Income equality bull shit.

There would be far more jobs, if the liberals stopped taking money in taxes, to fund their social programs.

You do realize that every dollar that government hands out in anything, such as welfare, requires that a dollar plus more, be removed from the private sector, which harms jobs..... right? You get that Economics 101 logic right?

The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago. Even still, the carried interest tax rate has allowed men like Mitt Romney to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 14% Federal tax which is far lower than what middle class tax payers shell out.

Why do you think the wealthy spend so much on lobbyists and tax accountants who push for changes in the tax code? Then they bellyache like they've been held up in a stage coach robbery when in reality the tax marginal tax rate was around 70% when Reagan came into office and it was 90% back when Eisenhower was president.

Taxes is one part of the over all puzzle. If you read what I wrote, it wasn't "if you only lower taxes, jobs will come back".

And I also didn't say that "if you only lower taxes on the rich, jobs will come back".

The reason I didn't say these statements, that your post seems to respond to, is because I already know that isn't true.

Nevertheless, it is in fact the rich people who create jobs. It is the rich people, who create wealth that all of us enjoy. It is the rich that advance the economy.

Now that doesn't mean that I want the rich to pay 5% taxes, and the middle class to pay 50%.

I believe in a flat tax. As all people should be equal under the law, they all should pay an equal amount of tax, as a percentage of income.

However, your claims about the specific marginal tax rates, are actually not all that important.

The problem is, there are now millions of taxes, fuel taxes, property taxes, sales taxes. You are looking at just the Federal Income tax. What about all the taxes by every state, and local municipality?

And while the Federal government may not tax the people with higher income taxes directly, by mandating to states that they must increase Medicaid spending, they have in effect mandated that states increase income taxes on their populations, and equally mandated that cities and towns, increase taxes on their people.

So while Reagan did lower tax rates at the Federal level, which brought about economic growth, slowly over the last 30 years, the government has been pushing states to tax the public more.

The point wasn't about specifically the Federal tax rates, but just a general economic principal, that if you remove money from the economy, you harm the economy.

If my employer is forced to pay a larger amount of tax, which prevents them from offering raises, what difference does it make what specific government passes the increased tax? If the State, or the City, pass the tax increase (possibly because the Federal Government mandates), would the negative impact of my employer having less money, be any different than if the Federal government taxed my employer directly?

Well of course not.

If I do not have the money to buy a new washer and drier or replace my home AC, because I paid out $5,000 in taxes last year, does it matter if it was the State the got the money, instead of the Federal Government? Again, of course not. What matters is that money was stolen out of the economy, for the benefit of government bureaucrats. Which bureaucrats got it, matters little.
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1. the rich and businesses are sitting on money right now because of all the unknowns related to the impacts of ACA and the thousands of new regulations rammed through by obama

2. the stock market had a great year in 2013, where were you?

3. my solution? get the govt off the backs of business and let the market operate on the principles of supply and demand. There are trillions waiting to be spent in this country, millions of new jobs to be created, billions in new tax revenue.

1. eliminate all corporate income taxes---they are paid by consumers
2. cut the cap gains rate to 10%
3. collect SS taxes on all income of all types, not just the first 106K of earned income
4. play hardball with china on trade
5. stop the FED from printing worthless money and dumping it into the sytstem

OK. still waiting for some specifics from any of you libs.

1. So you cant call them job creators if they arent creating jobs. Thats the point. So its not hurting the job creators its hurting the money hoarders

2. For Wall Street...Main Street is still suffering from massive losts in 401k, real estate etc. Where have you been?

3. Your specifics drive us deeper into debt, allows the rich to hoard more money for a mirade of reasons or excuses that you used above (and have been used for a number of years) We cant play hardball with the same people who own the IOU slips. I agree with the FED position.

1. I explained why they are sitting on their money, if you are not capable of understanding I cannot help you

2. If you lost money in your 401K last year, you or your financial planner is incompetent.

3. the way out of debt is to stop spending more than we collect and to pay down the principal. do you know that we are only paying the interest on the debt and the principle goes up by around a trillion every year? does that make sense to you?

my specifics would work, govt revenue would increase.

1. I understand the why they are sitting on their money excuses. So why are you calling them job creators when they arent?

2. No one said last year why move the goal posts to one year. I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that. Great we agree.

3. You ask a ton of questions. I said your solutions drive us deeper into debt and you didnt even attempt to defend or counter. I would have to assume thats because like point #2 you agree with me.
There would be far more jobs, if the liberals stopped taking money in taxes, to fund their social programs.

You do realize that every dollar that government hands out in anything, such as welfare, requires that a dollar plus more, be removed from the private sector, which harms jobs..... right? You get that Economics 101 logic right?

The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago. Even still, the carried interest tax rate has allowed men like Mitt Romney to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 14% Federal tax which is far lower than what middle class tax payers shell out.

