Incompetent Biden trips going UP Air Force One stairs once again.....

He is not gay. What kind of a sicko are you?
Sponges undergo synchronous spawning and eject sperm and egg cells into the water. If gametes (sex cells; either sperm or egg) from the same species meet, they form a larval sponge. After a period of planktonic drifting, the larva settles to a suitable location on the bottom and grows into an adult sponge.....
Are you sure?...
What a shame that such a guy, for all his obvious faults, is still a much better choice than the alternative.

It just once again demonstrates how our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.
Sounds like a soft admittance that you screwed up voting for ole Joe.... Huh, huh.
Jokes aside it's a wonder, given the trouble folks have with those stairs, that it would be some kind of escalator.

Of course Tater, being a geriatric putz, would fall at either the top or bottom.
He probably avoids escalators like the plague... 😂
Sounds like a soft admittance that you screwed up voting for ole Joe.... Huh, huh.
Nope. Biden was a lousy candidate, he's mediocre on his best day, he's too old, he's moved too far to the Left during his term, and his party is nuts and annoying as hell. I really had to hold my nose to vote for him.

But, especially considering what has happened since Election Day, my vote was the right one. That's how goddamn shitty the choices are right now.
Nope. Biden was a lousy candidate, he's mediocre on his best day, he's too old, he's moved too far to the Left during his term, and his party is nuts and annoying as hell. I really had to hold my nose to vote for him.

But, especially considering what has happened since Election Day, my vote was the right one. That's how goddamn shitty the choices are right now.
You actually figured Biden was the better choice ? Unbelievable..
And he was actually right, at least to anyone with functioning brain cells.
That's your problem, because undoubtedly you have no functioning brain cells. Anyone that can ignore what's been going on within the leftist agenda, and can support a president that embraces the leftist agenda is either completely off their rocker or they are part of it all. Which is it ?
What a shame that such a guy, for all his obvious faults, is still a much better choice than the alternative.

It just once again demonstrates how our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.
The Founding Fathers never intended for anyone to spend their entire life working for government. That is the root of many of our problems. But of course there will never be term limits just like there will never be significant tax simplification because the lifers like Biden who have all the power in government don't want either.
That's your problem, because undoubtedly you have no functioning brain cells. Anyone that can ignore what's been going on within the leftist agenda, and can support a president that embraces the leftist agenda is either completely off their rocker or they are part of it all. Which is it ?
That is an interesting reply, while you quibble over whatever "leftist" bogeyman you have created, you omit the transgressions of Donald Trump, which are far, far more egregious than your "leftist" bogeyman. I don't need to list them, as they have been obvious for years.

Well, at least to those of us with functioning brain cells.
The Founding Fathers never intended for anyone to spend their entire life working for government. That is the root of many of our problems. But of course there will never be term limits just like there will never be significant tax simplification because the lifers like Biden who have all the power in government don't want either.
There is a confusion about blanket term limits and going after corrupt politician's...

Term limits won't help in the stopping of corruption, because basically all it's saying is that a person might be to old or that the job shouldn't come with an open ended position..... If a person is smart, honest, righteous and cognizant, then they should be allowed to stay for as long as they wish to serve the American people.

So nope I disagree with term limits that are somehow enacted in hopes to discourage corruption or in the assumption that one is to old for a job, otherwise without there being a defined reasoning for the enacting of a "term limit" (not limit's), to be used upon an individual for whatever reason, and this because of his or her actions only then I'm for a term limit sure... I'm not for blanket rules for all in regards to this idea of broad sweeping term limits... I'm against a broad term limits fishing net that hopes to control who stays and who goes without the proper review of the persons being removed under a supposed blanketing term limits program.....
How do you figure ? Nevermind I don't want to hear your bull crap.
Legislation passed for the American people.

No idiotic behavior every fucking day.

Ending the non-stop lying.

Ending the politicizing of every branch of government.

Just to name a few.

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