Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Oh please, spare me the regurgitated, rightwing fabricated, hogwash, toddler talking points! :D
I'm only telling you what we know you leftist are doing and what we have proven so far.
There's a bunch of other stuff you're supporting that is happening that I can't prove yet, but it's just a matter of time.

  • Human sacrifice
  • Illegal sales of human organs for Satanic rituals (This is undeniably going on in China)
  • Murdering children to drink their blood
  • Intentionally spreading COVID to establish control so they can eventually murder most of the Earth's population
  • Murdering farmers to cut the production of food (This is going on in South Africa)
  • Taking farmer's land to cut the production of food (This is going on in the Netherlands)
  • Slaughtering cows, pigs, and chickens to cut the production of food (This is going on in the US and Canada)
  • Intentionally setting fires all over the world
  • Intentionally poisoning our water sources
  • Changing the weather by spreading Chemtrails

It's proof that enough evidence was presented to a grand jury for them to recommend charges. They rest of us get to see that evidence at trial.
Yeah. For Dems / Marxists, it's proof enough. Fortunately, you Trump humpers haven't completely destroyed the judicial system to a point where the accused has no right to defense based on facts and evidence.
Yeah. For Dems / Marxists, it's proof enough. Fortunately, you Trump humpers haven't completely destroyed the judicial system to a point where the accused has no right to defense based on facts and evidence.
Who said Trump doesn't have a right to defend himself? I'm actually looking forward to watching him try. Watching that Bingo flail around in court is bound to be good for a few laughs. 😄
Who said Trump doesn't have a right to defend himself? I'm actually looking forward to watching him try. Watching that Bingo flail around in court is bound to be good for a few laughs. 😄
You Trump humpers are easily amused.
Yeah. For Dems / Marxists, it's proof enough. Fortunately, you Trump humpers haven't completely destroyed the judicial system to a point where the accused has no right to defense based on facts and evidence.
That’s only if we can move the trial away from the DC swamp.
You posted hoaxes which have all been debunked.

Even the two research firms Trump hired to find his imaginary fraud came back and reported there was no fraud.


You know what Trump did with those reports?

He buried them.

Trump knew he lost. Everyone around him was telling him he lost. Even his campaign staff told him he lost. His Republican allies who worked to get him re-elected told him he lost.

Trump's a liar. A big, fat liar.

But he knows rubes like you love having your faces spit on by him. You lap it up.

The only way a fucktard like Trump can willfully lie to people like you is if he has nothing but utter contempt for your low intelligence.
Reality rocks: being debunked by the lying lockstep leftist press has about as much weight as a bubble stuff orb because they are too lazy to present facts and prone to making lies up, which results in nothing but debunked debunks. It makes the bawling teenyboppers who have lying lockstep leftist professors lying they naughty asses off for nefarious purposes, none of which matches the charisma of truth and honesty
It's no secret that whatever trial may happen is already rigged. The judge is a diversity hire with connections to the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
We are moving closer and closer to a Communist trial. First, the Dems are indicting him for exercising his 1st Amendment rights, and then they are going to railroad him right into prison after a fake trial.

Their intent is to agree to vacate Trump’s prison sentence if he agrees to drop out of the race. These are nasty, nasty people.

In the meantime, the one who SHOULD be in prison is on a beach vacation, fully relaxed knowing that his minions will get rid of his competition.
The Dem / Marxist controlled hacks in the CDC with the direction of Phony Fauci ruined lives and livelihoods. Mocking is not good enough. Jail time is required.
They used the threat of a massive COVID breakout to push through mail-in ballots, where they could harvest them in swing states from stupid, lazy, gullible, or uninterested people - and then truck them in as needed.

And the proof is that 90 million people still voted on Election Day - I was on line for more than a hour - and there was no spike in COVID cases the next week.
Biff, your beloved DNC gangstas are not entitled nor is anyone else to ignore the First Amendment especially in court. And we're watching out for Soros checks to Marxist pushers who have no use for the First Amendment.

Just for you:

There is no 1A argument dunce....

I look forward to next week or so when you folks start saying "but but Trump was simply acting on advice of counsel" -- because that is going to be his legal defense....
I'm only telling you what we know you leftist are doing and what we have proven so far.
There's a bunch of other stuff you're supporting that is happening that I can't prove yet, but it's just a matter of time.

  • Human sacrifice
  • Illegal sales of human organs for Satanic rituals (This is undeniably going on in China)
  • Murdering children to drink their blood
  • Intentionally spreading COVID to establish control so they can eventually murder most of the Earth's population
  • Murdering farmers to cut the production of food (This is going on in South Africa)
  • Taking farmer's land to cut the production of food (This is going on in the Netherlands)
  • Slaughtering cows, pigs, and chickens to cut the production of food (This is going on in the US and Canada)
  • Intentionally setting fires all over the world
  • Intentionally poisoning our water sources
  • Changing the weather by spreading Chemtrails

There is no 1A argument dunce....

I look forward to next week or so when you folks start saying "but but Trump was simply acting on advice of counsel" -- because that is going to be his legal defense....
You're going to choke on your name-calling, sir. You call honest people dunces when you may regret your foul balls someday.
You're going to choke on your name-calling, sir. You call honest people dunces when you may regret your fouls someday.
And when Trump's legal defense switches from "first amendment" to "advice of counsel" -- all of that pearl clutching over name calling won't make me any less right.....

And why do you folks act so full of shit over name calling while being Trump sycophants? That is fucking weird and cultish...

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