Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Any judge, sworn to uphold the Constitution, should dismiss on a Motion to Dismiss on First Amendment grounds alone.
Government officials are responsible for what they say in public. You will soon find that out by the consequences he created and he caused. Totally irresponsible.
Right they love ved having a man like trump in office. So easy to use.

Yeah, and Putin waged a war on Biden's watch because he knows not only is Biden a dupe (a small incursion is okay. As well as fully and completely compromised through Ukraine, China and several other countries owing to his and his family's influence peddling.
^^^ You see how bad this has gotten? Now this poster is referring to all 73 million Americans who prefer Trump to Biden, and are opposed to bogus criminal charges by a weaponized DOJ, as “traitors.”
Over 70% of Americans do not believe Trump's "Big Lie" that the 2020 election was stolen. Fewer Republicans are believing the Big Lie.

If they don't, the bad name the DOJ is trying to erase will need a broom to sweep all that rubber. They having to engage in justice is blind traditional beliefs woule just get too messy for any further dialog on my part. So, I'm sayin' yeah. They have to behave or Americans on both sides will defund the existing DOJ. I'm glad to see Mr. Jonathan Turley (who I always thought of as a liberal) stick up for the Constitution. And he's cute, too. :yes_text12:
I'm texting me dad right now to tell him a Jamaican is ruling over the case. 😄 He better not get facety with that judge. Jamaican women nuh business with that type of fuckery.
That sward cuts both ways. Mr. Smith is engaged is all kinds of fuckery
These short bus types don't understand that contesting election results has been legal since there have ever been elections. It's amazing how dim-witted they are. Either that or so hate-filled that they'd literally agree with any lie the media spews if it can "get Trump". The funniest thing is going to be watching their heads explode when their trusted media sources finally get around to telling them that he can't be legally disqualified, no matter what they convict him of. I can't wait to sop up some of those tears. I'm getting some good biscuit recipes ready ;):laugh:
You contest elections in court. You don't send goons without warrants to break into voting machines and steal data or try to substitute the legal electors for your fake electors in some sort of white trash high-school performance of Oceans 11.
These short bus types don't understand that contesting election results has been legal since there have ever been elections. It's amazing how dim-witted they are. Either that or so hate-filled that they'd literally agree with any lie the media spews if it can "get Trump". The funniest thing is going to be watching their heads explode when their trusted media sources finally get around to telling them that he can't be legally disqualified, no matter what they convict him of. I can't wait to sop up some of those tears. I'm getting some good biscuit recipes ready ;):laugh:
Contesting is fine. trump went way overboard into totally irresponsible and reckless attacks on everyone and the government itself. That's criminal.
The more legal trouble Trump gets into, the more likely it is that he'll be convicted and sent to prison. I'm not saying he will, but throw enough mud at the wall and something is bound to stick eventually.

I doubt he'll ever see the inside of a jail. At worst, if convicted he'll keep appealing and stalling until the day he dies.
Yea, WTH, don't take it. Your cult leader needs you more than ever. Send the poor guy money for his lawyers. True Trump minions will sell all of their possessions and send the money to their cult leader.


That's not a rational response. Less I know it means you cannot provide one. Here it is again, have fun.

The most radical strategy proposed by Trump’s allies during the weeks after the election was a proposal to use the military to seize ballots or voting machines in an effort to prove fraud and then conduct a do-over of the election. The proposal was included in several planning documents that reached Trump or members of his inner circle. For instance, Trump was briefed on a version of the idea by Powell, Flynn and businessman Patrick Byrne in an Oval Office meeting on Dec. 18. Drafts of never-signed executive orders that would have implemented the strategy have been found in White House records and turned over to the congressional committee investigation the Jan. 6 attacks. A version was also outlined in a PowerPoint presentation that was emailed to Meadows on Jan. 5. Even after the violence of Jan. 6, Lindell was photographed on Jan. 15 after a meeting with Trump in the White House carrying papers that referenced martial law. Another memo circulated among Trump allies advocated using National Security Agency communications data to try to prove foreign interference in the election. Trump apparently did not embrace the extreme proposal of a military coup. But it is still not fully known how seriously he might have considered it.

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