Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

They should make it standard procedure to keep doctors on flights in any circumstance. People will be very grateful when a medical emergency arises.
United Airlines is taking a savage beating over this.

How apropos.
Awesome. Maybe they'll go bankrupt like Pepsi for that Kendall Jenner commercial.

United won't go bankrupt over this but it will either create a new impression of United's service or reinforce impressions that already exist

I have been flying for over 40 years and saw huge airlines like Pan Am. Eastern, TWA and Continental disappear. Many because they developed a reputation with the travelling public
If nothing negative ever happens with United again, this will be forgotten. If the stories keep repeating, it will be another nail in the coffin
Just from a brand name perspective...a company called 'Divine' could clobber a 'Google' in the infospace market. Divine has an element of hope. Google has an element of silly triviality.
I've got my own brand name and t-shirts. ;)


Ahhh,,,another pilot. If Google tried to build a self flying plane, it would eject its own flight crew and passengers, and merge with United Airlines.
The airline offered $400 and then $800 for volunteers. This is for volunteering for a flight that leaves 3PM the NEXT DAY

If $800 wasn't sufficient inducement they could have gone to $1,000, then $1,200, and so on until someone finally accepted. Instead they chose brute force.

I hope they are hit with a $1,000,000 punitive award.

That is where United "policy" came into play. The United CEO praised his employees for following the rules. It is the inflexibility of those rules that led to the embarrassing incident. Rules said you have to find room for United employees. Rules say you can only offer so much compensation. Rules say if nobody volunteers, you are to start bumping passengers at will. Rules say if a passenger refuses to leave you have the cops physically remove them

A comedy of errors
I don't think there is anything comical about it. Rather it is a glaring example of the authoritarian atmosphere which has been steadily emerging in this Nation for the past few decades and is unmistakably manifest in the way that passenger was removed from the plane. That was something one would expect to see in a film clip from 1950s East Germany.

Not understanding the actual circumstances one would mistakenly think that man was a dangerous, assaultive fugitive instead of a peaceful, ordinary person, a physician, who had good reason to stand his ground against oppressive and arbitrary airline rules.

It is rather surprising to me how so many of my fellow Americans are inclined to refer to the rules laid out by the airlines and supported by certain conveniently applicable laws, which, if not for the advent of candid video capability, would have enabled this outrage to take place quietly en-route to Nineteen Eighty Four.

Fortunately the American majority have seen it for what it is and the "rules" bullshit isn't working for Big Brother this time. People are pissed off and they have good reason to be. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen in our Country.
“We followed the right procedures,” Hobart told the Associated Press in a phone interview. “That plane had to depart. We wanted to get our customers to their destinations, and when one gentleman refused to get off the aircraft, we had to call the Chicago Police Department.”

Bridges said passengers were told a computer selected four people to leave the flight. One couple was selected and left the plane before the man was confronted.<<
It wasn't overbooked. That's just the lame excuse the airline is using for their irreprehensible behavior. In reality, United just wanted those 4 seats to reshuffle their own employees, who were not booked on that flight to begin with, to another city where they were needed.
All of which every passenger agrees to in United's Contract of Carriage:

Contract Of Carriage | United Airlines
Yeah, I'm not seeing anything in there giving United the right to physically drag a compliant, non-combative, non-threatening passenger off of one of their flights so that s United Airlines employee can have that seat.

United didn't, the police did

United just ask to have the passenger removed according to the right of the airline
Interesting that you admit dishonesty. Still, the facts are clear. At the last minute, the airline needed to make room on a full flight for four crewmembers to work another flight in the morning. They offered travel vouchers to people and when that failed, asked passengers to give up their seats, even though they'ed be given the vouchers and/or check. Dao refused to leave. The airline called the police, When Dao refused to obey the police, they forced off non-compliant passenger. The rest is history.

