incandescent bulbs go into the dustbin of history

Given that people were flocking to buy them for years before the ban, you look kind of crazy for calling such a raging free market success a failure.

There are so many sufferers of light bulb derangement syndrome on parade here. Like I said, they've gone hysterical after the environmentalists scored yet another very public success.

It's sort of a libertarian thing in general. They base their market predictions on their near-religious beliefs, instead of on facts and data. Hence the real world always smacks them down, hence they have to retreat into their fantasy worlds.
If people were flocking to buy CFLs, then there would really have been no need to ban incandescents. Market demand would have take care of that.

But they really weren't flocking to them. You just made that part up so the rest of your smear of people who distrust loathsome central planner bullies like you would work itself out.

CFLs are already way out of date.
Why the fixation on old technology when trying to defend old technology?

Bloody hell; I've already linked to the FOB price of the LED units, where to buy them and the exporter will arrange shipping for the inexperienced.

Go do something about it.
Supposing all that is true, why can't you sell your product to me, using selling points that relate to my values, rather than have it forced upon me based upon what you say my values should be?

Why do you liberals have such sucky sales skills?
The mandates and deadlines cost us jobs and technology advantages.

The cost savings being so obvious, why the need to outlaw a bulb?

And the idea of closing coal plants before you have a plan could be deadly..

Like when folks see their winter heating bills GO UP by 5 or 8% without those 100% efficient incandescent bulbs in their sockets....

No, high wages cost you jobs as it's cheaper to produce in China and ship them to the states.
You can't invest in the technology because you're way too late; China beat you to it.

This thread explains why government needs to get rid of the bulb. You have far too many idiots.

Winter heating bills? Moronic argument.
Imagine a space heater using 1,500 w, or running 150, old style 100w bulbs.
It may get a little bright when you warm up your room.

Sunglasses, anyone? :lol:

Now thats a hysterically funny post.. Not only is your math off by a factor of 10, you have no clue about what it would take to bring manufacturing back to the US. And as a result, when cheap labor actually dies very soon in China due to the ultimate benefits of automation, folks like you will be claiming you had all the answers.

When youre done remdiating the math deficiency you picked up in Indo --- please do try to mock me again.....
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Given that people were flocking to buy them for years before the ban, you look kind of crazy for calling such a raging free market success a failure.

There are so many sufferers of light bulb derangement syndrome on parade here. Like I said, they've gone hysterical after the environmentalists scored yet another very public success.

It's sort of a libertarian thing in general. They base their market predictions on their near-religious beliefs, instead of on facts and data. Hence the real world always smacks them down, hence they have to retreat into their fantasy worlds.
If people were flocking to buy CFLs, then there would really have been no need to ban incandescents. Market demand would have take care of that.

But they really weren't flocking to them. You just made that part up so the rest of your smear of people who distrust loathsome central planner bullies like you would work itself out.

CFLs are already way out of date.
Why the fixation on old technology when trying to defend old technology?

Bloody hell; I've already linked to the FOB price of the LED units, where to buy them and the exporter will arrange shipping for the inexperienced.

Go do something about it.

We fixated on an """old tech like CFLs, because if it wasnt for the mandate and the hasty scchedule, LED tech would have made them irrelevant BEFORE we invested all that time and money and stuck consumers with a sub par solution. An experience that poisoned public experience with the concept of efficient lighting and actually poisoned them as well.
Supposing all that is true, why can't you sell your product to me, using selling points that relate to my values, rather than have it forced upon me based upon what you say my values should be?

Why do you liberals have such sucky sales skills?

I have no clue why Americans are so stuck in the mud on this issue.
You'd think the most powerful nation of earth would be way ahead of other countries on this but you are, as you were with mobile phones, way down the field.

The prices are high in the states because the importers keep them high.
In a country where capitalism claims to be king, you'd think someone would have set up shop by now and beat these guys at their own game.
Supposing all that is true, why can't you sell your product to me, using selling points that relate to my values, rather than have it forced upon me based upon what you say my values should be?

Why do you liberals have such sucky sales skills?

I have no clue why Americans are so stuck in the mud on this issue.
You'd think the most powerful nation of earth would be way ahead of other countries on this but you are, as you were with mobile phones, way down the field.

The prices are high in the states because the importers keep them high.
In a country where capitalism claims to be king, you'd think someone would have set up shop by now and beat these guys at their own game.
And I have no idea why your sales skill suck.

You'd think that people who have a product as great as you claim it to be would have a hell of a time keeping the shelves stocked. Yet, it has to be rammed down our throats by force of law.

