incandescent bulbs go into the dustbin of history


I still don't get the 25 bucks for an LED.
Way out.

I don't get why you'd let yourself get ripped off so badly.

I still don't get the 25 bucks for an LED.
Way out.

I don't get why you'd let yourself get ripped off so badly.

I don't.
My last three were $1.25 each.

One thing is clear from this thread (apart from the fact there are so many idiots in America that can't cope with change), the prices in America are bloody stupid.
I've already posted a link to where you can buy these things and import them.
Sadly, America seems to be full of moaners, not capitalists.
Stop using Indonesia as a benchmark. None of the bulbs here are that cheap. It's got nothing yo do with refusing change.
Banning bulbs is pure idiocy.................The Gov't telling you what you can buy instead of letting the market place decide on it's own...........anybody with a lick of sense can determine what to buy on their own.........Not to regulate it or ban it...........because it's good for you......................................

While your at this ban you always only consider what happens in the house hold ONLY.............

I'm an electrician, and we are now and have been implementing the change in VERY LARGE INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS.......................Going to TOTAL LED lights in an Industrial Environment costs Millions of dollars especially when you have to purchase Class 1 Division 2 Explosion proof fixtures.......The lights we have been installing cost a $1,000 a piece.........Yes that's right $1,000 per light...........We aren't replacing the few in a house at that cost, but THOUSANDS OF THEM................So when you go to the pump, or see your utility rates go up just remember that some GREAT IDEAS TO SAVE THE PLANET COST A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY..................

We are currently not installing more due to the cost of the first round of changes that already have been put in service.........This years budget on the same has been cut, but we expect another round of change outs this year as well...........It does give us job security, and the LED's put out a lot of light. The operators are loving the light produced by the LED's..........But it must be done over time people.........As the costs are very high. Millions spent were I work for only a fraction of the total lights on sight.
Champ® VMV Series LED Luminaire

One of the major players in the change out.............Would cost a little less per light if the bases were the same as the old lights..............You have to buy the base as well................and pole lights aka stantion lights we have to add a reducing fitting from 1 1/2inch conduit to 1 1/4 inch conduit as the new ones don't come in 1 1/4inch.
Stop using Indonesia as a benchmark. None of the bulbs here are that cheap. It's got nothing yo do with refusing change.

You have no clue.
Pretty much all of them come from China.
That means, you can import them and retail them far cheaper than the price you're paying at the moment.
A real capitalist would see the opportunity and make a killing before the big boys had time to pull their socks up.
Even if you retailed at half the current price, you'd make a bomb on the job.
Only liberals celebrate the loss of freedom.

How did the group of people that claim they descend from the FF, that fought against government tyranny, become the people that cheer government tyranny? would be just like one of the most profound mental cases on the whole board to post up a thread like this.......spiking the football over light bulbs. It like doing an animated end zone dance for a touchdown but your team is still losing 56-7!!!:D Dollar to a thousand stale donuts that DOT COM is a social oddball.

Meanwhile, the fact of the matter is, it is the ONLY thing the AGW nutters can hang their hat on over the last 6 or 7 years as there has been ZERO significant climate legislation because nobody gives a fuck.

But hey.........they managed to get light bulbs banned.:gay::gay::gay::up:
Pretty much? All of them come from China. Who has no clue again?


There are manufacturers all over the world, including Indonesia and the U.S.
There are more in China; a lot more.

Final Count is In: There Are 108 LED Manufacturers: Majority in Greater China | LED Market Research Blog

I believe I've mentioned before; I research my position so well before I enter a thread, I know all your questions before you even think about asking them.

I'm far too clever for you to even try to argue with me.
If you didn't stock up when the impending ban was first discussed.....then don't cry. Just suck it up, chalk it to your own stupidity. Remember, the tree-huggers next target is toilet paper.

Toilet paper is dirty so should be banned.
Islam requires cleaning by water so we use a spray. I know some idiot will tell me all about the left hand thing but that's because they're too stupid to know the reality.

Water comes with enough force to do captain Kirk's job and remove the Klingons.

Ban toilet paper.

I still don't get the 25 bucks for an LED.
Way out.

the light from the led sux, period, the imbecility of the cfl was proven at a Berkeley lab. Their life span is BS, capitalized, BS.

How many LED units have you tried?

I had to downgrade the 9 w to 6 w because they were too bright.
The 3 watt is great for smaller rooms or when you're watching TV.
We use 3 watt far more than the higher rated units.
Our living room has fittings for three bulbs but we only ever use two. The centre one is a 6w, the one above the sofa, 3.
We only use the six watt if we really need a lot of light.

The room is 7 x 12 yards.

