Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

They violated state law. They did not follow the laws of their respective states to be certified as genuine electors. They forged documents claiming they were official electors.

That's why a shitload of these illegal electors are now under indictment in their states.

Why do your propagandists keep you so much in the dark?

Why do you idiots REFUSE to read the indictment and then make idiotic statements which prove you haven't?

Enquiring minds want to know.

But yeah. You go with the hilarious "free speech" hoax, you dumb credulous parroting rube.
If what Trump said about the 2020 election being fraudulent isnt free speech, and he could really be prosecuted for it, then let's go after
1) Jimmy Carter,
2) Hillary Clinton,
and that fat slob (whatever her name is) in Georgia
3) who goes around claiming herself to be the legitimate governor of Georgia (among others)
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How did you ever get so hateful ? What did someone / anyone ever do to you ? This rage is unmanageable in the long term. As more andore of your horrible fantasies don't come true you're going to drive yourself crazy. It sounds like you're almost there already. Please get a lot of professional help. Especially to deal with your angst ( anger management ) .
Keep being a commie faggot and see how how that does fer ya. I've lived a pretty good life and have few regrets, can you say the same?

Do you even have the introspection to figure that out?

I'm not hateful at all, I just don't like people messing up the America I grew up in with lies and it does not bode well for future generations.
Can't beat him at the ballot box? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! The delusion is deep in this one!

Trump had his YUGE ass whipped at the ballot box. His tiny balls were kicked over the moon.

Traitor Trump would not be in the trouble he is in today if the fucktard, thin-skinned, lying sore loser had accepted just how badly the American people rejected him.
"You're fired!"
No, he got beat in the fraud backrooms, as I posted many PAGES of 2 years ago, which you undoubtedly never read (look out! there could be a QUIZ)
I think Trump spent too much time as a game show host where he controlled everything and was able to create illusions for the viewers.

You know what's really sad? Trump campaigned on his tagline, "You're fired!", and yet he never had the balls as president in the real world to fire anyone to their face.

Like all bullies, he's a big fat coward.
Uh, let's see what you left out about JS. He has a troubling record of failed, botched, and/or suspect prosecutions against prominent public figures.
  • After Smith scored a corruption conviction against the former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell, a Republican, the case was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 decision. The court also rebuked Smith and warned that “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.”
  • Smith prosecuted and convicted former Democrat vice presidential nominee John Edwards. “By not losing on any of the six felony counts for which he was being tried, John Edwards won the biggest victory of his political and legal life . . . A mistrial on five counts and an acquittal on one resulted in a clear -- if not complete -- legal vindication and a likely fatal setback for federal prosecutors seeking to convict the former U.S. senator and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee for allegedly violating the Federal Election Campaign Act.”
  • Smith prosecuted Democrat Bob Menendez on public corruption charges. The case ended in a mistrial. “The way this case started was wrong, the way it was investigated was wrong, the way it was prosecuted was wrong, and the way it was tried was wrong as well,” Menendez said outside the courtroom at the time.”
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked > "guess who was the lead person at the Justice Department looking for ways to target and prosecute the very people looking into who Lois Lerner went after? Jack Smith, the guy Merrick Garland just named as special counsel to go after President Trump.”
Imagine the list of negatives one would have if we compared trump's records. To say the least their would be no comparison.
I think Trump spent too much time as a game show host where he controlled everything and was able to create illusions for the viewers.

You know what's really sad? Trump campaigned on his tagline, "You're fired!", and yet he never had the balls as president in the real world to fire anyone to their face.

