Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

You're dismissed.


Keep running from reality. :scared1:

It's true, nothing in the Constitution allows a VP to unilaterally throw out an election they lost so they can remain in office another 4 years.

The states, by vote of the people within each respective state, decides the president, not the vice-president.
Trying to inform you ho the US justice system works but you are not interested.
Trump and his MAGA minions make up their own rules for justice in the US.
That will put you in jail.
Apparently this last indictment isn't about the law.
They're literally indicting him for giving a speech.
Arresting him for a speech is against the Constitution.

Democrats claim Trump cheated....and then they attempted to steal the election during the certification.
Why weren't they arrested?

Notice how the corrupted Leftists explain away with such casual ease
that the 2020 Election was never proven to have " Widespread "
Over 60 cases of election fraud filed by Trump attorneys thrown out of court by Trump appointed judges for a complete lack of proof to back up the allegations.
Still, to this day no credible proof has been anybody.
Notice the word "credible?"
that excludes 2,000 Mules.
Plus January 6th was never an Insurrection.
How does one have an Insurrection w/o any weapons
You are full of caca.
There were weapons, so according to your own hairbrained standard then was an insurrection.
The USCP { United States Capitol Police } deemed the
shooting ' Lawful and within Department policy. '
Ashli Babbit shouldn't have entered The Capitol illegally and posed a threat to law enforcement.
All she had to do was comply with LEO's legal commands to stop.
She didn't so....she got what she deserved.
Personally I wish dozens more rioting MAGAt terrorists would have been taken out that day.....but oh well.
I guess one less in the gene pool is better than none.
The speech actually had very little to do with Trump's multi faceted attempt to steal the 2020 election Skippy.
Try to keep up.

No....what Jack Smith is doing is trying to make legal actions appear to be illegal.
The major flaw in all of this is the Dems tried pretty much the same exact thing when Trump won, and then carried it even further by creating Russian Collusion which was outright fraud.
Every person involved in this plot would be shot in the back of the head if it had been done in countries these commies greatly admire.

It becomes a crime when you send fake documents claiming you are the true electors signed by people using fake titles, as we have seen with the Michigan case.
You have "seen it?" Or some prosecutor has claimed it?
Yes, there is a crime. But yes, now they have to show that Trump had a hand in them doing what they did. Jack Smith, and the Grand Jury, seem to think they have that evidence. Whether they do or not will come out in the trial.
They "think" they have it or they claim they think they have it?

What has led the Trump-deranged to so much frustration has been their tendency to accept accusations from prosecutors as if they are these unbiased law enforcers who discovered crimes by a person who happened to be Trump. They don't seem to ever realize that prosecutors can be just as deranged as the media or themselves.

They seemed to have learned nothing at all from the embarrassment of Crossfire-Hurricane. When did you first realize tha you'd been had on that deal?

Republicans Try To Discredit Judge In Trump’s Jan. 6 Case. Except They All Voted For Her.​

Barely a day after former President Donald Trump was indicted for the third time, some Senate Republicans are already trying to undermine the credibility of the federal judge who was randomly assigned to preside over his trial.

Here’s a detail they’re hoping you won’t notice: They unanimously voted to confirm her.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), speaking on his podcast on Wednesday, accused U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan of being “relentlessly hostile” to Trump and claimed that she has “a reputation for being far-left, even by D.C. District Court standards.”

But Cruz voted to put Chutkan into her seat on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in June 2014. So did every other Senate Republican when she was unanimously confirmed, 95-0.

That includes Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who nonsensically claimed Wednesday that “any conviction in D.C. against Donald Trump is not legitimate.”

Republicans Try To Discredit Judge In Trump’s Jan. 6 Case. Except They All Voted For Her.

NaziCon hypocrisy knows no bounds! I've never seen such a bunch of dishonorable people!
Trumps mothpiece just came on UK TV. A woman called Harrington.
She was aeful. Wouldnt address any questions and deflected to JFK in 1960.
She looked furious when the interviewer reminded the viewers that she had no evidence and was lying.
I dont think she does shows where that happen.
Hope I can get a clip later. Its amazing.

Republicans Try To Discredit Judge In Trump’s Jan. 6 Case. Except They All Voted For Her.​

Barely a day after former President Donald Trump was indicted for the third time, some Senate Republicans are already trying to undermine the credibility of the federal judge who was randomly assigned to preside over his trial.

Here’s a detail they’re hoping you won’t notice: They unanimously voted to confirm her.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), speaking on his podcast on Wednesday, accused U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan of being “relentlessly hostile” to Trump and claimed that she has “a reputation for being far-left, even by D.C. District Court standards.”

But Cruz voted to put Chutkan into her seat on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in June 2014. So did every other Senate Republican when she was unanimously confirmed, 95-0.

That includes Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who nonsensically claimed Wednesday that “any conviction in D.C. against Donald Trump is not legitimate.”

Republicans Try To Discredit Judge In Trump’s Jan. 6 Case. Except They All Voted For Her.

NaziCon hypocrisy knows no bounds! I've never seen such a bunch of dishonorable people!
It does not matter to the. They will say or do anything to protect trump. Frigin Insane Cowards
We are moving closer and closer to a Communist trial. First, the Dems are indicting him for exercising his 1st Amendment rights, and then they are going to railroad him right into prison after a fake trial.

Their intent is to agree to vacate Trump’s prison sentence if he agrees to drop out of the race. These are nasty, nasty people.

In the meantime, the one who SHOULD be in prison is on a beach vacation, fully relaxed knowing that his minions will get rid of his competition.

I think it's time to drop the Dem / Marxist label as they've gone full Bolshevik. Using the power of federal agencies that are corrupt to the core, the Bolsheviks will continue to bring phony charges against Trump because he is an enemy of the Bolshevik State. As we see with the diversity hire judge who will preside over the farce led by Jack Smith, the Bolsheviks found an angry, Bolshevik comrade with deep ties to the Biden Crime Family and the Bolshevik party.

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