India acting like a spoiled child

Because of "idiots" like me you have the right to run your mouth about people and events you know nothing more about than what you read. I don't equate the present government with this country or it's foreign service. I know quite a bit more about that subject than you do. I don't equate an NYC prosecutor of representing anything other than NYC. That's a big "diverse" city that their legal system is quite adept at handling.

Further, if she was wearing traditional Indian garb, she could have had a fucking Uzi under her sarong and if you don't pat her down, how do you know she won't go ape-shit and start shooting? You don't know so you don't take chances. The police involved want to go home to their families at night. When they come for you, they got you. If you cooperate and understand they're just doing their job, your experience won't be unpleasant. If you don't, your "feelings" are the least of their concerns.

oh, don't pull the card "i served this country therefore all I say is sacred" on me - it won't work.

you can be a veteran and still be an idiot.

which you proved by your opinions in this thread.

Why would anybody bother with you if all they get are insults? I've shown you the other side of the story but you want only one side told. I got a feeling this "outrage" youre showing isn't about this woman's arrest at all....I think something in your life is messed up and this is a convenient excuse to be pissed off. I'm done can play out your little drama without me around. :eusa_boohoo:

one more proof your are an idiot. keep it up :D
That's all well and stuff, but either she lied on her form or she underpaid her maid.

That said, I think that the government's reaction to this has been like shooting a jaywalker. The reaction was far worse than the crime.

Also, the Diplomat is kind of hot!!!!


This reminds me of a news report I read yesterday.

The opposition party which is projected to win the election is considering designating the US postings as 'hostile' postings as a result women and certainly hot ones will no longer be posted keeping their safety in mind.

Another proposition they have is that they will require the US diplomats to pay their housemaids and gardeners in India the same amount the US government is insisting that Indian diplomats pay to their maids and gardeners.

Also there is another dispute I believe which relates to property taxes and rents that the US government is charging Indian government for hosting Indian embassy and consulates. Indians are going to do the exact same thing it looks like.

There is a very strong pressure on current Indian administration in the parliament to reciprocate Washington's actions.
Yeah, extradite those terrorists! That will certainly help. How's that extradition going in Libya?

The way the Indian diplomat was treated was absolutely over the top. India has every right to throw our ambassador out on the next plane back to the states. I'm surprised that they haven't done it yet. The whole attitude of "fuck their outrage" is EXACTLY why they removed the barriers. We had it coming. If were weren't prepared to experience the consequences of the actions perhaps we should have acted with more discretion.

This comes under the heading of pick your fights carefully. Very carefully. Surprisingly enough, our state department is still allowing this to continue. Whoever ordered this woman's arrest should have his career slowly roasted over an open fire. Now John Fucking Kerry should be about fixing it, not hand wringing in a corner.

Why don't you get the fuck out of this country if it's so terrible? :eusa_eh:

I'm here for the subversion.

had to actually check the word ( English is not my native language)
yep. She committed visa fraud. I think the US Attorney knows a bit more about this situatuon than the rw'ers in this thread. He's been investigating her malfeasance since September.
Bharara, the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said Khobragade was charged because “she clearly tried to evade U.S. law designed to protect from exploitation the domestic employees of diplomats and consular officers. Not only did she try to evade the law, but as further alleged, she caused the victim and her spouse to attest to false documents and be a part of her scheme to lie to U.S. government officials.”

Bharara said that after Khobragade created the false documents, she “went ahead with lying to the U.S. government about what she was doing.”
That's all well and stuff, but either she lied on her form or she underpaid her maid.

That said, I think that the government's reaction to this has been like shooting a jaywalker. The reaction was far worse than the crime.

Also, the Diplomat is kind of hot!!!!

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yep. She committed visa fraud. I think the US Attorney knows a bit more about this situatuon than the rw'ers in this thread. He's been investigating her malfeasance since September.

U.S. attorney says Indian diplomat arrested ?in the most discreet way possible? - The Washington Post
Bharara, the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said Khobragade was charged because “she clearly tried to evade U.S. law designed to protect from exploitation the domestic employees of diplomats and consular officers. Not only did she try to evade the law, but as further alleged, she caused the victim and her spouse to attest to false documents and be a part of her scheme to lie to U.S. government officials.”

