Income equality bull shit.

What you'll notice with most of the righties here is their concern for business owners, ceo's etc. You will never see them make any statements about concern for the citizens of the US.

Every solution someone lays out they scream "Whos going to pay?" as an automatic rejection of all ideas. If any of the ideas costs anyone anything they dont see it as a possible solution. So whats left...we just keep going down the fucking drain while republicans scream about all the things America cant do or failing at with no solutions

Business owners and CEOs are also citizens of the U.S., and are no more responsible for your troubles than any other citizens of the U.S. The solution to America's woes are simple, and cost little taxpayer money. Get the federal government out of everyone's life, and allow this country to heal economically and socially.

There is no evidence that federal politicians and/or federal bureaucrats are any smarter, any more honest, or any more compassionate, than state or local politicians and/or bureaucrats. We need to return to a union of soverign states, where states and localities see to the needs of citizens, and the federal government returns to the framework established by the U.S. Constitution.

Government closest to the people, is government more easily controlled by the people. Our current federal government is controlled by no one beyond the federal politicians and the federal bureaucrats. That fact ought to be obvious to everyone by now.
The federal government is controlled by the richest 1% of voters, just as every government ever devised.

Your solution would only increase the leverage of Wall Street and other assorted parasites since state and local governments have fewer resources to fight creeping corporatism.

Hmmm, if the 1% is all evil republican fat cats, how did obama win twice? Are you saying that obama is a corporate whore?
Are you trying to say that "liberals" moved all of US manufacturing to China? The liberals who support American unions, and living wages for American and Chinese workers alike? Those liberals destroyed the US economy?

Or was it the liberals on Wall Street who tanked the economy through illegal means and then demanded public funds to stay in business and reap 95% of the economic "recovery"? Those were the liberals who destroyed American manufacturing?

The wall street criminals should be in jail, why haven't obama and holder indicted them? could it be that obama and holder are part of the crimes?

Why do you libs think that conservatives support wall street crime? WTF is wrong with you?

on your union rant-----unions served a good and valid purpose in the early part of the 20th century, people were being exploited. We now have laws against such exploitation.

Want to see union results in present time? look at Detroit and the car companies. Do you agree with the bail outs that were done solely to save the UAW?

Why do we think that you support Wall Street's crimes? Because you keep defending Wall Street crimes as somehow being related to "job creators creating jobs". How much money did Wall Street make in the last ten years? And how many jobs did they create? You don't see the problem, do you?

And the reason that workers aren't being exploited right now is because we have those laws. If you get rid of the laws protecting workers' rights, companies will be exploiting them again.
Are you trying to say that "liberals" moved all of US manufacturing to China? The liberals who support American unions, and living wages for American and Chinese workers alike? Those liberals destroyed the US economy?

Or was it the liberals on Wall Street who tanked the economy through illegal means and then demanded public funds to stay in business and reap 95% of the economic "recovery"? Those were the liberals who destroyed American manufacturing?

The wall street criminals should be in jail, why haven't obama and holder indicted them? could it be that obama and holder are part of the crimes?

Why do you libs think that conservatives support wall street crime? WTF is wrong with you?

on your union rant-----unions served a good and valid purpose in the early part of the 20th century, people were being exploited. We now have laws against such exploitation.

Want to see union results in present time? look at Detroit and the car companies. Do you agree with the bail outs that were done solely to save the UAW?

Why do we think that you support Wall Street's crimes? Because you keep defending Wall Street crimes as somehow being related to "job creators creating jobs". How much money did Wall Street make in the last ten years? And how many jobs did they create? You don't see the problem, do you?

And the reason that workers aren't being exploited right now is because we have those laws. If you get rid of the laws protecting workers' rights, companies will be exploiting them again.

Wow, your ignorance knows no bounds.

no one ever said that wall street created jobs. Wall street is a legal casino, the only jobs it creates are for the dealers and their gofers..

no one has suggested doing away with laws protecting worker's rights. where did you get that bullshit?

Jobs are created when busineses and people with money spend or invest it in new businesses or expansions of existing businesses.

Building the keystone pipeline is a perfect example of spending that would create jobs---and as a bonus, increase the US energy supply and possible lower energy costs.

But obama has blocked that project because it would hurt his stated goal of skyrocketing energy costs.

The problem is in DC and specifically in the white house.
Are you trying to say that "liberals" moved all of US manufacturing to China? The liberals who support American unions, and living wages for American and Chinese workers alike? Those liberals destroyed the US economy?

