incandescent bulbs go into the dustbin of history

Sometime in the next few years, I'll build another house.
That will all be low voltage LED lighting, probably using solar and/or wind power with battery storage and mains as emergency back up.
All the gear is commercially available and cheap; all I have to do is wire it up - easy peasy.

A good plan if you're not over about 40 and have good reason to believe you'll stay in the house for most of the rest of your life.

I once built a "hundred year house" - spent a lot on high grade materials and energy saving. Then lived in it for four years and sold it for market value. The value was up from what it would have cost if built conventionally but a fraction of what I actually put into it.

As to land, from that experience I learned (and have saved others tons of money with the advice) that you never buy anything you don't intend to use in six months or less 'cause beyond that something in life is gonna change. Change in some way you could never have guessed.

The investment is not a lot more than with standard lighting, so it hardly matters ..... except the electricity bill will drop like a stone as far as lighting goes.
12v gear is simple, easily available and very easy to wire up; the only cost is if I install solar panels, wind is cheap.

New TVs will be LED projectors, the new ones are light, portable, easily visible in only a slightly dimmed room and the picture is clear.
OK, they aren't up to the latest flat panel quality but who gives a shit when it's for the kid to watch cartoons or my wife to watch NCIS? They're easily good enough for that, produce a large screen and run on sod all power.
The first one runs at just 15 lumens but will produce a 40 inch screen in a dim room. My kid loves it in her play room so I think I'll install it as a fixture when we move to the new house.

I have two projectors at the moment, both bought for work, but I'll be replacing one soon so I'll use the old 200 lumen one in our bedroom.
Basically, I'll have a cinema in there at low cost in equipment and energy.
Nothing wrong with LED lights as long as you adjust for the lumen difference. And the LED tvs make everything else look like crap.
The new LED projectors are pretty smart as well. You should have a look at them.
The President delivered on this. The savings will be astronomical.
Obviously you folks are big shovers... You want THANKS? For killing jobs and forcing a market in FAILED Cfls? You havent even finished and youre declaring victorry.. By unnaturally accelerating the market --- you fools have created virtual monopolies on key pieces of this technology. The shakeout was more violent than it should have been and competition couldnt get its pants on... But HEY youre leftists.. You dont NEED to understand business and tech development.. youre just a bunch of pushers.....

Is there a story you can share concerning this?
Might serve as a good lesson for some of us willing to pay attention.

I watched several large LED developers drop out because pricesmplummeted too fast. Leaving the best tech in very few hands.. wouldnt be too exciting to describe the details. I also saw jobs and manufacturing go IMMEDIATELY to China even when there were plans to run automated manufacturing here in the states.. Didnt have the TIME to do it the US the better way.. Would miss the initial market......

So everyone pucker up to kiss that leftist ass for PUSHING this as a crisis.

Were you around a coupla years ago when we were discussing filament bulbs enclosed in carbon fiber grids to block the escape of LW radiation? Interesting idea but it died on the vine when many countries started outlawing 'heat balls'.
Leftists absolutely adore a good banning of items. They definitely know what is best for everyone and everything. Their central planning is unmatched when it comes to destroying economies, technology, markets and civil liberties.

Leftists absolutely adore a good banning of items. They definitely know what is best for everyone and everything. Their central planning is unmatched when it comes to destroying economies, technology, markets and civil liberties.


Absolutely. They don't understand the law of unintended consequences.

Also, it isn't the Big Lie that is hard to deal with. It is all the small lies that follow so that the big lie makes sense.
Interesting that in response to my earlier post concerning savings I have personally experienced using LED illumination I got this response from one of our own. Or at least from one of his sock-puppets:

"You look like king george. Go suck on a cock!"

I have no idea whether King George might or might not have found cost savings from substituting LED lamps in place of difficult-to-reach (therefore expensive to replace) applications. I mean, given that there were NO light bulbs of any sort during his day.
I find it very odd, those who claim the political right are the ones who refuse the capitalist ideal of keeping costs to a minimum.
They complain of high costs to buy the units but don't think of ways to buy at a better price.

Very low quality right wingers.
I find it very odd, those who claim the political right are the ones who refuse the capitalist ideal of keeping costs to a minimum.
They complain of high costs to buy the units but don't think of ways to buy at a better price.

Very low quality right wingers.

For about some it's about government controlling every aspect of daily life. Telling what you can eat - or if that fails, taxing their fantasy-du-jour foodstuff beyond reach. Telling you have to buy stuff you don't want.

For others it's about value. CFLs might save electricity but you have to turn (most of) them on about a half hour before you want to see anything. Then when they burn out (at about 25% of their "rated" life for many) you're mandated to take them to a haz-mat disposal site because they're full of stuff that can kill.

For others, no point in buying the cheaper ones - they still cost several times that of an incandescent and burn out before any payback. The really good ones are priced out of reach. So where's the value? It comes with elimination of costs that are not immediately apparent. Good deal to pay 10X the cost of an incandescent when the cost of getting to where it is to replace a lamp is 100X the cost of the purchase. That's the real saving; the reduced power consumption is just gravy.

LEDs will become popular when ways are found to make them last without making them prohibitively expensive. That WILL happen but not by government mandate. It'll happen through competition. Competition that will be lessened when people are forced to buy them without regard to how they'll last or how much they cost.
I'm sure the idea of society determining which consumer items get the ax is also a foreign concept to you too. LOLberals hate the idea that people might make good decisions without being forced by Leftist do-gooders.
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So I bought these 120watt equivalent spot lights and they take what seems like 5min to warm up. Before they warm up the light output is "minimal" at best. If someone slips and falls due to the low light output of these bulbs when you first turn them on can I sue the federal government for damages?
So I bought these 120watt equivalent spot lights and they take what seems like 5min to warm up. Before they warm up the light output is "minimal" at best. If someone slips and falls due to the low light output of these bulbs when you first turn them on can I sue the federal government for damages?

No, but the person falling definitely can sue you.
So I bought these 120watt equivalent spot lights and they take what seems like 5min to warm up. Before they warm up the light output is "minimal" at best. If someone slips and falls due to the low light output of these bulbs when you first turn them on can I sue the federal government for damages?

No, but the person falling definitely can sue you.

That's what I figured. The democrat congress, most of which are ambulance chasing lawyers, are looking for ways to collect more money.
For about some it's about government controlling every aspect of daily life.

CFLs might save electricity

LEDs will become popular when ways are found to make them last without making them prohibitively expensive. .

You shouldn't need to care about the law regarding 100 year old bulb technology, they make no sense anyway.
Extremely expensive to run and most of the light is outside the visible spectrum.
Pointless mpw alternatives are available.

CFLs are old hat, an interim solution, almost at an end of their useful life.

LEDs are not expensive, you're being ripped off.
I'd have to check the price here as I haven't bought one for a while but there are now as many on the shelves as all the others types put together.

You're acting like a typical socialist; you want it sorting out but you're waiting on a capitalist to come and spoon feed you.

Luckily for you, I'm willing to help you put the food on the spoon - can you get it to your mouth?

Led Bulb-Led Bulb Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comLED Bulb Lights

Remember - The quoted costs are usually FOB but this will give you an idea of what you should be paying in the shops and, if you're a real capitalist, get some money in your pockets.

So do something positive instead of moaning like a bitch who's customer has just fucked off without paying. :)
I knew we could count on you to pimp for a Chicom website!

A websites used by big business to make a lot of money. How else do suppliers and buyers get together?
Sorry, I didn't realise I was trying to help socialists.

Sing along - The peoples' flag is deepest red...............................:eusa_whistle:

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