Bharara said that after Khobragade created the false documents, she “went ahead with lying to the U.S. government about what she was doing.”
That's all well and stuff, but either she lied on her form or she underpaid her maid.

That said, I think that the government's reaction to this has been like shooting a jaywalker. The reaction was far worse than the crime.

Also, the Diplomat is kind of hot!!!!


You are propagating a lie. I do not know what is the reasoning behind your method. But let me enlighten you a bit.

In addition to her salary, the maid received following benefits:

- Her food was paid for
- Her housing was paid for
- She received free health insurance
- Her children's education was paid for
- Her children's health insurance was paid for
- When she visited her folks in India, she was given free tickets (business class)
- She was given items like iPads, TV, etc.

If you add all that up, she made a lot more than a Walmart employee would make right here in the US.
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BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

I'm really not getting all this hostility towards the maid.

Regardless of what fringe benefits she was getting, Khobragade did file false documentation to the State Department because if she said what she was really doing, she'd never have gotten a work visa for this woman.

Again- the reaction was an overreaction- arrested the woman in front of her kids, and strip searching her were out of line.

This really is something that should have been litigated through diplomatic and legal channels, quietly. I think the problem is that NYC is getting a little tired of diplomats abusing the laws and decided to make an example out of someone
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.

First off, Kerry is a venal piece of shit who only puts his name on something somebody else already accomplished. He needs to keep his mouth shut as does the rest of the federal government. Diplomats sent here are supposed to abide by US laws but in recent years, seem to think that's no longer the case. So a DA in NYC decides he had enough of it and makes an example of this woman. India reacts like somebody stole the dot off her forehead. FUCK THEM. They can fall back in with Putin for all I care. I wish I had a dollar for every ten minutes I've spent with a Microsoft "tech support" idiot in New Delhi throwing American phrases at me that they've been trained to memorize but that mean nothing and do nothing but aggravate an already simmering problem with a Windows program. Everything about India nauseates me....visit Calcutta sometime....hell on earth.
All that has to happen is for other countries to respond in sympathy to the way India is being treated.

I am surprised that China hasn't taken advantage of the controversy and at least made a formal inquiry as to the safety of their diplomats. Or maybe they have and we don't know.
Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.

First off, Kerry is a venal piece of shit who only puts his name on something somebody else already accomplished. He needs to keep his mouth shut as does the rest of the federal government. Diplomats sent here are supposed to abide by US laws but in recent years, seem to think that's no longer the case. So a DA in NYC decides he had enough of it and makes an example of this woman. India reacts like somebody stole the dot off her forehead. FUCK THEM. They can fall back in with Putin for all I care. I wish I had a dollar for every ten minutes I've spent with a Microsoft "tech support" idiot in New Delhi throwing American phrases at me that they've been trained to memorize but that mean nothing and do nothing but aggravate an already simmering problem with a Windows program. Everything about India nauseates me....visit Calcutta sometime....hell on earth.

It isn't up to a DA in NYC or you for that matter to insinuate himself into international matters. That's why we have a state department. Saying "Ohhhhh the diplomat broke this regulatory law. That's terrible. Arrest her." has consequences. We are seeing those consequences unfold right now.
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

I'm really not getting all this hostility towards the maid.

Regardless of what fringe benefits she was getting, Khobragade did file false documentation to the State Department because if she said what she was really doing, she'd never have gotten a work visa for this woman.

Again- the reaction was an overreaction- arrested the woman in front of her kids, and strip searching her were out of line.

This really is something that should have been litigated through diplomatic and legal channels, quietly. I think the problem is that NYC is getting a little tired of diplomats abusing the laws and decided to make an example out of someone

I am not getting all the racism that is being directed towards lower cast Indian diplomat.

Cost of health insurance, travel, food, lodging, education for maid and her children is all part of the salary. That adds up to more than $4K dollars required by State Department. So the charges against her do not make sense.
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

You need to learn to read better if that is the conclusion you reached.
Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.

