Income equality bull shit.

The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.
The only way to do that is eliminate the government's authority to regulate.
Maybe but eliminating lobbying of Congress, might also help.

At any rate the government does such a shitty job of regulating, that there has to be a better way. Government regulating is really government corruption.
Lobbying Congress is a Constitutional right. It's not one I'm willing to get rid of.

But the constitutional right of the government to regulate businesses is expendable. Right?
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.
The only way to do that is eliminate the government's authority to regulate.
Maybe but eliminating lobbying of Congress, might also help.

At any rate the government does such a shitty job of regulating, that there has to be a better way. Government regulating is really government corruption.
Lobbying Congress is a Constitutional right. It's not one I'm willing to get rid of.

But the constitutional right of the government to regulate businesses is expendable. Right?

The government has no rights. It only has duties. contrary to what leftwingers believe, the Constitution doesn't Authorize the federal government to regulate business.
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.
The only way to do that is eliminate the government's authority to regulate.
Maybe but eliminating lobbying of Congress, might also help.

At any rate the government does such a shitty job of regulating, that there has to be a better way. Government regulating is really government corruption.
Lobbying Congress is a Constitutional right. It's not one I'm willing to get rid of.

But the constitutional right of the government to regulate businesses is expendable. Right?

The government has no rights. It only has duties. contrary to what leftwingers believe, the Constitution doesn't Authorize the federal government to regulate business.

We are the government. We have rights.
The only way to do that is eliminate the government's authority to regulate.
Maybe but eliminating lobbying of Congress, might also help.

At any rate the government does such a shitty job of regulating, that there has to be a better way. Government regulating is really government corruption.
Lobbying Congress is a Constitutional right. It's not one I'm willing to get rid of.

But the constitutional right of the government to regulate businesses is expendable. Right?

The government has no rights. It only has duties. contrary to what leftwingers believe, the Constitution doesn't Authorize the federal government to regulate business.

We are the government. We have rights.
We aren't the government.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society

Nobody wants or supports income equality.

You won’t ever make gains in your personal struggle to win message board points so long as you fail to accurately describe the position of those you oppose. least attempt to.

Actually I nailed the left’s position on it.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society

Nobody wants or supports income equality.

You won’t ever make gains in your personal struggle to win message board points so long as you fail to accurately describe the position of those you oppose. least attempt to.

Actually I nailed the left’s position on it.

Not even close.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society

Nobody wants or supports income equality.

You won’t ever make gains in your personal struggle to win message board points so long as you fail to accurately describe the position of those you oppose. least attempt to.

Actually I nailed the left’s position on it.

Not even close.

you're a proven liar, what you say doesn't matter.
The rich deserve their money. The working barely making it will never get far ahead no matter how hard they work. That's the system. Deal with it. America is founded on the dollar only. Go out work...don't marry and don't have kids. Words for the working wise.
how many American voters do you think you can piss off and still cheat enough to win?
The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation...
No, id doesn't, but nobody's talking about eliminating them - merely shunting them off to the side so that they no longer constitute a Ruling Class.

...The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
I spent my time, wearing a green suit for Sammy, starin' down the Godless Commie Roooskies long before you were a fertilized egg... child.
how many American voters do you think you can piss off and still cheat enough to win?
The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.

each of them has one vote, just like each middle class person or poor person.

Now, if you are talking about the rich media and Hollywood liberals, I agree completely.

Money buys politicians.

RIch people buy politicians to do things not in the best interests of The People at-large.
how many American voters do you think you can piss off and still cheat enough to win?
The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.

each of them has one vote, just like each middle class person or poor person.

Now, if you are talking about the rich media and Hollywood liberals, I agree completely.

Money buys politicians.

RIch people buy politicians to do things not in the best interests of The People at-large.

Money doesn't buy politicians. POWER buys politicians. And there are all kinds of power.

Don't sit and bitch about "the rich" buying influence, like you're so righteous, when you're doing the exact same thing with special interest groups, and voting blocs, and media coverage, etc.

The truth is, everyone's trying to get what they want for themselves, and you're just pissed because you think someone else has a tool you don't.
The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.

each of them has one vote, just like each middle class person or poor person.

Now, if you are talking about the rich media and Hollywood liberals, I agree completely.

Money buys politicians.

RIch people buy politicians to do things not in the best interests of The People at-large.

Money doesn't buy politicians. POWER buys politicians. And there are all kinds of power.

Don't sit and bitch about "the rich" buying influence, like you're so righteous, when you're doing the exact same thing with special interest groups, and voting blocs, and media coverage, etc.

The truth is, everyone's trying to get what they want for themselves, and you're just pissed because you think someone else has a tool you don't.
I am not and I am not alone. Millions of Americans are not involved in organized groups, petitioning their government for favors.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.

each of them has one vote, just like each middle class person or poor person.

