Income equality bull shit.

Some wealthy make investments that create jobs, others make investments that abolish reason to treat them the same

which wealthy people make investments that abolish jobs? the ones that invest in automation? who builds the robotic welders and computers that guide them? when one job is abolished by automation, more are created. its not a net loss.

but thats not what this is about, and in your typical fashion you have tried to change the subject after losing the debate.:eusa_whistle:

Close down a plant and move the jobs to China?

Time for a tax break

When the business climate in the US makes it impossible to make a profit for your shareholders, you have no choice but to move. Its a shame that there is no longer much manufacturing in the US. Its a shame that our government has declared war on US industry. Its a shame that our government has decided to punish success and reward failure. Its a shame that liberal thinking has destroyed our blue collar job base.
Are you trying to say that "liberals" moved all of US manufacturing to China? The liberals who support American unions, and living wages for American and Chinese workers alike? Those liberals destroyed the US economy?

Or was it the liberals on Wall Street who tanked the economy through illegal means and then demanded public funds to stay in business and reap 95% of the economic "recovery"? Those were the liberals who destroyed American manufacturing?
which wealthy people make investments that abolish jobs? the ones that invest in automation? who builds the robotic welders and computers that guide them? when one job is abolished by automation, more are created. its not a net loss.

but thats not what this is about, and in your typical fashion you have tried to change the subject after losing the debate.:eusa_whistle:

Close down a plant and move the jobs to China?

Time for a tax break

When the business climate in the US makes it impossible to make a profit for your shareholders, you have no choice but to move. Its a shame that there is no longer much manufacturing in the US. Its a shame that our government has declared war on US industry. Its a shame that our government has decided to punish success and reward failure. Its a shame that liberal thinking has destroyed our blue collar job base.

Then don't claim to be a job are not
Close down a plant and move the jobs to China?

Time for a tax break

When the business climate in the US makes it impossible to make a profit for your shareholders, you have no choice but to move. Its a shame that there is no longer much manufacturing in the US. Its a shame that our government has declared war on US industry. Its a shame that our government has decided to punish success and reward failure. Its a shame that liberal thinking has destroyed our blue collar job base.

Then don't claim to be a job are not

Only government can create jobs.
Look at all the jobs Obamacare has created. LOL!
The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago. Even still, the carried interest tax rate has allowed men like Mitt Romney to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 14% Federal tax which is far lower than what middle class tax payers shell out.

Why do you think the wealthy spend so much on lobbyists and tax accountants who push for changes in the tax code? Then they bellyache like they've been held up in a stage coach robbery when in reality the tax marginal tax rate was around 70% when Reagan came into office and it was 90% back when Eisenhower was president.

The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago.

The top rate, when Reagan left office, was 28%.
The top rate is now 39.6%.

Which number is lower?

We all know Reagan slashed tax rates on the rich.....we have paid a price ever since

It's true, tax rates are much higher now than in 1988.
Glad you recognized the idiocy of the opposite claim.
1. I explained why they are sitting on their money, if you are not capable of understanding I cannot help you

2. If you lost money in your 401K last year, you or your financial planner is incompetent.

3. the way out of debt is to stop spending more than we collect and to pay down the principal. do you know that we are only paying the interest on the debt and the principle goes up by around a trillion every year? does that make sense to you?

my specifics would work, govt revenue would increase.

1. I understand the why they are sitting on their money excuses. So why are you calling them job creators when they arent?

2. No one said last year why move the goal posts to one year. I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that. Great we agree.

3. You ask a ton of questions. I said your solutions drive us deeper into debt and you didnt even attempt to defend or counter. I would have to assume thats because like point #2 you agree with me.

I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that.

You mean when main street borrowed billions from Wall Street and didn't pay it back, that was main street getting ripped off? LOL!

No why would you think thats what I'm referring too? Do you know what rip off means?
Except that it really isn't.

Yes it is. Mercantilism is actually being used these days while socialism is just a boogey man politicians use to garner votes from the ignorant masses.

Want to have some fun with your preconceived notions? Read this.

Mercantilism: A Lesson for Our Times? : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

The thing is, mercantilism is just ea repacking of socialism to make it more acceptable to idiots, which is why you are wrong. It is no more, or less, relevant than a discussion about anything else because it is all the same fucking thing.

What a horrible article. It jumps the shark within the first couple of paragraphs with a couple of straw men and just goes downhill from there. Bill Clinton did more to move the US towards free trade than any other President by far. A lot of that had to do with arguments made by an economist named Paul Krugman. To suggests progressives are for mercantilism is kind of ridiculous.

Just to be clear I am not advocating mercantilism or some new take on mercantilism. Mercantilism is a major issue today because trade and trade manipulation are the major issues facing the world today. From Greece to Germany to Spain to Japan to USA to China to developing nations, mercantile practices are having a large impact on economies. The US has taken the stance that free trade is good, which it is. The problem is when our trade partners don't follow suit.

