Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Smith was involved in the prosecution of Charles Schwarz, one of several former New York City police officers who were implicated in a high-profile police brutality case involving Abner Louima, a jailed Black inmate who had been assaulted by police with a broomstick.

Smith also won a murder conviction against Ronell Wilson, a drug gang leader who murdered two undercover New York City police officers, though a federal appeals court vacated the death penalty verdict.

In 2008, Smith left to supervise war crime prosecutions at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He returned to the Justice Department in 2010 to head its Public Integrity Section until 2015.

More recently, Smith returned to war crimes cases in The Hague, winning the conviction of Salih Mustafa, a former Kosovo Liberation Army commander who ran a prison where torture took place during the 1998-99 independence conflict with Serbia.

I can see why Crooked Donald fears Smith.

He's going to have to knock off a long list of witnesses against him to walk away scot-free.
Looked up his record . trump has tried to discredit him from.the begining. It's not uncommon for a federal prosecutor to lose public corruption cases. Despite these losses his overall record is good. trump simply zeroed on on his failures. trump's record shows more losses than wins by far.
Look, man. It is a violation of the First Amendment to indict someone for creating illegal fake electors in seven states. :crybaby:
Looked up his record . trump has tried to discredit him from.the begining. It's not uncommon for a federal prosecutor to lose public corruption cases. Despite these losses his overall record is good. trump simply zeroed on on his failures. trump's record shows more losses than wins by far.
Of course. That's what mob bosses do. They attack the prosecutor and whine they are being treated unfairly.

And mob bosses always have their admirers. It's a psychosis similar to that of women who marry serial killers in prison.

I'm sure a lot of Trumptards have the gay for Trump. They visualize him as an oiled up muscle man.

It's amazing what a coat of orange paint can do for an aging obese mobster.
Trump will be a busy boy...


Co-Conspirator 6 in Trump Indictment Appears To Be Boris Epshteyn, New York Times Reports​

Boris Epshteyn, a strategic adviser to Trump’s 2020 campaign, appears to be the individual referenced in the indictment as co-conspirator 6, The New York Times reports.

The indictment refers to co-conspirator 6 as “a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.” According to the Times, Epshteyn sent an email to Rudy Guiliani — described as co-conspirator 1 in the indictment — in December 2020 that suggested attorneys in seven states who could help in choosing fake electors to certify the election in Trump’s favor.

6th Co-Conspirator Suspect Identified...

Exactly who I thought it was all along.
When they get to the other big cheeses in this fiasco. Don't be surprised when his buddy Stone's involvement is finally addressed. He wasn't just chit chatting with those militia heads on the Capitol grounds on Jan 5th. He played an integral part in the subterfuge.

Smith was involved in the prosecution of Charles Schwarz, one of several former New York City police officers who were implicated in a high-profile police brutality case involving Abner Louima, a jailed Black inmate who had been assaulted by police with a broomstick.

Smith also won a murder conviction against Ronell Wilson, a drug gang leader who murdered two undercover New York City police officers, though a federal appeals court vacated the death penalty verdict.

In 2008, Smith left to supervise war crime prosecutions at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He returned to the Justice Department in 2010 to head its Public Integrity Section until 2015.

More recently, Smith returned to war crimes cases in The Hague, winning the conviction of Salih Mustafa, a former Kosovo Liberation Army commander who ran a prison where torture took place during the 1998-99 independence conflict with Serbia.

I can see why Crooked Donald fears Smith.

He's going to have to knock off a long list of witnesses against him to walk away scot-free.
Uh, let's see what you left out about JS. He has a troubling record of failed, botched, and/or suspect prosecutions against prominent public figures.
  • After Smith scored a corruption conviction against the former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell, a Republican, the case was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 decision. The court also rebuked Smith and warned that “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.”
  • Smith prosecuted and convicted former Democrat vice presidential nominee John Edwards. “By not losing on any of the six felony counts for which he was being tried, John Edwards won the biggest victory of his political and legal life . . . A mistrial on five counts and an acquittal on one resulted in a clear -- if not complete -- legal vindication and a likely fatal setback for federal prosecutors seeking to convict the former U.S. senator and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee for allegedly violating the Federal Election Campaign Act.”
  • Smith prosecuted Democrat Bob Menendez on public corruption charges. The case ended in a mistrial. “The way this case started was wrong, the way it was investigated was wrong, the way it was prosecuted was wrong, and the way it was tried was wrong as well,” Menendez said outside the courtroom at the time.”
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked > "guess who was the lead person at the Justice Department looking for ways to target and prosecute the very people looking into who Lois Lerner went after? Jack Smith, the guy Merrick Garland just named as special counsel to go after President Trump.”
So it's just an accusation?
Well, a lot more than that.
The formal charges that the Grand Jury recommended are based upon a HUGE volume of evidenve, some of which was presented to the American people last summer in The J6 committee Hearings.
Did you catch any of those?
The funny thing about those hearings and in fact, that select committee, was the way Trumptard MAGATS have been blowing it off for a year as "irrelevant."
Not at all.
So who's laughing now?
The potato is not organizing this, it's his handlers. Susan Rice and Valerie Jarret.

