Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

United acted like a little bitch when nobody would accept their pathetic offers of compensation
Fine. Sue them. Change the law. Force them to cancel the flight rather than risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit. That'll show'em!
I have no problem with passing laws recognizing passenger rights

Long overdue
Me neither. Pass those laws. Airlines can't be made to fly flights without aircrew or refund more money than was paid.

Do it. Seriously. Like our $25M bet, you fail to see the consequences and the law on this issue.

A major flaw in the Liberal paradigm is failure to recognize the Law of Unintended Consequences. It's nature. So go ahead and pass all the laws you like, then suck on the consequences.
...I would prefer looking like a Liberal than an authoritarian nitwit.
Agreed, but here you are both. You want to force a business to do something that harms their business. You want the Feds to control the situation, not let market forces do it.
There is now stories that United airlines is seeking stocks of Sarin gas for its Customer relations department to help with unruly passengers...
What do you mean "come clean"? Up to now, you've been playing bullshit word games.
Interesting that you admit dishonesty. Still, the facts are clear. At the last minute, the airline needed to make room on a full flight for four crewmembers to work another flight in the morning. They offered travel vouchers to people and when that failed, asked passengers to give up their seats, even though they'ed be given the vouchers and/or check. Dao refused to leave. The airline called the police, When Dao refused to obey the police, they forced off non-compliant passenger. The rest is history.

You falsely claimed on several posts that it was the airline that forced him off. It wasn't. It was the Chicago police.
Who called the police goon squad?
United Airlines. You know, just like you would if someone broke the law in your business or trespassed on your property.

Careful here, Mike, you'll start to look like a LIBERAL! LOL
A customer with a paid ticket and boarding pass was trespassing?
Yes. Check the law. Are you asserting he had a "right" to that seat even though he agreed to the carriage contract?
He had no right to that seat
He had a right to stand up for his patients
He had a right to object to abusive treatment by United
Future customers have a right to avoid United
United acted like a little bitch when nobody would accept their pathetic offers of compensation
Fine. Sue them. Change the law. Force them to cancel the flight rather than risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit. That'll show'em!
I have no problem with passing laws recognizing passenger rights

Long overdue
Me neither. Pass those laws. Airlines can't be made to fly flights without aircrew or refund more money than was paid.

Do it. Seriously. Like our $25M bet, you fail to see the consequences and the law on this issue.

A major flaw in the Liberal paradigm is failure to recognize the Law of Unintended Consequences. It's nature. So go ahead and pass all the laws you like, then suck on the consequences.
Still waiting for you to pay me the money you owe me
He had no right to that seat
He had a right to stand up for his patients
He had a right to object to abusive treatment by United
Future customers have a right to avoid United
Agreed to all. Now, let's see how many of those are true in court.

1) How did United abuse him? By asking him to leave?

2) Did he really have a patient the next day? I'd love to know. Was it life-threatening or just normal treatment?
United acted like a little bitch when nobody would accept their pathetic offers of compensation
Fine. Sue them. Change the law. Force them to cancel the flight rather than risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit. That'll show'em!
I have no problem with passing laws recognizing passenger rights

Long overdue
Me neither. Pass those laws. Airlines can't be made to fly flights without aircrew or refund more money than was paid.

Do it. Seriously. Like our $25M bet, you fail to see the consequences and the law on this issue.

A major flaw in the Liberal paradigm is failure to recognize the Law of Unintended Consequences. It's nature. So go ahead and pass all the laws you like, then suck on the consequences.
Still waiting for you to pay me the money you owe me
For what? You bet $25M no charges would be filed against Dao. It hasn't even been a week. Let's give it a few months before you have to pay me, okay? Let's not forget I offered you to change this to a simple $25 USMB Gold Membership and you blew me off.
He had no right to that seat
He had a right to stand up for his patients
He had a right to object to abusive treatment by United
Future customers have a right to avoid United
Agreed to all. Now, let's see how many of those are true in court.

1) How did United abuse him? By asking him to leave?

2) Did he really have a patient the next day? I'd love to know. Was it life-threatening or just normal treatment?

How did they abuse him?
They revoked his ticket, they delayed his arrival by a day, they caused him to miss appointments with his patients, they called in the police to enforce their maltreatment
United acted like a little bitch when nobody would accept their pathetic offers of compensation
Fine. Sue them. Change the law. Force them to cancel the flight rather than risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit. That'll show'em!
I have no problem with passing laws recognizing passenger rights

Long overdue
Me neither. Pass those laws. Airlines can't be made to fly flights without aircrew or refund more money than was paid.

Do it. Seriously. Like our $25M bet, you fail to see the consequences and the law on this issue.

A major flaw in the Liberal paradigm is failure to recognize the Law of Unintended Consequences. It's nature. So go ahead and pass all the laws you like, then suck on the consequences.
Still waiting for you to pay me the money you owe me
For what? You bet $25M no charges would be filed against Dao. It hasn't even been a week. Let's give it a few months before you have to pay me, okay? Let's not forget I offered you to change this to a simple $25 USMB Gold Membership and you blew me off.
You said he committed a crime worthy of prosecution. If police wanted to press charges, they could have done so as soon as they pulled him off the plane

You owe me $25 million
He had no right to that seat
He had a right to stand up for his patients
He had a right to object to abusive treatment by United
Future customers have a right to avoid United
Agreed to all. Now, let's see how many of those are true in court.

1) How did United abuse him? By asking him to leave?