Or maybe your product isn't really that great and you're too lazy or cowardly to go hustle people face-to-face.
So IndoFreddy --- a 1500 Watt space heater is FIFTEEN (15) 100 Watt bulbs. Not 100.. And lights are on in a more constant duty cycle so that the resultiing energy is larger than a space heater that cycles on and off to a temperature set point. (so maybe 8 or 10 bulbs will do)

Funny how a simple observation like the 100% efficiency of those nasty bulbs in wintertime gets completely drowned by the propaganda eh? And the winter heating bills WILL GO UP..

In the mid-West, the rush to LED traffic lights resulted in the "oh crap" discovery that the OLD bulbs were assisting in keeping the snow and ice from obscuring the signal. And after that discovery, heaters had to be added to keep the public safe..

It was NOT COST -- but TIME that forced American business to drop plans to manufacture light bulbs here in the states. Sure an automated facility might not have exactly the same payroll as an older factory, but NEW jobs, and jobs at all skill levels would STILL have been available..

What else do you want to be wrong about today??
Supposing all that is true, why can't you sell your product to me, using selling points that relate to my values, rather than have it forced upon me based upon what you say my values should be?

Why do you liberals have such sucky sales skills?

I have no clue why Americans are so stuck in the mud on this issue.
You'd think the most powerful nation of earth would be way ahead of other countries on this but you are, as you were with mobile phones, way down the field.

The prices are high in the states because the importers keep them high.
In a country where capitalism claims to be king, you'd think someone would have set up shop by now and beat these guys at their own game.

Labor is a tiny fraction of the recurring cost of producing LED bulbs. I could give you EXACT figures for a 60W LED bulb. The margins are STILL SLIM, because the VOLUMES are still building. And it's VOLUME that determines your margin. The market wont allow prices and volume to become disconnected. So you CANT charge more and simultaneously build volume. Therefore you HAVE to lower margins --- Beat the shit out of your supply chain on costs --- and automate the HELL out of it.. The Chinese know this. They are buying MILLIONS of robotic assemblers because they dont want the problem of housing and feeding displaced disgruntled workers in company dorms.

We SHOULD HAVE used this event to DEMONSTRATE how 21st century factories can BEAT cheap labor.. But DotCom was in too much of a rush to plug in his electric vehicle and suck up all those saved Watts...
Obviously you folks are big shovers... You want THANKS? For killing jobs and forcing a market in FAILED Cfls?

Given that people were flocking to buy them for years before the ban, you look kind of crazy for calling such a raging free market success a failure.

There are so many sufferers of light bulb derangement syndrome on parade here. Like I said, they've gone hysterical after the environmentalists scored yet another very public success.

It's sort of a libertarian thing in general. They base their market predictions on their near-religious beliefs, instead of on facts and data. Hence the real world always smacks them down, hence they have to retreat into their fantasy worlds.


This light bulb non issue is evident of that.
suck it up bulb activists. Obama & the EPA have won this battle. Time to move on.

There it is folks. Behold the Naked Leftist.. It's about WINNING. Not about logic or reason or science or good management. But POWER and WINNING is what makes a leftist not a Liberal. It what makes them dangerous.

Dont often get a good justification for using the term leftist. But here it is. Power and Winning. Thanks Dotty....
...said the activist. Move on sport. We can't afford to keep all those wasteful incandescent bulbs buring in this great nation.
...said the activist. Move on sport. We can't afford to keep all those wasteful incandescent bulbs buring in this great nation.

Just told you -- they were only wasteful about 4 months of year in hot climates.

NOW -- you can Bust the grid with your plug-in battery wagons? Mandating that as well are you? Better waste more tax money QUICKLY --- before the Fuel Cell vehicles exposes "plugging in" for the ridiculous solution that it is...
...said the activist. Move on sport. We can't afford to keep all those wasteful incandescent bulbs buring in this great nation.

Just told you -- they were only wasteful about 4 months of year in hot climates.

NOW -- you can Bust the grid with your plug-in battery wagons? Mandating that as well are you? Better waste more tax money QUICKLY --- before the Fuel Cell vehicles exposes "plugging in" for the ridiculous solution that it is...

I ♥ thermal runaway. :lol:
Friend of mine recently bought a Chevy Volt.

Sarcastic SOB calls it his "coal powered wagon".

Of course he's right........but then he's also one who carries around a small salt shaker - in case he runs into someone wounded.
a libertarian would demand the right to have a nuclear reactor on their property in extremis
Nice bail of straw, sport. :rolleyes:

Actually -- it's one of those totally disconnected Dotty things.. But he's RIGHT.. If my neighbors and I would like to install one of those newfangled small scale buried reactors to power our Hillbilly Hollywood compounds, I WOULD demand the right to do that.

Just a tiny 0.5MWatt buried reactor would do.. Don't need the "assault style" reactor. We can sell the rest back to Tenn...

What's really gonna piss him off --- is when we pay for it --- permits and inspections and all with the profits we make off the NuScale stock when this company goes public and the income stream from the excess power..


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