Income of Richest 100 Enough to End Global Poverty Four Times Over

yeah bro get some terrorists and american citizens and children and women

Kool hat!
I'm just a little worried about US drones killing hundreds of innocent Americans (Mexicans ARE Americans) in the not-to-distant future. I'm sure Mexican oil sales will cover all expenses.

How long until police departments use them to kill "suspects"?
Janet might have found a use for one at Waco:

"On February 28, shortly after the attempt to serve the warrant, an intense gun battle erupted, lasting nearly two hours. In this armed exchange, four agents and six Branch Davidians were killed. Upon the ATF's failure to execute the search warrant, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

"The siege ended 50 days later when a fire destroyed the compound when a second assault was launched. Seventy-six men, women and children,[8][9] including the sect leader, David Koresh, died in the fire. The Waco siege also has been described as the 'Waco massacre.'"

Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A couple of decades ago (prior to 911) LA law enforcement was asked about arming their helicopters. The consensus at that time was that it would be un-American to do so. I'm not sure how many high-ranking LAPD and LASD officials feel the same way today.
"Many who have earned far more than I did during my forty-five years in the workplace have seen all their property, retirement, and money taken from them by parasites like the world's richest 100 people using forces applied by governments controlled by the rich......"

If they are as dumb as this poster it would not be surprising
"Many who have earned far more than I did during my forty-five years in the workplace have seen all their property, retirement, and money taken from them by parasites like the world's richest 100 people using forces applied by governments controlled by the rich......"

If they are as dumb as this poster it would not be surprising
Show us how smart you are

"The neoliberals whom (Obama) appointed as a majority on the Simpson-Bowles Commission already have inflated their trial balloon claiming that the government must balance the budget by slashing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, not by restoring progressive taxation.

"My UMKC colleague Bill Black calls this the Great Betrayal. 'Only a Democrat can make it politically safe for Republicans who hate the safety net to unravel it' he notes.[1]"

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Let them eat cake...

That sentiment worked out so well, didn't it.

This maybe a bit too abstract for you, but consider the little worm who slithered his way across the rail road tracks only to have a train cut off his tail. Distraught, the little worm slithered back to get his tail and another train cut off his head.

The moral of the story is one shouldn't lose their head over a little bit of tail.

This should be cross-posted to the $arah Palin job thread. :eusa_whistle:
The Mahatma Gandhi said 'we have enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed' but it seems to be human nature to want more than we need.

Actually, very sad that the the supposed pinnacle of some magic sky fairy's creation happily watches children starve while counting their money. Especially since the god they SAY they worship did indeed feed the poor. With a few liberal exceptions, the uber rich do indeed think and say, 'let them eat cake'.

But, hey, maybe someday, they really will start producing jobs in THIS country instead of others.
I'm no socialist.

I'll say it again for those in the back.

I'm no socialist.

But it does seem absurd that those in the top 1% see their wealth increasing almost exponentially at the same time as the bottom 175,000,000 are watching wages stagnate and cost escalate.

There are two things killing the middle class.

First, the rich are not paying enough in taxes. The 70% rate of the 70's is probably a bit much, but the 18% they are paying these days is just sad. I make roughly average wages and am paying more than that.

Second, and perhaps more important, is free trade. I bought the cool-aid when they talked up free trade in the early 90's but it hasn't worked out for us. We need a new policy called Equitable Trade. Free trade with equal trading partners (Europe, Japan, etc...) and reasonable tariffs on foreign goods from 2nd and 3rd world countries.

Most people don't realize that the number one cause of deficits in this country is not increased spending. It's the fact that in the 1970's tariffs accounted for over 30% of our government revenue. Now it's under 2%.
I don't want the government to control the means of production either, but if austerity comes to the US the richest 1% should be the first to lose what they've gained over the last generation. I didn't realize tariff revenue had fallen that much since the 70s...would you happen to have a link?
The Mahatma Gandhi said 'we have enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed' but it seems to be human nature to want more than we need.

Actually, very sad that the the supposed pinnacle of some magic sky fairy's creation happily watches children starve while counting their money. Especially since the god they SAY they worship did indeed feed the poor. With a few liberal exceptions, the uber rich do indeed think and say, 'let them eat cake'.

But, hey, maybe someday, they really will start producing jobs in THIS country instead of others.
We might also keep in mind that one of the first talking points of the Industrial Revolution made the claim that one day the machine would free humanity from the need to work; millions of layed-off US workers might have already reached that day?

"If the purpose of our economic system is to deliver the maximum amount of goods and services with the least amount of effort, then the ability to deliver goods and services with the least amount of employment is actually desirable."

Social Credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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