2) Did he really have a patient the next day? I'd love to know. Was it life-threatening or just normal treatment?

How did they abuse him?
They revoked his ticket, they delayed his arrival by a day, they caused him to miss appointments with his patients, they called in the police to enforce their maltreatment
By that standard, you are abusing me now. :)

Please show me evidence of how many patients he was supposed to meet the next day and how they'd have suffered if he was delayed.

Since when is calling the police abuse? If a home invader breaks into your house, do you seriously believe he has a legitimate legal claim of abuse if you call the police? WTF?
You said he committed a crime worthy of prosecution. If police wanted to press charges, they could have done so as soon as they pulled him off the plane

You owe me $25 million
Why are you lying? I claimed he broke the law and that charges would be filed. You disagreed and bet $25M that he'd never be charged. Are you nervous now?

Again, I offer you the $25 USMB Gold Membership bet. Your choice. Either way, I expect to win.
You said he committed a crime worthy of prosecution. If police wanted to press charges, they could have done so as soon as they pulled him off the plane

You owe me $25 million
Why are you lying? I claimed he broke the law and that charges would be filed. You disagreed and bet $25M that he'd never be charged. Are you nervous now?

Again, I offer you the $25 USMB Gold Membership bet. Your choice. Either way, I expect to win.
How long do you think it takes to build a case against a trespasser?
The case does not get better with age.

You owe me $25 million
How long do you think it takes to build a case against a trespasser?
The case does not get better with age.

You owe me $25 million
Not just a trespasser, but a breaker of multiple Federal and State laws. Sorry, but I'm not a lawyer. I'm content to let the experts work this out.

Why do you keep saying I owe? Are you nervous? Unsure? Afraid of looking like a fucking dumbass when Dao is charged and takes a plea deal?....not to mention you'd end up owing me $25M. Again, do you want to be reasonable and make this a $25 Gold Membership bet or do you want to continue being an ass? Your call, sir. If you have the ability to reason, then this is your chance.
United will end up paying out big time.....rightfully so. They wanted to drag this guy off long long before he boarded...the scum anti American company knew this....i stake my life on it.
I was given the nickname Divine Wind when I transferred from the Marine Corps to the Navy due to my Spartan attitude of "Come home with your shield or upon it". Some liked the attitude, some did not. Overall, command liked it.

Change the law. Any business will defer to the cheapest, most profitable alternative. Want to force airlines to not bump one passenger in order to prevent 70+ passengers from having their flight cancelled? Fine. Do it. You can't fine an airline for cancelling a flight due to Force Majeure.

And my point is that United were disorganised and somebody had to pay the price. Why should they? is my point.
I was given the nickname Divine Wind when I transferred from the Marine Corps to the Navy due to my Spartan attitude of "Come home with your shield or upon it". Some liked the attitude, some did not. Overall, command liked it.

Change the law. Any business will defer to the cheapest, most profitable alternative. Want to force airlines to not bump one passenger in order to prevent 70+ passengers from having their flight cancelled? Fine. Do it. You can't fine an airline for cancelling a flight due to Force Majeure.

And my point is that United were disorganised and somebody had to pay the price. Why should they? is my point.
Awesome. So sue them into bankruptcy and drive them under....or sue them and make sure that no passenger is ever bumped for a crew member. Sure, flights will be cancelled and thousands of people will miss their connecting flights or Caribbean cruises, but who cares? At least no one is bumped.
How long do you think it takes to build a case against a trespasser?
The case does not get better with age.

You owe me $25 million
Not just a trespasser, but a breaker of multiple Federal and State laws. Sorry, but I'm not a lawyer. I'm content to let the experts work this out.

Why do you keep saying I owe? Are you nervous? Unsure? Afraid of looking like a fucking dumbass when Dao is charged and takes a plea deal?....not to mention you'd end up owing me $25M. Again, do you want to be reasonable and make this a $25 Gold Membership bet or do you want to continue being an ass? Your call, sir. If you have the ability to reason, then this is your chance.

What charges now?
Tresspassing and excessive bleeding?

If they wanted to charge him, they would have by now

United would have to press charges of trespassing on their property. Doubt if they are dumb enough

You owe me $25 up
United has agreed to refund the fares of every passenger onboard the plane
In addition all three security officers have now been suspended
What charges now?
Tresspassing and excessive bleeding?

If they wanted to charge him, they would have by now

United would have to press charges of trespassing on their property. Doubt if they are dumb enough

You owe me $25 up
I already listed the Federal and State regulations he violated. What is actually charged with remains up to those in charge.

Disagreed. Investigations take time. It's not like he's OJ.

Disagreed. United doesn't have to do anything. In fact, as stated several times before, I'm sure they'd hope this all just goes away. Not their call.

You seem desperate. I'll be happy to quote every time you've said "You owe me $25 up" when Dao faces a single charge. Everyone who gives a shit knows I offered you three chances to downsize this.
Of course they do. No airline wants bad PR, but this is now in the hands of the Feds and the State. Mr. Dao could end up on the No-Fly list due to his "law enforcement issues". 8 ways you can end up on the no-fly list

OTOH, I fail to see what lawsuit United needs to settle. Dao agreed to the terms of Carriage, all was done properly. Just because Dao refused to comply with lawful police orders is not the fault of United.

That's a good one

It will only add to his settlement with United
We'll see, but, again, this is out of United's hands. The laws Dao broke were State and Federal ones, not United's.

Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.

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