Like all bullies, he's a big fat coward.
He's been that way his entire life. Pathetic indeed !
How did you ever get so hateful ? What did someone / anyone ever do to you ? This rage is unmanageable in the long term. As more andore of your horrible fantasies don't come true you're going to drive yourself crazy. It sounds like you're almost there already. Please get a lot of professional help. Especially to deal with your angst ( anger management ) .
He's not hateful, he's angry at the pompous asses in the deep state who trick good people into doing bad stuff. Like using the Foreign Aid Packages for Biden's personal piggy bank that he avoids being tapped by spreading the taxables around to relatives. We will settle down when Biden puts that $50 million dollars of foreign aid he bled the treasury for, that makes him a virtual extortionist since the money in the treasury was put there by the American taxpayers, only to have it routed weeks later by a King Extortionist who is so good at extortion, he isn't happy if he hasn't taken somebody else's hard work and profiteers from it through a Foreign Aid laundry machine.
No, he got beat in the fraud backrooms, as I posted many PAGES of 2 years ago, which you undoubtedly never read (look out! there could be a QUIZ)
View attachment 810737 View attachment 810738
You posted hoaxes which have all been debunked.

Even the two research firms Trump hired to find his imaginary fraud came back and reported there was no fraud.


You know what Trump did with those reports?

He buried them.

Trump knew he lost. Everyone around him was telling him he lost. Even his campaign staff told him he lost. His Republican allies who worked to get him re-elected told him he lost.

Trump's a liar. A big, fat liar.

But he knows rubes like you love having your faces spit on by him. You lap it up.

The only way a fucktard like Trump can willfully lie to people like you is if he has nothing but utter contempt for your low intelligence.
Well, I reckon that line's drawn in the sand then huh?

Lemme tell you something:

Biden did not get 81 million votes. That is "The Big Lie".

They paused the voting to figure out how many votes Trump got and then cheated enough to beat that number and then some.

That's why it took 5 weeks. :rolleyes-41:

The media and Big Tech is all in the tank for this bullshit but real Americans are everywhere.

We outnumber you, and you're pissing us off with your bullshit.

Furthermore, we are the ones descended from the Founders of America and we'll put up with this crap for only so long.

When the dam breaks, Lord help ya.
There’s no other explanation as to why anyone would support and defend a corrupt criminal such as Trump.
You posted hoaxes which have all been debunked.

Even the two research firms Trump hired to find his imaginary fraud came back and reported there was no fraud.


You know what Trump did with those reports?

He buried them.

Trump knew he lost. Everyone around him was telling him he lost. Even his campaign staff told him he lost. His Republican allies who worked to get him re-elected told him he lost.

Trump's a liar. A big, fat liar.

But he knows rubes like you love having your faces spit on by him. You lap it up.

The only way a fucktard like Trump can willfully lie to people is if he has nothing but utter contempt for their low intelligence.
He uses his lies...and now his indictments to grift money from his cult. And they are stupid enough to send him cash.
Read the indictment.

It documents the evidence of Trump’s crimes.
They can't read any of the indictments. The indictments exceed their intellectual bandwidth of 280 characters. This makes it literally impossible for them to read the indictments.

The sound bites they are told to parrot by their propagandists are always less than 280 characters.

"Dissis bout free speech derpderpderp!"
Well, a lot more than that.
The formal charges that the Grand Jury recommended are based upon a HUGE volume of evidenve, some of which was presented to the American people last summer in The J6 committee Hearings.
Did you catch any of those?
The funny thing about those hearings and in fact, that select committee, was the way Trumptard MAGATS have been blowing it off for a year as "irrelevant."
Not at all.
So who's laughing now?
You posted hoaxes which have all been debunked.

Even the two research firms Trump hired to find his imaginary fraud came back and reported there was no fraud.


You know what Trump did with those reports?

He buried them.

Trump knew he lost. Everyone around him was telling him he lost. Even his campaign staff told him he lost. His Republican allies who worked to get him re-elected told him he lost.

Trump's a liar. A big, fat liar.

But he knows rubes like you love having your faces spit on by him. You lap it up.

The only way a fucktard like Trump can willfully lie to people like you is if he has nothing but utter contempt for your low intelligence.
HA HA HA. I wish I had a dime for every so-called "debunk" claimed by leftist looney tunes. Remember Trump University ?...the so-called "disabled reporter"?.... Access Hollywood ?...... John McCain ?....outsourcing...Russian collusion ?
RUBES like YOU ate every one of these up, and, most of you information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION/DISTORTION, still even now, don't realize that every one of these was nothing but leftist BS propaganda. :icon_rolleyes::rolleyes:

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