Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

That's a good one

It will only add to his settlement with United
We'll see, but, again, this is out of United's hands. The laws Dao broke were State and Federal ones, not United's.

Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
That's how it is normally handled. This case tells me that the crew addition was a last minute change, not a regularly scheduled one.
Interesting that you admit dishonesty.
What is your fucking problem, asshole, I wasn't dishonest. Fuck you!

Still, the facts are clear. At the last minute, the airline needed to make room on a full flight for four crewmembers to work another flight in the morning. They offered travel vouchers to people and when that failed, asked passengers to give up their seats, even though they'ed be given the vouchers and/or check. Dao refused to leave. The airline called the police, When Dao refused to obey the police, they forced off non-compliant passenger. The rest is history.
Big fucking whoop! You want a medal? A cookie? You are strange.

You falsely claimed on several posts that it was the airline that forced him off. It wasn't. It was the Chicago police.
Oh really? Several posts? Well, lets just see, shall we?

First post:
Southwest Airlines has a new slogan...
"We beat the competition, not you!"
Second post:
But they did drag a doctor who traded drugs for sex a few years ago and there has to be consequences. For the drag, not the drug.
These were jokes, BTW.

Third post:
What was being dragged up the aisle?
No claim there.

Fourth post:
Hey DW, you gonna answer my question?
No claim there.

Fifth post:
I'm asking you a question. You going to answer it?
No claim there.

Sixth post:
He wants to bet first.
No claim there.

Seventh post:
I'll bet you a $1000 they dragged someone down the aisle. Now, what you got to say?
No claim there.

Eighth post:
Dude, everyone knows they brought in the local sheriff to do the dirty deed.
No claim there.

Now lets review. You said, I..."falsely claimed on several posts that it was the airline that forced him off." And in 8 posts, in only 2 did I refer to a "they", but didn't elaborate on who "they" was, which was a figure of speech, BTW. But it is definitely not a false claim, it is far from being dishonest and it is absolutely not on "several" posts.

So fuck you, asshole. You're the one who is dishonest.
That's a good one

It will only add to his settlement with United
We'll see, but, again, this is out of United's hands. The laws Dao broke were State and Federal ones, not United's.

Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
It is not going to happen once passengers have boarded

No Airline wants to become the next United and the flying public knows what to do
What charges now?
Tresspassing and excessive bleeding?

If they wanted to charge him, they would have by now

United would have to press charges of trespassing on their property. Doubt if they are dumb enough

You owe me $25 up
I already listed the Federal and State regulations he violated. What is actually charged with remains up to those in charge.

Disagreed. Investigations take time. It's not like he's OJ.

Disagreed. United doesn't have to do anything. In fact, as stated several times before, I'm sure they'd hope this all just goes away. Not their call.

You seem desperate. I'll be happy to quote every time you've said "You owe me $25 up" when Dao faces a single charge. Everyone who gives a shit knows I offered you three chances to downsize this.
None of those violations equate to more than trespassing. Refusing to leave someone's property

Given that ALL THREE officers have been suspended for their actions, it does not appear charges will be filed

Pay me you deadbeat
What is your fucking problem, asshole, I wasn't dishonest. Fuck you!...So fuck you, asshole. You're the one who is dishonest.
Ummm, lemme guess. You are a staunch Democrat, you voted for Hillary and you hate anyone to the right of your political position. Am I close?
Now, aside from that prick DW who is completely psycho garbage, the latest information that has come in from another cell phone footage just before he got dragged off, I haven't seen it, but if what he was saying (just before he got yanked) was true, then he not only deserved what he got, but he asked for it and actually made it happen.

If I was that cop, not only would I drag that dude off the plane, I'd beat ass for good measure in the elevator on the way to being booked. The doctor was a prick! Just like this divinewind asshole.
Ummm, lemme guess. You are a staunch Democrat, you voted for Hillary and you hate anyone to the right of your political position. Am I close?
Wrong again. I'm not a democrat and I didn't vote for Hillary, who is a closet neocon, BTW.
We'll see, but, again, this is out of United's hands. The laws Dao broke were State and Federal ones, not United's.

Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
That's how it is normally handled. This case tells me that the crew addition was a last minute change, not a regularly scheduled one.

Possibly. What I do know is that there is too much money involved in bumping for it to go away.
Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
That's how it is normally handled. This case tells me that the crew addition was a last minute change, not a regularly scheduled one.