The Potato was incompentent before they cheated him in. Remember those names though, in case I get disappeared.
Sure. When I say "Biden", I'm talking about him and his string pullers.
He was cleared by the Republican inquiry.
He was cleared by the Democrat inquiry.
He was cleared by the Mueller's $30,000,000. inquiry (no evidence).
He was cleared by the Pelosi fake impeachment I
He was cleared by the Pelose fake impeachment II
And you think the liars who ran all those embarrassments are going to stop lying now so you can enjoy an innocent man to go to prison?
And you think the American people who are leaving the Democrat Party in droves appreciate your fake claim that Republicans are cultists?
You now have 3 outstanding "indictments," and the Georgia forewoman who swore an oath the grand jury would keep their work secret until an outcome was determined, broke her sworn oath and likely will destroy the Georgia indictment.
It's clear that President Trump took no part in the Jan 6 Capitol tour except to tell the visitors to run a "patriotic and peaceful" protest. Pelosi was caught on tape telling her plan to "get Trump" ( in slightly harsher terms) was going to get rid of him for good. Her lies were so obvious, Trmp walked away because he was innocent of her schemas and lies.

Where did you get the idea that President Trump is going to prison? He's never done anything seriously wrong, but he does exercise his free speech rights, and that's all you have to get him with, except for one thing: the United States Constitution does not allow you to put someone in prison because the First Amendment allows free speech for all.

Get used to it. You're running off Democrats who are ashamed of the evil being done to the Executive Branch by ignoring the Constitution of the United States of America.
If you think throwing dozens of fake allegations against President Trump that are legal behaviors, actually, it's not going to work, and you're facing problems of e2024 already.

All wrong.

But keep clinging, loser!
Nope. I tell the truth. Learned it from my parents.

Keep that head down in the sand, doll. Birds of a feather flock together. And you should if you can't look upon reality.

Thanks for sending so many decent Democrats to us on the right who've watched their fellow liberals in the sinking sands of lies.
We appreciate them for their belief in the truth because truth is in our minds, hearts, and spirits.
Even so, heads in the sand find blindness to reality yields a modicum of relief to those who succumb to the processes of the false narrative.
Free choice is the hallmark for the land of the free and the home of the brave. :thup:
Uh, let's see what you left out about JS. He has a troubling record of failed, botched, and/or suspect prosecutions against prominent public figures.
  • After Smith scored a corruption conviction against the former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell, a Republican, the case was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 decision. The court also rebuked Smith and warned that “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.”
  • Smith prosecuted and convicted former Democrat vice presidential nominee John Edwards. “By not losing on any of the six felony counts for which he was being tried, John Edwards won the biggest victory of his political and legal life . . . A mistrial on five counts and an acquittal on one resulted in a clear -- if not complete -- legal vindication and a likely fatal setback for federal prosecutors seeking to convict the former U.S. senator and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee for allegedly violating the Federal Election Campaign Act.”
  • Smith prosecuted Democrat Bob Menendez on public corruption charges. The case ended in a mistrial. “The way this case started was wrong, the way it was investigated was wrong, the way it was prosecuted was wrong, and the way it was tried was wrong as well,” Menendez said outside the courtroom at the time.”
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked > "guess who was the lead person at the Justice Department looking for ways to target and prosecute the very people looking into who Lois Lerner went after? Jack Smith, the guy Merrick Garland just named as special counsel to go after President Trump.”
And now...the rest of the story.

Prosecutors scored a public corruption conviction against former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, but the case was later overturned by the Supreme Court. The section also prosecuted former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, but a jury acquitted him on one count and deadlocked on others and the Justice Department declined to try him again.

Although those two cases ultimately came up short, the section brought successful cases against a number of state officials charged with defrauding taxpayers as well as service members who defrauded the military. There were high-profile victories for the section, too.

Smith, for instance, led the unit when Arizona congressman Rick Renzi was convicted of corruption, a verdict that was left in place by the Supreme Court — though Trump pardoned the Republican before he left office. Former New York state Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was indicted in 2015 on corruption charges, and was later sent to prison.
Show how these electors did not correlate with the Constitution.
They violated state law. They did not follow the laws of their respective states to be certified as genuine electors. They forged documents claiming they were official electors.

That's why a shitload of these illegal electors are now under indictment in their states.

Why do your propagandists keep you so much in the dark?

Why do you idiots REFUSE to read the indictment and then make idiotic statements which prove you haven't?

Enquiring minds want to know.

But yeah. You go with the hilarious "free speech" hoax, you dumb credulous parroting rube.
And now...the rest of the story.

Prosecutors scored a public corruption conviction against former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, but the case was later overturned by the Supreme Court. The section also prosecuted former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, but a jury acquitted him on one count and deadlocked on others and the Justice Department declined to try him again.

Although those two cases ultimately came up short, the section brought successful cases against a number of state officials charged with defrauding taxpayers as well as service members who defrauded the military. There were high-profile victories for the section, too.

Smith, for instance, led the unit when Arizona congressman Rick Renzi was convicted of corruption, a verdict that was left in place by the Supreme Court — though Trump pardoned the Republican before he left office. Former New York state Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was indicted in 2015 on corruption charges, and was later sent to prison.
And now..... the rest of the story >>

Renzi declared that he had been “wrongly convicted by a Department of Justice that engaged in witness tampering, illegal wiretapping, and gross prosecutorial misconduct.”

All under the direction of one Jack Smith.
They can't beat him at the ballot box, so they turn to the courts, dredging up any concoction imaginable.
Can't beat him at the ballot box? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! The delusion is deep in this one!

Trump had his YUGE ass whipped at the ballot box. His tiny balls were kicked over the moon.

Traitor Trump would not be in the trouble he is in today if the fucktard, thin-skinned, lying sore loser had accepted just how badly the American people rejected him.
"You're fired!"
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