“Income Inequality”: A Crisis of Stupidity

Why do we still have a War on Poverty going on after 1984?

The war on poverty was crippling welfare. The more it crippled the more welfare was needed and the more votes it generated.

Lets never forget that when Clinton ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed welfare. Republicans knew this all along but liberals were far to stupid to know it.
dude, we have laws regarding employment at will; whom is the Right trying to fool?
total illiterate lib fool makes no sense ever!!
only because the right never has a clue or a Cause.
Why do we still have a War on Poverty going on after 1984?

The war on poverty was crippling welfare. The more it crippled the more welfare was needed and the more votes it generated.

Lets never forget that when Clinton ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed welfare. Republicans knew this all along but liberals were far to stupid to know it.
dude, we have laws regarding employment at will; whom is the Right trying to fool?
total illiterate lib fool makes no sense ever!!
only because the right never has a clue or a Cause.
The war on poverty was crippling welfare. The more it crippled the more welfare was needed and the more votes it generated.

Lets never forget that when Clinton ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed welfare. Republicans knew this all along but liberals were far to stupid to know it.
so, now that we know bearing false witness to our own laws doesn't work; why not try being moral enough to bear true witness to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will?

dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.
so, now that we know bearing false witness to our own laws doesn't work; why not try being moral enough to bear true witness to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will?

dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.
dear, if the heat of bearing true witness simply for the moral goodness of honesty as a form of respect toward fellow human beings is too much for you, then by all means, put your shoes on and get out of the kitchen.
so, now that we know bearing false witness to our own laws doesn't work; why not try being moral enough to bear true witness to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will?

dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.
dear, if the heat of bearing true witness simply for the moral goodness of honesty as a form of respect toward fellow human beings is too much for you, then by all means, put your shoes on and get out of the kitchen.
dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.

if you want to participate try to ask simple short questions. Do you understand?
so, now that we know bearing false witness to our own laws doesn't work; why not try being moral enough to bear true witness to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will?

dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.
dear, if the heat of bearing true witness simply for the moral goodness of honesty as a form of respect toward fellow human beings is too much for you, then by all means, put your shoes on and get out of the kitchen.
dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.

if you want to participate try to ask simple short questions. Do you understand?
dear, adult conversations are for adults, not children.
so, now that we know bearing false witness to our own laws doesn't work; why not try being moral enough to bear true witness to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will?

dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.
dear, if the heat of bearing true witness simply for the moral goodness of honesty as a form of respect toward fellow human beings is too much for you, then by all means, put your shoes on and get out of the kitchen.
dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.

if you want to participate try to ask simple short questions. Do you understand?
dear, adult conversations are for adults, not children.
dear, why not invest in some education so you'll make sense? Its hard to make liberalism look worse but you're doing with your english.

if you want to participate try to ask simple short questions. Do you understand?
So let me get this all straight.......................income inequality is the fault of the rich people because they make to much? Now I find that absolutely funny.

Our government has been printing how many BILLIONS per month for how long, and nobody can figure out how to get their hands on it except the rich? You have to be kidding me, really, and honestly.

To believe this nonsense, you would have to believe that all rich people are brilliant, (because they are soooooo smart, only they know how to get some of that money) and all poor people are dumb as a box of rocks. (because they can't figure out how to get it)

You want to know the truth libs? Of course not, because you already know the truth and want to ignore it, but I am going to say it anyway..............go open a lemonade stand in the desert and make some money! People driving and really thirsty, would probably pay 3 bucks for a glass of lemonade or ice tea, and you would become extremely wealthy quickly!

Oh wait, that will not work. Why not? Because the government will shut you down; regulations you know.

And there you have WHY the rich people get richer.............because they HAVE enough money to comply with all your DO GOOD regulations, and we peons do NOT! Rich people in business LOVE regulation, because they just pass the cost of compliance down to you, the customer; but that also means that YOU the customer who might have a better idea, can't go into business because your volume will not be large enough to pay for COMPLIANCE to the government. Thus, the REGULATIONS insulate them from competition, and stop YOU from opening a lemonade stand in the desert to get rich.

And then, and then...........you allow dirt poor illegals over our border who will work for LESS than minimum wage. Geeze, what do you think? Does that little compassionate idea of yours skew the income inequality map a little? Lets see, you claim Obama created how many jobs, 8 million? (no he didn't, but let us go with it) So he creates 8 million jobs, but let 5 million illegals into the country. So what you are REALLY saying is............he created 3 million jobs for Americans that doesn't even keep up with the job growth needed over 7 years, and let 5 million illegals take the rest.

Now that is BRILLIANT, just BRILLIANT. And you know what, you might not like that last paragraph at all, but you better go with it as the lesser of 2 evils; because if you want to claim that those 5 million illegals didn't take those jobs, then the only alternative is to admit they are taking welfare; which now you just pissed off all the Americans who got those jobs, because they are paying the illegals to sit at home and do nothing while they have to work.

So you choose your poison. How do you want to spin it libs!

You could do great damage to the inequality map INSTANTLY by deporting 4 million illegals. What would happen? To get workers, compensation would RISE as Americans took their place. Law of supply and demand libs, less people to work, more pay to get workers to come work for you.

Of course, we can't do that. Why? Because if we did, a lib would not be elected President again for 16 to 20 years, and we can't have that, now can we!

