Increased carbon dioxide enhances plankton growth, opposite of what was expected


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Another reason to not believe the hyped up temperature records that have been raised to "meet expectations" ....
Increased carbon dioxide enhances plankton growth, opposite of what was expected.

“The results show both the power of long-term time-series of ocean observations for deciphering how marine microbial communities are responding to climate change and offer evidence that the ocean garden is changing,” said Dr. William Balch, senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a co-author of the paper. “We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude.

In other words, CO2 eating organisms are devouring the CO2 faster than the oceans can sequester it creating a bloom in ocean foods for fish and other living animals. It is infact creating a much more diverse and healthier environment for the ocean life.

When a climate activist tells you something must meet their expectations ask them why their expectations are always wrong.
The CO2 lie takes a death blow... fascinating paper..

“What is worrisome,” he said, “is that our result points out how little we know about how complex ecosystems function.”

These folks admit they dont have a dam clue how anything really works.. And also admit that plankton grows so fast that it can eat all the CO2 the oceans can take in.. One more route that CAGW nutters refused to acknowledge lays waste to their meme..
Whoa plants eat carbon dioxide? Who woulda thunk it!

The good news is rubes like yourself Billy now accept that climate change is a real thing, carbon dioxide levels are increasing, and carbon dioxide levels have an impact on the oceans! Progress!

Before you know it you might even be accepting that humans have some kind of impact on their surroundings! :eek:
Whoa plants eat carbon dioxide? Who woulda thunk it!

The good news is rubes like yourself Billy now accept that climate change is a real thing, carbon dioxide levels are increasing, and carbon dioxide levels have an impact on the oceans! Progress!

Before you know it you might even be accepting that humans have some kind of impact on their surroundings! :eek:

The Climate has been changing for eons. Thinking that man is influencing it to any real degree is shear lunacy. One day the earth will have had enough of man and their will be nothing you or I can do to stop it throwing us off.

The paper I presented shows the earth functions better in warmer conditions and higher levels of CO2 contrary to activist lemmings like you and your doom and gloom crap predictions, which have all failed. Worse still, it was your own left wing group of scientists that stumbled onto this trying to prove their pet theroy. Instead they disproved it and had the balls to present the evidence showing it disproved! For that I applaud them!
Whoa plants eat carbon dioxide? Who woulda thunk it!

The good news is rubes like yourself Billy now accept that climate change is a real thing, carbon dioxide levels are increasing, and carbon dioxide levels have an impact on the oceans! Progress!

Before you know it you might even be accepting that humans have some kind of impact on their surroundings! :eek:

The Climate has been changing for eons. Thinking that man is influencing it to any real degree is shear lunacy. One day the earth will have had enough of man and their will be nothing you or I can do to stop it throwing us off.

The paper I presented shows the earth functions better in warmer conditions and higher levels of CO2 contrary to activist lemmings like you and your doom and gloom crap predictions, which have all failed. Worse still, it was your own left wing group of scientists that stumbled onto this trying to prove their pet theroy. Instead they disproved it and had the balls to present the evidence showing it disproved! For that I applaud them!
The paper you present does not show the earth functions better or worse in any kind of climate silly. I'm proud of you for admitting climate change happens though. It took decades to convince you rubes of that. :thup:
Whoa plants eat carbon dioxide? Who woulda thunk it!

The good news is rubes like yourself Billy now accept that climate change is a real thing, carbon dioxide levels are increasing, and carbon dioxide levels have an impact on the oceans! Progress!

Before you know it you might even be accepting that humans have some kind of impact on their surroundings! :eek:

The Climate has been changing for eons. Thinking that man is influencing it to any real degree is shear lunacy. One day the earth will have had enough of man and their will be nothing you or I can do to stop it throwing us off.

