Income equality bull shit.

I saw a stat that showed the average income gap between the richest and poorest Americans was around $158K under Bush but now it's around $172K under Obama.

Yeah, he is really helping out the poor.....not.
I saw a stat that showed the average income gap between the richest and poorest Americans was around $158K under Bush but now it's around $172K under Obama.

Yeah, he is really helping out the poor.....not.

No, he's not helping out the poor. That's why Republicans should love him.
No, the 1% do not need trillions upon trillions of dollars in offshore tax shelters because of the costs of Obamacare. They have trillions in untaxable accounts because they don't give a fuck about you or anyone else but the shareholders in their company.

Do the GOP monkeys on this board who try to defend the 1% actually think that the 1% care about you? They don't. Anyone rich enough to be in the 1% will never read internet messageboards or care about the people who write on them. So why defend the 1% when the 1% will never defend you?

They do not have to care about us. And yes we know they don't.

The thing that you don't understand (one of many things)is that wealth is NOT finite. Just because they have it and they are keeping it does not mean that there isn't any for you. If you want wealth they can't stop you from achieving it. Only you and possibly government interference is stopping you.
Have you ever heard the term "too big to prosecute"?

Yes, the 1% have to care about us because We the People are their customers and victims. Have you ever heard the term "too big to prosecute"? It came from HSBC confessing to laundering billions for terrorists who are killing Americans. HSBC could not be prosecuted nor could the corporate executives be put in jail because bringing down Europe's largest bank would have crippled the global economy. So HSBC paid a small fine equal to about 2-months' revenue and went right back to work.

Do the families of the American soldiers who were killed by weapons bought by terrorists with money laundered through HSBC ever get that kind of preferential treatment?

Keep defending the 1% who don't care about you. One day, you'll be rich like them. Oh, wait. No, you won't.

That has nothing to do with income inequality. Go start your own thread.
Good god, the fucking inbred is here 24/7.

welfare and the public library internet access keep you alive to bother society.

FYI...he is still funneling millions in tax dollars to lazy scum see the rise in Medicaid, food stamps, welfare benefits under him.

He is increasing the income gap because he is printing fake money and using the QE policy to prop up the stock market to "fool" people that the economy is doing so well. Rich people are making millions thanks to him while the stock market is headed for a bubble and train wreck....which in the end will screw over the poor and middle classes in this country with a DEPRESSION.

I saw a stat that showed the average income gap between the richest and poorest Americans was around $158K under Bush but now it's around $172K under Obama.

Yeah, he is really helping out the poor.....not.

No, he's not helping out the poor. That's why Republicans should love him.
I disagree, it is equality of opportunity, obviously I'm not going to list every type there is. Equality if opportunity would by definition be free of descrimination.

Certain types of discrimination yes, but not all.

Opportunity will always be based on money because providing opportunity to children will always be valued by parents.

Not in the least bit true. Many many people have gained wealth for themselves and started with nothing.
I saw a stat that showed the average income gap between the richest and poorest Americans was around $158K under Bush but now it's around $172K under Obama.

Yeah, he is really helping out the poor.....not.

That is what I find most amusing about the sheeple on the left. Obama does nothing but campaign and they believe anything he says despite some very obvious facts.
I saw a stat that showed the average income gap between the richest and poorest Americans was around $158K under Bush but now it's around $172K under Obama.

Yeah, he is really helping out the poor.....not.

No, he's not helping out the poor. That's why Republicans should love him.

That shows that you know nothing about what you are saying.
Reality is Obama is helping the poor and the rich with his policies.

The middle class is the one being screwed and left paying the bills.

The poor are using Medicaid or getting subsidies after obamacare has increased medical insurance premiums. The middle class most times make too much for subsidies thus have to quit carrying insurance or lower their lifestyle to maintain their coverage.

The average worker income in this country has gone down under Obama and that is mostly the middle class. Meanwhile he is constantly talking about fucking over the middle class even more with a higher minimum wage rate increasing the cost of goods...endless cycle of stupidity.

The poor are getting more in welfare benefits, food stamps, etc while the rich are making a killing in the stock market thanks to the funny money and QE policy.

So the income gap is getting bigger with the rich getting richer, the middle class getting poorer and the poor are just spinning their wheels with more free goodies not making them richer but keeping them in their current state of ghetto trash life.