So in reality, YOU are the biggest roadblock to poor people getting a decent wage, not conservatives, not business owners, YOU! Why? Because everyone, no matter how rich they are, only have 1 vote. You are soooooooo buried in your own nonsense, you actually help screw it up by your own ideology, and blindness to the truth of what actually happens in an economy. It is called the law of cause and effect. Of course, you don't care what is true and what is not. It is all about how you FEEL, lol.
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So let me get this all straight.......................income inequality is the fault of the rich people because they make to much? Now I find that absolutely funny.

Our government has been printing how many BILLIONS per month for how long, and nobody can figure out how to get their hands on it except the rich? You have to be kidding me, really, and honestly.

To believe this nonsense, you would have to believe that all rich people are brilliant, (because they are soooooo smart, only they know how to get some of that money) and all poor people are dumb as a box of rocks. (because they can't figure out how to get it)

You want to know the truth libs? Of course not, because you already know the truth and want to ignore it, but I am going to say it anyway..............go open a lemonade stand in the desert and make some money! People driving and really thirsty, would probably pay 3 bucks for a glass of lemonade or ice tea, and you would become extremely wealthy quickly!

Oh wait, that will not work. Why not? Because the government will shut you down; regulations you know.

And there you have WHY the rich people get richer.............because they HAVE enough money to comply with all your DO GOOD regulations, and we peons do NOT! Rich people in business LOVE regulation, because they just pass the cost of compliance down to you, the customer; but that also means that YOU the customer who might have a better idea, can't go into business because your volume will not be large enough to pay for COMPLIANCE to the government. Thus, the REGULATIONS insulate them from competition, and stop YOU from opening a lemonade stand in the desert to get rich.

And then, and then...........you allow dirt poor illegals over our border who will work for LESS than minimum wage. Geeze, what do you think? Does that little compassionate idea of yours skew the income inequality map a little? Lets see, you claim Obama created how many jobs, 8 million? (no he didn't, but let us go with it) So he creates 8 million jobs, but let 5 million illegals into the country. So what you are REALLY saying is............he created 3 million jobs for Americans that doesn't even keep up with the job growth needed over 7 years, and let 5 million illegals take the rest.

Now that is BRILLIANT, just BRILLIANT. And you know what, you might not like that last paragraph at all, but you better go with it as the lesser of 2 evils; because if you want to claim that those 5 million illegals didn't take those jobs, then the only alternative is to admit they are taking welfare; which now you just pissed off all the Americans who got those jobs, because they are paying the illegals to sit at home and do nothing while they have to work.

So you choose your poison. How do you want to spin it libs!

And lets not forget that that lib unions, taxes, and deficits off shored about 30 million jobs. And lets not forget that the liberal war on the family and schools rendered most Americans unfit for middle class jobs!
So let me get this all straight.......................income inequality is the fault of the rich people because they make to much? Now I find that absolutely funny.

Our government has been printing how many BILLIONS per month for how long, and nobody can figure out how to get their hands on it except the rich? You have to be kidding me, really, and honestly.

To believe this nonsense, you would have to believe that all rich people are brilliant, (because they are soooooo smart, only they know how to get some of that money) and all poor people are dumb as a box of rocks. (because they can't figure out how to get it)

You want to know the truth libs? Of course not, because you already know the truth and want to ignore it, but I am going to say it anyway..............go open a lemonade stand in the desert and make some money! People driving and really thirsty, would probably pay 3 bucks for a glass of lemonade or ice tea, and you would become extremely wealthy quickly!

Oh wait, that will not work. Why not? Because the government will shut you down; regulations you know.

And there you have WHY the rich people get richer.............because they HAVE enough money to comply with all your DO GOOD regulations, and we peons do NOT! Rich people in business LOVE regulation, because they just pass the cost of compliance down to you, the customer; but that also means that YOU the customer who might have a better idea, can't go into business because your volume will not be large enough to pay for COMPLIANCE to the government. Thus, the REGULATIONS insulate them from competition, and stop YOU from opening a lemonade stand in the desert to get rich.

And then, and then...........you allow dirt poor illegals over our border who will work for LESS than minimum wage. Geeze, what do you think? Does that little compassionate idea of yours skew the income inequality map a little? Lets see, you claim Obama created how many jobs, 8 million? (no he didn't, but let us go with it) So he creates 8 million jobs, but let 5 million illegals into the country. So what you are REALLY saying is............he created 3 million jobs for Americans that doesn't even keep up with the job growth needed over 7 years, and let 5 million illegals take the rest.

Now that is BRILLIANT, just BRILLIANT. And you know what, you might not like that last paragraph at all, but you better go with it as the lesser of 2 evils; because if you want to claim that those 5 million illegals didn't take those jobs, then the only alternative is to admit they are taking welfare; which now you just pissed off all the Americans who got those jobs, because they are paying the illegals to sit at home and do nothing while they have to work.

So you choose your poison. How do you want to spin it libs!

You could do great damage to the inequality map INSTANTLY by deporting 4 million illegals. What would happen? To get workers, compensation would RISE as Americans took their place. Law of supply and demand libs, less people to work, more pay to get workers to come work for you.

Of course, we can't do that. Why? Because if we did, a lib would not be elected President again for 16 to 20 years, and we can't have that, now can we!

So in reality, YOU are the biggest roadblock to poor people getting a decent wage, not conservatives, not business owners, YOU! Why? Because everyone, no matter how rich they are, only have 1 vote. You are soooooooo buried in your own nonsense, you actually help screw it up by your own ideology, and blindness to the truth of what actually happens in an economy. It is called the law of cause and effect. Of course, you don't care what is true and what is not. It is all about how you FEEL, lol.
It is not a case of the wealthy make too much, but why do we continue policies that help the wealthy when they obviously are doing fine without it

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