Or was it the liberals on Wall Street who tanked the economy through illegal means and then demanded public funds to stay in business and reap 95% of the economic "recovery"? Those were the liberals who destroyed American manufacturing?

The wall street criminals should be in jail, why haven't obama and holder indicted them? could it be that obama and holder are part of the crimes?

Why do you libs think that conservatives support wall street crime? WTF is wrong with you?

on your union rant-----unions served a good and valid purpose in the early part of the 20th century, people were being exploited. We now have laws against such exploitation.

Want to see union results in present time? look at Detroit and the car companies. Do you agree with the bail outs that were done solely to save the UAW?

Why do we think that you support Wall Street's crimes? Because you keep defending Wall Street crimes as somehow being related to "job creators creating jobs". How much money did Wall Street make in the last ten years? And how many jobs did they create? You don't see the problem, do you?

And the reason that workers aren't being exploited right now is because we have those laws. If you get rid of the laws protecting workers' rights, companies will be exploiting them again.

Do you think that "wall street" and "rich people" are the same thing? is that your problem?
<<<well corporate raiders like robmoney>>>

Isn't the normal strategy of a corporate raider to buy them out, then load em up with debt, chop em up and then flip em?

I have yet to see an example of a "corporate raider", and thus I have no idea if that's the "normal strategy" or not.

The closest thing to a "corporate raider" is when two companies are competing against each other, and one buys out the other company, with the intention of shutting it down.

Back in 1998, the company I was working for, was bought out by another larger company from Memphis, which closed down the Ohio based plant.

Now Ironically, when people refer to corporate raiders, they rarely mean this type of company, but rather, Capital Investment firms, such as the one Romney was involved in (Bain Capital).

The problem is, a capital investment firm business strategy is the exact opposite of what people claim "Corporate Raiders" do.

The general concept behind Capital Investment, is that the Capital Investment firm, finds companies that are struggling, or that are stable, but not growing, or companies in which for whatever reason the management wants out. You then buy out the company, and grow it.

Bain Capital, has done this numerous times, with great success. The successful companies of Bain Capital Investment, are...

AMC Theatres
Aspen Education Group
Burger King
Burlington Coat Factory
Canada Goose
Clear Channel Communications
Domino's Pizza
Dunkin' Donuts
D&M Holdings
Guitar Center
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
Sports Authority
Toys "R" Us
Warner Music Group
The Weather Channel

Now each company still has to make or break on their own. Some are still growing, some are hitting on hard times, but each grew and expanded successfully after Bain Capital bought them, and invested into them.

That said, people conveniently ignore all those, and focus on the failures, and then pretend, that the goal if failure.

Because of this, they make up these illogical claims that somehow, they intentionally load them up with debt, and then chop them up, and sell them off.

First... loading the company with debt, is never the goal in and of itself. The purpose of borrowing money, is to invest. Borrowing money on a business, is not like a private individual ringing up a credit card, running up thousands, and then declaring bankruptcy, walking away scott free.

You have to justify those loans, and document the purpose, and uses of the money, and what collateral you sign in pledge. If any company walked into the Bank and said they wanted a loan, so they could pay out 4x higher salaries to their management before closing the company and filing for bankruptcy, they would never get the loan. If they said they lied saying they intended to invest into the company with the loan, and instead intentionally paid 4x higher salaries to management before declaring bankruptcy and closing, that's called 'fraud'.

If you really honestly believe that someone in management is intentionally defrauding the banks, then by all means, contact authorities and prove your case. Of course no one does that.... largely because it's not true. If the banks were really being defrauded, they'd file suit.

Companies sinking in debt, is more often simply the result of them failing to make a profit. Not a matter of it being part of some intentional plan.

And honestly, if the goal was to chop up the company and sell it off, that could be done during the buy out. It's fairly normal that companies in buy outs, are split up. Ocz Technology, maker of computer parts, was recently bought by Toshiba, and in that buyout, Toshiba acquired every aspect of Ocz except for it's SSD storage business.

If any capital investment firm, wants to split up the company they buy, they can do some right from the start.
Business owners and CEOs are also citizens of the U.S., and are no more responsible for your troubles than any other citizens of the U.S. The solution to America's woes are simple, and cost little taxpayer money. Get the federal government out of everyone's life, and allow this country to heal economically and socially.

