Independent Candidate leads poll

kyzr said:
”OK, so which would you prefer, a punch in the gut or a punch in the head?
Actually its more like a kick in the balls, or a slap on the wrist.
One of the parties should better align with your politics.
We all make that choice whenever we vote, and its not going to change.
Do you want your vote to count or not? Voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote.”
That is fabrication. You just made that up to fit your little worldview.

This is how simple your thought processes are. Dismissed.

Oh, you didn't vote for Biden? I could have sworn you said you did. I could be mistaken.
And yet, you can't list the issues on which I agree with him.

I remain curious about why you people are so eager to demonstrate your ignorance.

Your silence with regards to just how big of a disaster Joe is and just how quickly you are to blame everything past and present on Trump tells us all we need to know about where your head is.
For what ever the reason you can’t make the obvious make sense to these fence-sitters…they look at you like you’re crazy for being too logical, too sensible.
I’ve ran in circles with dblack and Golfing Gator on this issue…somehow they somehow believe they are doing their country a great service by basically not participating in the electoral process.
Twilight Zone shit.
If I ever get off the fence, I sure as fuck won't be on your side. Especially if Desantis is running.
So if neither major party has any ideals one believes in one must still vote for one of them? That's moronic.
OK, so which would you prefer, a punch in the gut or a punch in the head?

Neither, both suck the same amount, just for different reasons.

Actually its more like a kick in the balls, or a slap on the wrist.

Nope, it is not like that at all.

One of the parties should better align with your politics.

Not really, they are too much alike for either to better align with my politics. My politics are deficit free spending, more freedom and liberty. Neither party comes close to either one of these. There are things from both parties I agree with and far more things from both parties I disagree with.

We all make that choice whenever we vote, and its not going to change.
Do you want your vote to count or not? Voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote.

When the two choices are not all that much different, voting for either one is a waste of a vote.

Not to mention our winner take all system in 48 states most votes are wasted. In my state 2.4 million people voted for Trump. Those votes were just as wasted as my voted for Jo. In California 6 million people voted for Trump, their vote was just as wasted as my vote for Jo.
A person should vote as they wish NOT what someone here tells them to do. I don't agree with either party and refuse to belong to a "gang" who May or may not know what's best.
kyzr said:
”OK, so which would you prefer, a punch in the gut or a punch in the head?
Actually its more like a kick in the balls, or a slap on the wrist.
One of the parties should better align with your politics.
We all make that choice whenever we vote, and its not going to change.
Do you want your vote to count or not? Voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote.”

Then vote for who you prefer and I'll do the same.
The beautiful part is that people that don't agree with EITHER party HAVE to be allowed to live here. Does that bother any of you? Bet that bothers some of you and hope it does. We're out there and there is NOTHING you can do. Wonderful!
Neither, both suck the same amount, just for different reasons.
Nope, it is not like that at all.
Not really, they are too much alike for either to better align with my politics. My politics are deficit free spending, more freedom and liberty. Neither party comes close to either one of these. There are things from both parties I agree with and far more things from both parties I disagree with.
When the two choices are not all that much different, voting for either one is a waste of a vote.
Not to mention our winner take all system in 48 states most votes are wasted. In my state 2.4 million people voted for Trump. Those votes were just as wasted as my voted for Jo. In California 6 million people voted for Trump, their vote was just as wasted as my vote for Jo.
1. Ok, if you see no difference between the dems and the GOP, I can't help you.
2. The GOP aligns much more with my values, but I don't like their reckless tax cuts.
3. We agree on a Balanced Budget Amendment, but neither party will do that, its a loser politically.
4. More freedom and liberty? (they mean the same thing) Like what? I can't think of anything I can't do...
5. The Electoral College is here to stay. You can sit and whine about it all you want.
A person should vote as they wish NOT what someone here tells them to do. I don't agree with either party and refuse to belong to a "gang" who May or may not know what's best.
Perhaps you have already joined the gang of the worst kind and you just aren’t smart enough to realize it.….The one with no teeth, the one with no ability to effect change.
It seems to me that the most direct and fair way to do that is to change the system under which ALL of them can operate.

I don't know why so many are willing to continue with a system that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants.
Trump was the fly in the business-as-usual washington duopoly that you claim to hate

but you rejected Trump and embraced Biden the swamp creature instead

we dont deserve all the pain that old fool is causing but the Tweeners certainly do
The only thing I'd like to see changed is the election of some middle class person rather than a wealthy one who has NO idea what real work means.
1. Ok, if you see no difference between the dems and the GOP, I can't help you.
2. The GOP aligns much more with my values, but I don't like their reckless tax cuts.
3. We agree on a Balanced Budget Amendment, but neither party will do that, its a loser politically.
4. More freedom and liberty? (they mean the same thing) Like what? I can't think of anything I can't do...
5. The Electoral College is here to stay. You can sit and whine about it all you want.

1. No you cannot.

2. I am happy for you. I would actually like to have a major party that aligned with my values

3. Something we can agree on

4. It is not just about me, I want everyone to have it. One example is my wife works for the VA and as such cannot use cannabis to deal with her arthritis and menopause symptoms because the Repubs will never allow it to be made legal on a Fed level. Also the doctors at the VA cannot prescribe it or even work with it if the Vets are using it. There are Vets that would benefit from it.

5. The EC does not require states take a winner take all approach. Two states do not do that, I think those states give people more of a reason to get out and vote. I would like to see all 50 take this approach.
The only thing I'd like to see changed is the election of some middle class person rather than a wealthy one who has NO idea what real work means.
So your primary qualifier for POTUS is that one must be a middle class person? Is that because you KNOW middle class people are capable of running the most powerful nation on the planet?
Or is this more FEELZ based shit?
4. It is not just about me, I want everyone to have it. One example is my wife works for the VA and as such cannot use cannabis to deal with her arthritis and menopause symptoms because the Repubs will never allow it to be made legal on a Fed level. Also the doctors at the VA cannot prescribe it or even work with it if the Vets are using it. There are Vets that would benefit from it.

5. The EC does not require states take a winner take all approach. Two states do not do that, I think those states give people more of a reason to get out and vote. I would like to see all 50 take this approach.
Ok we agree on medical cannabis too. But ibuprofen/aspirin works for me so I don't need weed. My wife is an RN and she was a hospice nurse and also agrees that any pain relievers that work should be allowed.

We probably agree that Electoral Votes should be awarded by congressional district.

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