Now, if you are talking about the rich media and Hollywood liberals, I agree completely.

Money buys politicians.

RIch people buy politicians to do things not in the best interests of The People at-large.

Money doesn't buy politicians. POWER buys politicians. And there are all kinds of power.

Don't sit and bitch about "the rich" buying influence, like you're so righteous, when you're doing the exact same thing with special interest groups, and voting blocs, and media coverage, etc.

The truth is, everyone's trying to get what they want for themselves, and you're just pissed because you think someone else has a tool you don't.
I am not and I am not alone. Millions of Americans are not involved in organized groups, petitioning their government for favors.

Who said anything about organized groups? I'm talking more about identity politics than I am organizations.
The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.

each of them has one vote, just like each middle class person or poor person.

Now, if you are talking about the rich media and Hollywood liberals, I agree completely.

Money buys politicians.

RIch people buy politicians to do things not in the best interests of The People at-large.

Money doesn't buy politicians. POWER buys politicians. And there are all kinds of power.

Don't sit and bitch about "the rich" buying influence, like you're so righteous, when you're doing the exact same thing with special interest groups, and voting blocs, and media coverage, etc.

The truth is, everyone's trying to get what they want for themselves, and you're just pissed because you think someone else has a tool you don't.
Spoken like a true unwitting minion of Rich Folk... you are wrong... money buys politicians...
The interesting thing about that is that they're sssooooo frigging arrogant that they think they'll be able to get away with that forever.

The retards haven't figured out yet that universal enfranchisement = eventual dissolution of the rich ruling class.

That dissolution has not yet materialized but a blind man could see it coming - and the retards think they can keep poking the bear with a stick and live to tell about it.

There's no reason to poke the bear with a stick but the retards can't help themselves, so, eventually, the bear will lash out with huge, sharp claws - at the ballot box.

Once it does - and in light of the present Robber Baron regime - the bear will control it all for a generation or more - all courtesy of the retards on The Right and their minions.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.
The only way to do that is eliminate the government's authority to regulate.
Maybe but eliminating lobbying of Congress, might also help.

At any rate the government does such a shitty job of regulating, that there has to be a better way. Government regulating is really government corruption.
Lobbying Congress is a Constitutional right. It's not one I'm willing to get rid of.

there is a fine line between lobbying and bribing. That line needs to be clearly defined and enforced.
Eliminating the rich means mass starvation. The Soviet Union learned that lesson the hard way, but dumbasses like you are too stupid to read the lessons of history,
Agreed. We don't need to eliminate the rich. We do need to eliminate their undue influence.

each of them has one vote, just like each middle class person or poor person.

Now, if you are talking about the rich media and Hollywood liberals, I agree completely.

Money buys politicians.

RIch people buy politicians to do things not in the best interests of The People at-large.

Money doesn't buy politicians. POWER buys politicians. And there are all kinds of power.

Don't sit and bitch about "the rich" buying influence, like you're so righteous, when you're doing the exact same thing with special interest groups, and voting blocs, and media coverage, etc.

The truth is, everyone's trying to get what they want for themselves, and you're just pissed because you think someone else has a tool you don't.
Spoken like a true unwitting minion of Rich Folk... you are wrong... money buys politicians...

yes it does, but money does not only come from the rich. PACs, unions, political parties, special interests groups all get money from average people.
Politicians /sell/ influence to the rich/corporations/special interest groups - it's what they do. The real way to get rid of all that is to keep gov out of businesses, personal life decisions, and the pockets of all Americans.

If the only thing the gov did was pay for the military defense of the nation, we wouldn't have this "ruling elite" problem. If the only thing the gov did was maintain say the SCOTUS, we wouldn't have this problem.

Instead, progressives have pushed the gov to control and pay for all aspects of our lives; from how we run businesses to how we care for ourselves and our family. Because of that, we now have a bunch of ideologies that are being funded on the tax payers backs, peddled by politicians who sell influence to the highest donation. There is a massive entire "wing" of the gov that has zero shits to give about the people. It's not only the rich, its not only the businesses, it's not only the NRA or evangelists or CAIR or PP or socialist groups or greenies/global warming folks, it's all of them, equally as guilty of dipping into the pockets of the American people to fund pet projects. And it's all done under the sketchy guise of "general welfare" in the first amendment.

That's just the way it is now, the progressives (socialists and communists) pushed this shit to be in gov, and not just "gov" but /FED/ gov. Now it's dictated across the nation, even in states that don't agree/respect/vote for it. That's the problem. Leave this shit to states, to muni's, and it wouldn't be so contentious, it wouldn't require as much money (aka the average joe could do something about it, for/against.) That's the gist of the entire gripe about big gov, about states rights, etc. Let folks be free, in their small communities/cities/states, and all the whole buying political influence dies at the small doorway; aka the small area, the community/city/state, it effects by will of the people right there...

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