Indigenous residential school records can be destroyed, Supreme Court rules


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The Canadian Way. Some hush money for Operation Creep, destroy the records, and everything is kosher. 100 Years from now, noone in Canada will even know that this country had such a dark and disturbing past. Once again, as with the $200M payout to the female RCMP officers who were sexually abused and assaulted by their co-workers; noone will go to prison, lose their jobs, have their names released. Hell, many of them will continue their government careers and collect their pensions. A "reward" for their efforts.

Canada is the East Germany of the West. It's one of many reasons our closest allies don't trust us, especially in regards to our economic tactics against foreign companies. A well founded belief.

Supreme Court rules Indigenous residential schools documents can be destroyed

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that thousands of sensitive records pertaining to abuses at Indigenous residential schools are confidential and should be destroyed.

In a unanimous decision released Friday, the top court said the collection of accounts for independent compensation assessment was meant to be a "confidential and private process" and that "claimants and alleged perpetrators relied on the confidentiality assurance."
The Canadian Way. Some hush money for Operation Creep, destroy the records, and everything is kosher.

Hey, it is what governments do! They are all stupid and crooked. That is why our Founders tried to put limits on ours, and look at where it still got us!
"The 38,000 accounts will be retained for a 15-year period, during which time survivors can choose to have their records preserved."
Survivors can have their records preserved if they wish,
What is the rub?
"The 38,000 accounts will be retained for a 15-year period, during which time survivors can choose to have their records preserved."
Survivors can have their records preserved if they wish,
What is the rub?

They won't be preserved, or very few. There will be some serious terms and conditions of the $25,000-$50,000 settlement from the government you can be sure.

We just learned recently of the internment camp policy that the RCMP had in placed up until the 1980's of any "subversives". They tried it keep this quiet until it was leaked. It included a lengthy list of Canadians, most of them born here; who could arbitrarily be arrested in their homes and placed in solitary prison camps, at the whim of the sitting government or police agents. Some of these names were elected politicians!

There were 100's of files that "disappeared" in transfer to CSIS (who took over for the RCMP counter intel, and domestic spy activities in 1984) and the Canadian Library. Everyone shrugged their shoulders, "oh well eh, must of just fell off the old truck"? Once again, no accountability or explanation. Consider for a moment how other democratic nations view these types of activities.

If there is one point I make that gets through to Americans and Europeans is that Canada cannot be trusted, especially in regards to our economic abuses. This latter point I cannot stress enough as I have paid a steep price for confronting their abuses of NAFTA.

I have my theories of who to blame, but even the Good Little Germans in Canada should have had the courage to stand up for principle. As it were, these are the same types who would open their doors and arms for the German police when they knocked door to door in the 1930s looking for "enemies of the state". You get the picture. Just that for what you will, I have plenty of stories and names of people who lack character or basic principles.
"The 38,000 accounts will be retained for a 15-year period, during which time survivors can choose to have their records preserved."
Survivors can have their records preserved if they wish,
What is the rub?

They won't be preserved, or very few. There will be some serious terms and conditions of the $25,000-$50,000 settlement from the government you can be sure.

We just learned recently of the internment camp policy that the RCMP had in placed up until the 1980's of any "subversives". They tried it keep this quiet until it was leaked. It included a lengthy list of Canadians, most of them born here; who could arbitrarily be arrested in their homes and placed in solitary prison camps, at the whim of the sitting government or police agents. Some of these names were elected politicians!

There were 100's of files that "disappeared" in transfer to CSIS (who took over for the RCMP counter intel, and domestic spy activities in 1984) and the Canadian Library. Everyone shrugged their shoulders, "oh well eh, must of just fell off the old truck"? Once again, no accountability or explanation. Consider for a moment how other democratic nations view these types of activities.

If there is one point I make that gets through to Americans and Europeans is that Canada cannot be trusted, especially in regards to our economic abuses. This latter point I cannot stress enough as I have paid a steep price for confronting their abuses of NAFTA.

I have my theories of who to blame, but even the Good Little Germans in Canada should have had the courage to stand up for principle. As it were, these are the same types who would open their doors and arms for the German police when they knocked door to door in the 1930s looking for "enemies of the state". You get the picture. Just that for what you will, I have plenty of stories and names of people who lack character or basic principles.
Are the left not up in arms over this ruling? One would think that this would be right down their alley.
"The 38,000 accounts will be retained for a 15-year period, during which time survivors can choose to have their records preserved."
Survivors can have their records preserved if they wish,
What is the rub?

