!
Yes. Care to test me?

Talkers rarely act.
Tell that to the guy who tried to break down my door to rape my first wife. Ask him what he felt when a 12 gauge was 10" from his chest.

Is he alive?

If the woman is being raped against her will...kill the SOB

If not

Thank him LOL

If the woman is being raped against her will...kill the SOB

If not

Thank him LOL

A nutter goes for the joke.....and scores! A rare occurrence. Naturally, it came from a dark place. where due.
Attempt to rape my wife and you die, son. No if, ands or police to it.
Ooooohh! Tough guy!
Yes. Care to test me?

Talkers rarely act.
Tell that to the guy who tried to break down my door to rape my first wife. Ask him what he felt when a 12 gauge was 10" from his chest.

Is he alive?
Yes. He kind of lost his desire when he saw the Mossberg pump. It wasn't necessary to kill him. I've been in 2 self defense situations. Neither required a bullet to resolve. I'd prefer not to take a life, but I am fully prepared to, if necessary.
Ooooohh! Tough guy!
Yes. Care to test me?

Talkers rarely act.
Tell that to the guy who tried to break down my door to rape my first wife. Ask him what he felt when a 12 gauge was 10" from his chest.

Is he alive?
Yes. He kind of lost his desire when he saw the Mossberg pump. It wasn't necessary to kill him. I've been in 2 self defense situations. Neither required a bullet to resolve. I'd prefer not to take a life, but I am fully prepared to, if necessary. I are all talk. Dude tried to rape your wife....and you didn't kill him. Big ass talker.
I don't even know why this is a question. That would be self defense. You never know what a person is capable of doing. He might kill you when he's done raping you. Who knows?
Yes. Care to test me?

Talkers rarely act.
Tell that to the guy who tried to break down my door to rape my first wife. Ask him what he felt when a 12 gauge was 10" from his chest.

Is he alive?
Yes. He kind of lost his desire when he saw the Mossberg pump. It wasn't necessary to kill him. I've been in 2 self defense situations. Neither required a bullet to resolve. I'd prefer not to take a life, but I am fully prepared to, if necessary. I are all talk. Dude tried to rape your wife....and you didn't kill him. Big ass talker.
I have no desire to kill anyone. I stopped him before he laid a hand on her. There was no need to stain the carpet.

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