There is no evidence that federal politicians and/or federal bureaucrats are any smarter, any more honest, or any more compassionate, than state or local politicians and/or bureaucrats. We need to return to a union of soverign states, where states and localities see to the needs of citizens, and the federal government returns to the framework established by the U.S. Constitution.

Government closest to the people, is government more easily controlled by the people. Our current federal government is controlled by no one beyond the federal politicians and the federal bureaucrats. That fact ought to be obvious to everyone by now.
The federal government is controlled by the richest 1% of voters, just as every government ever devised.

Your solution would only increase the leverage of Wall Street and other assorted parasites since state and local governments have fewer resources to fight creeping corporatism.

Hmmm, if the 1% is all evil republican fat cats, how did obama win twice? Are you saying that obama is a corporate whore?
So are all of his predecessors, IMHO.
Business owners and CEOs are also citizens of the U.S., and are no more responsible for your troubles than any other citizens of the U.S. The solution to America's woes are simple, and cost little taxpayer money. Get the federal government out of everyone's life, and allow this country to heal economically and socially.

There is no evidence that federal politicians and/or federal bureaucrats are any smarter, any more honest, or any more compassionate, than state or local politicians and/or bureaucrats. We need to return to a union of soverign states, where states and localities see to the needs of citizens, and the federal government returns to the framework established by the U.S. Constitution.

Government closest to the people, is government more easily controlled by the people. Our current federal government is controlled by no one beyond the federal politicians and the federal bureaucrats. That fact ought to be obvious to everyone by now.
The federal government is controlled by the richest 1% of voters, just as every government ever devised.

Your solution would only increase the leverage of Wall Street and other assorted parasites since state and local governments have fewer resources to fight creeping corporatism.

Hmmm, if the 1% is all evil republican fat cats, how did obama win twice? Are you saying that obama is a corporate whore?

Yes...confused now arent you?

Bain Capital, has done this numerous times, with great success. The successful companies of Bain Capital Investment, are...

AMC Theatres
Aspen Education Group
Burger King
Burlington Coat Factory
Canada Goose
Clear Channel Communications
Domino's Pizza
Dunkin' Donuts
D&M Holdings
Guitar Center
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
Sports Authority
Toys "R" Us
Warner Music Group
The Weather Channel

Now each company still has to make or break on their own. Some are still growing, some are hitting on hard times, but each grew and expanded successfully after Bain Capital bought them, and invested into them.

That said, people conveniently ignore all those, and focus on the failures, and then pretend, that the goal if failure.

Because of this, they make up these illogical claims that somehow, they intentionally load them up with debt, and then chop them up, and sell them off.

First... loading the company with debt, is never the goal in and of itself. The purpose of borrowing money, is to invest. Borrowing money on a business, is not like a private individual ringing up a credit card, running up thousands, and then declaring bankruptcy, walking away scott free.

You have to justify those loans, and document the purpose, and uses of the money, and what collateral you sign in pledge. If any company walked into the Bank and said they wanted a loan, so they could pay out 4x higher salaries to their management before closing the company and filing for bankruptcy, they would never get the loan. If they said they lied saying they intended to invest into the company with the loan, and instead intentionally paid 4x higher salaries to management before declaring bankruptcy and closing, that's called 'fraud'.

If you really honestly believe that someone in management is intentionally defrauding the banks, then by all means, contact authorities and prove your case. Of course no one does that.... largely because it's not true. If the banks were really being defrauded, they'd file suit.

Companies sinking in debt, is more often simply the result of them failing to make a profit. Not a matter of it being part of some intentional plan.

And honestly, if the goal was to chop up the company and sell it off, that could be done during the buy out. It's fairly normal that companies in buy outs, are split up. Ocz Technology, maker of computer parts, was recently bought by Toshiba, and in that buyout, Toshiba acquired every aspect of Ocz except for it's SSD storage business.

If any capital investment firm, wants to split up the company they buy, they can do some right from the start.

Guitar Center is an interesting one, as it is again publishing SEC 10Q & 10K reports. Some how despite earning a 31% gross margin, this company has lost more than a $billion since Bain took it over. It was loaded up with a 10.75% bond, plus the equity got stripped out. Who knows how many other fees were bulit in by Bain to create this loss.

Suppliers are concerned that the last step will be to bankrupt the company leaving all the vendors with nothing. No one expects the Guitar Center stores to close in a bk, because their basic business model was viable. It's just the cash that got taken out by its owner.
Are you trying to say that "liberals" moved all of US manufacturing to China? The liberals who support American unions, and living wages for American and Chinese workers alike? Those liberals destroyed the US economy?

