India will be the most populous country in 2038


Bachelor of Theology
Jan 29, 2012
I read this somewhere, and I guess it's going to happen, so...

What do you think, a great assett to world economy or a catastrophe for the environment?
I think I will be 83 then, if I make it that far, and frankly at that age I won't give a damn!
Indian economy starting to falter...
India's economy loses its luster
February 14, 2012 - India's much-heralded economic boom is faltering, with stock index declining 25 percent. Speed bump or meltdown?
India's rise looks to be on the skids for now. President Obama came to India in November 2010 hoping to hitch America's recovery to the Asian nation's inexpensive labor and emerging middle-class con-sumers. Indians talked of a future when millions of their own would be lifted out of deep poverty. What a difference a year makes. It's not just that India's economic growth has skidded to a halt. A series of key government reforms have stalled while an anticorruption campaign has created uncertainty about what tainted money lies beneath balance sheets. Investors are fleeing. "Foreign investors are as nervous as we have ever seen them about India's global investment environment," says Nick Paulson-Ellis, India head for Espirito Santos Securities. "Many United States investors have pulled out entirely."

In 2011, foreign institutional investment totaled just a fifth of what it was in 2010, and India's benchmark stock index, the SENSEX, lost a quarter of its value. If a crisis of confidence in India delays or derails the country's climb, the US faces a setback in its efforts to find a new China – one more interested in buying US goods and sharing democratic values. And for Indians, the price of under-performance means another generation – this time nearly one-sixth of humanity – burdened by widespread poverty. "The two-point swing in growth this year from the projected 8 to 9 percent to 7 percent is a very big deal," says Gurcharan Das, an Indian economist and author. "Each percentage point is about 10 million new jobs." While the US would be thankful to be staring at 6.9 percent growth, some experts say India needs at least 9 percent growth to keep pace with its population.

A number of factors, including a paralyzed government, corruption, high inflation, and a depreciating rupee are behind the slowdown. The chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Jim O'Neill, who coined the acronym BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) to describe the four biggest developing economies, is also raising the alarm. At a 2012 investment outlook summit in December, he said that the BRIC economies are performing at a higher level than he had predicted in 2001, but that India is the most disappointing performer and suffers from a severe lack of leadership. "India is as bad as Russia on governance and corruption and, in terms of technology, Russia is in fact much higher than India," said Mr. O'Neill. However, economist Mr. Das, who forecast India's boom in the 1990s, suggests this is just a bump in the road.

India is a shit hole. It's been a shit hole and will always be a shit hole until they adopt western business practices and stop that stupid ass head bobble shit that as far as I can tell means only that they haven't the slightest idea.
India is a shit hole. It's been a shit hole and will always be a shit hole until they adopt western business practices and stop that stupid ass head bobble shit that as far as I can tell means only that they haven't the slightest idea.

Great input, champ.
China is actually running right into the teeth of a declining population trend that will create all sorts of issues to be dealt with. India will experience the same in due course.
From the Population Reference Bureau 2011 Data Sheet

Most Populous Countries 2011:

China 1,346,000,000
India 1,241,000,000
United States 312,000,000
Indonesia 238,000,000
Brazil 197,000,000
Pakistan 177,000,000
Nigeria 162,000,000
Bangladesh 151,000,000
Russia 143,000,000
Japan 128,000,000

Most Populous Counties 2050:

India 1,692,000,000
China 1,313,000,000
Nigeria 433,000,000
United States 423,000,000
Pakistan 314,000,000
Indonesia 309,000,000
Bangladesh 226,000,000
Brazil 223,000,000
Ethiopia 174,000,000
Philippines 150,000,000
I read this somewhere, and I guess it's going to happen, so...

What do you think, a great assett to world economy or a catastrophe for the environment?

Whether or not India ill be a great asset for the World Economy remains to be seen.
I read this somewhere, and I guess it's going to happen, so...

What do you think, a great assett to world economy or a catastrophe for the environment?

Whether or not India ill be a great asset for the World Economy remains to be seen.

If they don't pull their heads out of their assess India will certainly not be an asset to anyone. Even in the IT outsourcing arena companies are starting to realize that India just can't get the job done. Sure, they can do it cheaper because they treat employees like shit and pay them next to nothing in comparison, but you get what you pay for. They are still deeply entrenched in this stupid ass caste system and the women are treated terribly.
This blanket bashing of India is what I was referring to, you stupid son of a bitch.
This blanket bashing of India is what I was referring to, you stupid son of a bitch.

It's funny how the clueless resort right away to name calling when they can't come up with an intelligent reply. You have proven yourself to be unworthy of my time. You obviously support India and their backward ass ways of doing things, which is very likely why you haven't countered with anything except name calling. Have a good day and I really hope that attitude of yours serves you well.
I read this somewhere, and I guess it's going to happen, so...

What do you think, a great assett to world economy or a catastrophe for the environment?

I don't know if this is a good thing for them, a quarter of that population is living under the poverty line on 40 cents a day, India is doing better economically but its a tall order to provide jobs and services for all those people.
Its also interesting how Indias population is so big when the Indian families I met have not really been that large, whereas Hispanic families in the US are pretty big but not even close to a billion yet.
Its also interesting how Indias population is so big when the Indian families I met have not really been that large, whereas Hispanic families in the US are pretty big but not even close to a billion yet.

Well, most of the Indians in the US are Middle Class or higher. While in India they're mostly rural and 75% live on less than $2/day. Educated middle class don't have as many kids as poor and rural.

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