Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

He's not hateful, he's angry at the pompous asses in the deep state who trick good people into doing bad stuff. Like using the Foreign Aid Packages for Biden's personal piggy bank that he avoids being tapped by spreading the taxables around to relatives. We will settle down when Biden puts that $50 million dollars of foreign aid he bled the treasury for, that makes him a virtual extortionist since the money in the treasury was put there by the American taxpayers, only to have it routed weeks later by a King Extortionist who is so good at extortion, he isn't happy if he hasn't taken somebody else's hard work and profiteers from it through a Foreign Aid laundry machine.
That was pure angst in post
Only if we used the left media's VERSION of Trump's "record". Which time after time, has been proven to be twisted, distorted, WRONG.

Wanna see Trumps record ? Here it is >> MAGAPILL
Sorry, I'm not into works of fantasy other than science fiction.
I think Trump spent too much time as a game show host where he controlled everything and was able to create illusions for the viewers.

You know what's really sad? Trump campaigned on his tagline, "You're fired!", and yet he never had the balls as president in the real world to fire anyone to their face.

Like all bullies, he's a big fat coward.
So you watched every one of his firings, and now come back and report them to us, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

This isn't Call Of Duty, Soy Boy. What are they going to do after engaging with police officers? Are they going to walk into Walmart to replenish their ammo? What are they going to do for logistics? In between engagements with law enforcement is someone going to run to Costco to make sure their fuel tanks are topped up? What I'm asking is, how delusional are you clowns?
please send snacks
Going back to the Trump minion's original statement, "Trump is not guilty because his attorney's said it was legal".
Just because an attorney says it is legal or not does not make it so.
Many more attorneys think Trump is guilty than think he is not but the ultimate determination of guilt will be determined in a court room.
Too many MAGA minions think Trump and the MAGA minions will determine if he is guilty.
That is against our Constitution.
Are you drunk?
First of all, groups of people from different states prepared to be ready to represent the states, in case a court found the electors sent by their state legislatures to be invalid, or VP Pence found the same. That was quite a longshot, to say the least. It has a Don Quixote vibe not seen in American politics since Al Gore's pregnant chads and hanging chads.

But that is certainly not a crime.

It becomes a crime when you send fake documents claiming you are the true electors signed by people using fake titles, as we have seen with the Michigan case.

Second of all in the counter-factual hypothetical that there actually is some criminal statute that prevents such a petitioning of a grievence - which there is not - the prosecution would need to prove that Trump did that, not just Trump supporters.

Yes, there is a crime. But yes, now they have to show that Trump had a hand in them doing what they did. Jack Smith, and the Grand Jury, seem to think they have that evidence. Whether they do or not will come out in the trial.
The Duke said:
I'm not hateful at all, I just don't like people messing up the America I grew up in with lies and it does not bode well for future generations.
So you're claiming that the left has nothing to do with the following:

  • Intentionally causing more homelessness in blue cities
  • Throwing open our borders so that millions can come pouring in that will soon become a threat to all of us
  • Supporting the grooming of our children
  • De-funding the police
  • Destroying our oil industry while propping up foreign oil
  • Supporting the human-trafficking of under age sex slaves
  • Supporting the weaponization of the Department Of Justice against Biden's political opponents
  • Refusing to admit that Biden stole the election and arresting anyone who dares to say he did it
  • Refusing to define what a woman is
  • Supporting child-molester's right to use any bathroom or locker-room they want
It becomes a crime when you send fake documents claiming you are the true electors signed by people using fake titles, as we have seen with the Michigan case.

Yes, there is a crime. But yes, now they have to show that Trump had a hand in them doing what they did. Jack Smith, and the Grand Jury, seem to think they have that evidence. Whether they do or not will come out in the trial.
I think there are 6 or 7 instances of Trump conversations with Pence, where Pence took copious contemporary notes, where Trump tried to convince him to participate in the fake electors plot, of which Pence refused.

I guess it will be Pence's word against Trump's word, if Trump testifies in his own defense?
So you're claiming that the left has nothing to do with the following:

  • Intentionally causing more homelessness in blue cities
  • Throwing open our borders so that millions can come pouring in that will soon become a threat to all of us
  • Supporting the grooming of our children
  • De-funding the police
  • Destroying our oil industry while propping up foreign oil
  • Supporting the human-trafficking of under age sex slaves
  • Supporting the weaponization of the Department Of Justice against Biden's political opponents
  • Refusing to admit that Biden stole the election and arresting anyone who dares to say he did it
  • Refusing to define what a woman is
  • Supporting child-molester's right to use any bathroom or locker-room they want
Oh please, spare me the regurgitated, rightwing fabricated, hogwash, toddler talking points! :D
An indictment is not proof of anything, angry, self-hating, name-caller.
It's proof that enough evidence was presented to a grand jury for them to recommend charges. The rest of us get to see that evidence at trial.
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