I've a feeling you're talking out of your arse; listening to rubbish from other people and spouting it out as if you actually know what you're talking about.

its the internet, anyone can be talking out of their arse, unfortunately for you, we had a discussion on this a while back, I explained what we did at the lab and what we found..... thx for the ad hom though, always nice :rolleyes: to see the usual fallback from the set of busy bodies who are more concerned about being busy bodies than the actual results and what people want, not what they are made to swallow, and the concomitant upset when the prols don't blindly go along:lol:
I know the President :salute: is right about this because I live in a highly corporatized area
“I know light bulbs may not seem sexy,’’ Mr. Obama said during a brief appearance at the White House. “But this simple action holds enormous promise, because 7 percent of all the energy consumed in America is used to light our homes and our businesses.’’

its like throwing $$$ down a rat hole to keep all the lights burning in these ginormous office parks 24/7 and we have to create more nuke waste to do it. Having more efficient bulbs will cut down on that waste.
Barack Obama -Inaugural Address Jan 2009; "As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. . . . Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake."

Barack Obama- Friday June 2013; "I think it's important to recognize that you can't have 100% security and also then have 100% privacy and zero inconvenience. We're going to have to make some choices as a society."

So you count 100% privacy and zero inconvenience as part of America's ideals? Makes me wonder where you rank sidewalks and sliced bread.
Stop using Indonesia as a benchmark. None of the bulbs here are that cheap. It's got nothing yo do with refusing change.

You have no clue.
Pretty much all of them come from China.
That means, you can import them and retail them far cheaper than the price you're paying at the moment.
A real capitalist would see the opportunity and make a killing before the big boys had time to pull their socks up.
Even if you retailed at half the current price, you'd make a bomb on the job.

If you knew qnything about capitalism and world trade, youd know you cant do that. Philips for instance would not allow a distributor to undercut all its other distributors in the states. There is a different cost of living for EVERYTHING between here and Indonesia. So trying to import at Indo prices and sell at US prices is a fools errand. Your cost of sales, distribution, and advertising would eat the difference. You COULD find a new and shoddy bulb manufacturer that MIGHT give you a US exclusive, but your product better be as good as the name brands.

If this worked, folks would be passing thru Asian brands of every product that retailed for less in places like Indo. Does Home Depot want to give YOU shelf space for a $4 unknown bulb, when the major sellers are backing their product and giving H Depot 30% margin?

These bulbs are expensive because each one contains a full AC/DC power supply, transient protect, huge heatsinks, and 2 to 6 LEDS at about 80 cents each.
PS....not to mention, when these new light bulbs fall and break, they become instantly toxic. Best to hold your breath instantly or guess what??? You have mercury poisoning.......which of course the AGW nutters don't care about because their priority is always to push the agenda. You get toxic levels of mercury from these bulbs?? FUCK YOU!!!!

Even if the fucking bulbs don't break, they emit radiation >>>

Study says energy-efficient light bulbs may emit harmful radiation | Human Events

The k00ks don't care..........FUCK YOU!!!! Deal with the radiation!!!

The green assholes are fucking the planet and they don't give a rats ass.
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PS....not to mention, when these new light bulbs fall and break, they become instantly toxic. Best to hold your breath instantly or guess what??? You have mercury poisoning.......which of course the AGW nutters don't care about because their priority is always to push the agenda. You get toxic levels of mercury from these bulbs?? FUCK YOU!!!!

Even if the fucking bulbs don't break, they emit radiation >>>

Study says energy-efficient light bulbs may emit harmful radiation | Human Events

The k00ks don't care..........FUCK YOU!!!! Deal with the radiation!!!

The green assholes are fucking the planet and they don't give a rats ass.

In the Navy Fluorescent bulbs were considered a Hazmat Item.........Because of the mercury and phosphorous..................Yet they still preached that we all should switch to them...............When I called them on this fact, they'd just change the subject and say we'll recycle them to solve that problem.................After I asked the effects of those bulbs and their mercury to the land fills................

In regards to the fixtures I've been installing in the Industrial Areas.............They put out a lot of light, but at a great cost. A cost that is passed on to the consumers...............

The worst part of this whole debate is they want to ban an item that has been around a long time...............Push the idea of alternatives, but allow CHOICE of what to use to the people...............They force their ideals on everyone and praise themselves for doing so...................

And then have the nerve to say they are about Freedom in this country............Hardly.......
PS....not to mention, when these new light bulbs fall and break, they become instantly toxic. Best to hold your breath instantly or guess what??? You have mercury poisoning.......which of course the AGW nutters don't care about because their priority is always to push the agenda. You get toxic levels of mercury from these bulbs?? FUCK YOU!!!!

Even if the fucking bulbs don't break, they emit radiation >>>

Study says energy-efficient light bulbs may emit harmful radiation | Human Events

The k00ks don't care..........FUCK YOU!!!! Deal with the radiation!!!

The green assholes are fucking the planet and they don't give a rats ass.

the toxicity via a broken cfl is minimal, its all about threshold limit values and permissible exposure limits. if you broke 20 or 30, then got on your hands and knees and huffed all of the vapor, you'd get sick. ;)

the issue now is disposal, they require special handling, like some other electronics, but separately, being brought to a recycling center, you just cannot recycle them via any of the bins we have been provided.

Where they go wrong is thinking that they can treat and expect people to react like robots they have programmed. To locate, then get in their car with a burnt out cfl or the broken shards etc. ( after ventilation of the area:)) and drive to a place that accepts them.....see, thats not the way it works, I can tell you as someone how has and does study this, they will never wind up with more than 30% of the folks doing so IF that.

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