Or was it the liberals on Wall Street who tanked the economy through illegal means and then demanded public funds to stay in business and reap 95% of the economic "recovery"? Those were the liberals who destroyed American manufacturing?

Yes, liberal unions, liberal over-taxation and liberal over-regulation are destroying American manufacturing.
Then you agree, the problem is government, not capitalism.

It's neither government nor capitalism, per se. It's the way the system is currently structured and operating. What's happened is that corporations have found a way to seek and gain advantage and preferential treatment. The politicians and our system of gov't have been compromised as a result. What needs to happen is the the laws and regulations need to be updated AND enforced to put an end to the current system of financing political campaigns.

But the people in power in gov't, and the people who run our most powerful special interests who benefit from the current system have been and will continue to block any changes. That's why people need to vote incumbents out of office, regardless of party affiliation. Until that's done, and until the single greatest determining factor on who wins an election is no longer who raises and spends the most money (including soft money), the system will continue to be corrupt. What that means is that decisions will continue to be made not based on what's best for the country as a whole or what's best for a majority of the people, but what's best for the people who can afford to pay to get what they want.

There is another option that you have ignored, and that is the concept of taking away the goodies that powerful special interest groups are willing to pay vast sums of money to obtain.

You seem to think that removing money from the political process will make the government more honest and more just. That is nonsense, since the politicians will find underground means of replacing the lost cash.

If we did away with income taxes, and capital gains taxes, and moved to a consumption tax, politicians would have no tax benefits to sell. If we didn't have numerous federal entities writing thousands of pages of regulations, politicians would have no regulatory favors to sell. If we returned the functions to the states, that belong at the state level, federal politicians would have fewer favors to sell.

Very true. The quickest way to put a stop to the practice of buying politicians is to make politicians less valuable.
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

OH boo..hoo!! The rich getting richer! Why don't you dumb s...s... every want to become one of the "rich"?
What is YOUR problem?
I'm sure... I KNOW you don't know these numbers but please you tell me what your chances of becoming "rich" are compared to just 37 years ago?

"Next look at the wealth distribution in America since 1980. "
How many millionaires in 1980...
At the start of the decade, according to the IRS, 4,414 taxpayers reported that they had earned more than $1 million annually in adjusted gross income.
As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires
So JUST ONE indicator:
1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
2016... 10,800,000... What kind of ratio is that?
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million. The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million. The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2017, 2018) - Worldometers
1 out of 30 in 2016 vs 1 out of 51,314 in 1980.... and you are bitching and moaning????

NOW when will idiots like you recognize this simple ratio can now be applicable to YOU!
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

OH boo..hoo!! The rich getting richer! Why don't you dumb s...s... every want to become one of the "rich"?
What is YOUR problem?
I'm sure... I KNOW you don't know these numbers but please you tell me what your chances of becoming "rich" are compared to just 37 years ago?

"Next look at the wealth distribution in America since 1980. "
How many millionaires in 1980...
At the start of the decade, according to the IRS, 4,414 taxpayers reported that they had earned more than $1 million annually in adjusted gross income.
As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires
So JUST ONE indicator:
1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
2016... 10,800,000... What kind of ratio is that?
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million. The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million. The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2017, 2018) - Worldometers
1 out of 30 in 2016 vs 1 out of 51,314 in 1980.... and you are bitching and moaning????

NOW when will idiots like you recognize this simple ratio can now be applicable to YOU!

Oh is that all we have to do? Just decide to be rich enough to qualify for his tax breaks? Fuck off you donkey.
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

Bull shit. Those people don’t pay taxes anyway. If they get anything at all they need to shit the fuck up and be thankful.
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

Bull shit. Those people don’t pay taxes anyway. If they get anything at all they need to shit the fuck up and be thankful.
Middle class people don't pay? Either you are rich or a house ni**er.

Funny you think we don't need a break but the richest people need it. Kiss my ass huh?
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society

We DO have equality of opportunity? Not so sure.

To say something like that would be to assume that crony capitalism no longer exists, that the market place is driven by pure competition, and that individuals are hired always on merit. Not sure if that's the case. It's a buddy/buddy world out there. The "best family" will always beat out the "best man".

I think you're oversimplifying things.

I do agree with you in that Obama's mention of the argument is purely politically motivated, and quite insincere.