Socialism was developed as a solution to a problem. There is no doubt that Marx has been proven right with regards to the problems he predicted. His solution was wrong but his predictions were dead on. Thomas Jefferson made similar mistakes in that he could predict the future but had horrible solutions.
When the business climate in the US makes it impossible to make a profit for your shareholders, you have no choice but to move. Its a shame that there is no longer much manufacturing in the US. Its a shame that our government has declared war on US industry. Its a shame that our government has decided to punish success and reward failure. Its a shame that liberal thinking has destroyed our blue collar job base.

Then don't claim to be a job are not

Only government can create jobs.
Look at all the jobs Obamacare has created. LOL!

obamacare is a healthcare program
The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago.

The top rate, when Reagan left office, was 28%.
The top rate is now 39.6%.

Which number is lower?

We all know Reagan slashed tax rates on the rich.....we have paid a price ever since

It's true, tax rates are much higher now than in 1988.
Glad you recognized the idiocy of the opposite claim.

How bout we return to the tax rates of 1980 before Reagan convinced merica to embrace Supply Side/Trickle Down?
What you'll notice with most of the righties here is their concern for business owners, ceo's etc. You will never see them make any statements about concern for the citizens of the US.

Every solution someone lays out they scream "Whos going to pay?" as an automatic rejection of all ideas. If any of the ideas costs anyone anything they dont see it as a possible solution. So whats left...we just keep going down the fucking drain while republicans scream about all the things America cant do or failing at with no solutions
which wealthy people make investments that abolish jobs? the ones that invest in automation? who builds the robotic welders and computers that guide them? when one job is abolished by automation, more are created. its not a net loss.

but thats not what this is about, and in your typical fashion you have tried to change the subject after losing the debate.:eusa_whistle:

Close down a plant and move the jobs to China?

Time for a tax break

When the business climate in the US makes it impossible to make a profit for your shareholders, you have no choice but to move. Its a shame that there is no longer much manufacturing in the US. Its a shame that our government has declared war on US industry. Its a shame that our government has decided to punish success and reward failure. Its a shame that liberal thinking has destroyed our blue collar job base.

dear idiot,

they left for increased profits not NO profits.

you can sell your soul to help them if you like.

The rest of us real Americans don't place their further profits over all life
Not in the least bit true. Many many people have gained wealth for themselves and started with nothing.

I am sorry but do you think you actually made a logical argument there? The fact you presented does not logically negate what I said but you acted like it did.


So what is your solution, take everyones money and wealth and have the govt divide it up "equally" ? WTF is it that you want ?

The problem is not that some parents go out of their way to provide opportunity to their children. The problem is that some parents don't for whatever reason.

The only solution is to try and make sure the kids are getting an education and that there is opportunity for a broad range of people. I am not overly worried about the opportunity present for talented people. I am far more worried about the opportunity available for everyone.
What you'll notice with most of the righties here is their concern for business owners, ceo's etc. You will never see them make any statements about concern for the citizens of the US.

Every solution someone lays out they scream "Whos going to pay?" as an automatic rejection of all ideas. If any of the ideas costs anyone anything they dont see it as a possible solution. So whats left...we just keep going down the fucking drain while republicans scream about all the things America cant do or failing at with no solutions

This current republican party wants to give all the power to the corps and thwart the peoples power.

I wish people would face that reality
Not in the least bit true. Many many people have gained wealth for themselves and started with nothing.

I am sorry but do you think you actually made a logical argument there? The fact you presented does not logically negate what I said but you acted like it did.


Do you not understand what you post? Is it just cut and paste for you? I'm addressing the point of this thread and what seems to be the point that you are making, does nothing to address the OP.

No you are not and the fact that you don't realize it is troubling.

The issue is about everyone. Not just those that are so talented that they can overcome large hurdles. Think bigger or you just aren't thinking at all.
What you'll notice with most of the righties here is their concern for business owners, ceo's etc. You will never see them make any statements about concern for the citizens of the US.

Every solution someone lays out they scream "Whos going to pay?" as an automatic rejection of all ideas. If any of the ideas costs anyone anything they dont see it as a possible solution. So whats left...we just keep going down the fucking drain while republicans scream about all the things America cant do or failing at with no solutions

Business owners and CEOs are also citizens of the U.S., and are no more responsible for your troubles than any other citizens of the U.S. The solution to America's woes are simple, and cost little taxpayer money. Get the federal government out of everyone's life, and allow this country to heal economically and socially.

There is no evidence that federal politicians and/or federal bureaucrats are any smarter, any more honest, or any more compassionate, than state or local politicians and/or bureaucrats. We need to return to a union of soverign states, where states and localities see to the needs of citizens, and the federal government returns to the framework established by the U.S. Constitution.

