Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Read the indictment.

It documents the evidence of Trump’s crimes.
trump is a Vile Human Being. I am deeply concerns that he will cause more violence and even more deaths as the legal process continues. It hurts when you have friends and family that have fallen prey to his con man act and are determined to stick with him no matter what. This is all just white noise to them.

I can relate, to a degree. During the dark days of Clinton and his impeachment, I tried to block out all the dirty details coming out. But lying about having sex with an intern is much different from a man who went to such extreme extents to try and stay in power. HE WAS TRYING TO NULLIFY THE VOTES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. That is astounding when you think about it.

Florida man is gonna be in a world of hurt when he meets this DC judge

JUDGEMENT: New indictment lands Trump in a spine chilling position

JUDGEMENT: New indictment lands Trump in a spine chilling position

Trump's day of reckoning! The time when past mistakes or misdeeds must be punished or paid for!
And I heard on NPR yesterday that, it is entirely possible, that the case will be heard before the November 2024 election. If he is found guilty, of course he will appeal. But can you image, the repub nominee could be a convicted felon when people go to vote. Garland should have moved faster and the indictment should have come down last year! But it is what it is....
trump is a Vile Human Being. I am deeply concerns that he will cause more violence and even more deaths as the legal process continues. It hurts when you have friends and family that have fallen prey to his con man act and are determined to stick with him no matter what. This is all just white noise to them.

I can relate, to a degree. During the dark days of Clinton and his impeachment, I tried to block out all the dirty details coming out. But lying about having sex with an intern is much different from a man who went to such extreme extents to try and stay in power. HE WAS TRYING TO NULLIFY THE VOTES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. That is astounding when you think about it.


None of that is actually true other than the icky Clinton sex part.
And I heard on NPR yesterday that, it is entirely possible, that the case will be heard before the November 2024 election. If he is found guilty, of course he will appeal. But can you image, the repub nominee could be a convicted felon when people go to vote. Garland should have moved faster and the indictment should have come down last year! But it is what it is....

Does delusion run in your family?

If FPOTUS#45 still needs a lawyer for his DC case...

I understand that the above person is available...

And she still has her law license.

Having read the indictment, having followed Jan. 6-related cases closely, having read extensive news coverage, and having spoken to others with experience in this area of the law, I do not believe any of these charges can fairly be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in front of a fair judge and jury. Additionally, I expect that were this case to reach the Supreme Court, the court would reject Smith’s theories of liability on all or at least some of these counts, as it did unanimously with his prosecution of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Smith and his team did a real disservice to the cause of justice by bringing this indictment.

Hmm? One day(!) after the Archer testimony.

Jack Smith, getting ready to make his personal appearance, and attempt to make us believe this isn't completely political

But yeah, again, an indictment immediately following bad news for Biden a day earlier.

Plus the use of the term " Co-Conspirator{s} ", to be precise.
Mark levin used that term the last 2 weeks in reference to Joe
Biden.He was a classic Co-Conspirator for son Hunter.
Funny { not actually } how art is now Political and mimics
??? Nancy's Partisan Lolapalooza Circus has nothing to do with the charges Biden/Garland/Comrade Smith brought against Trump. In fact, they ignored every criminal referral from her committee
Not true.
Just a small nugget that I don't remember being in the J6 Infomercial.

"Pence" lost credibility with millions of Americans when he refused a request by numerous state lawmakers to send back the 2020 Election results to the states. Despite the fact these lawmakers voted to investigate irregularities, Pence sided with the D.C. swamp to crown Joe Biden president.
Pence sided with the constitution and the will of the MAJORITY of voters to certify the results of the most secure election in history.
Having read the indictment, having followed Jan. 6-related cases closely, having read extensive news coverage, and having spoken to others with experience in this area of the law, I do not believe any of these charges can fairly be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in front of a fair judge and jury. Additionally, I expect that were this case to reach the Supreme Court, the court would reject Smith’s theories of liability on all or at least some of these counts, as it did unanimously with his prosecution of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Smith and his team did a real disservice to the cause of justice by bringing this indictment.

Mark Levin did his popular Sunday Night { 8 pm } show
with an interview with McDonnell,last Sunday night.
The snarky Obamaphites { Deep State holdovers } still exist
and may be even more Unamerican.They Managed to entrap
McDonnell's wife in some kind of turmoil.
That seems to be one of their modus operanti { dirty tricks }
They used that on General Petraeus.
Not true.

Pence sided with the constitution and the will of the MAJORITY of voters to certify the results of the most secure election in history.
Notice how the corrupted Leftists explain away with such casual ease
that the 2020 Election was never proven to have " Widespread "
Fraud.All it takes is enough fraud in a few states to get the needed votes.
Biden won in 2020 with around 40,ooo votes compiled in 3 states.
Plus January 6th was never an Insurrection.
How does one have an Insurrection w/o any weapons.
No firearms.Plus how did those goofy Democrats treat the
death of Unarmed Ashli Babbitt.Like not worth even
considering her service to the country.Served 12 years in the
United States Air Force.
The corrupt Lying/Cheating D.C. Swamp justified her Killing.
The USCP { United States Capitol Police } deemed the
shooting ' Lawful and within Department policy. '
That's strange.The cop who shot her remained nameless for
6 months.Also couldn't be bothered with issuing a warning.
As in Most every Police department uses { Stop Or I'll Shoot }.
And I heard on NPR yesterday that, it is entirely possible, that the case will be heard before the November 2024 election. If he is found guilty, of course he will appeal. But can you image, the repub nominee could be a convicted felon when people go to vote. Garland should have moved faster and the indictment should have come down last year! But it is what it is....
This Jackoff Smith had the mitigated gall to use the term
" speedy trial ". How about a speedy clean shave for the bubba.
The guy looks like a mountain man who can't afford new razor
blades.Plus he appears to have some kind of weird acne.
Like even his acne has a guilty conscience.

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