Indiana State Constitution | Chicken Soup | Religious Educational Groups | Indiana Supreme Court

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Indiana State Constitution | Chicken Soup | Religious Educational Groups | Indiana Supreme Court

Throw in a bit of disability nonsense and we have a snapshot of America's middle class today. Makes me think that maybe, just maybe the shrinking middle class is just not that terrible idea (jest alert).

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled in May 2013 that FACES discriminated against the family for booting them from the organization after the complaint was filed.

That ruling upheld most of the commission's 2012 decision that had ordered FACES to pay $2,500 in damages to the family and to not retaliate against members who file complaints.

But the Supreme Court justices ruled Tuesday that the law is clear: The commission can only intervene in complaints pertaining to educational matters.

"Neither the disability discrimination claim nor the retaliatory discrimination claim are related to education, and thus the commission has exceeded its statutory authority," the justices wrote.

FACES disbanded in 2010, according to the Thomas More Society of Chicago, which represented it in court, because of the burden related to the court case.

"Unfortunately, it took years of effort and hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney time in order to stop this outrageous government overreach," Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel for the Thomas More Society, said in a statement. "We're glad that the Indiana Supreme Court has now ordered the Commission to stop its harassment and dismiss this case."

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