This is all by design people. European socialists have always understood destroying the middle class and pushing them into a servant poor class ensures they stay in power by controlling the resources over your life (food, housing, medical, etc). Europeans are used to being the lower class while the uber rich run their lives.....
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That would be former top economic adviser to President Obama, Larry Summers. His paper also mentioned “unionization” as “another cause of long-term unemployment.” Did Obama ever listen to this man? The truth is that Obama and many Democrats don’t actually care about the real-world impact of their policy demands. They don’t care about incentives. They don’t care about studies. They don’t care about pay-fors. They care about accruing political benefit from attacking Republicans as nasty grinches. The emerging GOP position on this issue is that they’ll agree to another extension if Democrats agree to spending offsets and include measures that would actually help create jobs. Democrats say this approach is unconscionably cruel, or something. Unleash the speech machine: - See more at: Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Creates Jobs, You Know | RocketNews
Yeah, those poor people get all the breaks. Look at those thousands of homeless Vietnam veterans with undiagnosed, untreated PTSD. The VA said there's another 20k OEF/OIF vets on the streets now. They're just lazy moochers who don't want to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Take out your guns, Republicans, and kill yourselves.
Go to hell shitstain.

Your invented lies about conservatives are a waste of our time.

Yeah, those poor people get all the breaks. Look at those thousands of homeless Vietnam veterans with undiagnosed, untreated PTSD. The VA said there's another 20k OEF/OIF vets on the streets now. They're just lazy moochers who don't want to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Take out your guns, Republicans, and kill yourselves.
Yeah, those poor people get all the breaks. Look at those thousands of homeless Vietnam veterans with undiagnosed, untreated PTSD. The VA said there's another 20k OEF/OIF vets on the streets now. They're just lazy moochers who don't want to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Take out your guns, Republicans, and kill yourselves.

Trolley troll is a troll.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society

Unless you're a person who has a group of lobbyists in your corner and several politicians in your pocket, I would say that statement is utter bullshit.
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You sad little monkeys are funny. Anytime you're confronted with your own lack of logic, you build a feeble wall around your stupid world view by saying, "You're a stupid lying libtroll who hates America."

Tens of thousands of those poor homeless people all across America that you hate so much are the veterans of your pointless wars.

Go fuck yourselves, GOP. Take out your guns and kill yourselves.
I am not in the 1% but I'm in the upper middle class. Between my wife and I we are close to the $250k range that the left wants to pay for the parasites who vote for them. I started out with absolutely nothing. I grew up in the lower income bracket, and I barely graduated high school. Then I decided if I was going to have any kind if life I had better get my shit together. Since I had no money, I joined the navy to get money for college. When I got out I didn't waste time, I studied and studied hard. I took advantage of the opportunities that came my way and while I'm not the Super Rich, I have all the money I need.

I had other opportunities and had I taken them I could have doubled my income. I chose not to and because I'm a rational thinking adult, I don't envy those who took the opportunity and did the extra work.

If you not not have wealth, look in the mirror for the cause of your problems.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society

Unless you're a person who has a group of lobbyists in your corner and several politicians in your pocket, I would say that statement is utter bullshit.

Yeah well just like every other post you make you are dead wrong.
You are so correct. The tens of thousands of homeless veterans with missing limbs, PTSD, Agent Orange poisoning, and DU exposure, all have themselves to blame for being the way that they are.
I'm also upper middle class after coming from a middle of the road middle class military family.

Many of my military life classmates in high school didn't do well in school and took jobs right out of high school for "union wages" back in the 80s. I went to college and then the military for 20 years and now working in the civilian sector with my 3 college degrees making far more money than many of my high school classmates with the same economic backgrounds growing up.

Obama will claim they got screwed because many of them are black....I know they didn't study like me in high school when we played sports together and I know they took the money early in life instead of preparing for a better income/future through more hard work and college....

I am not in the 1% but I'm in the upper middle class. Between my wife and I we are close to the $250k range that the left wants to pay for the parasites who vote for them. I started out with absolutely nothing. I grew up in the lower income bracket, and I barely graduated high school. Then I decided if I was going to have any kind if life I had better get my shit together. Since I had no money, I joined the navy to get money for college. When I got out I didn't waste time, I studied and studied hard. I took advantage of the opportunities that came my way and while I'm not the Super Rich, I have all the money I need.

I had other opportunities and had I taken them I could have doubled my income. I chose not to and because I'm a rational thinking adult, I don't envy those who took the opportunity and did the extra work.

If you not not have wealth, look in the mirror for the cause of your problems.
Blah blah, Blah blah! Idiotic Liberal talking point, mindless nonsense! Lunatic left wing nut rant after rant after rant. Shut down brain and let mouth ramble. Blah blah yada yada yada!

Go fuck yourselves, GOP. Take out your guns and kill yourselves.

To be a liberal is to be an idiot.

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