The paper I presented shows the earth functions better in warmer conditions and higher levels of CO2 contrary to activist lemmings like you and your doom and gloom crap predictions, which have all failed. Worse still, it was your own left wing group of scientists that stumbled onto this trying to prove their pet theroy. Instead they disproved it and had the balls to present the evidence showing it disproved! For that I applaud them!
The paper you present does not show the earth functions better or worse in any kind of climate silly. I'm proud of you for admitting climate change happens though. It took decades to convince you rubes of that. :thup:
Your reading comprehension needs improvement.. But it is a start.. Now if we can just get you from telling lies and making ludicrous scientifically unsupported predictions....
“The results show both the power of long-term time-series of ocean observations for deciphering how marine microbial communities are responding to climate change and offer evidence that the ocean garden is changing,” said Dr. William Balch, senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a co-author of the paper. “We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude.

In other words, CO2 eating organisms are devouring the CO2 faster than the oceans can sequester it

He said nothing of the kind, whizbrain.

creating a bloom in ocean foods for fish and other living animals.

He didn't say that either.

It is in fact creating a much more diverse and healthier environment for the ocean life.

Nor did he say that or could any of these be drawn from what he did say

When a climate activist tells you something must meet their expectations ask them why their expectations are always wrong.

When an AGW denier who claims to have a degree in atmospheric physics and be working on a masters in meteorology repeatedly demonstrates no grasp of science in general much less the specific branches in which he claims degrees, question his honesty.
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Another reason to not believe the hyped up temperature records that have been raised to "meet expectations" ....
Increased carbon dioxide enhances plankton growth, opposite of what was expected.

“The results show both the power of long-term time-series of ocean observations for deciphering how marine microbial communities are responding to climate change and offer evidence that the ocean garden is changing,” said Dr. William Balch, senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a co-author of the paper. “We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude.

In other words, CO2 eating organisms are devouring the CO2 faster than the oceans can sequester it creating a bloom in ocean foods for fish and other living animals. It is infact creating a much more diverse and healthier environment for the ocean life.

When a climate activist tells you something must meet their expectations ask them why their expectations are always wrong.

Whatsupwiththat, the website of record for stupid scientific-illiterates.
“The results show both the power of long-term time-series of ocean observations for deciphering how marine microbial communities are responding to climate change and offer evidence that the ocean garden is changing,” said Dr. William Balch, senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a co-author of the paper. “We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude.

In other words, CO2 eating organisms are devouring the CO2 faster than the oceans can sequester it

He said nothing of the kind, whizbrain.

creating a bloom in ocean foods for fish and other living animals.

He didn't say that either.

It is in fact creating a much more diverse and healthier environment for the ocean life.

Nor did he say that or could any of these be drawn from what he did say

When a climate activist tells you something must meet their expectations ask them why their expectations are always wrong.

When an AGW denier who claims to have a degree in atmospheric physics and be working on a masters in meteorology repeatedly demonstrates no grasp of science in general much less any specific branch, question his honesty.[/QUOTE]

Crick, you might want to read the article before responding to it.

"“We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude."
Whatsupwiththat, the website of record for stupid scientific-illiterates.

Flawed any actual evidence that the paper is wrong? Discounting information because you don't like the source is one of the stupidest things a person can do. Either you can refute the information or you can' bet is that you can't.
I was wondering why WattsUpMyAss' article didn't have a link to the Science article.

The article finds the most likely causes of the population increase (2 to 20%, not the "order of magnitude" I saw claimed) was temperature increase and CO2. And, as has been pointed out, these are PLANTS which breathe CO2 and evolved under warmer conditions than they've had so far during the human era. It does not find anything else SSDD claimed it did.
I was wondering why WattsUpMyAss' article didn't have a link to the Science article.

The article finds the most likely causes of the population increase (2 to 20%, not the "order of magnitude" I saw claimed) was temperature increase and CO2. And, as has been pointed out, these are PLANTS which breathe CO2 and evolved under warmer conditions than they've had so far during the human era. It does not find anything else SSDD claimed it did.