Possibly. What I do know is that there is too much money involved in bumping for it to go away.
There are a lot of rules regarding overbooking. The bad PR is enough for airlines to avoid it. In this case, it wasn't an overbooking issue; it was a last minute addition of crewmembers to salvage a morning flight that precipitated the problem.
We'll see, but, again, this is out of United's hands. The laws Dao broke were State and Federal ones, not United's.

Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
It is not going to happen once passengers have boarded

No Airline wants to become the next United and the flying public knows what to do

Investors will make the call. The flying public will forget in six months.
Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
It is not going to happen once passengers have boarded

No Airline wants to become the next United and the flying public knows what to do

Investors will make the call. The flying public will forget in six months.
Agreed this will be forgotten by all but the most ardent anti-capitalists in 6 months.
Tell it to the jury when they are assigning damages

Lets see....

United's ineptness provoked an incident on one of their planes that resulted in an entire planeload of passengers being terrorized
69 year old Dr Dao was roughed up, had his face slammed against an armrest, was knocked unconscious, was unable to treat his patients and now, as you are advocating is prohibited from flying

Maybe if they can find a jury full of airline executives United will have a chance

An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
It is not going to happen once passengers have boarded

No Airline wants to become the next United and the flying public knows what to do

Investors will make the call. The flying public will forget in six months.
Investors have no say in bumping procedures
While passengers will still be bumped, it will be done before boarding
No airline will risk boarding a flight and dragging off passengers for the purpose of bumping them from the flight
An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
That's how it is normally handled. This case tells me that the crew addition was a last minute change, not a regularly scheduled one.

Possibly. What I do know is that there is too much money involved in bumping for it to go away.
There are a lot of rules regarding overbooking. The bad PR is enough for airlines to avoid it. In this case, it wasn't an overbooking issue; it was a last minute addition of crewmembers to salvage a morning flight that precipitated the problem.

You're arguing semantics. It doesn't matter when the overbooking occurred and by what circumstance it occurred. When you have more bodies than seats, you're overbooked.
....No airline will risk boarding a flight and dragging off passengers for the purpose of bumping them from the flight
Which smart, educated people know is not the normal procedure. This was an abnormal situation.

Still, once Dao refused to deplane, the police should have recommended deplaning the entire aircraft or asked the Captain for his recommendation, which probably would have been the same thing; either Dao gets off or everybody gets off. Then take it from there. That way, everyone would hate Dao instead of the police lawfully carrying out their duties.
Dear United,
My ex-husband will be aboard flight 3527 seat 34A.
Do your thing.
UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
That's how it is normally handled. This case tells me that the crew addition was a last minute change, not a regularly scheduled one.

Possibly. What I do know is that there is too much money involved in bumping for it to go away.
There are a lot of rules regarding overbooking. The bad PR is enough for airlines to avoid it. In this case, it wasn't an overbooking issue; it was a last minute addition of crewmembers to salvage a morning flight that precipitated the problem.

You're arguing semantics. It doesn't matter when the overbooking occurred and by what circumstance it occurred. When you have more bodies than seats, you're overbooked.
On the contrary, sir, you are the one playing semantics. The plane was booked even. People were loaded up and ready to go but then a situation arose where the airline had to choose between cancelling an entire flight in the morning at SDF or inconveniencing 4 passengers in ORD.

Which would you have done given those choices?
An as of the news this morning, he's still in the hospital.

But, UAL will get away with this, as will the thugs who assaulted him for the unforgivable sin of demanding to get what he paid for and then getting upset when he told he had to get off the plane.

UAL has already gotten away with it and cops always get away with it. A frail 69 year old is such a threat to three burly policemen

But UAL has taken a pounding in bad publicity and has their CEO groveling on a daily basis. I would bet you will never see United or any other airline bumping passengers who have already been seated

I wouldn't bet on it. Overbooking equates to tens of millions in revenue.

What I will bet on is that people that are bumped won't be allowed to board.
It is not going to happen once passengers have boarded

No Airline wants to become the next United and the flying public knows what to do

Investors will make the call. The flying public will forget in six months.
Investors have no say in bumping procedures
While passengers will still be bumped, it will be done before boarding
No airline will risk boarding a flight and dragging off passengers for the purpose of bumping them from the flight

Investors have everything to do with procedures, it's called a sell-off.

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