You falsely claimed on several posts that it was the airline that forced him off. It wasn't. It was the Chicago police.
When rigid adherence to rules transcends the intervention of good judgment the inevitable outcome is tyranny.
United didn't, the police did

United just ask to have the passenger removed according to the right of the airline
And having seen the removal, and the shit storm it has provoked, what are your final thoughts on the matter?

It could have been handled removing all passengers and then letting them back on, without the dr

If he would not get out of his seat, then it could have been handled without the mess of dragging him through a full plane.

Could have asked a few other passengers if they would give up their seats for the dr.

They could have bused passengers to the destination. Could have used Uber or something like that which would drive their directly to their home in Louisville.

They could have said he needed to be questioned by police because of some confusion with identity, name was flagged.
United Airlines has been tapped to train ICE agents on the new 'illegal policy' from the drumpf cabal.

Drumpf was seen parading back and forth in front of a White House window screaming "I'm the wiz and nobody beats me...

The airline offered $400 and then $800 for volunteers. This is for volunteering for a flight that leaves 3PM the NEXT DAY

If $800 wasn't sufficient inducement they could have gone to $1,000, then $1,200, and so on until someone finally accepted. Instead they chose brute force.

I hope they are hit with a $1,000,000 punitive award.
For what? United, or their subcontractor Republic, did nothing wrong.
So in your opinion what we saw in the video is perfectly okay?
United didn't, the police did

United just ask to have the passenger removed according to the right of the airline
And having seen the removal, and the shit storm it has provoked, what are your final thoughts on the matter?

It could have been handled removing all passengers and then letting them back on, without the dr

If he would not get out of his seat, then it could have been handled without the mess of dragging him through a full plane.

Could have asked a few other passengers if they would give up their seats for the dr.

They could have bused passengers to the destination. Could have used Uber or something like that which would drive their directly to their home in Louisville.

They could have said he needed to be questioned by police because of some confusion with identity, name was flagged.

Yes it could have. The doctor could have acted like an adult and walked off the flight unassisted. Instead, he decided to act like a three year old, and scream like a little bitch.
United didn't, the police did

United just ask to have the passenger removed according to the right of the airline
And having seen the removal, and the shit storm it has provoked, what are your final thoughts on the matter?

It could have been handled removing all passengers and then letting them back on, without the dr

If he would not get out of his seat, then it could have been handled without the mess of dragging him through a full plane.

Could have asked a few other passengers if they would give up their seats for the dr.

They could have bused passengers to the destination. Could have used Uber or something like that which would drive their directly to their home in Louisville.

They could have said he needed to be questioned by police because of some confusion with identity, name was flagged.

Yes it could have. The doctor could have acted like an adult and walked off the flight unassisted. Instead, he decided to act like a three year old, and scream like a little bitch.

United acted like a little bitch when nobody would accept their pathetic offers of compensation
United Airlines is taking a savage beating over this.

How apropos.
Awesome. Maybe they'll go bankrupt like Pepsi for that Kendall Jenner commercial.

LOL They won't and neither will Pepsi. Why would anyone wish for normal American companies to go out of business? They made a mistake and are paying for it and will likely change their policy.

This is what protesting is all about and why progressives use it as an effective tool.
Protest what? Bumping a passenger because of unforeseen circumstances so up to 70 other passengers won't be stranded? Please think through the consequences of what you are asking here.

rightwinger claims to be a frequent flyer. If so, then he understands the problem of being stranded by a cancelled flight.
Again, you assume to much. You are making an emotional appeal, not a logical one. I've simply posted about the law. Feel free to quote where I support it or not.

In fact, I've posted several times that the situation could have been handled better; namely by deplaning the entire aircraft then embarking only authorized passengers.

What you seem to overlook is that Dr. Dao ran back onto the airplane. If you are really a doctor, what is your assessment of his behavior? Do you know the Federal law about air transportation of unruly passengers?

Of course I'm not a doctor, much like it is unlikely you are a Divine Wind, unless you have been eating beans...;o) I'm looking at the bigger picture. The law, who instigated it and is dumb law...

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