Why do you think the wealthy spend so much on lobbyists and tax accountants who push for changes in the tax code? Then they bellyache like they've been held up in a stage coach robbery when in reality the tax marginal tax rate was around 70% when Reagan came into office and it was 90% back when Eisenhower was president.

The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago.

The top rate, when Reagan left office, was 28%.
The top rate is now 39.6%.

Which number is lower?

Stop confusing him with actual numbers.
1. So you cant call them job creators if they arent creating jobs. Thats the point. So its not hurting the job creators its hurting the money hoarders

2. For Wall Street...Main Street is still suffering from massive losts in 401k, real estate etc. Where have you been?

3. Your specifics drive us deeper into debt, allows the rich to hoard more money for a mirade of reasons or excuses that you used above (and have been used for a number of years) We cant play hardball with the same people who own the IOU slips. I agree with the FED position.

1. I explained why they are sitting on their money, if you are not capable of understanding I cannot help you

2. If you lost money in your 401K last year, you or your financial planner is incompetent.

3. the way out of debt is to stop spending more than we collect and to pay down the principal. do you know that we are only paying the interest on the debt and the principle goes up by around a trillion every year? does that make sense to you?

my specifics would work, govt revenue would increase.

1. I understand the why they are sitting on their money excuses. So why are you calling them job creators when they arent?

2. No one said last year why move the goal posts to one year. I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that. Great we agree.

3. You ask a ton of questions. I said your solutions drive us deeper into debt and you didnt even attempt to defend or counter. I would have to assume thats because like point #2 you agree with me.

I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that.

You mean when main street borrowed billions from Wall Street and didn't pay it back, that was main street getting ripped off? LOL!
There would be far more jobs, if the liberals stopped taking money in taxes, to fund their social programs.

You do realize that every dollar that government hands out in anything, such as welfare, requires that a dollar plus more, be removed from the private sector, which harms jobs..... right? You get that Economics 101 logic right?

The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago. Even still, the carried interest tax rate has allowed men like Mitt Romney to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 14% Federal tax which is far lower than what middle class tax payers shell out.

Why do you think the wealthy spend so much on lobbyists and tax accountants who push for changes in the tax code? Then they bellyache like they've been held up in a stage coach robbery when in reality the tax marginal tax rate was around 70% when Reagan came into office and it was 90% back when Eisenhower was president.

The tax rate for the wealthy has been the lowest it's been in decades except for a very small increase about 2 years ago.

The top rate, when Reagan left office, was 28%.
The top rate is now 39.6%.

Which number is lower?

We all know Reagan slashed tax rates on the rich.....we have paid a price ever since
1. So you cant call them job creators if they arent creating jobs. Thats the point. So its not hurting the job creators its hurting the money hoarders

2. For Wall Street...Main Street is still suffering from massive losts in 401k, real estate etc. Where have you been?

3. Your specifics drive us deeper into debt, allows the rich to hoard more money for a mirade of reasons or excuses that you used above (and have been used for a number of years) We cant play hardball with the same people who own the IOU slips. I agree with the FED position.

1. I explained why they are sitting on their money, if you are not capable of understanding I cannot help you

2. If you lost money in your 401K last year, you or your financial planner is incompetent.

3. the way out of debt is to stop spending more than we collect and to pay down the principal. do you know that we are only paying the interest on the debt and the principle goes up by around a trillion every year? does that make sense to you?

my specifics would work, govt revenue would increase.

1. I understand the why they are sitting on their money excuses. So why are you calling them job creators when they arent?

2. No one said last year why move the goal posts to one year. I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that. Great we agree.

3. You ask a ton of questions. I said your solutions drive us deeper into debt and you didnt even attempt to defend or counter. I would have to assume thats because like point #2 you agree with me.

Ok, lets take this slowly.

1. money invested in new or expanded business creates jobs, people with money are job creators. They are not investing or expanding RIGHT NOW because of the reasons I gave you several times

2. you claimed that wall street ripped off main street. Main street owns stock in its 401K accounts, when the market does well, mainstreet does well. Now, if you say that government bail outs ripped off main street, we agree

3. my solutions would increase govt revenue. All the studies confirm that, history confirms that, Kennedy and Reagan proved it.
There is nothing successful about buddying up to the government to tailor policies to your benefit at the expense to the nation and your competition.

That is not capitalist competition but collusion.

If these people are really successful all based on their own merit, then disconnect from the government and lets see how well they do.

I look down on these kinds of people connected to the government because they exhibit the worst qualities in humans. Theft Greed and Corruption come to mind.

They are stealing my tax dollars by using my government to prop themselves up.