First off, Kerry is a venal piece of shit who only puts his name on something somebody else already accomplished. He needs to keep his mouth shut as does the rest of the federal government. Diplomats sent here are supposed to abide by US laws but in recent years, seem to think that's no longer the case. So a DA in NYC decides he had enough of it and makes an example of this woman. India reacts like somebody stole the dot off her forehead. FUCK THEM. They can fall back in with Putin for all I care. I wish I had a dollar for every ten minutes I've spent with a Microsoft "tech support" idiot in New Delhi throwing American phrases at me that they've been trained to memorize but that mean nothing and do nothing but aggravate an already simmering problem with a Windows program. Everything about India nauseates me....visit Calcutta sometime....hell on earth.

Depending on your age, you may be beyond redemption when it comes to racism imparted unto you by your circumstances. But I can assure you that it draws nothing but pity from me.
BTW, before the maid absconded she stole consular's work laptop, jewels, work related documents and other household items.

Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.

I do not think India is interested in getting the US embassy bombed. On the contrary, India ordered purchase of few more expensive airplanes from Lockheed Martin in the middle of this so called diplomatic spat. It is bizarre but true.
The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.

First off, Kerry is a venal piece of shit who only puts his name on something somebody else already accomplished. He needs to keep his mouth shut as does the rest of the federal government. Diplomats sent here are supposed to abide by US laws but in recent years, seem to think that's no longer the case. So a DA in NYC decides he had enough of it and makes an example of this woman. India reacts like somebody stole the dot off her forehead. FUCK THEM. They can fall back in with Putin for all I care. I wish I had a dollar for every ten minutes I've spent with a Microsoft "tech support" idiot in New Delhi throwing American phrases at me that they've been trained to memorize but that mean nothing and do nothing but aggravate an already simmering problem with a Windows program. Everything about India nauseates me....visit Calcutta sometime....hell on earth.

Depending on your age, you may be beyond redemption when it comes to racism imparted unto you by your circumstances. But I can assure you that it draws nothing but pity from me.

Pity this ya little bitch. :fu:

And scout-snipers ain't an avatar on a chat'd wash out in the first ten minutes of Boot Camp.
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Okay, you've been defending this woman for some time here and I'm wondering what your angle is? On the surface this looks like one thing but underneath it looks like something quite different to me. I doubt NYC would have taken this type of action if there was only a employee/employer problem. You're portraying yourself as somebody with inside information here....any chance there's a suspicion of espionage or trafficking? :eusa_eh:

The diplomat has been charged with trafficking!

What this looks like to me, is some district attorney someplace that has been afflicted with the same kind of mental career related disease that ended the careers of Robert Philobosian over the McMartin pre school case and Mike Nifong over the Duke La Crosse case. These piss ants get some idea in their heads that this one case is going to skyrocket their careers into the presidency someday. Then they act like fools.

Even if the diplomat broke a regulatory law, this was not the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to contact the state department and report "a situation" then let them handle it. The reason why this is the way to handle these kinds of minor violations is because anything else pisses off entire countries and ends up excactly the way this is ending up.

Even at this late date, the diplomat has been transferred into a position where she has complete immunity and the DA is still vowing maximum prosecution. This is going to set up a truly massive violation of international law that has the potential of expanding WAY beyond India. No country will feel their diplomats are safe here and no country will guarantee the safety of our diplomats. John Kerry seems to have totally forgotten his position as Secretary of State and expresses regret like his powerless. It has now escalated and progressed to the point where obama had to go on vacation rather than step in and take control before India gets our Embassy bombed to smithereens.

What should happen? James Comey as director of the FBI should have his agents appear at the office of the district attorney and assume jurisdiction. Then, recognizing the authority of the Indian court, the charges against the diplomat be dropped, and local police cooperate with Indian authorities in apprehending the maid and her family. John Kerry, as head of the state department needs to revoke those T visas immediately. They should never have been issued in the first place and order the lot of them deported. That will greatly help the Indian police in taking the lot of them back to India to stand trial.

That's the way grown ups handle the situation.

I do not think India is interested in getting the US embassy bombed. On the contrary, India ordered purchase of few more expensive airplanes from Lockheed Martin in the middle of this so called diplomatic spat. It is bizarre but true.

They took down the barriers ya fucking idiot....what "interests" them is messing with our embassy security....what's stopping a truck-bomber now...some of their sacred cows?

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