Government closest to the people, is government more easily controlled by the people. Our current federal government is controlled by no one beyond the federal politicians and the federal bureaucrats. That fact ought to be obvious to everyone by now.
What you'll notice with most of the righties here is their concern for business owners, ceo's etc. You will never see them make any statements about concern for the citizens of the US.

Every solution someone lays out they scream "Whos going to pay?" as an automatic rejection of all ideas. If any of the ideas costs anyone anything they dont see it as a possible solution. So whats left...we just keep going down the fucking drain while republicans scream about all the things America cant do or failing at with no solutions

Business owners and CEOs are also citizens of the U.S., and are no more responsible for your troubles than any other citizens of the U.S. The solution to America's woes are simple, and cost little taxpayer money. Get the federal government out of everyone's life, and allow this country to heal economically and socially.

There is no evidence that federal politicians and/or federal bureaucrats are any smarter, any more honest, or any more compassionate, than state or local politicians and/or bureaucrats. We need to return to a union of soverign states, where states and localities see to the needs of citizens, and the federal government returns to the framework established by the U.S. Constitution.

Government closest to the people, is government more easily controlled by the people. Our current federal government is controlled by no one beyond the federal politicians and the federal bureaucrats. That fact ought to be obvious to everyone by now.
The federal government is controlled by the richest 1% of voters, just as every government ever devised.

Your solution would only increase the leverage of Wall Street and other assorted parasites since state and local governments have fewer resources to fight creeping corporatism.
We were not talking about whether or not opportunity was there and whether or not a person avails himself of that opportunity if it's available. The issue was the OUTCOME of that opportunity.

I can virtually guarantee you that if two people with similar products go to Capitol Hill, and one brings along some campaign contributions, and the second person just brings along a prospectus and literature extolling the virtues of their product, the first person stands a far better chance at getting favorable legislation and/or tax exemptions than the second person even if the second person has a superior product.

Then you agree, the problem is government, not capitalism.

It's neither government nor capitalism, per se. It's the way the system is currently structured and operating. What's happened is that corporations have found a way to seek and gain advantage and preferential treatment. The politicians and our system of gov't have been compromised as a result. What needs to happen is the the laws and regulations need to be updated AND enforced to put an end to the current system of financing political campaigns.

But the people in power in gov't, and the people who run our most powerful special interests who benefit from the current system have been and will continue to block any changes. That's why people need to vote incumbents out of office, regardless of party affiliation. Until that's done, and until the single greatest determining factor on who wins an election is no longer who raises and spends the most money (including soft money), the system will continue to be corrupt. What that means is that decisions will continue to be made not based on what's best for the country as a whole or what's best for a majority of the people, but what's best for the people who can afford to pay to get what they want.

There is another option that you have ignored, and that is the concept of taking away the goodies that powerful special interest groups are willing to pay vast sums of money to obtain.

You seem to think that removing money from the political process will make the government more honest and more just. That is nonsense, since the politicians will find underground means of replacing the lost cash.

If we did away with income taxes, and capital gains taxes, and moved to a consumption tax, politicians would have no tax benefits to sell. If we didn't have numerous federal entities writing thousands of pages of regulations, politicians would have no regulatory favors to sell. If we returned the functions to the states, that belong at the state level, federal politicians would have fewer favors to sell.
Close down a plant and move the jobs to China?

Time for a tax break

When the business climate in the US makes it impossible to make a profit for your shareholders, you have no choice but to move. Its a shame that there is no longer much manufacturing in the US. Its a shame that our government has declared war on US industry. Its a shame that our government has decided to punish success and reward failure. Its a shame that liberal thinking has destroyed our blue collar job base.

Then don't claim to be a job are not

I never claimed to be, but I was before I retired. Well, maybe I still am, I just invested in a couple of new ventures that may be successful. But I only put a small % of my money at risk, if the economy looked better the % would be higher.

I don't know why you have so much trouble comprehending why businesses are sitting on their money rather than spending it on expanding. Why expand when the govt will attack whatever profit you make with obamacare regulations, EPA regulations, new taxes, high energy prices, etc?
Are you trying to say that "liberals" moved all of US manufacturing to China? The liberals who support American unions, and living wages for American and Chinese workers alike? Those liberals destroyed the US economy?

Or was it the liberals on Wall Street who tanked the economy through illegal means and then demanded public funds to stay in business and reap 95% of the economic "recovery"? Those were the liberals who destroyed American manufacturing?

The wall street criminals should be in jail, why haven't obama and holder indicted them? could it be that obama and holder are part of the crimes?

Why do you libs think that conservatives support wall street crime? WTF is wrong with you?

on your union rant-----unions served a good and valid purpose in the early part of the 20th century, people were being exploited. We now have laws against such exploitation.

Want to see union results in present time? look at Detroit and the car companies. Do you agree with the bail outs that were done solely to save the UAW?

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