Again, this is irrelevant to this thread.
1. I explained why they are sitting on their money, if you are not capable of understanding I cannot help you

2. If you lost money in your 401K last year, you or your financial planner is incompetent.

3. the way out of debt is to stop spending more than we collect and to pay down the principal. do you know that we are only paying the interest on the debt and the principle goes up by around a trillion every year? does that make sense to you?

my specifics would work, govt revenue would increase.

1. I understand the why they are sitting on their money excuses. So why are you calling them job creators when they arent?

2. No one said last year why move the goal posts to one year. I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that. Great we agree.

3. You ask a ton of questions. I said your solutions drive us deeper into debt and you didnt even attempt to defend or counter. I would have to assume thats because like point #2 you agree with me.

Ok, lets take this slowly.

1. money invested in new or expanded business creates jobs, people with money are job creators. They are not investing or expanding RIGHT NOW because of the reasons I gave you several times

2. you claimed that wall street ripped off main street. Main street owns stock in its 401K accounts, when the market does well, mainstreet does well. Now, if you say that government bail outs ripped off main street, we agree

3. my solutions would increase govt revenue. All the studies confirm that, history confirms that, Kennedy and Reagan proved it.

People with money are not job creators........people who create jobs are job creators

Time for us to stop treating them the same
1. I understand the why they are sitting on their money excuses. So why are you calling them job creators when they arent?

2. No one said last year why move the goal posts to one year. I said wallstreet ripped off main street and as far as I can tell you dont disagree with that. Great we agree.

3. You ask a ton of questions. I said your solutions drive us deeper into debt and you didnt even attempt to defend or counter. I would have to assume thats because like point #2 you agree with me.

Ok, lets take this slowly.

1. money invested in new or expanded business creates jobs, people with money are job creators. They are not investing or expanding RIGHT NOW because of the reasons I gave you several times

2. you claimed that wall street ripped off main street. Main street owns stock in its 401K accounts, when the market does well, mainstreet does well. Now, if you say that government bail outs ripped off main street, we agree

3. my solutions would increase govt revenue. All the studies confirm that, history confirms that, Kennedy and Reagan proved it.

People with money are not job creators........people who create jobs are job creators

Time for us to stop treating them the same

Come on RW, thats just foolish, people with money create jobs when they spend or invest their money. The current economic climate created by the obama administration is not conducive to spending on expanding or starting businesses.

But I guess you think the government should FORCE people to spend their own money on a bad deal. Thats exactly what obamacare is all about.
Ok, lets take this slowly.

1. money invested in new or expanded business creates jobs, people with money are job creators. They are not investing or expanding RIGHT NOW because of the reasons I gave you several times

2. you claimed that wall street ripped off main street. Main street owns stock in its 401K accounts, when the market does well, mainstreet does well. Now, if you say that government bail outs ripped off main street, we agree

3. my solutions would increase govt revenue. All the studies confirm that, history confirms that, Kennedy and Reagan proved it.

People with money are not job creators........people who create jobs are job creators

Time for us to stop treating them the same

Come on RW, thats just foolish, people with money create jobs when they spend or invest their money. The current economic climate created by the obama administration is not conducive to spending on expanding or starting businesses.

But I guess you think the government should FORCE people to spend their own money on a bad deal. Thats exactly what obamacare is all about.

Some wealthy make investments that create jobs, others make investments that abolish reason to treat them the same
People with money are not job creators........people who create jobs are job creators

Time for us to stop treating them the same

Come on RW, thats just foolish, people with money create jobs when they spend or invest their money. The current economic climate created by the obama administration is not conducive to spending on expanding or starting businesses.

But I guess you think the government should FORCE people to spend their own money on a bad deal. Thats exactly what obamacare is all about.

Some wealthy make investments that create jobs, others make investments that abolish reason to treat them the same

which wealthy people make investments that abolish jobs? the ones that invest in automation? who builds the robotic welders and computers that guide them? when one job is abolished by automation, more are created. its not a net loss.

but thats not what this is about, and in your typical fashion you have tried to change the subject after losing the debate.:eusa_whistle:
Come on RW, thats just foolish, people with money create jobs when they spend or invest their money. The current economic climate created by the obama administration is not conducive to spending on expanding or starting businesses.

But I guess you think the government should FORCE people to spend their own money on a bad deal. Thats exactly what obamacare is all about.

Some wealthy make investments that create jobs, others make investments that abolish reason to treat them the same

which wealthy people make investments that abolish jobs? the ones that invest in automation? who builds the robotic welders and computers that guide them? when one job is abolished by automation, more are created. its not a net loss.

but thats not what this is about, and in your typical fashion you have tried to change the subject after losing the debate.:eusa_whistle:

Close down a plant and move the jobs to China?

Time for a tax break
<<<well corporate raiders like robmoney>>>

Isn't the normal strategy of a corporate raider to buy them out, then load em up with debt, chop em up and then flip em?
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