Are you able to say anything without lying....I didn't make any claims whatsoever regarding the paper....I merely pointed out to delta that discounting information because you don't like the source is a logical fallacy.. No now for reasons unknown, you lie and claim that I made claims about the really are illiterate aren't you?
From the WattsUpMyAss article on this paper:

Science study reports that coccolithophores’ abundance has increased by an order of magnitude since 1960s, significantly changing ocean garden

The paper's abstract:

As anthropogenic CO2 emissions acidify the oceans, calcifiers generally are expected to be negatively affected. However, using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder, we show that coccolithophore occurrence in the North Atlantic increased from ~2 to over 20% from 1965 through 2010. We used Random Forest models to examine >20 possible environmental drivers of this change, finding that CO2 and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation were the best predictors, leading us to hypothesize that higher CO2 levels might be encouraging growth. A compilation of 41 independent laboratory studies supports our hypothesis. Our study shows a long-term basin-scale increase in coccolithophores and suggests that increasing CO2 and temperature have accelerated the growth of a phytoplankton group that is important for carbon cycling.

So, Anthony Watts appears not to know the meaning of "order of magnitude"
Are you able to say anything without lying....I didn't make any claims whatsoever regarding the paper....I merely pointed out to delta that discounting information because you don't like the source is a logical fallacy.. No now for reasons unknown, you lie and claim that I made claims about the really are illiterate aren't you?

My comments did not concern your conversation with Delta4Embassy. They concerned the comments BILLY BOY made in the lead post. My apologies. I have confused the two of you. Who could imagine such a thing? Perhaps its because you seem to be connected at the frontal lobes.
so you can admit that you were wrong...that didn't hurt so bad did take a big step and admit that there is no empirical evidence that proves the claim that adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes warming.
I admit my mistakes. I do not lie. You could do the same if you had the balls.
I admit my mistakes. I do not lie. You could do the same if you had the balls.

Of course you claimed that you didn't say what I had quotes of you saying....then you tried to claim that computer output was empirical evidence when it became clear that you had no actual empirical evidence....everything you say is a lie crick....go getting around it.
“The results show both the power of long-term time-series of ocean observations for deciphering how marine microbial communities are responding to climate change and offer evidence that the ocean garden is changing,” said Dr. William Balch, senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a co-author of the paper. “We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude.

In other words, CO2 eating organisms are devouring the CO2 faster than the oceans can sequester it

He said nothing of the kind, whizbrain.

creating a bloom in ocean foods for fish and other living animals.

He didn't say that either.

It is in fact creating a much more diverse and healthier environment for the ocean life.

Nor did he say that or could any of these be drawn from what he did say

When a climate activist tells you something must meet their expectations ask them why their expectations are always wrong.

When an AGW denier who claims to have a degree in atmospheric physics and be working on a masters in meteorology repeatedly demonstrates no grasp of science in general much less any specific branch, question his honesty.

Crick, you might want to read the article before responding to it.

"“We never expected to see the relative abundance of coccolithophores to increase 10 times in the North Atlantic over barely half a century. If anything, we expected that these sensitive calcifying algae would have decreased in the face of increasing ocean acidification (associated with increasing carbon dioxide entering the ocean from the burning of fossil-fuels). Instead, we see how these carbon-limited organisms appear to be using the extra carbon from CO2 to increase their relative abundance by an order of magnitude."
Crick has no grasp of anything. All he has are adhomenim attacks and left wing talking points. He can not fathom how a person with a degree does not bow at his alter of deception. That is why he goes sideways when he is disproven.
I read the WattsUpMyAss article as well as the abstract for the paper to which Watts failed to provide a link. I stand by all my earlier statements. The authors of the original paper did not make the contentions that Billy implied they had and nothing they said could be interpreted or extrapolated to do so either. Those statements were all anally derived by one Billy Bob, the amazingly unaware atmospheric physicist and meteorologist.

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