Well I get what you're saying, but we're humans and not perfect, sure you can use the old adage it's who you know or who you blow......but that happens under any economic system. The jobs will be created, who fills them, generally the best qualified, but some people do things different, but they usually fail as well.
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

OH boo..hoo!! The rich getting richer! Why don't you dumb s...s... every want to become one of the "rich"?
What is YOUR problem?
I'm sure... I KNOW you don't know these numbers but please you tell me what your chances of becoming "rich" are compared to just 37 years ago?

"Next look at the wealth distribution in America since 1980. "
How many millionaires in 1980...
At the start of the decade, according to the IRS, 4,414 taxpayers reported that they had earned more than $1 million annually in adjusted gross income.
As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires
So JUST ONE indicator:
1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
2016... 10,800,000... What kind of ratio is that?
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million. The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million. The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2017, 2018) - Worldometers
1 out of 30 in 2016 vs 1 out of 51,314 in 1980.... and you are bitching and moaning????

NOW when will idiots like you recognize this simple ratio can now be applicable to YOU!

Oh is that all we have to do? Just decide to be rich enough to qualify for his tax breaks? Fuck off you donkey.

Actually you DO have to work harder then the other 30 people to become a millionaire and the FACTS support that!
FACT: How many millionaires are self made?
Most Americans with $1 million or more in assets made their money on their own, according to a study by BMO Private Bank released today.
Sixty-seven percent of high-net-worth Americans are self-made millionaires, according to the survey.
Only 8 percent inherited their wealth. One third of the millionaires surveyed were women and half of them made their own fortunes.
Most Millionaires Self-Made, Study Says

Almost 70% did it through hard work and not sitting around bitching and moaning about the "rich" people.
And since you obviously are lazy, shiftless, irresponsible idiot just sitting in your parents' basement jealous of the other people that worked for their millionaires..
YOU will NEVER go anywhere!
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

Bull shit. Those people don’t pay taxes anyway. If they get anything at all they need to shit the fuck up and be thankful.
Middle class people don't pay? Either you are rich or a house ni**er.

Funny you think we don't need a break but the richest people need it. Kiss my ass huh?

You said lower and middle. Do change your story now
How can they blame Obama for rising income inequality while defending the rising income inequality?

How can they say Obama is about spreading the wealth around like a socialist while saying the income inequality has grown under this "socialist"?

Doesnt make sense does it? Nope because its non sense

They are liars who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Lets look at Trump's new tax cut bill.

As a result, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in 2027, the average tax cut would amount to $160, or just a 0.2 percent income bump.

This would mean a tiny tax bump for many lower- and middle-class households — the average $50,000 to $75,000 — earning household would have a tax bill that is $30 higher than today. The average household earning more than $1 million would get a cut of more than $23,000.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

So Republicans shouldn't be surprised the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer. Don't blame Obama when it's policies like this that are creating this gap.

OH boo..hoo!! The rich getting richer! Why don't you dumb s...s... every want to become one of the "rich"?
What is YOUR problem?
I'm sure... I KNOW you don't know these numbers but please you tell me what your chances of becoming "rich" are compared to just 37 years ago?

"Next look at the wealth distribution in America since 1980. "
How many millionaires in 1980...
At the start of the decade, according to the IRS, 4,414 taxpayers reported that they had earned more than $1 million annually in adjusted gross income.
As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires
So JUST ONE indicator:
1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
2016... 10,800,000... What kind of ratio is that?
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million. The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million. The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2017, 2018) - Worldometers
1 out of 30 in 2016 vs 1 out of 51,314 in 1980.... and you are bitching and moaning????

NOW when will idiots like you recognize this simple ratio can now be applicable to YOU!

Oh is that all we have to do? Just decide to be rich enough to qualify for his tax breaks? Fuck off you donkey.

Actually you DO have to work harder then the other 30 people to become a millionaire and the FACTS support that!
FACT: How many millionaires are self made?
Most Americans with $1 million or more in assets made their money on their own, according to a study by BMO Private Bank released today.
Sixty-seven percent of high-net-worth Americans are self-made millionaires, according to the survey.
Only 8 percent inherited their wealth. One third of the millionaires surveyed were women and half of them made their own fortunes.
Most Millionaires Self-Made, Study Says

Almost 70% did it through hard work and not sitting around bitching and moaning about the "rich" people.
And since you obviously are lazy, shiftless, irresponsible idiot just sitting in your parents' basement jealous of the other people that worked for their millionaires..
YOU will NEVER go anywhere!

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