They won't be preserved, or very few. There will be some serious terms and conditions of the $25,000-$50,000 settlement from the government you can be sure.

We just learned recently of the internment camp policy that the RCMP had in placed up until the 1980's of any "subversives". They tried it keep this quiet until it was leaked. It included a lengthy list of Canadians, most of them born here; who could arbitrarily be arrested in their homes and placed in solitary prison camps, at the whim of the sitting government or police agents. Some of these names were elected politicians!

There were 100's of files that "disappeared" in transfer to CSIS (who took over for the RCMP counter intel, and domestic spy activities in 1984) and the Canadian Library. Everyone shrugged their shoulders, "oh well eh, must of just fell off the old truck"? Once again, no accountability or explanation. Consider for a moment how other democratic nations view these types of activities.

If there is one point I make that gets through to Americans and Europeans is that Canada cannot be trusted, especially in regards to our economic abuses. This latter point I cannot stress enough as I have paid a steep price for confronting their abuses of NAFTA.

I have my theories of who to blame, but even the Good Little Germans in Canada should have had the courage to stand up for principle. As it were, these are the same types who would open their doors and arms for the German police when they knocked door to door in the 1930s looking for "enemies of the state". You get the picture. Just that for what you will, I have plenty of stories and names of people who lack character or basic principles.
Are the left not up in arms over this ruling? One would think that this would be right down their alley.

Canada is a docile nation of servitude. The only reason this issue was addressed after a decade of legal wrangling, is because there was the potential for lawyers to get a settlement. Noone else cared very much in Canada, we are not a bastion of freedom and principles.

Therefore, these records will be destroyed and argued to "protect those who were abused, assaulted, kidnapped and persecuted". So the history will be wiped from our memory, as one might see in China or Russia.

Now, if there were money to be made, lawyers would be fighting like mad to maintain these records. As it were, there isn't, the rest of Canada is too weak wristed to do the right thing.

Consider this for a moment if you think I exaggerate. This abuse had gone on for decades, included 38,000 Aboriginals. Countless cases of sexual and physical abuse, tragedy and uplifting of kids from their parents and homes. many turned to addictions and/or killed themselves. All of this, and not ONE Canadian officer was named publicly. Not ONE social worker was named. Not ONE teacher or contributor was named.

As one of the lawyers, Mr Shapiro stated, they can easily redact the names of the people so that there is no identifying markers and maintain the records for historical purposes, but this isn't how Canada operates. We are in fact, a disgrace to liberty fighting nations everywhere. I am willing to wager that the FBI, CIA and other agencies know how untrustworthy our apparatus is, and how oppressive in general our system is.

Hopefully this will pay dividends for America in the long run. They have already seen Venezuela as an example of a failed socialist state, you certainly shouldn't be emulating us. Hence, Trump and his team wisely dealing with Canada in a strong manner. The two states with the largest Canadian influence are California and New York, no surprise how they vote.
Every nation has their dirt but, without much knowledge of Canada or the inner workings thereof, I am at a loss for input.
However, and this is completely off topic, but since I have a Canadian here. I heard that the Queen of England still has the power to shut your parliament down? Does the crown still have control in your country? If so, to what level?
Every nation has their dirt but, without much knowledge of Canada or the inner workings thereof, I am at a loss for input.
However, and this is completely off topic, but since I have a Canadian here. I heard that the Queen of England still has the power to shut your parliament down? Does the crown still have control in your country? If so, to what level?

lol. Yes, that's quite off topic and I don't know.

Do you recommend I should email the Queen about what I know about the RCMP and their pals? That's a solid idea in some respects to be honest, and it might bring some International heat rather than just America and Europe treading carefully when dealing with Canada and looking at Canada as a National Security Threat to America, it's citizens and businesses.

I highly doubt the Queen has much power over us in that respect, she is more of a figurehead, though we do require monarchy ascension on some decisions by parliament, but I don't know much about it too be honest and I assume it's just a formality.
What country destroys court records and attempts to erase history? Let's see, there is the former East Germany when Stasi members were literally burning documents as an angry mob of citizens stormed the HQ as the Wall came down, but then, records preserved were open and transparent to citizens at great emotional costs. There is Russia who denied Stalins poor history, but even Putin allowed the teaching of Stalins sordid past. There is China, who has eliminated any education or discussion of Tiananmen Square, but that's to be expected in an abusive communist nation.

Now there is Canada. Erasing decades of kidnapping, sexual abuse and trauma of an entire nation of citizens committed by the state and state police. Akin to genocide.

No wonder our allies don't trust us.

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